
Under the Peach Tree



The second stage of the selection process is held a week after the first stage. There are ten women that have been chosen for this stage. The women are currently standing outside of the palace, waiting to be taken inside. Soon, the court ladies approach them and lead them inside the palace. There are no color restrictions for the candidates for this stage. Hence, all the women are dressed in various colored garments. They are taken to the same pavilion as the first stage. 

"What do you suppose we are required to do today?" One of the women asks Mura.

"As long as it does not require me to do the deep bow, I shall be happy with whatever is asked us." Mura jokes.

The woman giggles. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Eunbo."

Mura smiles."I'm Mura."

"Lovely name." Eunbo compliments.

"Thank you. You have a lovely name, as well, that complements your face." Mura returns the compliment.

"You think so?"

"Of course! You've made it to the second stage, have you not?"

"I wonder if the Crown Prince would fancy me if I were to be chosen as his consort."

The woman on the other side of Mura scoffs audibly. "Let us not get ahead of ourselves." 

Eunbo scowls. "I was merely saying..."

"I am certain the Crown Prince would covet you if he were to see you." Mura expresses sincerely.

The other woman next to Mura rolls her eyes. 

"How do you suppose the Crown Prince is like?" Eunbo asks Mura.

The latter shrugs. "In all honesty, I have not pondered over that."

"Are you not curious?"

"No. Between you and I..." Mura goes to whisper. "I do not really wish to be his consort."

"Then why are you here?" The yet-to-be-named woman next to Mura asks. "It is quite disrespectful to the palace and to the rest of us, do you not agree?"

"And, who might you be?" Eunbo asks with bitterness in her voice. 

The woman provides a fake smile. "I'm Nam Hayeon, daughter of the minister of war."

"Well, Hayeon kyusu1, refrain from sharing your thoughts in this matter. Nobody asked for it." Eunbo expresses.

"Forgive me, I didn't intend any disrespect." Mura apologizes. 

"No need for an apology, Mura kyusu. It is not as though you have authority over the palace's decisions." Eunbo consoles. 

Hayeon sneers internally.

A senior court lady comes in and calls for the candidates' attention. "Young ladies, today, you will be tested on your wisdom. Please, be seated and we shall soon begin to hand you papers and brushes."

All the candidates sit down and a court lady starts to pass them the papers and brushes with ink. The questions are presented on a large piece of paper, in front of the candidates. They are given an hour to complete the test.

Ten minutes into it and Mura is already left scratching her head, as she struggles to answer many of the questions. She wonders if she will be punished for writing inaccurate responses. So, she decides to not answer the ones she does not know for certain, and there are several of them.

Once, the test concludes, the candidates are told to wait, while the members of the queen's court deliberate. 

"Well, that had been rather difficult." Eunbo remarks on the test.

"Indeed." Mura agrees.

"I disagree. Anyone with the fundamental knowledge of Confucious teachings could have answered them with quite an ease." Hayeon states.

Eunbo does not verbally respond, however she does curse at Hayeon mentally.

"Excuse me." Hayeon tells the ladies before walking up to one of the court ladies, who in turn leads her out of the pavilion. 

The court lady takes Hayeon to her destination. "He should be inside the library. Please, do not be in there for long."

Hayeon smiles and hands the court lady some coins. "It will be a quick visit." She then walks inside the library. She pads inside to find the man she's been seeking. His back facing her. "Choha, how are you this fine day?"

The Crown Prince turns around upon hearing the voice. His initial surprise quickly turns into annoyance. "What brings you here today, Hayeon kyusu?"

"Haven't you heard. I have been chosen to partake in the second stage of the royal selection."

"Then you must know you shouldn't be here."

"Well, I was beginning to become quite bored at the pavilion, while the queen's court deliberates. So, I thought I may as well come and see you. You should be flattered, Choha."

"You should leave before someone discovers your whereabouts." 

"You are no fun, Choha."

"I am not obligated to entertain you."

"As always, you prove to be so cold. Might I suggest you become accustomed to it? Accustomed to me. After all, you'll be seeing a lot of me when I become your consort."

The Crown Prince snorts. "Such hubris is very unbecoming."

"Not when it is justified." There is a pregnant pause. "Very well, I shall take my leave. I suppose the next time we meet, it'll be on our wedding day. Until then..." Hayeon bows before exiting the library. 

The young lady has been infatuated with the Crown Prince, ever since she had met him when they were merely teenagers. Since then, Hayeon has coveted the Crown Prince's affections. She would visit the palace at any given opportunity in order to see the prince. However, unfortunately for Hayeon, her feelings have never been reciprocated by the prince. But, Hayeon intends on changing that once she becomes his consort. And, that dream is so close to becoming true that she could taste it.

Hayeon returns to the pavilion, where everyone is still waiting on the decision. Mura is glad that she had Eunbo to keep herself occupied, or else her restless self would've imploded from doing nothing but wait.

Finally, the members of the queen's court arrive at the pavilion with their decision. "We shall now announce the names of the candidates who have advanced to the final stage." One of the members picks up a scroll and unrolls it. "The first candidate is Yoo Eunbo, daughter of Yoo Jwageun."

Eunbo makes a surprised yet elated expression. Mura grins and congratulates her. 

"The second candidate is Nam Hayeon, daughter of Nam Chanhyuk."

Hayeon's lips stretch into a victorious smirk. 

"The third and final candidate is..."

Only one more out of the eight ladies left will advance to the final stage, so the atmosphere becomes charged with tense suspense.

"Park Mura, daughter of Park Sacheol."

Mura feels the ground beneath her feet shake, while everything else around her comes to a stop. Her own name keeps echoing in her mind like a curse.

"The palace hereby acknowledges the three of you as the Crown Prince's women. You may turn in the direction of the eastern palace and do a deep bow to show respect to your prince."

And, just like that, performing the deep bow becomes the least of Mura's woes.


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"How did today's second stage proceed?" The King asks his wife. 

"Well, I had done as you've instructed." The Queen answers. "Daebi-mama was not thrilled by my decision. She quite dislikes the girl. If only she finds out about your true intent."

"Everything shall be fine, as long as we maintain caution." There is a short pause. "How was she?" The King refers to Mura.

"She seems like a lovely girl, however, her answers were quite disappointing. I had been fortunate enough to be able to have her paper be replaced, otherwise, even I, as a queen, could not have been able to convince the others to allow her to advance."

"I see."

"Chonha, is this truly what you wish? There is a reason why a selection process is carried out, to begin with---it is to ensure that the most capable candidate is selected to become the future queen of this nation. Do you feel we are doing right by selecting someone who may be unfit?"

"As king, I constantly live with the suspicion of being betrayed by the members of my own court. However, Park has been an exception. He has been a great advisor to me and I have put great trust in him. It will bring me immense peace to form an alliance with him... to know that my son will be in good hands. I'm aware I may be asking too much of you, but I am confident in your ability to turn Park's daughter into a capable future queen. So, please, do your king this favor. I shall be so grateful towards you."

The Queen provides a small smile. "Of course, Chonha. I am your loyal subject, after all. I shall do as you command, my king."


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Chaos ensues in the Park household upon learning of the palace's decision. Lord Park finally confesses the King's intent, and, as expected, it does not go over well with Lady Kim. 

"How could you do this to our daughter?!" Lady Kim screams at her husband.

"There is no other way." Lord Park says.

"Of course, there is. If we report that the selection process is being tampered with, we can put an end to this madness. There is still time---"

"And, you suppose the aftermath of all this would be in our favor? Do you think the King wouldn't seek retribution for our betrayal?" 

"There must be another way then?"

"The only way this can be prevented is if the King himself has a change of heart."

"Then let us request an audience with the King. We shall beg him incessantly."

"And, you suppose I haven't done so already?"

Lady Kim begins to sob. "How... how do you expect me to sit and watch, while this deplorable fate is handed to our daughter? You know how simple-minded she is. The palace will chew her alive and spit her out like she is nothing."

Lord Park simply lowers his head in shame. Never has he felt this helpless in his life. 

Meanwhile, Mura sits morosely in the courtyard and hears her parents' argument in their shared chamber. This day has been nothing short of anguish for the young lady. Not only has she been declared as the Crown Prince's woman, but the King had already pre-selected her to become the crown princess. Her mind is in disarray at this revelation. Truly, this is all but a nightmare, Mura thinks. 

LadyKim dashes out of the chamber. She and Mura share a glance, and the latter finds her mother's eyes to be red and swollen. Lady Kim says nothing to her daughter, she just feels pity for her, as the feeling of being an incompetent mother, who can't protect her child, consumes her. She simply proceeds to exit the premises.

Lord Park steps out of his chamber and sits next to his daughter. "Your mother will be spending the night at her sister's." He informs. "I..." Lord Park sighs. "I didn't give you a traditional upbringing. Despite your mother's disapproval, I allowed you much freedom, and allowed you to do as you pleased because I didn't wish for you to have a suffocating life. I wished for you to breathe. To live. Now, In retrospect, I realize that had been a mistake. Because how cruel of me to provide you with all these liberties only to snatch them sway in such a manner. Forgive me, Mura-ya, your father has failed you greatly."

Mura gives her father a small smile. "Do not say such things, aboji. If you hadn't given me these privileges then I would've never known the joys of such a life. It is better to have lived even for a short while than to not have lived at all. Don't you agree? Do not apologize for I am eternally grateful to you."

Lord Park's chest constricts. "My child, you should be throwing a fit. Reproach me. You may inflict your ire upon me, you will not be reprimanded for it as I deserve it for condemning you to such a fate."

Mura chuckles sadly. "I could never dream of doing such a thing. I worship you, aboji." She rests her head on her father's shoulder. "To me, you are a divine being, and I am in no position to reproach divinity."

Lord Park begins to weep. "I do not deserve such an honorable daughter. Forgive me, my child. I hope someday you find it in your heart to forgive me." 

Mura closes her eyes as streams of tears spill through the closed lids.


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Kyusu: A term used to address a young lady of a noble family by people of equal or superior ranks.



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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.