Memory Searching

Can we get an Order of you?

Joshua wanted to gnaw at his lip but he tamped down on the urge. It would do him no good. Best to just wait for the call to go through. Smile, making its way across his face, he waited for the connection to finish establishing itself.

“Hey mom,” he chirped.

“Joshua,” she said softly. “How are you?”

“Good,’ he said with a bright grin, “things are going pretty well right now and it’s smooth sailing.” Minus the twin thing.

She laughed. “That’s good. Are you going out and not holing yourself in your room?”

“Mom,” he whined. “I’m going out with my friends when I have the time. Or when they drag me away from the books. It’s not like I don’t have human contact either. I work in a restaurant for goodness sake.”

“I worry,” she explained, “you used to be so shy.” She smiled, her eyes going soft. “You used to hide behind me sometimes too, holding onto my legs.”

“I’m not five anymore,” Joshua mumbled, feeling himself pout. What was with conversations with his mom that reduced him to a baby?

“Those summers we spent in Korea probably didn’t help either now that I think about it.” She tsked lightly. “But there was that one summer at the beach. When you met those twin boys. You seemed oddly attached.”

Joshua’s heart thumped. That dream. Was it a memory then? “Twins?”

“You were so young. You met some twins one day. You three made a sandcastle.” His mom laughed. “They made you their princess. One of them was the hero and the other the dragon. It was all very cute.”

Twins. Oh damn. Maybe Joshua did know them after all. His stomach started to knot up. “Do you remember their names?” Maybe it was a different set of twins. It wasn’t as if South Korea was devoid of more than one set of twins.

Humming, she shook her head. “Not fully. Jeong something I think. It was almost 20 years ago.”

Jeong something. Damn. Damn it all. It probably was them. Oh damn.

“Why?” She looked at him curiously.

He shook his head. “It’s nothing. I was just curious.”

She nodded. “So how’s Mingyu doing with that clumsiness of his?”

Edging around the bar using the walls, Joshua tried not to sigh. He hadn’t wanted to leave his apartment at all. But no, a certain Kwon Soonyoung came in as Joshua opened the door and dragged him, with the help of Mingyu to his room to change into something appropriate for a night on the town. The bass was pumping loud and high and it was giving Joshua a headache.

He had enough to worry about with the new information from his mom about the Yoon twins. it made sense oddly enough but still. It made him feel a bit guilty for not remembering them when they clearly remembered him. But why did they even. He would have to ask when he saw them again.

As Joshua moved to get to a table, he tripped. “Oh —”

Hands came out, catching him, bringing him close to their body.

“Thanks,” he shouted, looking up to see his savior. His voice died out.

“Shua,” Jeongsu said, grinning. “I didn’t think the club was your scene.”

“Doesn’t matter,” Jeonghan said, coming into view. “It’s lovely to see you again.”

“Want to hang out with us here at our table?” Jeongsu pointed towards it with his head.

It was empty of people; their friends having gone in other directions no doubt. Oh dear. Joshua was in a pickle now.

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Chapter 22: Blue balls no more! Thank you, author!
Chapter 20: ing against two , Joshua went to Jeonghan heaven
Chapter 18: OMGGGGGG ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 17: Damn, Shua’s seducing game’s strong in this one!
Chapter 15: Shua baby so cute
Chapter 14: My poor blue balls :))))
Chapter 13: Joshuaaaaa!! You’re such a tease! ABCKENSBSHSJSHSHS
Chapter 12: Joshua, what a tease
Chapter 11: I was sweating bullets imagining that dinner scene in my head