
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.



Soon after Eunbo becomes acquainted with the others, the now party of ten finds itself inside a tea parlor. The sun still burns in the sky, albeit with less fervor as it slowly but surely makes its descent. And given that the lantern ritual is to take place at night, which isn’t for another few hours, the group decides to enjoy some tea in the meantime.

They all take their seats at the tables that have been arranged in a long row to accommodate the large party. All but Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who hover over the Crown Princess. 

“Chanyeol-ah, why are you standing there? Come sit,” Junmyeon says. 

“I’m all right,” Chanyeol replies. 

“What do you mean? You won’t have tea with us?” Kyungsoo asks. 

Chanyeol catches a quick glimpse of the Crown Prince next to him. “I’m not quite in the mood. You all may proceed without me.”

“Ah, do you wish to show solidarity to your fellow royal guard on duty?” Junmyeon asks. “How noble of you, Cousin.”

“Why should you have to exclude yourself from the fun on his account?” Jongdae asks while looking at the man next to his cousin with resentment. 

How splendid! Baekhyun thinks mockingly. As if the circumstances weren't bad enough for him, he must now become a villain in the eyes of the others for being the reason their beloved cousin won’t join them. Well, he has no one but himself to blame. He must now lay upon the bed that he himself has made.

“Park Chanyeol,” Baekhyun starts. “Jongdae Doryeonnim is right. Why should you exclude yourself from the merriment on my account? You need not trouble yourself for me. Pray join your cousins.”

“I’m sure it gets quite lonely standing all by yourself. Thus allow me to keep you company. I do not mind it in the least.” There is no way Chanyeol can be made to sit with his cousins and enjoy tea with them while his master, the Crown Prince of this nation, is relegated to standing on his own in the background.

“Your cousins should be most disheartened, and rightfully so, by your lack of participation, and it would burden my mind with the knowledge that I am the reason for their dejection. Surely you wouldn’t impose such a burden on me.”

“You mustn’t be burdened, for my cousins are extremely understanding. I'm certain they are in agreement with me.”

“We are not,” Jongdae says bluntly.

Chanyeol shoots him the most venomous glare. 

“Please, Park Chanyeol, I insist.”

“And so must I.”

“Enough, the two of you!” Mura cries. “You shall both join us for tea. This is a day of festivities and I shall not have you two put a damper on all of our high spirits.” 

Chanyeol and Baekhyun share a reluctant glance. 

“Am I to carry you two to your seats on a palanquin?” Mura asks.

Chanyeol’s eyes widen. “Of-of course not, Mama!”

While Baekhyun mutters a ‘no.’

“Then what’s the delay? Come sit, at once!” Mura commands.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun immediately comply and take their seats opposite the Crown Princess.

Minseok abandons his seat and approaches Junmyeon, who is perched next to the unfamiliar 'royal guard'. “Junmyeon-ah, make some room, will you?”

Kyungsoo, who shared that side of the space with them, moves across and takes Minseok’s original seat next to Jongdae, while Junmyeon and his wife next to him move aside to make room for the eldest cousin.

Minseok then claims the space between his cousin and the ‘royal guard’ before greeting the latter. “Hello.”

Baekhyun simply acknowledges him with a polite smile and a nod. 

Thus one side of the tables has Eunbo, Mura, Sehun, Jongdae, and Kyungsoo. While the other side consists of Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Minseok, Junmyeon, and his wife; with Chanyeol and Bakhyun settled directly opposite Eunbo and Mura, respectively. 

Mura exhales, satisfied with the arrangement. “Perfect! Now, shall we order some tea?” 

Once the freshly brewed teas are brought to their tables, everyone begins to fill each other’s cups. Chanyeol grabs the teapot nearest to him in order to pour some tea into the Crown Prince’s cup. 

“Allow me,” Minseok intervenes and snatches the teapot from his cousin’s hand then proceeds to fill the cup belonging to the pretend guard with much alacrity. 

Baekhyun offers a small bow. “Thank you.” As it is regarded as polite to return such gestures, Baekhyun does the same and fills Minseok’s cup.

“Thank you.” Minseok grins, exposing the gums of teeth.

The drinking commences and so do the conversations.

Baekhyun pitifully stares at his consort from across the table, as he takes sips of his tea. While he yearns to be near her and be on the receiving end of whatever it is she seems to be animatedly regaling about, it is clear the Crown Princess does not return the sentiment as she appears happily engrossed in her conversations with Sehun and Miss Yoo Eunbo; not even sparing a single glance his way. He wished he were drinking alcohol instead so he could have drowned his sorrow in it. 

Naegeumwi1?” Minseok addresses the pretend guard. But it seems his call went unheard. “Naegeumwi?” He tries again, and again, it goes unheard. Is he not loud enough? Minseok wonders.

Chanyeol elbows the Crown Prince. Baekhyun looks at him and the other points his head toward his eldest cousin. 


Baekhyun finally looks Minseok’s way. 

“I’ve been calling you, but it seems you were deep in thought.”

“My apologies.” Naturally, it is not in Baekhyun’s instincts to respond to being addressed as a royal guard.

“It is all right. I’m sure those thoughts must have been riveting.” Minseok reasons. “At any rate, now that we are fraternizing, would you mind sharing your name with us?” The young lord says it loud enough for the entire table to hear.

“Yes, pray tell us your name.” Junmyeon chimes in with an affable smile. 

Dash it, Baekhyun hadn’t thought of a name. He didn’t expect to mix with them, so he hadn’t bothered. The entire table can now be seen looking at him expectantly. He casts a quick glance at the Crown Princess, who is expressing with her eyes for him to quickly come up with a false name. Under the weight of the invisible yet tangible pressure, Baekyun blurts out the first name he can think of. 


Mura stiffens. The Crown Prince just gave away his real name.

“Baekhyun,” Minseok utters quietly.  “A suitably handsome name for a handsome fellow.” 

"Thank you?" The Crown Prince is taken aback by the compliment.

Baekhyun is the Crown Prince’s personal name and fortunately, the general public is not privy to it. The nation knows him as Crown Prince Hwanjong. Only the prince’s family members, the court officials, and high-ranking employees know of his personal name.

“Do you have a family name? Or do you hail from a nameless clan?” Jongdae inquires derisively. 

Baekhyun scowls at him. “Of course, I have a family name.”

“Well then, enlighten us, good sir,” Jongdae mocks. 

“It is…” Baekhyun thinks hard. “It’s… Byun.”

Mura resists the urge to slap her own forehead. The Crown Prince might as well announce his true identity at this point. 

“B-byun? You… are you related to the royal family?” Jongdae’s throat runs dry. All this time, has he been unknowingly speaking rudely with a member of the royal family?

The entire table becomes deafeningly silent. Everyone suddenly changes their demeanor into a more dignified one once becoming aware they might be in the presence of a prince.

Baekhyun flashes a nervous smile. “Uh…” He tries to muster up an explanation as they all stare at him. He can almost sense the invisible shake of the head coming from the Crown Princess’ direction. Baekhyun considered himself a man of wit, but today he has been proven wrong of that assumption. 

“His great-great-grandfather was an illegitimate child of King Danjong.” Chanyeol comes to the rescue.

Jongdae lets out a discreet sigh of relief. A great-great-grandson to a third-rank prince is nothing to trouble oneself with. The blood has been diluted to such an extent at this point, he cannot even be regarded as royal, Jongdae reasons in his mind.

“Yes, as you can guess, even though I do bear the Byun name, I am quite far removed from the current members of the royal family,” Baekhyun states. 

The table becomes at ease again.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Byun Naegeumwi. Royal or not,” Kyungsoo expresses. 

“Quite the pleasure, indeed,” Minseok drawls.

Jongdae stoops to rolling his eyes, as he continues to harbor bitterness toward the 'royal guard' for twisting his arm earlier.

The table returns to its previous chatty and lively state. 

Mama, how do you find the Royal Palace?” Eunbo asks the Crown Princess. 

“If I’m being honest, it isn’t ideal. Especially, in the beginning, I had felt so suffocated that I would cry myself to sleep almost every night. But I no longer detest it to such a degree. The palace has become much more tolerable than when I had first stepped foot in it.”

“If I may inquire, what made it so tolerable?”

Mura’s eyes instinctively travel in the direction of the Crown Prince for a quick moment before falling back on Eunbo.“The Crown Prince is a kind and considerate man.” She doesn’t even realize she is blushing. “He has proven himself to be a good friend. When I am in his company, it is easy to forget about all my woes. His friendship has been an unexpected blossoming flower in barren soil.” She cannot contain a smile from appearing on her lips.

Eunbo coos. “Aigoo, you sound like a woman in love, Mama.”

Mura gasps. “Oh, hush you! No such thing! I only speak as a friend to His Highness.”

“If you say so.” Eunbo isn’t entirely convinced. 

“Anyway, I have been rather curious about a particular matter that you may be able to shed some light on.”

“What is it, Mama?”

“You see, during the selection process, my mother had informed me that all three of the women selected for the final stage must live the rest of their lives as the Crown Prince’s women and that they may never marry another. I always thought it cruel and unfair to the other two who ultimately do get chosen. Stripping away their right to marry is a rather harsh fate. However, is it truly the case? Are you truly prohibited from marrying another?”

“That is generally the sentiment, yes. However, the palace usually withdraws this decree if they do not intend upon investing those women as concubines.”

“Oh! What a relief! So you are at liberty to marry?”

“Well, not quite. At least, not yet.”

Mura gives Eunbo a questioning look.

“Well, the Royal Palace had informed us that they will continue to hold the ban on marriage upon myself, and I also believe upon Hayeon Kyusu2, for at least another  two years, in case they decide to appoint us as the Crown Prince’s concubines in the near future.” 

“Concubines to the Crown Prince?” Mura’s eyes flit to the said prince. She suddenly feels a strange pang in her chest— the same sensation one experiences when one is taken by disappointment. But why should Mura be disappointed? 

Eunbo discerns the crestfallen look on the Crown Princess’ face. “Mama, do not be disheartened. It may very likely never come to fruition. I mean, if they truly wished to make us His Highness’ concubines, surely they would’ve done so by now.”

Mura laughs dismissively, ignoring the stifling sensation in her chest. “Oh no, I am not disappointed, at all. Why should I be? As a matter of fact, I should be delighted to have the company of yours and Hayeon Kyusu. And I’m certain, so will the Crown Prince. You will find that he is a sensitive and agreeable man for a prince of his stature. And a handsome one at that, too. I am certain you will fall for his looks and charms equally, as he will be sure to fall for yours.” Mura can't help but giggle in her thoughts with the knowledge that the mysterious man she is so raving about to the young miss is sitting right across from them.

Eunbo chuckles. She can’t help but feel the Crown Princess is trying her best to hide her true feelings. “Mama, it has not been decided, yet. It may very well never happen.”

“Oh, I know, I know.” Mura’s voice is a pitch too high. “But if it were to, you know…”

Eunbo giggles at how endearing the Crown Princess is. “Yes, yes, your points are duly noted.” Her eyes then travel to Chanyeol, whom she’s been catching glimpses of at every opportunity she gets. “Say Mama, are all your cousins married?”

“No, only Junmyeon oraboni. Why do you ask? Has one of them caught your fancy?” Mura teases.

“What if I were to say yes?”

Mura gasps. “Truly? Who? Is it Sehunnie? Kyungsoo-ah? But you have not shared a single word with him. It cannot possibly be Jongdae. If it is Minseok oraboni then I’m compelled to tell you to forget about it. Or is it perhaps Chanyeol oraboni?”

“Pray tell, Mama, would you rather have me as a sister-wife or a sister-in-law?” Eunbo asks playfully.

“Oh, it must be Sehunnie! You’ve spoken with him the most!”

“What of me?” Sehun inquires having heard his name being mentioned.

“Sehunnie, a gentleman does not intrude upon a conversation being had between ladies.” Mura lectures. 

“But I heard you mention my name,” Sehun argues. 

“Oh, not now, Sehuna-ah,” Mura says decisively. 

Sehun pouts and returns to the conversation he was having with others. But not before taking a quick glance at Janshil who stands in a corner with Miss Eunbo’s maid. 

“I am right, aren’t I? It is Sehun-ah!” Mura whispers this time. 

Eunbo guffaws. “Oh, Mama, you are so gullible!”

Mura’s expression falters. “Were you toying with me? How dare you?”

“My apologies, but you made it so tempting for me.”

Mura sulks as she directs her attention to her teacup. When she takes a sip from it her eyes meet with those of the Crown Prince. He sends a small smile her way. Mura looks around in order to ascertain that no one is watching her before showing the prince her tongue and crossing her eyes in a playful gesture. 

Baekhyun can’t help but chuckle quietly. His consort will be the death of him. 

Meanwhile, Eunbo tries to steal another glance at Chanyeol, but this time their eyes meet and they both immediately steer away their gazes in panic. 

Eunbo is certain the royal guard was just as startled as she was. Was he perchance had been looking at her? 

Park Chanyeol seems like a true gentleman, Eunbo concludes. Soft-spoken and respectful. Not very chatty, as he barely shared any words with the people he knew, let alone with a stranger like Eunbo. And he is unlawfully handsome. Truly, it should be a crime to be this good-looking. Striking eyes, plump lips, and strong features, overall. They say the female form is naturally more alluring than that of a male. However, Park Chanyeol’s looks could challenge the beauty of even the most stunning female there exists. 

Eunbo assesses her own looks. She is fair-skinned— a desirable trait. She has big round eyes. Her mother used to say they were very expressive. She claimed that they were her best features. So, she has that in common with Park Chanyeol. Her lips aren’t as plump as his though. Her nose is smaller and more feminine looking, countering Chanyeol’s strong one. 

Alas, what is she doing? She shouldn’t be entertaining such thoughts considering Chanyeol couldn’t be more disinterested in her. And a more compelling reason why she shouldn’t even be looking in another man’s direction is the fact that she is still considered the Crown Prince’s woman and could very well be chosen as his concubine in the future.

But she reasons there is nothing wrong with secretly admiring another man’s handsome appearance. She raises her gaze to take a quick look at the man again. Thankfully, their eyes don’t meet this time. 

“He looks awfully familiar.”

Kyungsoo hears Jongdae say. When he looks at his cousin, he sees him keenly staring in the general aslant direction to their right.

“And who might that be?” Kyungsoo asks. 

“Byun Naegeumwi.”

Kyungsoo shifts his glance toward the said ‘guard’ and studies his features. His cousin is right, the man does look a bit familiar.

“Byun Naegeumwi,” Jongdae calls.

Baekhyun responds by looking in his direction. 

“Have we met before? You seem somewhat familiar to me.”

Baekhyun instantly becomes alarmed. He shares a quick concerned glance with the Crown Princess. Has Jongdae perhaps caught a glimpse of him during one of his visits to his royal cousin? This whole charade is proving to be immensely stressful. “Uh.. I do not believe so, for I am certain today has been our very first introduction.”

“Do you perchance guard the East Palace?” Jongdae asks.

That’s it. Jongdae has just handed him the perfect explanation. “I do, yes. Have you visited?”

“Yes, on several occasions.”

“Then perhaps you’ve seen me there in passing during one of my shifts.”

Jongdae nods slowly. “Yes, quite possible.”

“Are you enjoying yourself, Byun Naegeumwi?” Minseok inquires. Before the other man can respond, Minseok casually places a hand over his arm. “Oh my, how firm,” he comments as he shamelessly feels the hardened muscles of the ‘guard’ over his sleeve. “Despite the feminine features of your countenance, your physique leaves no doubts of your masculinity. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, I suppose. One simply does not become a soldier without considerable physical training.”

Baekhyun gives the man a smile of discomfort before politely shrugging off the man’s hand. Kim Minseok is a strange, strange fellow, Baekhyun concludes. “Thank you.”

“You know, a face reader had once told me that I was destined to be with someone of royal lineage,” Minseok shares giddily as he rests his chin on his hand.

Baekhyun nods slowly as he forces another smile. “I see.” He makes a mental note to ensure Kim Minseok’s path never crosses with those of his unmarried sisters. 

Little does the Crown Prince know that the young lord would never be interested in his sisters. Or with anyone of their gender, as a matter of fact. 


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝



Once the sun eventually descends and the sky darkens, Mura and her party leave the tea parlor and make their way to the part of the town where the people are expected to gather for the lantern ritual.

On their way, they come across a few vendors selling sky lanterns of several vivid colors. The group stops there to make their purchases. 

Mura mulls over which color of lantern to pick. She decides to consult the Crown Prince, who stands behind her a short distance away. She picks up a blue one and turns to him. With her eyes, she asks for his opinion.

Confused at first, Baekhyun soon catches on. He shakes his head at the choice.

Not blue. Mura sets it down before picking up a pink one and turning once again for the Crown prince’s opinion. 

Baekhyun shakes his head at the pink one, as well.

Mura sets it down and picks up a red one before showing it to the Crown Prince.

Baekhyun smiles and nods in approval this time.

Red it is. Mura returns the smile and then proceeds to pay for the choice.

"Byun Naegeumwi, you may share my lantern with me if you so desire," Minseok offers upon approaching the 'royal guard'.

"That is kind of you, Minseok Doryeonnim, but I'm fine without one."

Minseok sighs. "I am being rejected, aren't I?"

Baekhyun casts a puzzled expression. "I beg your pardon?"

"Suit yourself. I am a man of honor and I shall accept this rejection with dignity." With that, Minseok walks off, leaving a thoroughly confused Baekhyun to decipher what the young lord was speaking of.

Meanwhile, Chanyeol continues to maintain a close eye on the Crown Prince and Princess. However, his eyes can’t help but flit every now and then in the direction of a certain young lady. 


Chanyeol turns to find Kyungsoo standing next to him. 

“May I ask you something?”


“Byun Naegweumni is actually the Crown Prince in disguise, isn’t he?”

Chanyeol looks at his younger cousin in surprise. “How did you…?”

Kyungsoo chuckles. “He has a certain air of haughtiness about him. Earlier he had almost blurted out his true identity when reprimanding Jongdae. And, he keeps sharing these knowing glances with the Crown Princess. One can’t help but be suspicious.”

Chanyeol chortles. “Of course, out of everyone, it would be you to figure it out. You’ve always been so perceptive.”

“Not to mention, he bears a striking resemblance to Princess Hwa-In.” Kyungsoo's certain this is why Jongdae thought the prince looked familiar. 

“You’ve met the Princess?”

“Yes, once, when we all visited the Royal Palace for the very first time.” 

Kyungsoo conveniently leaves out his second encounter with the Royal Princess. If Chanyeol were to find out about the circumstances of their other encounter, Jongdae would be in some troubled waters. 

Suddenly, the sound of something explosive resonates through the crowd, followed by the sounds of cracking beads of lights spreading across the dark of the sky. 

“Fireworks!” A child shouts cheerily.

The crowd claps and cheers as more fireworks are shot off to the sky, one after the next. They all watch in wonderment.

However, Chanyeol’s gaze strays and finds its way in the direction of Eunbo, once again, when he notices an unknown boy gingerly reaching for the oblivious young lady’s reticule. He quickly strides in their direction and catches the boy’s wrist before he could steal the coin pouch. 

Ya!” Chanyeol barks.

Eunbo, who was busy admiring the fireworks, turns upon hearing the deep loud voice behind her. She sees Park Chanyeol rebuke a child, who then manages to tear his hand away from the adult man’s grasp and scamper away before disappearing amongst the throng of people. 

Chanyeol looks at the young maiden and straightens his posture. “That boy was about to steal your reticule.”

“Oh my!” Eunbo brings the pouch close to her chest. “Thank you so much. You have come to my rescue, yet again.”

“Do not mention it.” 

Meanwhile, as all eyes are on the crackling fireworks, Baekhyun seizes the opportunity and grabs the Crown Princess’ wrist. 

Mura turns in confusion before realizing who it is. “Choha?”

“Come with me.” And with that, Baekhyun drags the Crown Princess with him as they run away from the crowd and their group.

Choha, where are you taking me?” 

“Somewhere where there won’t be eyes on us.” 

After Chanyeol returns to his original spot, the Crown Prince is nowhere to be found. 

Eunbo, who has followed him, notices the worry on his face. 

Chanyeol then weaves through the crowd to get to Janshil, who has been focused on the fireworks above. 

“Where’s the Crown Princess?” Chanyeol asks the maid. 

“Huh?” Janhsil looks around, expecting her mistress to be standing by her, but she can’t be located. “I… I thought…” Her expression twists with growing worry.

“Damn it!” Chanyeol curses before proceeding to hysterically search for his master and royal cousin.

Janshil, Eunbo, and her maid aid in the search. 

Baekhyun and Mura come to a stop at a spot less crowded and far from the eyes of Mura’s cousins. Both of them pant from the exertion. 

“Chanyeol oraboni is sure to go mad when he realizes our absence,” Mura says.

Baekhyun makes a remorseful expression. “Yes, I’m aware.”

“Care to share why you’ve stolen me away from the others?”

“We have not been able to speak with each other, at all.”

“And who’s at fault for that?”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. 

“The fireworks have ceased,” Mura remarks staring at the sky. 

Baekhyun looks up, “So, it seems.” He then looks at his consort. “Have you been enjoying your time?”

Mura grins, nodding. “Very much so. Although I am saddened with the knowledge that is the last time I'll get to experience this.”

Baekhyun smiles at her sadly. 

“Thank you, Choha. Thank you so very much for making it possible. I am indebted to you,” Mura expresses sincerely. 

“Don't be. This is the fruit of your own labor. You won the bet, after all.”

Mura chuckles. A brief silence follows before Mura speaks again. “Choha.”

Baekhyun hums in response. 

“What are your opinions of Eunbo Kyusu?”

Baekhyun frowns at the irrelevant question. “I have not spoken a word to her, thus I have none.”

“Not even on her looks?”

Baekhyun’s frown grows deeper. “Why do you ask such a strange question.”

“Does the name Yoo Eunbo not ring a bell to you?”

Baekhyun shakes his head. 

“She’s the daughter of Scholar Yoo Jwageun, She had been one of the three, alongside me, chosen for the final stage of the selection process.”

“Is it so? Well, I do not recall.”

Mura tries to read the other’s expression. “Did you know there is a possibility she may be appointed as your concubine?”

Baekhyun did not know that and the knowledge displeases him. He is aware that there will come a time when he will be pressured into taking in concubines but that is something he didn’t think he should have to worry about any time soon.

“And so, do you find her pretty?” Mura asks.

Baekhyun smirks. “What if I do?” 

Mura’s expression falters.

“Would it make you jealous?”

Mura scoffs, laughing. “Why should it make me jealous? I should be quite happy for you.”

Now it’s Baekhyun’s expression that falters. “Is it so?”

“Of course! Eunbo Kyusu is a lovely, lovely woman.”

“I see. Should you think she may find my disposition to be— what was it again— prickly?” Baekhyun teases.

“I had mentioned it to Jongdae only once at the very beginning before we became friends. And, in my defense, you were indeed quite prickly then.”

Baekhyun chuckles. “Then do you suggest that I should take Eunbo Kyusu as my concubine?”

“If so desire. She possesses impressive sensibility, grace, and dignity. She should make for a fine royal consort. In all honesty, I had presumed the palace would select her to be the Crown Princess Consort. She’s everything I’m not.” Mura stares at her fingers while she plays with her pair of garakje that the Crown Prince had gifted her.

“If she’s nothing like you then I’m afraid I do not care to have her as my concubine.”

Mura shoots a surprised glance at the Crown Prince, who wears a tender expression. She doesn’t know what to make of that statement. Is the Crown Prince teasing her again? And why does the statement make a small part of her dance with elation?

Meanwhile, Chanyeol and Janshil continue their search for the Crown Prince and Princes, with Eunbo and her maid following behind, as they venture further and further away from their original spot. 

“I think I see them!” Janshil cries when she catches sight of the two from some distance away and points at them. 

Chanyeol’s eyes follow where the maid is pointing before he, too, sees them. He sighs in relief and is about to walk in their direction when he feels someone grab him by the arm. He turns to find Miss Eunbo’s fingers curled around his elbow. He casts her a puzzled look. 

Eunbo immediately draws back her hand. “My apologies, but perhaps we should allow them some privacy.” 

Chanyeol furrows his brows at her.

Eunbo smiles softly. “Earlier, at the tea parlor, the Crown Princess had let it slip that Byun Naegeumwi was in fact the Crown Prince.”

“I see.” Chanyeol sighs, before looking ahead in the direction of the Crown Prince and Princess. They appear to be safe, so he takes Miss Eunbo’s suggestion and watches them from afar. 

“Oh no!” Mura cries. “I do not have a flame stick! How am I to light the lantern?”

With a charming smile, Baekhyun presents her with a flame stick.

Mura smiles back, pleased. 

Baekhyun removes the cap of the flame stick— a short, hollowed bamboo tube with a small piece of flammable fabric folded inside of it— and blows on the tip, which ignites a small flame. He then uses it to light the paper lantern in Mura’s possession.

Choha, do you know, it is tradition to make a wish before you release the lantern?”

“Is that so?”

Mura nods. “The higher the lantern floats, the more likely Heaven will grant one's wish. Come, hold the lantern with me and let us make our wishes.” 

Baekhyun places his hands at the base of the lantern. He watches the Crown Princess close her eyes, so he mimics her. He quietly thinks of his wish before opening his eyes back. His consort still has hers closed. Baekhyun takes this opportunity to silently admire her features. Even though he does this on a regular basis, he never tires of appreciating the other’s beauty. Eventually, the Crown Princess opens her eyes and she and Baekhyun share a tender smile. 

Some distance away, Eunbo cries, “oh, I need to light my lantern!” She turns to her maid, “Hand me the flame stick, quickly!”

The said maid presents her with the stick.

“Allow me,” Chanyeol speaks before taking the bamboo flame stick into his own hand. 

He removes the cap and blows on the tip. Once the flame is ignited, he carefully lights Eunbo’s orange-colored lantern. 

“Thank you.” Eunbo blushes.

“My pleasure.” Chanyeol feels a little bit of warmth creep up on his own cheeks.

“I do not see a lantern in your possession,” Eunbo remarks at the royal guard’s empty hands. 

“Ah, yes, I did not think to get one,” 

“You may share mine if you intend to make a wish.” 

“That is very kind of you, but that won’t be necessary.”

“Very well.” Eunbo then closes her eyes to make a wish— I no longer wish to remain the Crown Prince's woman.

The resounding sound of a mallet hammering a gong plate echoes through, informing the people that the much anticipated time to release the lanterns has arrived, at last. And thus, one after another, varied colored sky lanterns begin to take flight as they are emancipated from their owners’ grasps.

Mura and Baekhyun watch their scarlet lantern gradually ascend higher and higher. 

It doesn’t take long for the night sky to become decorated with floating multicolored beams.

“Isn’t it so pretty, Choha?” Mura asks admiring the sight.


The wind then begins to carry the lanterns further and further away from the people.

Baekhyun looks at the Crown Princess. “What did you wish for?”

Mura smiles, gazing down at the ground. “I wished for you to become a great king, one who will be revered by his people and who will take our nation to great heights.” She then looks to meet the other’s eyes. “Hence, quell your worries of the future for I am certain my wish will be granted.”

It seems the Crown Princess had overheard Baekhyun’s conversation with Chanyeol earlier. “It isn’t proper to eavesdrop, you know.” Baekhyun teases.

“I didn’t mean to.” Mura pouts. “I only intended to hand you and Chanyeol oraboni some sweets. I just happened upon the conversation in the process.”

“Well, how fortunate am I to have such a thoughtful consort? Thank you, Buin, for I am exceedingly touched by your thoughtfulness. Although I cannot help but feel bad that you wasted your wish on me when you could’ve wished for something you desired for yourself.”

“It wasn’t a waste, at all! How could a wish made for someone you hold dear possibly be a waste?”

Baekhyun feels his emotions intensify. “Are you so fond of me?”

Mura gifts him with a smile. “Yes.”

Baekhyun feels like he could take flight just like those paper lanterns. His heart swells with so much elation that it could explode at any moment like those fireworks they had witnessed earlier. Baekhyun’s aware that her fondness for him isn’t the same sort of fondness he holds for her, still, her admitting to it so freely affects Baekhyun profoundly. 

“Choha? What is the matter? Why are you crying?” Mura queries with concern. 

Baekhyun feels the wetness between his eyelids, as he blinks rapidly. Good heavens, he didn’t even realize he teared up. “I’m not crying. Something has got in my eye.” He then proceeds to sweep his fingers over his eyelids. 

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I can no longer feel whatever it was pricking at my eye.”

“That’s a relief.”

Baekhyun manages to compose himself. “Perhaps, we should reunite with the others. They all must be wondering where we disappeared off to.” He starts to walk. He can’t believe he teared up over something like that. His emotions got the best of him. 

Mura walks next to him. “By the way, what did you wish for?”

Baekhyun hums in thought. “I rather not share.”

Mura knits her brows. “Why not?”

“Oh, Chanyeol, you are here.” Baekhyun acknowledges his personal guard upon seeing him approach them. 

Janshil runs toward the Crown Princess. 

Eunbo isn’t present as she had left to rejoin the others moments ago. 

Choha, Mama, how could you venture away on your own?” Chanyeol speaks.

“Do not fret, Chanyeol. As you can see, we are perfectly fine.”

“Still, Choha—”

Choha,” Mura cuts in. “It isn’t fair! I shared my wish with you, which might I remind you was so kindly dedicated to you. I think that alone gives me the right to know yours.”

“No, I do not believe so,” Baekhyun says nonchalantly.


Sejabin, I assure you whatever it is, it isn't worth your persistent inquisitiveness.”

“Your insistence on keeping me in suspense only further encourages my curiosity.”

“Then dare I say, you are your own worst enemy.”

Choha…” Mura whines.

For the remainder of their time in town, the Crown Princess continues to probe the Crown Prince without success before she’s forced to concede upon their return to the palace, as they inevitably retire to their respective quarters.


 ╚══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══╝




1. Naegweumwi: royal guard.

2. Kyusu: a term used to address a young lady.



A/N: We got some EXO ot7 interactions!

What do you guys think Baek wished for? Wrong answers only! Lol. How sweet is Mura using her wish for Baekhyun's benefit? Baek was so touched he cried.  And was that jealousy we smelled from Mura?

Not Minseok flirting with Baek while Baek stays completely oblivious to his advances. Probably for the best. 

Jongdae being an idiot and not realizing the reason he thought Baek was familiar because of his resemblance to Hwa-in. 

And a possible love line between Yeol and Eunbo?

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I liked writing it! See you at the next one! Byeee! <3 <3 <3

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.