
Under the Peach Tree


Baekhyun enters the Queen's chamber to offer his daily morning respects, and as expected, he finds the Queen Dowager there as well.

When earlier, he had made it to his grandmother's residence, he was informed that she was expecting him at his mother's residence. Baekhyun had an inkling as to why both his mother and grandmother were expecting him, together. 

"Omamama, halmamama." He greets the two ladies before bowing to them. He then proceeds to sit on the floor cushion across from the two women.

"Seja, there is something we wish to discuss with you." The Queen starts.

"I may have an idea of what you wish to discuss." Baekhyun says.

"Then explain to us the reasons behind your accusations against the Crown Princess." Queen Dowager prompts. 

"Witchcraft?" The Queen says. "That is a hefty allegation, Seja. You know it is considered a severe crime---one punishable by death."

Baekhyun stares down on the floor. He knows he has made a grave mistake. He allowed himself to overthink and heeded the words of a likely charlatan just because she had validated his ridiculous suspicion. Baekhyun considers himself to be a man of reason, however, nothing about this act of his can be regarded as reasonable or fair. 

"It had been a misunderstanding on my part. I had falsely accused the Crown Princess of this nefarious act against my better judgment. All faults lie on me. Please, do not let it taint your opinion of the Crown Princess." Baekhyun expresses earnestly. 

"But, what had compelled you to make such an allegation, in the first place?" The Queen questions. 

"Omamama, I urge you to not ask me about my reasoning behind the wrongful claim. What matters is that the issue has been resolved. I ask that we do not probe at it any further."


"Please, omamama. I beg of you."

The Queen accedes with much reluctance. "Very well."

"So, you are certain that no witchcraft or anything adjacent to it is being exploited by the Crown Princess?" Queen Dowager wishes to make sure.

"Absolutely." Baekhyun answers. 

Just then a lady-in-waiting announces the arrival of the Crown Princess, who, too, has come to offer her morning respects.

Mura enters the chamber and finds the three figures now staring at her. 

"Daebi-mama, Chungjon-mama." Mura bows to the ladies. "Choha." She then bows to her husband. 

Baekhyun's existing guilt multiplies at the sight of his consort. "I shall take my leave. I mustn't be late for the morning study." With that, he gets up, bows to the two elders, and brushes past Mura to exit the chamber. 

"Sejabin, come sit." The Queen tells her. 

The three chat for several minutes. Per the Crown Prince's request, neither elders bring up the whole witchcraft affair. Mura, finally able to muster up the courage, decides to ask what she had intended to. 

"Chungjon-mama, today, I wish to discuss something with you, if it is all right..." Mura says meekly.

"What is it, Sejabin?" The Queen asks.

"I have an appeal, which I wish for you to consider."

"Go on."

"I was hoping that I may be permitted to practice my swordsmanship. You see, it is a dear hobby of mine---something I have been doing since I was a mere youngling. However, I was informed that I may not be allowed to. Hence, I come to you with this request. If you are to honor it, I shall forever be grateful of your grace."

"Oh, I see." The Queen hesitates. "It is just that playing with such a dangerous weapon... you are a precious little thing, we do not wish for you to be harmed in any manner."

"You mustn't worry about that. I am very skilled with the sword. I shall not use it in a manner that may bring any harm onto myself." Mura notices the Queen still isn't sold. "I can use a wooden sword to practice with. Would that perhaps quell your worries?" Yes, Mura had, previously, refused to use a wooden sword. However, she is left with no choice but to compromise.

"Enough of this." Queen Dowager interjects. "You are to one day become the queen, not a soldier. What is the purpose of such a violent hobby? I would've assumed the daughter of such an esteemed man as Park Sacheol to have more refined interests. A royal woman is expected to be the representative example of what a Choson woman ought to be---promoting proper womanly virtues. That is even truer for a future queen. Acts of aggression or violence shall be left to men. Perhaps, you should spend less time thinking about playing with weapons and more time reflecting upon what wrong deed you must have committed for your husband to accuse you of witchcraft."

Mura's gaze falls with dejection. So, the murmurings have reached their ears. 

"And, might I also suggest you acquire a new hobby for yourself, Sejabin. Perhaps, embroidery will be a more suitable recreation." Queen Dowager adds.

Mura glumly walks in the direction of her residence. When she reaches the shared courtyard of her and the Crown Prince's quarters, she sees eunuch Samnom stepping out of the latter's residence. 

The eunuch bows to the Crown Princess upon seeing her before continuing on his path. However, his steps are impeded from going further, as Mura blocks his way. 

Samnom---perplexed---offers a small bow. "Choha has asked me to fetch this book for him." He shares, slightly raising the book in his possession. 

He sidesteps in order to move away from the Crown Princess and attempts, again, at proceeding towards his destination; but the other, too, sidesteps to stand before the eunuch, obstructing his path, again. 

Now, Samnom is even more perplexed. He raises his head to find a displeased expression on the Crown Princess' face. 

"What is your name?" Mura asks in a cool tone.

"Bu-Bu Samnom, Mama." The eunuch answers nervously.

Mura hums in a somber tone. "Bu Naegwan1, care to share as to why the Crown Prince had assumed that I had performed witchcraft on him?"

"Forgive me, Mama, but I do not know, myself. Choha hasn't imparted his reasons to me."

"You expect me to believe that?"

Samnom bows apologetically. "I swear by it. Truly." It was the truth---the Crown Prince hadn't shared his reasons with his eunuch. However, even if he had, Samnom would never reveal anything that his master wishes to keep confidential.

Mura squints at the eunuch----not trusting his words. "You may go." She says curtly.

Samnom offers one last bow before resuming his short journey back to his master. But, he feels the weight of the Crown Princess' cold gaze on him as he walks. Who knew she was such a terrifying being?

After judgementally staring at the eunuch for several seconds, Mura turns and makes her way to her quarters. 

"Stay here. I wish to be alone." She tells her attendants before entering her chamber. 

The earlier refusal of her request has been a big blow to Mura's already depressed state of mind. She had thought that training with her sword, an activity she cherishes dearly, would act as a form of solace for her in this rigid setting of the royal palace. However, even that has been denied to her. Mura finds her new environment to be utterly suffocating. So much so, that every muscle in her body is screaming for her to run---run away from her retinue---past all the palace buildings, the guards, and the gates.

She sighs dismally. If only she could. If only...


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Sleep has refused to come to Baekhyun, just as it had the night before. Guilt has a way of doing that----decays one's mind to the point of sleeplessness. The previous day's blunder, where he had accused the Crown Princess of witchcraft, weighs in his mind. Yet, his pride impedes him from admitting to it and apologizing to his consort. Baekhyun sighs and leaves his bed to stand by one of the windows. He opens the one that directly faces the Crown Princess' residence and gazes at it. The Crown Prince is unsure what, precisely, he expects to gain from staring at the other's quarters. A glimpse of his consort is unlikely in this hour. Yet, he continues to gaze at it and thinks of ways to apologize to the Crown Princess, tomorrow.

Then, Baekhyun squints, as he notices something----a female figure emerging from the back of the Crown Princess' residence. Baekhyun cannot identify the individual, as she has a veil shrouding over her. At first, he assumes it's one of the palace maids, however, the rather tall stature reminds him of the Crown Princess. The woman vanishes from Baekhyun's sight, and curious, he quietly hurdles through the window and walks in the same direction as the woman with the intention to follow her. He chooses to not alert anyone, lest it is not the Crown Princess, as he suspects. 

Baekhyun continues to stealthily walk on that path but the woman is nowhere to be seen. Just when he thinks he's lost her, he notices a figure making a turn at a corner. He quickly moves to catch up, hoping it is the same woman. As he makes the same turn he is met with the sight of the back of the woman standing in front of a wall, that separates the palace from the outside world, with a ladder leaning against it. It seems she intends to climb it.

"What do you suppose you are doing?" Baekhyun says in a stern voice. 

The woman flinches from the sudden voice coming from behind, but doesn't turn. 

"Who are you? Turn around and reveal yourself." The Crown Prince commands.

The woman does not comply, as she remains unmoving with her veil still in place.

"I said to turn around and reveal yourself. Do not make your Crown Prince repeat himself." Baekhyun threatens. 

This time the woman heeds his words and slowly turns around.

"Lower your veil." Baekhyun orders. 

The woman reluctantly lowers her veil, revealing her face. 

Baekhyun's eyes turn incensed at the confirmation of his suspicion. "Sejabin..."

Mura trembles in her place with fear. "I wasn't intending on sneaking out." She blurts out in a fit of pure nervousness. She bites her tongue immediately after, realizing her stupidity. She cowers, even more, when the Crown Prince's expression turns into that of sheer rage. Mura bows promptly. "I had only intended to leave for a short while. No longer than an hour." 

"Whether for an hour or less, it does not matter, I'm certain you are aware that royals are not to leave the palace grounds, unnecessarily, for any amount of time. Especially, unaccompanied, and especially, without permission. No one may act against this mandate." Baekhyun's lectures. "What is of such importance taking place outside of these walls that you resorted to disregarding the palace rules to secretly slip away under the cloak of night?"

Mura doesn't utter a word, as her eyes remain locked on the ground. 

"Answer me!" Baekhyun bellows.

Mura flinches. "I... I was merely seeking some reprieve from the palace."

Baekhyun frowns. "What do you mean by it?"

"In all honestly, the palace has been rather unstimulating for someone like myself. I was yearning for a bit of adventure." Mura's voice tapers down at the last sentence.

"What?" Baekhyun chuckles wryly. "Unbelievable. Not only do you try to disrespect the rules of the royal palace but you dare belittle its integrity. You think because you're the daughter of the second state councilor that somehow grants you the liberty to speak of the palace in such a manner?"

"No, that isn't---"

"Silence!" Baekhyun shouts. "Allow me to inform you of something, Sejabin, and do remember it henceforth, you are nothing but a vessel for a future heir. Your title of Crown Princess Consort amounts to next to nothing until then. And, even then, you are disposable. The sooner you accept this truth, I believe, the better it will be for your arrogance." His tone comes out as venomous.

Mura swallows a lump in . "Then do it---dispose of me. Strip me of my title and banish me from the palace. I shall be so grateful."

Baekhyun's eyes become large, while his eyebrows narrow. "What did you just say?"

"I don't believe you are deaf, Choha." Mura dares to say.

Baekhyun flares his nostrils, as he seethes. "You--- you think this is all a mere joke!" He yells. "You have the gall to be so flippant of the honor that has been bestowed upon you! If you despise the court life so much, perhaps, you should've thought twice before partaking in the selection process. Why did you even? Hmm? Were you too tempted by the shining prospect? Was the appeal of becoming queen one day too great for your ravenous ambitions?"

"I didn't!" Mura shouts, as she couldn't bear the malicious words any longer. "I didn't choose this. It wasn't my own design." She chokes out, while she tries to wipe off the incoming tears assaulting her eyes. "I never carried with me such ambitions of which you speak. The decision was made in my stead. Rather, it was imposed upon me." She begins to sob, unable to hold it in, any longer. 

Baekhyun blinks, while his expression turns from anger to surprise at the revelation. The two stand there for a minute or so, without exchanging any words. The Crown Prince's chest constricts slightly at the sight of the other crying. His consort looks like a helpless child, while she whimpers and sniffles.

"Let us return to our quarters." Baekhyun says softly. 

Mura obliges and proceeds to walk in the direction of their quarters; Baekhyun following her closely. Once they reach their shared courtyard, the Crown Prince waits until his consort enters her residence, before setting foot inside his own dwelling.

It is safe to say, Baekhyun finds very little sleep that night. 


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Naegwan: A term used to address a eunuch.





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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.