
Under the Peach Tree




It has been three weeks since Mura moved to the detached palace. And, every day for the past three weeks has been spent inside the palace walls, studying and learning royal etiquette. But, it hadn't been all bad. Initially, Mura had been reserved and distant. However, with time, her natural lively and friendly disposition began to show through, as she grew more and more comfortable with her attendants. Soon, her restlessness began to gnaw at her, and she needed to do something about the mind-numbing boredom. Since she is not allowed outside of the detached palace, she had to get creative. She came to find out that her servants are required to fulfill all of her wishes, as long as they are within the reasons of the rules. So, she has resorted to playing all kinds of games, mostly children's, often subjecting her servants to these activities. 

From hopscotch to tag, they have done it all. Her favorite being jachigi1. And, it seems, the maids, too, enjoy playing these games with their mistress. Much to Madam Choi's disdain. However, as childish as some of these activities may seem for a grown royal to be engaging in, it is not against the rules, and she also finds herself pitying Mura; so she allows it. 

Today, Mura has asked them to create a seesaw for her. So, the eunuch and a couple of maids have spent a significant amount of time scavenging for objects suitable to make a seesaw with before setting it up.

"Agasshi, it is time for your calligraphy practice." Madam Choi tells Mura, who is busy bouncing on the seesaw with Janshil. 

"Not today. I do not feel like it." Mura says, as she continues to bounce on the seesaw.

Madam Choi throws a stern look at Janshil, who proceeds to make get down from the seesaw.

"Oho, where do you think you are going?" Mura chides her maid.

Janshil resumes bouncing on the seesaw, fearing her mistress's anger. 

"Ya, Janshil, come off that thing at once." Madam Choi yells at the maid.

"Ya, Janshil, do not even dare." Mura admonishes.

"Janshil, I am your superior, you must do as I say."

"And, I am Choi Sanggung's superior, so you must do as I say." Mura smiles devilishly at Madam Choi.

Poor Janshil mentally laments at being caught in the middle of this show of power.

"Agasshi, you have been on this thing long enough. We have all but two weeks left until your wedding day, you must improve your calligraphy before then. Please, agasshi, come down."

Mura stops her activity and groans obnoxiously. "Why must you always ruin everything for me, Choi Sanggung. Surely, one day without practice won't make a great difference. I promise, I shall put in extra an hour of calligraphy practice tomorrow." She resumes bouncing on the seesaw.

Madam Choi takes a deep breath. Mura can be such a handful at times--- just like a child. Madam Choi much preferred her when she was timid and reserved. She then makes a determined expression. "Very well. Janshil, you will not be given any food tomorrow and I will make sure to subtract from your pay this month. This is punishment for directly disobeying my orders."

Mura cries petulantly. "Fine, I shall do as you say, if only you promise to not punish Janshil"

"You have my word."

Mura steps down from the seesaw, and proceeds towards her chamber, closely followed by Madam Choi.

Mura rests her head on her fist, as she lazily runs her brush against the piece of paper.

"Agasshi, you must sit up straight." Madam Choi says sternly.

Mura rolls her eyes. She is so tired of Madam Choi constantly telling her what to do.


Agasshi, do not sit with your legs wide open.

Agasshi, eat slowly and gracefully.

Agasshi, you mustn't scurry around. Walk slowly.

Agasshi, it isn't ladylike to utter profanities.


It is a neverending stream of instructions.

"Choi Sanggung, May I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Is every person in the royal palace as devoid of exuberance as you are?"

Madam Choi seems to take offense to the remark. "The royal palace and its inhabitants are people of great integrity. We strive to carry ourselves with utmost dignity, and every member of the royal family is at the peak of virtuosity. So, if by exuberance you mean lack of discipline, childish behavior, and blatant lack of respect for Confucious ideals, then yes, we all are devoid of such 'exuberance'."

Mura makes an amused face. "My, my, I was merely chaffing around. No need to be so offended. You must learn to unwind every now and then."

"I am fine as I am. I urge you to only worry about your own self."

Mura sighs. "That must mean the Crown Prince is a bore."

"Agasshi, you mustn't speak ill of the Crown Prince."

"Speaking of whom, every day, I study various matters, yet, I, practically, know nothing of the Crown Prince. Isn't it quite odd to be marrying someone of whom you know so little of?"

"You may learn more of him once you are wedded."

"Still, it is strange to me that I do not even know his name."

"You do know his name. It is Hwanjong."

"I'm not speaking of his regnal name. I mean his personal name."

"You may ask him, yourself, once you are wedded."

"But, I'm curious. Please, kindly share with me."

"I, as a lowly court lady, am not worthy of uttering Choha's personal name. Only the King, Queen, and Queen Dowager may do that."

Mura frowns for a moment before an idea comes to her. "Well, if you can't utter it then, surely, you can write it?"


"Please, Choi Sanggung? I'm afraid, my curiosity will keep pestering me all night and I may not get a wink of sleep. Please?"

Madam Choi accedes. "Very well."

Mura happily hands her brush to her lady-in-waiting, who uses it to write down. 

"Here." Madam Choi pushes the piece of paper toward her mistress. 

"Baek-Hyun." Mura reads. "Well, I hope you're not a bore, Baekhyun." She whispers to herself.


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Baekhyun wakes up at five in the morning. His servants assist him to get ready for the day. Once finished, he steps out of his quarters with his retinue in tow. As per tradition, he must pay his respects to the elders before starting the day. So, he makes stops at the Queen Dowager's quarters followed by the Queen's quarters. After he offers his morning greetings to his grandmother and mother, Baekhyun is on his way to the king's office for the morning study. Education is an essential part of life for both crown princes and kings. Thus, it is a constant and never stops. He arrives in his father's office, which is filled with the royal tutors. They exchange greetings and wait for the King's arrival. After the King arrives in his office, everyone does a deep bow to show their respects to the King before commencing the morning study at seven in the morning.

After finishing morning study with his father, Baekhyun returns to his quarters for the morning meal around nine in the morning. Immediately after finishing his morning meal, Baekhyun heads for the throne room to attend the daily assembly with the King and the officials, which starts at eleven in the morning.

Once, the assembly ends, Baekhyun goes for a quiet stroll by himself. Although never truly alone as his retinue follows him.  After his stroll, he returns to his quarters for his midday meal at about one in the afternoon. Immediately after this, he proceeds to his daytime study session with his own personal royal tutors, which commences at two in the afternoon. The study session lasts for an hour and a half. Depending on the day, after he finishes his daytime study, Baekhyun may choose to practice archery, swordsmanship, or his dang-bipa2 skills. Today, he chooses to play the lute. 

At five, Baekhyun has his evening meal, after which he goes for another quiet stroll. He ends his stroll by paying his respects to the King, the Queen, and Queen Dowager. He then returns to his quarters for the final time of the day. He bathes and gets into his nightwear. An excellent calligrapher, Baekhyun ends his day writing his own literary works. By nine at night, he makes his way to bed and retires for the night. 

The next morning, Baekhyun wakes up at five, thus beginning the cycle all over again. This is how he leads his life and he is perfectly content with such a life. It's organized. It's disciplined. Most importantly, it's routined, and Baekhyun values his routine. He hates spontaneity. Unless, it is a matter of the state, or life and death, he will never allow anything to disrupt his routine.


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1. Jachigi: A game where a long stick and two short sticks are hit and caught.

2. Dang-bipa: A pear-shaped lute with four strings.





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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.