
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Kindly excuse any mistakes. 



Janshil enters the Crown Princess’ bed chamber dressed in ordinary clothes; not her usual uniform. 

“Ah, Janshil-ah, what brings you here? I presumed you had left for the day already,” Mura says.

It is an off day for the maid, who has chosen to spend it out in town. “I had wished to drop by quickly before I left. Is there anything I may bring for you from town?”

Mura smiles at her maid’s generous offer. “Nothing at all, though I am grateful for the offer.”

“Are you certain, Mama?”

“Positive. Now, shoo, go have a marvelous day off,” Mura says while gesturing with her hand.

Janshil smiles before bowing. “I wish you a marvelous day, as well, Mama.” She practically skips out of the chamber. 

“Mama, Bu Naegwan1 seeks your permission to enter,” Mura’s own eunuch announces of the Crown Prince’s personal eunuch from the other side of her chamber door. 

“Let him in.”

Samnom enters the chamber and bows to the Crown Princess. “Mama, if you are idle at present the Crown Prince wishes for your presence at the horse stable.”

Mura gives a questioning look at the eunuch. “At the horse stable? Whatever for?”

“That I do not know, Mama. I was simply asked to summon you.”

“I see.” Mura calls for her lady-in-waiting.

Madam Choi appears before her. “Yes, Mama?”

“Prepare the retinue, it seems we are to travel to the horse stable.”

Once Mura reaches the stable she finds the Crown Prince in his riding attire standing next to a large dark brown horse, petting its black mane. 

“Ah, Sejabin,” Baekhyun speaks upon noticing his consort. 

Mura bows. “I was told you wished for my presence.”

“Yes, yes. I had fancied a horse ride through the forest today, I had hoped for you to join me. I assumed you should rather find it refreshing. But then Chanyeol here…” Baekhyun points at his personal guard, who’s standing not far behind him. “...informed me that you have never ridden a horse before.”

Mura exchanges a quick glance with her cousin. “Ah, yes, that would be correct.” 

“I found it quite surprising. I assumed the thrill of riding would’ve caught the intrigue of someone with an adventurous spirit as yours.”

“Ah, I’m sure that is true for most, it is not in my case, however,” Mura says regretfully. “I apologize that I am unable to join you though I wish you a joyous ride, regardless.”

“Oh, but you are still to join me, Sejabin.

Mura casts a look of confusion. 

Baekhyun chuckles. “You shall ride with me on my horse.”

“Uh…” Mura hesitates. 

“Please, I should be most obliged.”

“Forgive me, Choha, but I must most regretfully decline your request.”

Baekhyun knits his eyebrows. “And why is that?”

“Umm… uh…”

“Come now, whatever it is, enlighten me.”

 “Well, the thing is…” Mura pauses. 

“Yes?” Baekhyun waits for her to finish the thought. 

Mura makes an expression as though she is ashamed to admit it. “I’m afraid of it. I’m afraid of riding a horse!” She blurts out.

There is a momentary silence before Baekhyun bursts into a roaring laugh. “You mean to say our brave, sword-wielding Crown Princess is afraid of riding a mere horse?”

Mura becomes defensive. “My fears are entirely prompted, Choha. A horse is an animal of erratic temperament. Easily swayed by its environment. It may toss its rider off its back if it so wishes, causing one to possibly get severely injured as a result. And that is only one of the many perils of riding. I merely do not wish to be at the mercy of such an animal’s unpredictable nature.” She reasons.

Baekhyun chuckles. “Sejabin, rest assured, these horses are just as well trained as I am competent at riding them. There shall be no injuries being inflicted upon anyone today.”

“Regardless, I must vehemently refuse!”

“Oh, come now, Sejabin, it is not as if we are riding it to battle. All morning I have been so eagerly awaiting to go for a ride with you in company. You cannot possibly deny me of my wishes like so, hm?”

Choha, I beg of you,” Mura pleads. 

“And, I must beg you.” Baekhyun gently places each of his hands on each of Mura’s arms. “Please, grant me this wish, will you? Let this be a day of overcoming fears. Fears that I assure should prove misguided.”

Mura scrunches her face and whines. 

Baekhyun advances closer to the other. “I promise, for as long as I shall live, no harm shall befall you.”

There’s something in the way the Crown Prince looks at Mura, the way his fingers are firmly curled around her arms in reassurance, and the earnestness in his voice that has her heart pulsing in a manner that makes her all too aware of it.

Badum. Badum. Badum.

Baekhyun senses the other’s resolution come apart. He smiles. “Come." He takes the other's hand and pulls her toward his horse before placing that hand over the equine’s elongated forehead. “Here, pet him. His name is Seungli.”

Mura doesn’t miss the way the Crown Prince’s fingers linger over that hand of hers for far too long before delicately brushing the said hand with those fingers as he releases it from his touch.

She cautiously pets the horse. “Seungli-ah, I beg of you to not throw us off your back.”

The plea brings a chuckle out of Baekhyun. “He wouldn’t dare. He’s a gentle soul, I promise.”

As Mura struggles to mount the horse, she suddenly feels two hands glide along her sides, making her flinch. She turns her head and is met with the Crown Prince’s face not too far from her own. Not too far, at all.

The Crown Prince gives a small smile. “Allow me to assist you,” he murmurs before his grip tightens around Mura’s waist, causing her to in a breath and hold it. “Let us count to three—- one, two…”

At the count of three Mura presses her foot down on the stirrup and hoists herself up while Baekhyun helps propel her higher making it possible for her to mount the horse successfully this time. 

Once her husband’s hands leave her waist is when Mura is able to breathe again.

 Baekhyun then mounts himself on the equine, taking his seat behind the Crown Princess. Both his hands surround the Crown Princess on either side as he keeps hold of the rein. “Comfortable?”

Mura doesn’t know how to answer that. Not when the Crown Prince is surrounding her like so; his breath fanning over her ears and neck. Their proximity may be a bit too intimate, but it’s not like they have much room to work around. “Yes,” she chooses to answer. 

Baekhyun gently tugs on the rein and taps a foot against the horse's side in order to get it to start moving. 

As the horse gets moving, Mura lets out a gasp and stiffens her body from fear.

“Be at ease, Sejabin. It is all fine and dandy. We’re simply taking it down for a stroll.”

“Easier said than done,” Mura mutters.

Baekhyun only smiles mirthfully. 

They’re being closely followed by Chanyeol, who is riding a horse of his own.

They make it past the gates of the palace and enter the forest adjacent to it. 

“Quite refreshing, do you not think, Sejabin?”

Mura surveys their surrounding as they slowly advance deeper into the forest. It is not as lush but certain trees still seem to be retaining their leaves in this winter season. Regardless, there being little greenery, the place still offers a much-needed respite from the mundaneness of the palace. “Yes, refreshing indeed.”

“This isn’t so bad now, is it?”

Thus far so good, Mura thinks.

“It isn’t long until Spring should grace us,” Baekhyun comments. “I am eagerly awaiting it. The winter this season has been far too unkind.”

“Yes, I, too, am greatly anticipating the spring,” Mura says, smiling

The horse then suddenly decides to let out a snort while giving its head a shake. 

This startles Mura and she instinctively clutches one of the arms belonging to the Crown Prince before burying her head on his shoulder. She hears the Crown Prince chuckle. 

“Nothing to fret over. Seungli is only letting us know that he is content,” Baekhyun informs. 

Mura tilts her head up and sees the Crown Prince smiling down at her.

“Although, I can’t say I quite mind you holding on to me with your dear life.” Baekhyun playfully remarks. 

Mura instantly backs away. “Apologies, Choha.”

“None necessary. As I’ve just said, I do not mind it. Feel free to embrace me even, if you wish.” Baekhyun gives a playful smirk.

Heat rises to Mura’s face. She turns her head and looks ahead. “That won’t be necessary.”

Once the Crown Princess' nerves have seemingly calmed down, Baekhyun lets out a whistle while giving the rein a light tug. This sends the horse from walking leisurely to trotting.

Mura yelps at the change of pace. 

“Still nothing to worry about,” Baekhyun assures. “I am in full control of the horse.”

Mura gradually relaxes and soon giggles at the way her body lightly bounces to the motion of the horse trotting, finding the sensation rather amusing. 

Baekhyun smiles at the way the Crown Princess seemingly eases into the pace of the ride. He decides to increase the pace a little and the horse gradually trots faster and faster. 

A sense of delightful thrill suddenly begins to creep up on Mura.

Sejabin, what do you say we go faster?”

Mura bites her bottom lip, feeling quite brave, she nods.

Ha!” Baekhyun shouts his command while steering the horse to move faster. This causes the horse to move at a canter, producing a shriek out of the Crown Princess before she is all laughter and giggles. 

Chanyeol behind them is also forced to increase his momentum in order to catch up to the Crown Prince. 

Emboldened by the Crown Princess’ delighted response, Baekhyun commands the horse to move faster, earning him another loud shrill from his consort as the horse now gallops at full speed.

Mura’s body bounces up and down, while the wind sweeps against her face. Her senses become alight in the most titillating way. All her worries leave her mind and she completely surrenders to the thrill, as she shuts her eyes and howls with excitement. 

Behind her, Baekhyun releases a hearty laugh, equally enjoying the thrill; all the more so for having it shared with his beloved consort.

After riding for a while, they eventually come to a stop. Chanyeol, too, coming to a halt not far behind.

“Do you remember this place, Sejabin?”

Mura smiles looking upon the horizon. “I do, I remember it vividly.”

Their paths through the forest have led them to the cliff located behind the palace that the Crown Prince and Princess had once snuck out to all those months ago. Although it looks different now. Missing is the rich green grass, making it look more barren. 

Baekhyun dismounts the horse before helping Mura to do the same by placing firm grips on either side of her waist and carefully lowering her to the ground.

This action, again, renders Mura breathless for the duration the Crown Prince’s hands remain on her waist. 

Baekhyun looks upon his consort with tenderness. “Did you enjoy the ride?”

Mura averts his gaze. “Yes, it was truly most exciting.” She moves away from the Crown Prince and walks near the edge of the cliff before sitting down. 

Baekhyun joins her, while Chanyeol stands guard behind them, some distance away.

“Perhaps you should take up on riding now that you have eased into it,” Baekhyun suggests. 

“Doing it on my own is an entirely different story. I do not trust myself to properly command an aminal to safely carry me from one point to another.”

The Crown Prince rests his head on Mura’s shoulder, an unexpected move that leaves her puzzled.

“No matter, I suppose, you do have me. I shall gladly be your personal horseman whenever you do fancy a ride.”

“What are you doing, Choha?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Why do you have your head on my shoulder?”

“To rest, of course. I am rather weary from the exertion of riding.”

Mura does not contest further and allows the Crown Prince to rest his head on her shoulder. 

“I have been thinking,” Baekhyun says.


“Of how we should shed the formalities when addressing each other. At least, when it is only the two of us.”



“I suppose we could do that. So, does this mean I may call you by your name?”

“Of course not. I am still the Crown Prince, you may not address me by my name.”

“But you just suggested we shed the formalities, and given that you are younger than I am in age, it should be perfectly appropriate for me to address you by your name.”

Baekhyun raises his head to look at the other and shakes it. “That wasn’t quite what I was suggesting. Rather, I propose you address me as sobangnim2 while I address you as buin3.”

“Uh…” Mura lets out a nervous chuckle. “And why should we address each other as that?”

“Why not? We are married, are we not? Isn’t it how married partners address one another?”

Mura speechlessly blinks at the Crown Prince. What sort of nonsense is he spouting all of a sudden? Yes, they are a wedded couple but the true nature of their relationship isn't that of husband and wife. 

Baekhyun flashes a charming smile and tilts his head to the side endearingly. “What do you say, Buin.” 

Badum. Badum. Badum.

“You jest with me, Your Highness,” Mura says, ignoring her thrumming heart.

“Not at all, I am simply exercising my right to call my wife with the appropriate term.” He flashes another brilliant smile. “Buin.”

Badum. Badum. Badum.

Mura evades the other’s gaze. “The breeze has turned rather frosty, we should return to the palace promptly, otherwise we may catch a chill.” She hurriedly stands up and makes her way to the stranded horse. 

Baekhyun can’t help but chuckle to himself. He gets up and finds Mura struggling to mount the horse. “Ah, Buin, allow me.”

“You must stop teasing me, Choha.”

“No, no, not Choha. Sobangnim, Buin. Call me Sobangnim.”

The two then bicker the entire way back to the palace as Baekhyun insists on being addressed as sobangnim while Mura refuses to indulge him.


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“The skin below her jaw sizzled at his fiery touch. The young lord then reached for her jeogori lace, making her shudder. “Doryeonnim4?” She breathed. “Nangja5, pray allow me to worship your splendor in its form, for though it may be immoral in the eyes of a society that fails to recognize love in its purest form; in truth it shall stand as the ultimate expression of the burning passion I carry in your name, stemming only from my irrevocable love for you.” The young lord’s proclamation made with a rather seductive tone sent arousing chills across her body. “Doryeonnim,” she whispered. “Nangja,” the young lord whispered back before their lips met in the most torrid kiss. The pleasures that had followed once they had both stripped down to their skins, left the maiden begging for more and more… and more. ” The narrator— a young woman— finishes reading out the words from the book she holds in a dramatic fashion to a room full of women who squeal in response.

Some fan themselves with their hands as they turn flush and the heat branches across their faces, while others blushingly giggle into their palms. Janshil finds herself belonging to the latter group of women, as she quietly giggles away at the lubricious words being narrated to them. But this is what she came for—- what all these women present in the room with her came for—- looking to be transported to the wicked world of a through literature for a bit of thrill.

For Janshil this isn’t her first foray into, what many would consider, indecent waters. In fact, partaking in such indecency is actually a hobby of the young maid. She has always enjoyed a good salacious love story and thus chooses to spend her off days immersing herself in one.

However, Janshil is unable to read, or write for that matter, as she has the misfortune of being illiterate. But this troublesome disadvantage has never prevented her thirst for consuming some good old romance. Hence why she, and others like her, often find themselves cramped inside a small room in the back of a bookshop being regaled with a passionate love tale in exchange for a couple of coins. 

The very room that they are in today, being read from the latest novel penned by a mysterious author who, despite having a small body of work, has managed to garner the fervent admiration of a certain population of women in the Hanyang6 society. Janshil being one of them.

The palace maid often entertains daydreams of someday meeting with this favorite author of hers, but she is also aware that the likelihood of it ever happening is next to nothing.

Texts containing any form of vulgarity are unlawful in Choson. Hence they are written, transcribed, and distributed illicitly, while the authors’ identities remain concealed behind pen names. 

All of this should make it rather impossible for Janshil to ever meet with the author, who shall remain mysterious.

“We shall conclude the reading here for today.” The narrator announces. 

The attendees all whine in disappointment.

“If you wish to continue with the story then make sure to return next week, same day and time. We will resume from where we left off,” The narrator informs. 

Janshil’s expression drops. She will be unable to return next week. This is one of the main drawbacks of relying on another to do the reading for you. There have been several stories she has gone through either unfinished or missing parts of it. 

Janshil comes out of the bookshop with a long face. She really wishes to learn about the events that will take place next in this particular story. She stops abruptly on her path and chews on her bottom lip for a moment before her feet take her back inside the bookshop.

Moments later she steps out of the shop with a smile and a book in her possession. Yes, Janshil ended up purchasing the book. She felt compelled to do so because she found the premise to be quite engaging and she thought this was the author’s best work yet. 

There’s something about a romance between a young lord and a low-born handmaid who is pretending to be a well-bred young lady managed to tickle Janshil’s fancy like no other story before it. Sure, she cannot read it herself, but maybe, someday in the future, an opportunity will arise where she may find someone to read it for her. 

She stares at the cover of the book with a smile. The letters on it do not make any sense to her but regardless she is delighted to be in possession of it— her very first book. Now, all she has to do is sneak it inside the maids’ quarters without detection and store it where no one may find it. 

“A Maid’s Honor.”

Janshil hears someone utter the title of the book from behind her. She instantly brings the book close to her chest and turns to face the owner of the voice. “Sehun Doryeonnim?”

The young lord flashes a charming smile. “Good day to you, too, Janshil.”

Remembering her manners, she promptly offers her bow.

“Fancy seeing you outside of the Royal Palace.”

“Ah, yes, it is a rest day for me.”

“How delightful.”

Janshil nods. “Yes.” There is an awkward silence. “Well, I suppose I should get—”

“The book in your possession, is it a good read? What’s it about?”

“Uh…” Janshil stalls in order to come up with an explanation. “Ah, I do not know myself. I was asked by an acquaintance of mine to pick it up from the shop on her behalf. I do not even know how to read.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I’m sure it is an interesting read. From the title alone, I reckon it’s a romance—‘A Maid’s Honor.’ I suppose this acquaintance of yours enjoys stories about love.”

Janshil chuckles nervously. “She does indeed.”

Another uncomfortable silence follows.

“So, where are you off to now?” Sehun asks.

“I am returning to the palace.”

“I see. Well, allow me to you there.”

“Oh, that won’t be necessary, Doryeonnim. Although I am grateful for the offer—”

“Please, I insist.”

“Truly, you do not need to inconvenience yourself.”

“Oh, nonsense. It is of inconvenience, at all.”

“No, please, there is no need for you to go through such troubles.”

“As I’ve just said, it is no trouble—”

Doryeonnim!" Janshil utters harshly. "Is this your attempt at courting me?”

Sehun is rendered stunned by the question. “I… I beg your pardon?”

“Please, forgive this lowly maid for being so bold and having the audacity to assume a man of your esteemed birth could possibly be interested in someone of less than humble origins as mine. However, given your eagerness to converse with me during your every visit to the Crown Princess, stealing glances at me at every chance you get, and sending flirtatious smiles my way,  I cannot help but wonder if you perhaps have intentions of courting me?” If there’s anything Janshil has learned from romance novels, it’s the many nonverbal cues a man may send a woman they are likely interested in— intentionally or not.

“I–uh–how–what?” Sehun can’t even find it to form a proper sentence. It isn’t untrue that he fancies the maid, but he was under the impression that he was being quite subtle in his approach. It seems he had been wrong.

Janshil keeps her gaze lowered. “If I am mistaken then I must sincerely apologize for my impudence. However, if my assumptions are true then might I remind you that I am a palace maid and as such, I am not allowed to be courted. Consorting with a man as a palace maid is a crime punishable by death. A punishment which should only be inflicted upon me as a mere low-born. Your privilege as nobility will bar you from such damnation. Hence, I must implore you to immediately cease any attempts at courtship you’ve been intending.”

Sehun’s expression sours. Still finding it hard to relay his thoughts. He wasn’t at all prepared to have a talk regarding his intentions with the maid when he approached her moments ago.

“If you have nothing to add I shall take it as you're understanding of this matter. In any case, I must get going, Doryeonnim. Again, my utmost apologies for my discourtesy.” Janshil bows before turning her heels and proceeding to walk away. 

Sehun pouts, disappointed, and a little heartbroken. He realizes how foolish he had been to think that perhaps there was a chance for him to explore something with the maid, despite him knowing that there laid many obstacles before them. He was blinded by her beauty which had attracted him to her in the first place. He tuts at his own naivety before turning around and going his own way.


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1. Naegwan: A term used to address a eunuch.

2. Sobangnim: Husband. Usually used to address one's husband in an intimate way. 

3. Buin: Wife. Usually used to address one's wife in an intimate way. 

4. Doryeonnim: A term used to address a young lord. 

5. Nangja: A term used to address a young lady. 

6. Hanyang: Capital of Choson.



A/N: Look at our Crown Prince shamelessly flirting with Mura and her getting all flustered. Hehe. Don't think she even realizes she is being flirted with, she's so clueless. 


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.