
Unforeseen Harmony




Nara walked out the private gazebo of the resto, where it was hidden from the reporters who were flocking outside. Maybe with coincidence, Mr. Xi and Luhan were having lunch on the next gazebo, but she failed to notice.

Daehyun was talking beside her, complaining why they had to get stuck at a business-filled meal, when they could eat anywhere.

She just chuckled, when her head snapped up, hearing a familiar voice.


“Leave Kim Nara, Luhan. End your dating act, and never see her again. Even as friends.”

Luhan choked on his food. He gulped down the water in seconds and glared at his father, his fists clenched. “W-Why?”

“We’re done. You guys had enough publicity already.” Mr. Xi shrugged.

Luhan swallowed. “B…but why can’t I be friends with her?”

“Who befriends their ex-girlfriend?” Mr. Xi snapped back.

Luhan pushed his chair behind and stood up, looking down at his Dad with anger filled eyes. He clenched his jaw before mustering himself to speak.

His heart was like being trampled on, but he wanted to be brave. This time, he wants to be strong and stand up for what he feels. He wants to be a man.

“Yes, I can leave her, Papa. I can forget about the stupid relationship.”


Nara didn’t know why, but tears brimmed her eyes. She was shaking, her lips trembling with what she heard. Those words that escaped Luhan's lips were enough for her, enough to tell her to stop asking for too much.

It was done. Even as friends. 

No more Luhan Gege.

Daehyun worriedly came closer her and covered her ears. Seeing her broked pained him, and he was boiling with anger at what Luhan said. He hurt her, and he couldn't tolerate that.

“But I won’t.” Luhan hissed harshly.

Daehyun’s eyes widened and he let go of his hold on Nara’s ears.

Nara was about to run away but Daehyun hold her in place. He somehow knew she should hear what’s coming next. Even if it was a disadvantage to him.

“Because I love her.”

Luhan’s next words brought a smile to his father’s lips.

Luhan’s next words made Daehyun feel competition.

Luhan’s next words touched Nara’s fluttering heart.


Nara ran out of the place and excused herself. Daehyun stood still on his place, his brows furrowed. Xi Luhan loves Nara. Xi Luhan feels the same thing he feels.

Actually, he didn’t know how to react. All he knows was that he was hurt. Somehow he felt Nara had a special liking to Luhan. He could see it.

He cursed how unfair the world was.

He saw Luhan storming out the garden area of the resto, and he caught up with him.

“She heard you.”

Luhan turned around to see Daehyun. “What?”

“Nara. She heard everything.”


Nara sat on one of their couches at home. She decided to come home early, she couldn’t handle the emotions rushing to her all at once. It was too much.

Her heart was fluttering. She didn’t know where the butterflies on her stomach came from. Worse, she didn’t know why her lips were somehow smiling while bucketloads of tears lined her cheeks.

“He… loves me?” She muttered.


Luhan arrived at the samgyupsal shop where she was having dinner with the boys and Nara. He tried calling her, but she wouldn’t pick up any of his calls. He was getting worried.

“Is she running away because she heard me?” He whispered to himself, creases lining up his forehead.


“Where is she?” Tao whined. Everybody was already present, but Nara was still not appearing. Kris sighed and calmed down the panda. “Maybe she got stuck in traffic.”

Lay whistled uneasily to lighten the atmosphere. “D-Did you meet with you Father, Luhan?” He asked hesitantly. Somehow he was curios on what Mr. Xi was planning.

Luhan looked at him distractedly. “Ah, yes.”

“What did he tell you?”

Luhan’s brows furrowed. Yes, he would tell the boys. But not now, he was distracted and worried. He shook his head at Lay. “Nothing, just business stuff.”

Lay nodded, a dubious look on his face. “O-okay..”

“But you know why I’m worried! She has traumas!” Tao protested.

Chen nodded in understanding. “Oh, the accident…” He trailed off.

The boys nodded too, except for Luhan who did not comprehend anything.

“What accident?” He snapped.

Tao looked at him. “Oh you don’t know.”

The he began telling the story from three years ago, how she almost got harassed, how she was saved, and how she mourns for her bestfriend, Park Minjun till today.

“And she goes to New Songdo every night to sing their favorite song, until Jaejoong hyung stopped her.”

The boys looked at Luhan. They kind of knew about the singing girl and Nara, and they speculated, but they never told him. It was better to find out for himself.

Luhan stared at nothing in particular, deep in thought.

Then it hit him.

“I… I used to visit a friend there at New Songdo. Every night.”

“Oh, really?”

“Hmm. A special friend.” She added, looking away to hide her emotions.

“Then if you visit again, tell me. I come every night there to relieve myself and write songs.” He beamed, trying to lighten her up. He knew something was going on, he just didn’t know what.

Nara smiled thankfully. “I’d love to, but I can’t.” She said, almost a whisper.

“Why?” Luhan’s brows furrowed.

Nara shrugged. “Jae Oppa prohibited me to… visit him there. Ah, it’s nothing, really. Some misunderstanding.” She chuckled forcefully and went back to her food.

It was like a lump of wax formed on his throat.

He looked at his watch and worry overpowered him.

“We have to find her.”





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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3