Chapter Twenty: Sehun

Killing an Angel




                Lay hyung walks into the living room looking haggard and worn. His eyes are red and puffy and his hair is a complete mess. As he staggers into the room Luhan yelps and runs over to him to give him a hug. Tao sits up from his cramped position and looks worriedly at him.

                “Xingxing hyung? What’s wrong…?” he asks. Lay shakes his head and motions for Kris.

                “Hyung, we need to talk.” he rasps. M’s leader nods and stands but as he starts to leave Kyungsoo stands.

                “If you guys keep hiding things from us it’s never going to get better.” he snaps. Lay looks shocked. I flinch at my hyung’s tone, but he’s right. I’m tired of Minseok, Lay, Luhan, and Kris being the only ones that make decisions around here. It’s like Joonmyun hyung’s obsession with us all being a team was just thrown out the window the moment his vanished.

                “Stop acting like you four are the only ones who know how to handle this.” Kai snarls. Xiumin and Kris turn to stare at Jongin. I feel a twinge of pride at my friend for sticking up for us.

                “Jongin, calm down.” Kris orders. I frown. It’s really starting to feel like Kris doesn’t care what any of us have to say.

                “No, I agree with them.” Chanyeol says standing. “Don’t leave us out of the loop.”

“Chanyeol-” Minseok starts, but Baekhyun jumps out of his chair and swaggers over to stand between the two.

“You have a problem with that, hyung?” he squawks. “You want to shut us out too?” There’s a tense moment as everyone waits for Baekhyun’s next move. The diva basks in the attention before leaning dangerously close to the smaller man’s face and baring his teeth.

“He’s our leader.” he spits. With that the shouting erupts. Kris starts yelling at Kai who is glaring daggers at him. Kyungsoo is alternating between yelling at Lay and telling Kris not to be mean to Jongin. Chanyeol and Bakehyun gang up on Xiumin and back him into a wall. Luhan is running around trying to get everyone to calm down, but he keeps getting pushed away. Tao, Chen and I exchange glances and shake our heads in dismay.

Sometimes I wonder how our hyungs are older. Avoiding the ruckus on the floor, the three of us crawl across the couch until we’re close enough to hear each other. Quickly we formulate a plan and then jump off the couch. I grin to myself as the two of us lift Jongdae and set him on our shoulders so that he stands a good couple feet above everyone else.

“Hey, come on…” Luhan cries desperately. “…we should really…” Jongin stalks by him. “Kris please don’t…Chanyeol! Put Minseok down! Baekhyun please…” He stops and throws his hands into the air, giving out a wail of surrender. At that moment we nod to Chen who takes a deep breath, cups his hands over his mouth, and screeches out an eardrum shattering high note.


Instantly the noise stops. Everyone turns to stare at the strange image behind them. Jongdae puts his hands on his hips and glares haughtily at them.

“Now that I have your attention…shut up!” he shouts. Everyone flinches at the volume. Chen’s tiny feet suddenly kick me in the chest and he motions for us to walk forward. I look at Tao who winces as we start moving through the group.

“You guys are seriously fighting right now? After everything that happened, this is what Exo is reduced to?” He stares at everyone from his perch as we stalk by. “You are all idiots!” he shouts. He waves his hands about, causing us to have to stagger to keep him from toppling off.

“I’m disappointed in all of you! Do you know what’s happening right now? You guys are acting more immature than the two youngest members and the group’s troll! The troll!” He throws his hands in the air. “I’m not supposed to be doing this, that’s your job! You guys keep the peace, and I mess that up. Not the other way around.” He pouts.

“You’re ruining my image.” Around us heads start to droop as members start feeling the shame of Chen’s lecture.

“Jongin!” he shouts suddenly, spinning to face the dancer. “You pay more respect to your elders! Now I know how that sounds, coming from me…but seriously…stop with the comments.” Kai rubs his neck awkwardly and shuffles his feet, murmuring an apology.

“Kyungsoo,” he stares the vocalist down. “Don’t yell at Kris! That’s not nice at all.” D.O.’s face flushes and his eyes flicker like someone caught in the cookie jar.

“You two! Stop picking on Minseok! He never did anything to you so…” he stares at Baekhyun and Chanyeol dangerously. “Leave. Him.” he pauses and raises a finger. “Alone.” The two stagger away, looking pale as a sheet. I shudder, not wanting to look up at my hyung’s face right now.

“Yixing!” I jump as Jongdae’s voice turns from the low growl back to the shriek. “Don’t be such a pushover!” Lay sits suddenly, as if he’s too tired to stand.

“Chen, I…”

“I don’t want to hear it, hyung! I know that you think everyone should be involved. So stick it to the man sometimes, dude.” Lay sighs and then starts to speak.

“Ah…not yet, give one more sec.” Chen says, holding up a hand. Yixing looks completely confused and just drops his head. Luhan hyung runs over to him, looking concerned.

“Luhan!” Chen shouts as he wraps his arms around the dancer. Luhan looks up in confusion.

“Yes…?” Chen gives him a dorky thumbs up.

“Good job!” Luhan grins.


“No problem!” he replies, turning to Xiumin. “You too hyung, you’re awesome!” Minseok blushes and hides his face.

“I even forgive you for locking us in the closet.”

“Hey! That was your fault!” Baozi exclaims, puffing out his cheeks.

“Whatever floats your boat...” Chen says with a dismissive wave. I spot Kris inching is way towards the stairs. I’m about to say something but Tao beats me to it.

“Just where do you think you’re going, gege?” the panda growls. I stare at my friend in awe. As far as I know he has never, ever used that tone with anyone especially not Kris. The dragon seems to be in shock as he turns around to gape at Tao with a tiny sliver of hurt in his eyes.

“…T-tao?” The younger man just glares. Chen kicks me suddenly and tilts his head. I sigh and allow him to climb down.

“Next time,” I whisper as he walks by. “Don’t kick me so much.” Jongdae smirks and flashes me a sly look.

“Ah…but there will be a next time, though!” he hisses back snarkily. The room is taunt with tension as the tiny man struts across the room to stare up at Kris. For a moment the two size each other up. And then Chen slaps him across the face.

“That’s for punching Kyungsoo.” My eyes widen and I look over at D.O. who is staring at the ground with a furious intent. Another smack draws my attention and I turn to see Kris holding both of his cheeks.

“That’s for trying to sneak away.” He slaps Kris with both hands at the same time.

“And that’s for everything else!” Chen pushes the startled leader back, snarling angrily.

“Just because Joonmyun is out of commission, doesn’t mean you’re a dictator. You can’t do whatever you want, and I won’t let you tear us apart or hurt him any more than he already is.” He shoves a finger into Kris’ chest.

“You’re a fool, Kris.” He steps back and tilts his head back. “And from this point on, we’re done taking your crap. Either you deal with whatever mental issue it is that you have, or you are going to be the one left out of the loop!” There are quiet yelps of agreement from everyone and Kris sighs looking away.

“Alright…I’m sorry…” he mutters. “I’ll…do better.” He looks at us all awkwardly for a bit as he works his jaw. Finally he grunts and frowns.

“I’m not Joonmyun…I can’t be him. I’m just trying to do what I think is best…I’m sorry.” Jongdae glares for a second more before smiling and holding out his hand for a shake.

“That’s all I wanted to hear.” Everyone relaxes as Kris takes the singer’s hand and grins at him. The troll shakes his hand for a second and then struts over to Yixing, drawing him up from the floor.

“Now, I think that we should continue this conversation where we won’t wake Suho. Hum?” People start moving up the stairs but I hold back.

“What about Suho hyung?” I yelp. They turn to look at me. Luhan smiles and places a hand on my shoulder.

“He’ll be fine for a couple minutes.” he says. I shake my head.
                “I don’t know hyung…” I say. I’m really worried that something might happen while we’re gone. I don’t know why, it’s just this nagging feeling. But as my hyungs all nod I follow reluctantly.

“He was sleeping when I left. He’ll be okay.” Lay says softly. As we trek up the stairs I hear Kyungsoo lean over to Chen and ask;

“How did you know it was Kris?” Chen scoffed and waved his hand at the question.

“You two were so obvious! Don’t insult me.” I snicker at my hyung’s expression and loop an arm around his neck.

“Come on D.O. hyung. Let’s not get left behind!”


“…so, I think that he feels like we’ve betrayed him somehow.” Lay says tiredly, finishing his speech. We all sit in dumb silence mulling over his revelation. Pain clenches at my heart. I still can’t believe that Suho hyung thinks we abandoned him!
                “But we did everything we could!” Luhan yelps. Yixing puts his head in his hands, and sighs.

“Not to his knowledge.” he replies. “Think about it guys…if you’re a kidnapper, why are you going to let him have a phone?” Baekhyun nods.

“Lay’s right. There’s no way you would let him keep that. How was he supposed to know that we were trying to contact him?” There are quiet nods and murmurs. But Chanyeol frowns and raises a hand.

“So then, if he didn’t have his phone…and they never gave it back…why would he assume that we didn’t try?” The giant’s statement makes everyone go silent. I feel a tingle of apprehension go through my spine. One of the many things we don’t know is the kidnapper. All we know is that someone took him. We don’t know why, how…anything. Suho didn’t even give the police a statement.

“I feel like there’s something very important about this guy that we’re missing…” Baekhyun mutters. Something nags at the back of my mind, but I can’t seem to grasp it. Glancing at Tao I can see that he’s thinking a similar thing.

“Well, whatever it is…there’s only one person who can tell us.” Kris says, standing. I frown. He’s right. They said they found a body in the rubble, so the person who did this is long gone. Suho’s the only one left who knows what happened.

“So we’re going to go ask Joonmyun hyung?” I say. Kris nods, and then pauses to look around worriedly.

“If…that’s what everyone thinks is best…?” There are a couple snickers at his uncharacteristic expression.

“No, I think that’s best.” Kyungsoo says. He puffs out his cheeks in relief.

“Okay…so that’s that.” Kris looks at us. “We’ll ask him first thing in the morning. Whose turn is it for watch?” I raise my hand, feeling both sadness and elation. My time with Suho could never be replaced and I love just being near him, but it still hurts to see him like this, and now that I know the reason why it’s only going to be harder. Kris smiles at me and starts for the door, pausing as he pulls it open.

“Alright then, since were all-”

Pain rips through my head as a shriek blasts through the house, cutting off Kris’ words. I see my hyungs clutching their ears and yelling to each other.

“What is that?” Jongin cries with a grimace. Baekhyun’s eyes widen as the scream starts to quiet. Recollection hits me as he shouts over the fading wail.

“Joonmyun!” Eleven bodies suddenly erupt form the room, flying down the hallway. Fear nibbles along my skin. His scream sounded way too desperate. As we reach the stairs Tao takes a flying leap and dodges past me. He grasps the railing and slides down to drop to the floor fast than anyone else can and bursts through the door. My heart stills at his cry.

“He’s gone!”

“What?” Kris shrieks and jumps over the railing to race into the room. I stumble in behind Baekhyun hyung and move a few steps forward so that the rest of Exo won’t mow me down. Quickly I scan the room, looking for any signs of my leader.

“Suho! Suho, where are you?” Minseok shouts, running around frantically. Guilt stabs through me as I see Luhan and Yixing start blubbering.

“It’s all my fault…” Luhan cries. Lay just collapses in a heap next to the open window. Wait…

“Hyung!” I shout to no one in particular. “The window!” Everyone turns to look, Lay frowns.

“That wasn’t open when I was here.” Murmurs start rumbling around me. I run towards the window as Yixing hyung moves to stand. He slips suddenly, and braces himself on the floor. His face goes pale.

“Guys…you need to see this…” I peer over his shoulder, feeling bodies jostle me as we fight for a glimpse. I gasp in shock as Lay raises a hand soaked in red liquid for us to see.

“Blood…?” the queasy panda squeaks.

“Baekhyun!” Chanyeol yells suddenly. The tiny man runs over to his friend.


“Those prints…” The giant points at the ground. Baekhyun gasps.

“Those are like the ones-”

“-outside his window. Exactly.” Yeol finishes the statement. Chen and Kris spin around at the same time, gawking.

“The what?” They shriek. Chanyeol look up at them.

“Last night Suho thought he saw someone outside his window. But everyone went to bed before then and when I went outside I saw footprints in the snow that looked exactly like these.” Kris pales and Jongdae literally almost faints.

“Hyung!” I shout and catch him. He dangles dizzily in my arms, shaking his head.

“I’m alright Sehun…” he stands, hanging onto my arm. “A face?” he squeaks. I’m confused…I look between the four as they look at each other.

“Yeeaaah…” Chanyeol says hesitantly. Kris sits on Suho’s bed suddenly.

“There’s been someone stalking us every time we went into town.” he mutters. Loud shouts bore into my head and I free a hand from Jongdae to cover my ears.

“There…” D.O. growls. “…has been a stalker and you guys didn’t bother to tell us!” His words end in a shout.

“We didn’t want to worry you…” Chen mutters.

“Well a lot of good that did!” Baekhyun chimes in. “Now look what happened!”

“We didn’t think anything would happen!” Kris defends. They start bickering again and I feel pressure mounting in my mind. They need to stay on topic.

“Guys! Stop it!” I shout.

“Guys!” Luhan trys. Unable to get a reaction he whispers something to Tao who runs over and drags Baekhyun to the window to point at something.

“Guys!” his scream is almost as loud as Suho’s. We all cringe and shout;


“He went out the window! Look!” I drop Jongdae and run over to see a smear of blood on the window frame. I vault out the window, followed by Baekhyun, Tao, and Chanyeol who refuses to be left behind.

“Sehunnie! Where are you going?” Luhan squeals. I ignore him and examine the snow. There are foot prints that have been stomped over along with swipes of smooth snow were everything has been wiped away. A path of red catches my eye and I lean down to see a handprint splattered with blood, still fresh in the snow.  Standing I follow down the rout I find some tracks that are less disturbed. The other three follow me closely. Peering closely I managed to wave them away enough to get light to see. When I do I wish I hadn’t.

“Kris! Get out here! Follow the trail, we’re going ahead!” I shout with a last glance at the prints. We dash off through the forest, Baekhyun automatically taking the lead as he knows the path the best. My heart thumps wildly in my chest as I beg for us to be in time.

Behind us a light snow starts to fall covering the tiny prints of a small man with bare feet, and the pints of a much larger man with thick boots.






*sobs* I'm sorry it's so terrible! This was a hard one to do...anyways, here's chapter twenty from Sehun's POV. What do you guys think?

Is the kidnapper real? Or is something else going on? And will they be able to find Suho? *deep voice* Find out next time!

...Suho! Put that down! You can't have a gun! Continuity man! ...sheesh...

Anyways, enough with the weirdness. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, tell me what you think! (It's super long btw...7 pages. 0.o) I'll see you all in the next chapter!


P.S. On another note...

Tah-dah! A sulay fic by me! Soon to be released on completion of Killing an Angel. So be looking forward to that.

See you all soon! Cheers!

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Thanks again everyone!!! you're the best readers ever!!! XD


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lily2109 #1
I have read this fanfic for the fourth time...its the best suho fanfic ever! (You know sometimes i thought,this fanfic can be the best exo movies...i always dreaming like that...hehehe ':D)but its is so awesome!chukahe!
FlyingPurplePenguin #2
Chapter 22: all I see when pictures are posted is a cat that says photo not found? Is that suppose to be there?
Exo_Suho1991 #3
Chapter 26: Pretty catchy your story makes you wanna know more and more, how you play with Suho's mind was brilliant, omg I cried when he was . Gosh excellent work.
Anzkiee #4
Chapter 24: Lol. That man died (?) so fast. And I hate the fact that the other members did nothing at all. =.= Suho was still the one who fought in the end. *sighs* All they did was cry. Well, at least they tried.

The storyline was impressive and can hook you easily. I was the type of person that drops reading after a few chapters especially if the story was a long one but that was not the case in this story. It was never boring, although there were a few times I get so worked up on the members stupidity like not calling the police and etc. This is still very AWESOME! My bias is Suho and it really hurts to see him hurt and I did not expect to see the scene. OAO Truly outstanding and impressive story. A masterpiece!
Kudos to Author-nim!
AdriannaAS #5
Chapter 26: Oh n I luv u
AdriannaAS #6
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh im speechless n u made me into a blubbering mess n ur awesome u know that rite and ur story was more tha. Captivating n I regret not reading it sooner
Baekyeolx61 #7
Chapter 26: I have never read a full angst fic before cos I'm more of a fluff person so I always avoided them. But I'm glad that I read this cos it's really good! It made me uncomfortable, it made me tear up but I actually enjoyed it! Good job author!!
Baekyeolx61 #8
Chapter 26: I have never read a full angst fic before cos I'm more of a fluff person so I always avoided them. But I'm glad that I read this cos us really good! It makes me uncomfortable, it makes me tear up but I actually enjoyed kt! Good job author!!
xxxpanda #9