The Boys

Unforeseen Harmony





Like all other nights, Luhan was on his own routine. He stopped by New Songdo, opened the windows, and listened. He let the voice calm him, arrange his thoughts, remind him of his Mom and all other things.

And funny how one song could take him to millions.

Like all other nights, Nara visited the unit special to her. She looked around, took in the warmth the room gives off, and opened the balcony’s windows. The words slowly escaped her lips followed by the rhythm.

And funny how her heart could still clench after years passed.


“Na!” Tao barged in her room early morning.

She grumbled, rolling over her tummy to get to the other side of the bed. Tao glowered over her figure, impatient. He tapped his foot against the carpeted floor, arms crossed.

“I’ll count to three, Na. You know what will happen if you don’t get up.” He seethed, a smirk tugging on his lips. “Three.”

“hhhhfive minutes.” She mumbled, drooling on the pillow. Tao obviously ignored her lazy pleads. “Two.”

He walked closer to her and positioned himself.


With that, he flipped the heavy mattress, sending her rolling on to the floor -first. Her lids fluttered open with the impact, the pain getting to her.

“Ow.” She winced, rubbing the sore part. Her eyes traveled around the room and landed on Tao. Immediately, hell broke loose.

“Ya!!!! YOU STUPID STINKY PANDA! What the heck?!”

The door opened, revealing a flabbergasted Jaejoong.

He blinked once. Twice. Thrice.

“What happened here?”

Tao grinned, sending him a thumbs-up. “I just woke her up, no problem here.” He chuckled. Jaejoong looked at her and burst out in a guffaw. “Good one, Tao!” He hollered before leaving.

Nara groaned, standing up and patting her . “It’s already flat, Ge. And you made it worse.”

He rolled his eyes and plopped on her bed. “Don’t make that panda wait. Lesson learned.”

She scoffed, groggily walking towards him and jumping to the bed. “You know what? You’re an . Really.” She grumbled.

Tao snickered, not even looking up from playing with Nara’s own Ipad. “And you don’t have one.”

Her eyes widened. “Hey! I do! It’s just… flat but it’s there!” She scooted closer to him, trying to peek on what he’s doing. He tried pushing her away, but she clung on to his arm like glue. “Don’t! Stop it!”

“You need to get ready!” He whined, prying her hands off him.

She frowned. “I have no schedules today, as far as I can remember. What are you, my personal assistant?” She rolled her eyes in mocked disgust with her lip twitching.

Tao narrowed his eyes at her. “The charity auction, did you forget?”

She looked at him as if he were insane. “What charity auction?”

“The Wu family organized it.” He nonchalantly shrugged. Nara furrowed her brows, deep in thought. “Oh, yea I remember. But Oppa’s going to represent the family. I’m not going.” She grinned and cuddled her pillow joyfully.

Now it was Tao who frowned. “I need you there.”

“You will ignore me anyway. No one can beat the Tao-Food couple.” She pouted, faking a sob. He nodded, but still had his brows furrowed. “I know that, but, it’s not like food can be my , right?”

“ yourself.”

“Fine then. I was going to invite you to this barbecue party… but I changed my mind.” He shrugged good-naturedly, looking away.

Nara’s ears perked up. “B…barbecue? We haven’t had a barbecue party in ages!” She squealed in delight, now sitting up. Tao looked at her with a bored look. “What? What party? There’s not going to be any party.”

Her shoulders deflated in an instant. “But… why?”

Tao just glared at her. She flinched, biting her lip. “O…okay! I’ll be your , and we’ll have a barbecue party.” Tao grinned, patting her head. “Good girl!”

“So, shall I buy the meat and tell Jae Opp—“

Tao silenced her with his index finger on her lips. “No. I’m bringing you to this barbecue party my friends and I have every Saturday. It’s fun. And one of my friends, Lay Ge, can really serve good food.” He grinned, his eyes glistening at the thought.

You tilted your head. “Won’t that be… awkward?”

“No, you know them already.”

She nodded, smiling. But then it hit her. “But Ge, I… I can’t go.”


“Well…” *The unit. I have to go to New Songdo.*

Tao instantly understood. “I told them you’d either be late, or you’ll leave early.” He smiled, pulling her to a bear hug. “I know, Na. You know I do.”

She flashed him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Yeah… ge…”

“I just hope you’ll stop trapping yourself with the past.” He whispered, before walking away and leaving her alone to think.


Known people gathered at the main hall, some already socializing inside, while some lurking at the lobby. It was a private event where the press was only allowed until the gates, only selected will be able to take pictures and notes.

A sleek black car stopped just right in front of the lobby, Tao coming out first. He extended his arm for Nara and she took it willingly.

“Too many people.” Tao grumbled under his breath as he scanned the place, while she held on to his arm. Nara chuckled, giving his arm a squeeze. “Smile for the people, ge. Wipe that frown off your face, you’re scaring them.”

Tao just scowled even more.

And as expected, the first thing they approached after greeting some guests is the buffet table. Immediately Tao’s face was lit up, unlike Nara who was dying of embarrassment at her cousin.

“And we meet just like yesterday.”

She her heel, only to see Luhan dressed up for the occasion as well.


He looked at Tao devouring different things, and a low chuckle escaped his lips. He rolled his eyes and looked back at her. “H… how old is he again?”

Nara cheekily laughed and stepped closer to Luhan. “I don’t know him.”

“So, you’re going to barbecue with us tonight?” He looked at her expectantly, his round eyes blinking, his lips tugged into a small smile. She nodded, giving him a thumbs-up. “I love barbecue!”

“You make me think you—“

“Hey Nara!” Xiumin stood between you and Luhan, showing you his pearly whites. She stepped back, baffled. “Uh… Hello… Xiumin-sshi.”

“Xiumin ge!” He corrected, raising an index finger. Nara nodded, suppressing her laughter. “Okay then, Xiumin ge!”

Xiumin jumped like a kid and turned to Luhan. “Heard that, deer? I’m her gege.” Luhan looked at him as if he was retarded. “She calls me gege, bun.”

“S-she does?” He faked a sob. “I thought I was the first.”

“And stop cutting me off!” Luhan sighed exasperatedly, trying to scare Xiumin with a glare that followed. But he just looked like a kid robbed of candy. Lame attempt.

Xiumin gave him an unimpressed look. “I do what I want.”

“Anywayyyyy, Hi there.” Lay butted in, just smiling at Nara. She awkwardly smiled back, shooting Luhan and Xiumin troubled glances. Lay batted is lashes at her, while she looked back kind of creeped out. After all she didn’t know him.

Xiumin spoke, in his monotonous voice. “Oh, this is Zhang Yixing, our friend.”

“Lay. Call me Lay.” Lay extended his hand, and she hesitantly shook it. Luhan rolled his eyes at the gesture. She pulled away, but he pulled it again, planting a gentle kiss at the back of her hand.

Chen casually joined the conversation. “Do you need a sanitizer?” He asked her, ignoring Lay’s death glare. Nara pressed her lips into a thin line, suppressing a grin that eventually got out.

Kris walked towards their direction with a horrid expression. “What happened to you?” Xiumin chortled, poking his cheek. He moved away, his brows furrowed. “Stop it, Minseok.” He seethed, with Xiumin continuously poking his cheek.

“Darn it.” He hissed, swatting his hand away. “It’s confirmed. You are on drugs.”

Nara had an amused grin by just observing how the boys interacted.

Luhan in his breath. “Seriously, now, duizhang. What’s with that face?”

Kris looked over his shoulder warily before replying. “Those old men there want me to get married with their children. What is this like? Darn them we’re in the 21st century and they’re not moving on. Stupid people. I live my own life, they might as well do the same and stay away from mine.”

“Wow.” Chen mumbled, staring at the tall leader. Even the others did the same. Kris raised a brow at them quizzically.

“That’s like… the longest thing you ever said. Ever.” Chen gasped




filler-y chapter. :)


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Chapter 44: Kris and Chaerin is cute BTW :D ♥
Chapter 44: Thank you for this Authornim! Although it would be better if Daehyun's current situation is mentioned here ^_^
Chapter 42: Hmmph... finally. Now they're save..
Chapter 41: Daehyun must be alive! please T.T
Chapter 40: Oh wow! Well, you gave me the chance to re-read this story...And I'm just like; HOW IN THE WORLD DID I FORGET THIS?!
Chapter 40: Noooooooo its hanging T.T
frhtissa #7
Chapter 39: Gosh this story damn so addictive cant wait what will happen next
Chapter 39: Asdfghjklkjhgfdsa
Chapter 39: sdfsklfjsalkdsjfklsajfslkfj I'm so caught up in this story :DD

GOSH. THIS IS SO INTEEEEEEEENSE ! Update sooooon !!~~ ASDFGHJKL. Luhan , be saaaaaaaaafeu. :3