
Under the Peach Tree


The royal wedding takes place in two days. Mura has been couped up in the detached palace for the past twenty-eight days, and it has been having an undesirable effect on her. If she feels stifled to this extent in merely twenty-eight days, how is she to cope with this for the rest of her life? She thinks of all the things she would miss.

The sound of her chamber door sliding open brings Mura out of her musing. "Agasshi, should I blow out the candles?" Janshil asks.

It is nighttime, and Mura is in her bed ready for sleep. "Yes." She lays down. 

Janshil proceeds to blow out the candles, leaving a couple of them still lit. "Have a peaceful sleep, agasshi." She says before exiting the chamber.

After several minutes pass by, Mura sits up. She tiptoes towards the door before leaning her ear against the door. She hears no sound. She is in the clear. 

Mura quickly but quietly changes out of her nightclothes and grabs a veil before she tiptoes towards the window. She carefully opens it, and quietly climbs out. She pulls the veil over her and makes a run for a few hours of freedom, for one last time.


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Mura ends up at a tavern, drinking her sorrows away. "Jumo1, more, please." She asks for more alcohol from the barmaid.

A few tables away, Jongin has been observing a lone woman drinking. She appears to be of noble bred and seems melancholic. For some reason, it makes Jongin curious about her. After all, it is not every day you see a young lady alone at a tavern at this hour. A pretty one at that. Jongin notices the woman get up, and proceed to leave the premises. And, Jongin finds himself wanting to follow her, so he quickly gets up."

"Leaving?" One of his acquaintances asks him. 

"Yes." Jongin's gaze is locked on the woman. "Have a lovely evening, fellas." He bids his goodbye to the table before rushing out to catch up to the woman.

As soon as Jongin is at a safe distance from the young lady, he slows down and silently walks behind her. The woman seems to be aimlessly wandering. He keeps following her until they reach a bridge, when the woman abruptly halts her steps. Jongin quickly halts his. The woman turns around to face Jongin. 

"You! Are you following me?" Mura questions suspiciously.

"Me?" Jongin utters. "N-no, of course not. I am simply on my way home."

Mura relaxes her shoulders, believing the lie. "Oh, my apologies. I misunderstood."

Jongin wonders if the woman is always this easy to believe people's words, or is it her inebriated mind's inability to call his bluff. "It is quite all right. However, if I may say so, is it not unsafe for a young maiden, such as yourself, to be walking alone on the streets at this hour?"

"I am perfectly capable of protecting myself." Mura boasts. "Look," She discretely pulls out a knife from the inside of her sleeve. "And, I also know how to use it well." She half whispers.

Jongin holds in a chuckle and makes a serious face. "Ah, I see. I must apologize for my assumptions. Whoever shall dare to cross you will be foolishly unaware of what is to come for them."

"Precisely!" Mura agrees.

There is a pregnant pause. "Well, I suppose I shall get going then. Be safe." Jongin proceeds to walk past Mura, but then stops. "If you do not mind my saying, you look quite saddened by something."

Mura is surprised by Jongin's accurate observation. "Is it so obvious?"

Jongin nods.

Mura pouts. "Chanyeol oraboni always says I am easy to read."

Jongin does not ask who this Chanyeol person is. "What troubles you, if I may ask?"

Mura sighs sadly before walking towards the railing of the bridge. She looks into the distance. "Where do I even begin? Let's just say my life has taken a rather unfortunate turn."

Jongin moves to stand beside her. "I offer you my sympathy."

Mura suddenly turns to the man next to her. "Sir, do you perhaps happen to be a man of influence?"

Jongin is taken aback by the question. Nevertheless, he is curious about her intent. "What if I were to say yes?"

Mura leans closer, an opportunity for Jongin to take in her beautiful features, and she whispers. "In that case, can you arrange for a person to be smuggled out of Hanyang?" Hanyang being the capital of Choson.

Jongin can't help but chuckle at the outrageous request. His curiosity is growing tenfolds. "Do you happen to be speaking of yourself?" He whispers.

Mura nods.

"And, why might you need to be smuggled out of Hanyang?" 

"I wish to escape."

"Escape what? Perhaps a criminal conviction?"

Mura is quick to dismiss it. "No, no! I'm no criminal, sir!"

"Shh, you must keep your voice down. You do not wish to attract any unwanted attention to our very secretive discussion, now do you?" It takes Jongin a lot to not break his facade. This is far too amusing.

Mura shakes her head aggressively.

"So, enlighten me, what do you plan to escape?" 

"A wedding." Mura goes back to whispering.

For some strange reason, Jongin feels his heart drop. "Oh, so you are betrothed to someone?"


"Hmm. May I ask why you do not wish to wed this individual?"

"I have come to find out he and his family are devoid of gaiety."

An amused snort accidentally slips out of Jongin, but he is quick to change his expression to a sincere one. "That is quite unfortunate and might I add, a perfectly valid reason to not wish for an alliance with one." 

"Yes, precisely."

"Well, if it is an escape from Hanyang you seek, it will cost you some pretty pennies."

"Is that so? How much?"

"Five hundred."

Mura gasps, as she places her fingers over . "Five hundred?"

Jongin nods.

"That is utterly preposterous! I am not in possession of that kind of wealth." Mura remarks. "Aish, what am I even thinking? I can't possibly run away. It is such a foolish thought. An alluring one, nonetheless." Mura juts her lower lip.

And, Jongin finds it utterly endearing. "Well, there may be another way."

Mura looks at Jongin with expectant eyes.

"If you share the identity of your betrothed, I may be able to cease the wedding from occurring."

Mura purses her lips in thought. "I'm afraid I cannot share that."

"Are you certain? As you already know, I am a man of influence. I can do a lot."

"I'm afraid no amount of influence can cease this wedding from occurring." Mura expresses glumly.

Jongin offers a sympathetic smile. "So, what now? Will you go through this alliance then?"

Mura nods. "I'm afraid so."

Jongin finds himself sharing the melancholy. All the earlier fun has been drained.

"I shall take my leave. I must reach home before they realize my absence." Mura bows at the man. "I wish you a lovely night, sir. I am grateful for your offer. You are a kind man, and I shall always remember it." With that, Mura turns around, pulls the veil over her head, and begins to walk away. 

Jongin has the urge to follow her and ask her for her name, but he does not act upon that urge. Instead, he chuckles at his own attempted foolishness. He turns around and begins walking in the opposite direction, towards his home.


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Baekhyun is plagued with restlessness. He sits up from his laying position. No matter how much he tries, he cannot bring himself to sleep. He gets out of bed, shrugs on a robe over his nightwear, and steps out of his chamber. 

Samnom wakes up at the sound of the door sliding open. "Choha."

"I wish to take a night stroll." Baekhyun says and proceeds to stride out of his quarters. His retinue hurries after him. 

Once outside, the Crown Prince slows his pace and ambles on. Soon, he finds himself at the nearby pond. He walks up to the bridge over the body of water and stares into the darkness. He inhales the cool summer night breeze, finding some sort of respite."

"Choha, what troubles you?" Samnom asks.

"I do not understand it, but I am filled with much anxiety."

"What makes you so anxious, Choha?"

"I am to be wedded tomorrow, and I truly do not wish to be so. It fills me with dread."

"Choha, sooner or later, you are bound to marry. It is your duty---"

"I know it is my duty, however, I fulfill all of my princely duties obediently. Am I not allowed to shirk one-- simply a singular obligation for the time being? Must I marry at present?"

"What do you fear precisely?"

"I'm afraid I'm not certain, myself. All I know is that I feel---"

"Nervous?" Samnom finishes his sentence.

Baekhyun nods. 

"Do you think your nerves perhaps disturb you at the prospect of your wedding night tomorrow?"

Baekhyun gives his personal eunuch a puzzled expression.

"Forgive me for being so forthright, but perhaps you are worried about your perceived inadequacies in bed since you had not had any experience in that aspect?"

Baekhyun grunts disapprovingly. "Bu-Bu Samnom, you dare question m-my manhood!" He stammers.

The Crown Prince's flustered state is a fair indication to Samnom that his assumptions are correct. Or, at least, partially correct. "I'm not questioning your manhood, Choha. I'm merely suggesting that perhaps you are questioning your manhood."

"Quiet!" Baekhyun shouts, which causes Samnom to flinch.

The eunuch bows apologetically. "M-my apologies, Choha. Punish this insolent servant as you deem fit."

Baekhyun tuts. "Aish, such a vile eunuch!"

"If the prince would please allow me to say one last word."

"I do not wish to hear your nonsense."

"It may help ease your mind, Choha."

Baekhyun rolls his eyes. "Very well, be done with."

"Regardless of how you may feel, you are the crown prince and the future king of this nation, your betrothed is ever the luckiest to be blessed with the fortune of being an addition to the royal family. It is she, who should be riddled with nerves, not you, Choha. Remember, she is your subject, not you hers."

Baekhyun hums. 

"You are to only spend the night with her from time to time in order to provide offsprings. Apart from that, you may disregard her. Make it known to her that her attempts at occupying your precious time unnecessarily will not be tolerated. It is pertinent that you establish your authority head-on, Choha. Otherwise, she may attempt to take advantage of any leeway."

Baekhyun nods. "Yes, you make some excellent points, Bu Samnom. I shall heed your advice. Well done."

Samnom bows. "At your service, as always, Choha."

"Well then, we shall return to my quarters. A rather long day awaits us tomorrow." With the freshly instilled confidence, Baekhyun strides in the direction of his residence; prepared to conquer whatever may present itself tomorrow.


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.