Stirring Inside

Unforeseen Harmony




Nara’s eyes widened, and as quickly as possible, she lightly pushed Daehyun’s chest away. He stumbled back, also astonished with what he just did.

“Nara-sshi, I… I…” He stammered.

Luhan froze on his place, his fists now as hard as rock. He took heavy steps towards them and just glared at Daehyun. Nara was speechless, she just stepped back and hid behind Luhan’s back, as he interlaced his fingers with hers. He didn't even think twice before he pulled her closer to him.

“I think you crossed the line there.” Luhan hissed.

Daehyun’s eyes were hard as he glared back. Luhan chuckled bitterly and faced Nara who was still processing the situation. He examined her face and saw that hint of confusion in her eyes.

He lifted his fist and stepped closer to Daehyun. They stared at each other more before he launched.

“No, Ge. Don't.” Nara grabbed his raised fist and squeezed his arm gently. She gave Daehyun one last nod before walking away from him with Luhan holding her securely in his arms.


“Do you want me to take you home?” Luhan stopped walking when they were inside the hall. Nara blinked, looking around. She finally looked up to meet his eyes and smiled slightly. “It’s too early, ge. My brother and Dad will be surprised if I go home this early.”

Luhan nodded, not really convinced. “Are you… okay?”

Nara exhaled and wiped her lips with her hanky. “I’m fine. I’ll forget about what happened.” She answered, yet her eyes displayed different emotions. She was fiddling with her clutch, uneasy.

He gently took her shoulders and spoke quietly. “Was that your…”

“First.” Nara finished, looking away.

“I’m sorry I should’ve gone earlier and took you away from him.” Luhan mumbled under his breath. Nara smiled and tapped his shoulder. “I’m fine, ge. No worries. I was just… shocked. Never thought he’d do that. He’s a good friend of mine, after all.”



“I kissed her.”

Zelo’s eyes widened. “You did.. what?!”

“You heard me pretty well.” Daehyun exhaled, raking a hand through his hair. He faced his friend with a troubled face. “What should I do, Junhong? I took her off guard. She hates me now.”

Zelo bit his lip, unsure of what to say. “Well… you can’t say she’s mad at you. Maybe she’s just… surprised. I mean, anyone in her place will really be surprised. Bur, hatred is a big thing. It doesn’t happen just like that?”

“Even you are unsure.” Daehyun chuckled bitterly and paced around. “I’ll apologize. Tomorrow.”



It was yet again another work day.


Daehyun paced endlessly. His brows were furrowed, and his jaw was clenched. After some minutes he heaved a sigh and raked his hair. “How do I do this?”

Nara meekly nodded at her secretary as she entered her office. She exhaled as she plopped on her chair, facing the glass walls. Her mind was clouded with different things, especially the act Daehyun did just last night.

She was stunned, of course. She felt… invaded in some way.


She woke up from her trail of thoughts and jerked up. “Oh, you’re… early.”

“Yeah.. I.. um..” Daehyun cursed mentally. He touched the nape of his neck sheepishly, biting his poor lower lip. “I want to… apologize.”

She blinked back, not knowing what to respond. She should be angry. Big time.

“I didn’t think before I did that. I don’t even know why I did that. I’m so sorry, Nara-sshi. I didn’t want to disrespect you, I really don’t.” His tone was pleading, as he looked at her with sincerity.

Nara cleared . “But… why did you do that?”

Daehyun closed his eyes briefly. “My emotions were just flowing and I didn’t know what I was doing. I know it’s a bad excuse, but believe me, I… I really didn’t want to invade your being. I don’t want to… hurt you. I regret what I did. Please..”

“You just… took me by surprise.” She managed to croak out.

He nodded. “I know. And I’m so so sorry. Please forgive me. I will do anything.”

 “It’s… fine. You don’t have to worry about that.” Her lips tugged into a small smile, as she stared back at his eyes full of sincerity and regret.

“You believe me?” Daehyun almost blurted out, his eyes sparkling. Nara looked down for a moment before meeting his eyes. Undoubtedly, she knew he was sincere and sorry.

She chuckled lightly, changing the atmosphere. “Of course, I do.”

Daehyun couldn’t help but grin back at her.



“He did what?!”

Tao growled, standing up. Luhan stood up and pushed him back to his seat. “You have to control yourself, Zi Tao.” Chen clucked his tongue.

Xiumin shook his head to wake himself up from shock. “That Daehyun guy kissed her? Just like that?”

Luhan slowly nodded. Something was stirring up inside him.

“WhydidheeventhinkofdoingthattoNara.” Tao seethed, his brows furrowed. Lay lightly bopped his forehead. “Jeez, Tao! Calm down!”

Luhan swallowed and stood up. “I almost hit him.”

“Almost?” Kris echoed.

Luhan bit his lip. “Nara stopped me.”

“And you say Nara acted as if it was nothing?” Xiumun pressed.

Luhan nodded stiffly. “Although I think she was really miffed. But she handled herself well.”

“Now, how do you feel about what happened, Lulu?” Chen asked suddenly. The boys turned to Luhan to hear his response.

He bowed his head, hiding his face. How did he really feel?

He was pissed. Darn, it was an understatement. He was boiling. He hated what he saw. His insides churned, and his body tensed. Negativity spread all throughout his body when he saw Daehyun kiss Nara. He didn’t like it at all.

Yet, he knew he was in no position to be angry. He was her boyfriend, but it was all an act. But why does he feel that way?

“I was… surprised.” He shrugged, keepin it all to himself.

Lay chuckled, brow raised. “Surprised, huh?”

“Yeah…” Luhan mumbled, biting his lip. *How dare him touch her.* He mentally seethed.


“Well, can I take you out for lunch then?” Daehyun looked at her expectantly.

She smiled back. “Uhm, I’m so sorry, but I have….”

Daehyun waved his hands. “No, no. It’s fine.” He exhaled and huffed, making way for her. “Then let’s just… walk out together.”

She chuckled, lightly pushing him through the shoulders. “Sounds good to me.”


Luhan walked in the Kim building with a giddy smile on his face. His daily lunch dates with Nara completes his day. Maybe seeing her would make all those negative feelings disappear.

He confidently brushed the lint off his coat and walked the gigantic lobby. But, moments after he abruptly stopped. His lips twitched seeing Nara laugh comfortably, while Daehyun smiled and looked at her meaningfully.

“Oh, Gege!” She chirped, seeing Luhan standing there. She tapped his shoulder and grinned. “I was just walking out to meet you. You didn’t tell me you’d be going here.” She mused.

Daehyun shifted his weight on his other foot, uneasy with the stare Luhan was directing on him. He cleared his throat, waking Luhan up from his world. “Oh, yeah. I wanted to… fetch you. So you wouldn’t bring your own car..” He mumbled.

“Then I’ll be leaving Nara-sshi.” Daehyun bowed slightly and grinned at her. She chuckled and waved her hand. “Take care.”

Luhan tensed on his place. He didn’t know why but he was again feeling that stirring feeling inside him. He didn’t know what was happening to him. He felt different. Like he wanted to send Daehyun to a faraway planet and make him lose all contact with Nara. 

He was crazy, he thought. Xi Luhan would never think like that. What is happening to him?

“Shall we go now?” Nara asked, rubbing his tummy telling him she’s famished.

He slowly met her eyes and stiffly nodded. “… Yes.” With that he walked away. Nara’s brows furrowed as she caught up with him. She looped her arm around his like how she usually does, starting to ramble about how hungry she was.

Her brows furrowed again when he politely brushed her grip away and walked briskly a few steps ahead.

*Did I do… something wrong?* She bit her lip and followed with unsure steps.





jellybean... haha



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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3