
Under the Peach Tree



"Oraboni1..." Mura drops her sword and falls to her knees. "No more." She heaves heavily, as her lungs desperately grasp for some much-needed air.

"Mura-ya, rise. We shall go once more." The authoritative man tells the heaving woman, while he stands tall over her kneeling body. 

Mura lifts her head to look up at the standing man. Beads of sweat adorn her heart-shaped face that bears a small upturned nose. "No, I refuse. Do you not see how my soul is on the verge of leaving my body?" Her chestnut eyes are framed by small yet elongated lids, relaying the discomfort she is experiencing. Her narrow yet full lips with a less prominent cupid's bow appear chapped.

"You can go once more. I know you can."

"Please, simply strike me with your sword and cease this suffering of mine." Mura dramatizes.

The man rolls his eyes. 

"Have mercy on me, dear cousin. I am but a woman, after all. You cannot possibly expect me to match your masculine endurance and strength."

"Do not make such futile excuses. You are a competent swordsman, who has defeated even men in duels."

"But, what you teach me today is far beyond my abilities."

"That is precisely why you must put forth more effort. You were the one who came to me running and implored me to train you harder because you wished to match my skills. Have you forgotten?" 

"I had been a day younger, and not much wiser. I now see the error in my judgment. This was a grave mistake." Mura laments, now laying completely flat on her back. At least, she can breathe properly again.

From the distance, she hears her other cousins, who were also training earlier, cackling. Surely over her misery. 

Her cousin, who stands over her body, relents; sighing disappointedly before proceeding to walk away.

"Chanyeol oraboni..." Mura calls tiredly.

Chanyeol halts and turns to her.

"This isn't an exaggeration, so believe me when I say I am truly unable to move my body at this time. Please carry me." Mura pleads.

Her cousin shakes his head before bending down to effortlessly pick up her fairly tall body, princess-style. Chanyeol carries her to the edge of the training ground, where their other cousins are resting and mingling. 

Chanyeol, who is the third oldest in their little club, gently places Mura, who is the second youngest, next to the others. "Aigoo." She cries.

"Oh my, it seems Chanyeol hyung has truly broken nui's2 body." Sehun, the youngest among them, remarks. "Nui, are you all right?"

"No, Sehun-ah, your nui is suffering greatly," Mura complains.

"Wait, I shall bring you some water." Sehun gets up.

Jongdae, also the second youngest, tsks. "Falling apart so pathetically after merely half an hour of training. Ya, why are you acting as though it has been your first time holding a sword? Have you forgotten everything you have learned for the past eternity?"

"Jongdae, do not antagonize me." Mura admonishes.

Jongdae scoffs. "You dare threaten me in this sorry state of yours."

"Jongdae, stop pestering her." Junmyeon scolds his younger brother. He is the second oldest.

"Oraboni, he's being so cruel," Mura whines petulantly.

"Do not fret, sweet cousin, I shall tell father about his incorrigible behavior and leave it to him to take care of him," Junmyeon says.

"Thank you, oraboni." Mura is delighted by the prospect. Junmyeon and Jongdae's father is known to be strict disciplinarian. 

Sehun returns with a bowl of water and hands it to Mura.

"Hyuuung." This time Jongdae whines at his older brother. "Are you my blood or not?"

"Perhaps, suppunim3 will send you back to work at the farm again." Minseok, the oldest, teases.

"Aish, Minseok hyung, do not remind me. That had been the most agonizing week of my life."

"Remind me what garnered such a punishment?" Minseok asks.

"He failed his civil service exam." Answers Kyungsoo, while his gaze is fixed on the book he is holding. He is also the second youngest, along with Mura and Jongdae.

"Ya!" Jongdae yells at Kyungsoo. "Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be studying?"

"And what do you suppose I'm doing currently? Ah, forgive me, I almost forgot you wouldn't know what holding a book means since you have never held one yourself." Kyungsoo taunts the other.

"This son of a..." Jongdae stands up to seemingly attack Kyungsoo.

"Jongdae, sit back down unless you truly wish to be sent back to the farm," Junmyeon says sternly. "And Kyungsoo, be quiet and concentrate on your own task. I am tired of you two constantly bickering."

This is their little collective consisting of five cousins and two brothers. The seven are not only family but friends, as well. They grew up together and did close to everything together; sharing similar interests. One of which is swordsmanship. Hence, all of them are capable swordsmen, having been training since they were younglings. With the exception of Kyungsoo, who never showed much interest in it, but would often accompany his cousins to the training ground to spend time with them.

"It is almost dusk, I shall return home and finish my studies for the night," Kyungsoo states. He gets up and says his goodbyes. 

"Do not forget, we are going to the courtesan house tomorrow." Minseok reminds Kyungsoo.

"Which reminds me, Minseok oraboni, bring me men's clothes for tomorrow," Mura says. Since the courtesan house does not allow women, she has to dress as a man in order to gain entry.

"I will not. Last time you borrowed my clothes, you got them destroyed." 

"I was not at fault. I had gotten caught by omoni4, and she had burned them out of ire. I had tried to stop her. I truly did." Mura explains.

"Borrow from Kyungsoo or Jongdae. Theirs should fit you, as well." Minseok tells her.

Mura turns her attention to Kyungsoo. "Kyungsoo-ya---"

"No." Kyungsoo refuses and leaves.

Mura scowls. Her other option is Jongdae, but she detests asking him for favors. 

The latter smirks cockily. "If you grovel, I may consider it."

"Never." Mura hisses.

"Well, I suppose you won't be joining us tomorrow then. How unfortunate." With that Jongdae gets up. "I shall take my leave. See you all tomorrow, with the exception of our lovely Mura, of course." He offers the woman an antagonizing smile before walking away. 

"Minseok oraboni, please?" Mura whines. "I shall take necessary precaution this time so as to not be caught. Please, oraboni? I beg of you."

"I shall think about it," Minseok says.

After Kyungsoo and Jongdae's departure, the rest decide to go home, as well.

Mura and Chanyeol walk together since they share the same home. Although, Chanyeol no longer permanently lives in his uncle's house, since his work requires him to live on the outskirts of Hanyang, the capital of Choson, as a capital guard. But, sometimes, on his rest days, he travels to the heart of the capital to visit his family. Out of all of them, Chanyeol is the most skilled with the sword. While the others simply do it for recreational purposes, he has made it into his career. An excellent martial artist and archer, as well, he served in the military for a few years before becoming a capital guard.

"Mura, can you walk? I could carry you on my back if you wish." Chanyeol offers, as he observes Mura tiredly trudging.

"Please," Mura utters.

Chanyeol lets out a soft chuckle before kneeling down so Mura can hop on his back. "And, off we go." Chanyeol resumes walking with his cousin hanging on his back. "Perhaps I was too hard on you." 

"You don't say." Mura voices.

"Although, you have gotten slightly rusty."

"That's because I do not get the opportunity to practice as often as before. You have moved to the far ends of the capital. Junmyeon oraboni is busier than ever with his position in the ministry of justice. Kyungsoo is busy studying for the entrance examination to the Royal Academy. Jongdae is busy pretending to study for the entrance examination to the Royal Academy. At least, I had Sehun, however, even he, recently, has begun his education for a position in the office of records." Mura shares sadly. " And, Minseok oraboni... well, he is too busy engaging in all sorts of debauchery."

Chanyeol snickers. 

"There's only so much I can do on my own. Not to mention, omoni has been breathing down my neck. Even more so than usual."

"She just wishes for you to be married."

"I know. It is so irksome."

The two continue their talk until they eventually reach their destination. As soon as they enter the courtyard of the Park residence, they are questioned by the matron of the house, Mura's mother, Lady Kim, who sits in the yard. 

"Where have you been all day?" A look of displeasure is evident in her expression.

"I think I'll spend the night at Junmyeon hyung's house." Chanyeol tells Mura, sensing his aunt's impending outburst.

"What? No, you can't possibly abandon me to face this alone. I---" 

Before Mura can even finish her sentence, Chanyeol is already out through the gate.

Mura sighs and faces her mother. "I had been with the boys." 

Lady Kim takes a quick glance at Mura's sword in her hand before marching towards her daughter and beginning to slap her arm.

"Omoni, what is the meaning of this?" Mura is taken aback by the sudden act of violence. 

"When will you stop playing with such dangerous weapons? And, look at the state you're in. Your clothes are dirty, your hair is disheveled. Not to mention, you smell utterly foul. Is this how a young lady ought to present herself in society? You are the daughter of the second state councilor, at least be mindful of your father's reputation."

"Aish, omoni, you must calm down."

"I will not! What if one day you were to experience an accident during training that may lead to a deformity, what do you suppose would happen then? Who would marry you? You are twenty-four years of age." 

"Omoni, not even three days ago you claimed that you were no longer concerned with my marriage and that I could go jump from a mountain for all you cared. Now, you've changed your tune. You mustn't lie to your daughter in such a way."

Lady Kim slaps Mura's arm again. "How dare you patronize your mother! What am I to do with you, Mura-ya?"

"How about giving me my evening meal? I am famished."

Lady Kim twists Mura's ear and drags the latter to her chamber. Mura cries in pain. 

Lady Kim releases her daughter's ear once inside the chamber. "You will not be served your evening meal tonight. Perhaps a night of starvation would help you reflect on your poor choices and some sense in you." With that, she walks away.

"Omoni, you can't possibly be serious. Starving your only child? This is tyranny!" Mura's protests fall on deaf ears. She drops to the floor, on her behind, and moans petulantly.


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Later in the night, Mura restlessly twists and turns in bed. Her hunger is becoming unbearable by the hour. Earlier she had tried to sneak into the kitchen for any remainings, however, she instead found a lock hanging from the kitchen door. It seems her mother's cruelty knows no bound. Her stomach growls with ferocity for not providing it with the sustenance it needs. 

"My apologies, but I'm afraid we must wait until morning." Mura rubs her belly as an act of consolation.

Suddenly, she hears the door to her chamber slide open. She turns around to find her father holding a tray of food. 

"Aboji5." Mura springs up in a sitting position.

"Shh." Lord Park hushes her. "We must be careful to not wake your mother." He sets the tray in front of her daughter. "Here, I have smuggled in this for you."

"My savior!" Mura excitedly digs into the food. 

"Apologies, my princess. I attempted to coax your mother to allow you to eat, however, you know how stubborn she can be. So, I waited until she was in deep slumber to bring you this."

"She seemed more aggrieved than usual," Mura speaks with full.

"She had run into Lady Yoo earlier at the market. Apparently, she had made some scathing remarks about you... that vile woman. So, that had struck a nerve for your mother." Lord Park looks at her daughter fondly. "Do not take your mother's words or actions to heart. She loves you immensely."

"I know, and I do not take any offense to what omoni says or does." Mura knows her mother's intentions do not come from malice. "However, she must stop speaking of my marriage. Why can't she understand that I do not wish to be wedded?"

"It is inevitable, my child. It is an essential part of life."

"But, I have no desire to do so. I wish to live here with you and omoni forever."

"Eventually, your mother and I will perish of old age. What will you do then? You will be stricken with loneliness, will you not?"

"No, I have the boys."

Lord Park chuckles. "Sooner or later, they will all marry and have children. They will become too preoccupied with their own families to spare you the time of day. Things will not remain this way forever, my child. Which reminds me, they are searching for a bride for Junmyeon."

"What?" Mura is shocked by the news.

Lord Park nods. "He shall be married soon. See, what I mean? Things have already begun to shift."

Mura pouts at her father's words. But, she does not wish for things to change. She is perfectly content with her life as it is. "Then I shall become a nun and dedicate the remainder of my life to the temple. It is better to be a slave to Buddha than to a man. "

Lord Park laughs at her daughter's declaration. "Very well, if that is what you truly wish to do, I shall respect it. When have I ever prevented you from doing what you wanted?"

Mura grins from ear to ear.

Lord Park ruffles his daughter's hair. "All right, now go on, finish your meal quickly."

Mura goes back to happily eating her food. She feels truly blessed with having such a supportive and encouraging father.

All the while, Lady Kim had been standing outside of Mura's chamber door, listening in on his husband and daughter's conversation. She huffs out a quiet chuckle and shakes her head before walking back to the kitchen in order to return the untouched tray of food she had intended for her daughter.


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1. Oraboni: Term used to address an older male by a younger female. 

2. Nui: Term used to address an older female by a younger male.

3. Suppunim: Uncle

4. Omoni: Mother

5. Aboji: Father




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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.