Guardian Angel

Unforeseen Harmony




“Oh, Luhan.” Jaejoong grinned. Luhan bowed politely. “Good evening, hyung.”

Nara was out on the kitchen to get some drinks. Luhan was on the living room waiting, when Jaejoong passed by. He sat down across him and the television.

“Uh, hyung?”

Jaejoong turned to him and smiled.

Luhan bit his lip before exhaling. “Will it be okay if I court Nara?” He blurted out, looking around the room to make sure Nara was still on the kitchen.

Jaejoong grinned again. He turned off the television and stared at Luhan. “Aren’t you already… together?” He wiggled his brows.

Luhan coughed uneasily. “I mean… for real.”

It was silent. The silence seemed to eat Luhan up. Jaejoong was giving him this stare that would maybe vanish him if powers were indeed true. He squirmed a little on his seat.

“I’m serious, hyung. I… I like her and I would do anything for her. I just realized that… she already holds a part of me, and I really want to protect and take care of her.”

He was also stunned with his own words. Like a stream, it flowed freely. Maybe that’s what realizations do to slow men like him.

Jaejoong leaned back on the couch and smiled. A knowing smile. “Luhan, I like you. No, no, no-I’m not gay, I mean for my sister.”

Luhan chuckled. The atmosphere finally relaxed.

“I just need to tell you that I think you got competition.” Jae whistled. “He’s… a tough one too. You know, I already know you have a thing for her, I can see it in the way you treat her, the way you look at her. But this man… he looks at her like how you do. He likes her too.”

A knowing look wiped off the smile on Luhan’s face. “I… I know him too.” He bit his lip, thinking of the kiss Daehyun planted on Nara's lips. His heart clenched, again.

“But don’t back down. Be strong.” Jae nodded. “And… you need to know more of her. Things you should know.”

Luhan’s head snapped up. “Like… what?”

“There are many things you should find out yourself Luhan. Wait for her to open up.”

Luhan nodded, somewhat getting it. The melancholy in her eyes, the sadness that sometimes washes over her, the aura she emits…

“Oh, Oppa, you came home early!” Nara mused.

Jaejoong stood up from his seat and winked at Luhan knowingly. “Go for it.” He mouthed. Luhan smiled back and helped Nara with the tray.


The next day, Luhan walked out his office with a rather confident smile on his face. He drove to Incheon and arrived at his condo Building in New Songdo.

He was meeting a friend, the owner.

“I didn’t know you owned one unit here, hyung!” Sehun grinned at him. Sehun was his childhood friend, and he haven’t seen him for a while now. He smiled, socking his arm. “If I knew your family owned this place, I might have gotten it free!”

Sehun pretended to scowl at him. “No way, business is business. Money is money.” He then laughed with what he said. Luhann shook his head. “You grew up. Now thinking of business, eh? Before you only think of girls… and bubble tea.”

“I still think of bubble tea, hyung! The girls…. Well I’ve been busy.” He shrugged.

Luhan clapped his hands mockingly. “Well, here’s our Sehun growing up.”

Moments later their conversation diverted to the unit just above Luhan’s. Specifically, the girl singing there.

“Are you interested in this girl?” Sehun gaped.

Luhan waved his hand. “I have a girlfriend, Sehun.”

Sehun chuckled and eyed him doubtfully. “Kim Nara?”

Sehun can’t know about their fake relationship, so Luhan nodded. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?” He smiled meaningfully. Sehun grinned back. “And a dragon lady.”

“Well, she is good at what she does.” Luhan shrugged, feeling really proud.

“Hmm,” Sehun dusted of lint on his coat. “I really need to go.” He stood up. “We should hang out soon, hyung.” He smiled goofily.

Luhan nodded and smiled at him. “Of course, and get bubble tea.”

Sehun did a weird wave and winked at the older male. “I’ll find out about the owner of the unit above yours, hyung.” He teased.

“What? No, don’t!” He replied, but Sehun was already walking away, chuckling.


“Lunch~” Luhan sang as she peeked in Nara’s office. It was already lunch break at their company. “Oh, I’m sorry.” He stumbled, not knowing she had company inside.

Daehyun stood up from his seat and looked at Luhan. They stared at each other with hard eyes before Nara interrupted, oblivious to the situation.

“Gege, I was waiting for you when Dae here dropped by to send me these teabags.” She grinned and again eyed Daehyun thankfully. Of course, he smiled back.

Luhan awkwardly stood there, again jealousy creeping up to his system

Daehyun exhaled and lightly tapped Nara’s shoulder. “I’ll be going now, Na. Take care.” With that he exited the room.

“So, where should we eat today?” Nara joyfully put on her coat and snatched her purse. She blinked innocently at Luhan. He snapped back to reality and grinned at her. “Anywhere you want, Ms. Kim.” He mumbled and took her hand, intertwining it with his.



“Xiumin prepared it. Kris owns the place.” Luhan explained as they ate. Nara excitedly smiled at him. “Tao Ge, didn’t tell me about it, though.”

Luhan shrugged. “They asked me to tell you.”

“Oh.” She nodded in understanding, focusing back on her food. “How many days will we be there?” She added.

Luhan his chin. “Hmm, about… three days max. We can’t stay long, we all have tasks on our own offices.” He pouted. She nodded slowly. “I want to stay long though, I heard about the resort. It’s receiving attention from foreigners.”

Luhan chuckled at the thought. “Of course, Kris runs it.”

Suddenly, the song playing on the resto changed. Nara tensed, and so as Luhan. They both knew the new song well. So well.

It was the song she sang every night, and the song he listens to every time she sings it.

Nara exhaled deeply and tightened her grip on her utensils. Luhan cleared his throat, a little surprised. He hadn’t heard the song for a while.

“You… know this song?” He noticed Nara tense when the song played.

She nodded meekly. “It’s… a special song for me.”

“For me too.” He blurted out, feeling the song run on his mind again.

Nara swallowed, trying to suppress the sadness the song brought to her.

The song ended and finally, she relaxed. Luhan was sad though, he loves that song. He loves it more if the girl with the melodious voice sings it. He was a fan, as he says.

“So you told me you met a friend, ge?” Nara started, trying to lighten the atmosphere. He nodded cheerfully. “Yup, he’s my good friend. He actually owns New Songdo.”

“Really? Daebak.” Nara gasped in amusement. Luhan nodded proudly.

But then, Nara’s face fell a little bit. She tried to hide it though, but Luhan can always notice her changes. “I… I used to visit a friend there at New Songdo. Every night.”

“Oh, really?”

“Hmm. A special friend.” She added, looking away to hide her emotions.

“Then if you visit again, tell me. I come every night there to relieve myself and write songs.” He beamed, trying to lighten her up. He knew something was going on, he just didn’t know what.

Nara smiled thankfully. “I’d love to, but I can’t.” She said, almost a whisper.

“Why?” Luhan’s brows furrowed.

Nara shrugged. “Jae Oppa prohibited me to… visit him there. Ah, it’s nothing, really. Some misunderstanding.” She chuckled forcefully and went back to her food.

Luhan watched her keenfully. His eyes softened.


“Do you remember what I said before?”

Nara looked up. “About what?”

“About… me being here, always.” He bit his lip, but slowly smiled. “So if you’re troubled or sad, I’ll be by your side. You can tell me anything. And... I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise.”

Nara was about to speak when he cut her off. “And I’m saying this not as your fake boyfriend.”

Her heart fluttered with his words. She looked down, feeling the butterflies and the tingling sensation that she found weird.

Luhan chuckled. “Look at me, Na.”

She slowly lifted her head up to meet his sincere eyes looking back at hers meaningfully. He smiled, that comforting smile, and whispered. “I’ll be your guardian angel. I'll protect you.”

That just did it. She smiled back, even though she could feel blood rush to her cheeks.

“I’d love that.”





gosh luhan. gosh hahahha my feels~



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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3