
Under the Peach Tree



The following morning, Mura has been invited to have the morning meal with the Queen, Queen Dowager, and Princess Hwa-In. 

Mura goes through a similar morning routine that she had gone through during her time in the detached palace, except, today, more effort is being put forth into her appearance.

"These are rather elaborate," Mura comments on her clothes, as the maids dress her.

"One belonging to royalty must dress as one," Madam Choi says. 

"Is this how am I to dress every day?"

"Yes. You must dress in a manner that distinguishes you from others in court," Madam Choi answers. 

Mura takes a closer look at the four-taloned silver dragon emblem that has been stitched on her dangui. 

"A similar-looking emblem can be seen on the Crown Prince's court robe," Janshil informs.

"Will all my clothes bear this emblem?"

"Yes," Madam Choi replies. "It is a badge that serves to display your royal status as the Crown Prince Consort."

"It does feel quite regal," Mura admits. She lifts her chin high. "I feel as though I'm a woman of much importance." She speaks in an exaggerated deep voice to sound dignified only to break into high-pitched giggles immediately after, amused by her own gimmick.

Janshil chuckles. "As you should, Mama. You are the future queen of this nation, after all."

Future queen—those words hang rather heavy on Mura's shoulders. 

After Mura is all dressed for the day, she and her retinue proceed towards Queen Dowager's quarters for the morning meal. 

"Remember, Mama, you are to speak in a gentle manner. Be very careful of what you say. Eat slowly—"

Mura groans. "Choi Sanggung, we have revised all of it a thousand times. Have you no faith in me?" 

She doesn't, but Madam Choi is not going to admit to it. "Of course, I do, Mama. Please, forgive my impudence."

Mura squares her shoulders, folds her hands together behind her dangui, and walks in a stately manner. Just as she has been taught.


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"We've come to learn that you and the Crown Prince did not consummate last night." The first words that come from the Queen Dowager as soon as Mura takes her seat. 

The Crown Princess is taken aback by the blatant question. She hadn't expected for such a private bit of information to reach the elders, or to be discussed so openly. "Ah, ye-yes, that is correct, Daebi-mama." 

"What had been the reason?" Queen Dowager's voice is cold.

"It had been at the behest of the Crown Prince. As I had been feeling rather unwell, Choha had instructed me to rest instead," Mura answers meekly.

"I am saddened to hear about your health, Sejabin," the Queen speaks this time. "Yesterday, I had been deeply worried upon hearing that you had almost lost consciousness. How do you feel today?" 

"Please, quell your worries, Chungjon-mama. I am in perfect health today. I had merely been exhausted. I apologize for causing you distress." Mura's tone is soft and gentle. A stark contrast from her usual boisterous way of speaking.

Madam Choi is rather impressed.

Queen Dowager tuts. "Such a shame. The Ministry of Rites had suggested yesterday's date as an auspicious day to consummate for the conception of a male offspring. Such a wasted opportunity." She shakes her head and tuts again.

Mura simply stays silent with her gaze on the floor. 

"Do not fret, Daebi-mama, there shall be many more opportunities in the future," The Queen tells her mother-in-law. 

"You must take utmost care of your well-being, Sejabin. How do you expect to provide this nation with a strong, healthy heir with a feeble body?"

"Yes, Daebi-mama, henceforth, I shall make sure to be more attentive towards my health," Mura says to appease her grandmother-in-law. 

Soon, the food is served, and Madam Choi is impressed with the manner in which Mura eats her meal. Instead of guzzling her food, she is eating it slowly, gracefully, and in small portions.

"Sejabin-mama, I had truly enjoyed your wedding celebrations yesterday. I had, especially, relished the dances." Hwa-In, who is also amongst them, speaks. 

Unlike, the Queen, Queen Dowager, and the Crown Princess, the Princess' dangui does not carry a dragon symbol. Instead, it bears the emblems of colorful embroidered peonies—the official insignia of Royal Princesses of Choson.

"Soon, we shall all enjoy your wedding celebrations, my lovely daughter," The Queen says. "After all, you are eighteen—a perfectly appropriate age to wed."

Hwa-In blushes.

"What do you think, Sejabin?" The Queen tries to involve her new daughter-in-law in the conversation.

"If it is what the princess wishes," Mura responds.

"Marriages happen upon the wishes of the elders. Our wishes are the princess' wishes," the Queen Dowager states.

"Of course," Mura says. "Gongju, what sort of a man do you fancy for a husband?"

Hwa-In opens to answer but gets cut off by her grandmother. "A man that, we, elders deem fit."

Hwa-In's beaming expression falters slightly. "Yes, what halmamama1 had said."

There is a momentary silence, as they all go back to their meals before Hwa-in speaks again.

"Sejabin-mama, would you care for a tour of the palace after our meal?"

Mura smiles "I should like that very much,"

After they finish their meal, Mura and Hwa-in set about the tour of the palace. Hwa-in first shows all the royal residences. On their way to each residence, Mura comes across many admirable sights. She has, of course, visited the palace before, however, her past visits only provided a preview of a much bigger picture.

Mura is then taken to the East Palace garden. There, she notices a fruit tree.

"Are those peaches?" She asks Hwa-in pointing at the orange-pink round fruits that hang from the branches of the tree.

"They appear to be," Hwa-In responds, unsure.

"They are, Sejabin-mama." Madam Choi confirms.

"It is rather large for a peach tree. I hadn't known they could grow so big," Mura remarks as she eyes the tree with wonderment.

"Allow me to lead you to the nearby pond, Mama. It holds quite a delightful sight," Hwa-In says before proceeding to walk. 

Mura gives the peach tree one last glance before following the princess in the direction of the said pond. 


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Baekhyun eats his afternoon meal in silence. However, his mind bustles with the memories of the previous day. Especially, the memories of a certain someone. He had originally presumed a goodnight's rest would help banish all unnecessary thoughts of his new consort. However, even after receiving plenty of sleep, the thoughts of her linger on. Fresh as ever.

How bothersome.

"Choha, is the food not to your liking today?" Samnom asks.

Baekhyun breaks out of his stupor. "Hm?"

"You seem to be playing with your food. Is it not to your liking?"

"No, it is fine. I simply became lost in my thoughts for a moment."

"What troubles you, Choha? Is there something I may do for you?"

Baekhyun considers divulging it to Samnom but decides otherwise. "Nothing of concern." He dismisses before redirecting his attention to his food. 

After his afternoon meal, Baekhyun leaves his quarters to meet with his tutors for his afternoon lessons. But, something makes him halt his steps, and he stands in the courtyard that separates his and the crown princess' residence. Baekhyun looks on at the other's quarters, secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of his consort.

Samnom notices this. "Choha, do you seek the Crown Princess?"

Baekhyun quickly removes his gaze away from the crown princess' residence. "No. I had just, suddenly, remembered an important matter. I shall take care of it after my lessons. Let us proceed."

Meanwhile, Mura and her retinue are on their way back to the former's quarters after the tour of the palace. 

"Mama, I must say, you were quite impressive in your etiquette—courtly, polite, and restrained. My heart became filled with pleasant feelings upon witnessing it."

Mura grins with pride. "See? You had been worried needlessly. My cousin, Sehun-ah, had once said there was nothing I couldn't accomplish. I—"

"I have taught you well." Madam Choi interrupts, as she revels in her success. "With my relentless efforts and unwavering patience, I have transformed a grotesque caterpillar into an elegant butterfly. Well done, Choi Sanggung. Well done." She praises herself.

Mura stops and twists her neck to meet her lady-in-waiting's eye. "Grotesque caterpillar, you say?" She confronts the other in an exaggerated tone. 

Realizing her words, Madam Choi quickly bows to her mistress. "Forgive me, Mama. What I had meant was that—"

"Save it. People have called me worse things. My own mother more than any other." Mura chuckles. "Consider yourself forgiven." She then resumes her steps.

Janshil shakes her head at Madam Choi, disappointed.

The lady-in-waiting regrets her choice of words, so she proceeds to smack her own lips for speaking ill.

Mura, on the other hand, is not all that bothered by Madam Choi's remark. However, she did enjoy seeing the other's usually solemn demeanor falter. 

Once they get close to the crown princess' residence, they encounter the Crown Prince and his entourage. Making both parties stop in their tracks. 

"Oh, Choha?" Mura bows to the prince.

Baekhyun, on his part, just stares at Mura dumbly. His consort is just as beautiful as she had been yesterday. He feels a certain warm sensation fill his chest. At the same time, he finds it difficult to utter even a word to her. He should perhaps inquire about her health. Maybe ask her about her day so far? Or, at least, wish her a wonderful rest of the day. However, his shyness prevents him.

Mura, on the other hand, stands awkwardly. She waits for the Crown Prince to speak, as it seems he has something to say, however after staring at her silently for several moments, he walks off without a word. 

Mura simply shrugs and proceeds towards her quarters. "Say, I get the feeling that the Crown Prince finds me appalling."

"What compels you to think so?" Janshil asks.

The two, along with Madam Choi, enter Mura's chamber. 

"He behaves quite strangely. He speaks very little, and when he does, he sounds rather frosty. Not once have I caught him smiling at me. At times, he would scrutinize my face for long periods of time, then other times he would try to evade all eye contact—both instances imply his displeasure at my appearance. Last night, he could not have run any faster just to avoid spending the night with me." Mura explains.

"That is strange. However, they may be for different reasons entirely. Do not be disheartened, Mama." Janshil tries to console her mistress.

"Disheartened? No, I am quite relieved, actually."

"Relieved? Why would you be relieved by Choha's possible disinterest in you?"

"Because that implies he finds me to be too unappealing to share the bed with, therefore, I may be able to avoid with him in the future. And, that, my dear Janshil-ah, is a win in my book. " 

Janshil chuckles at the Crown Princess' reason. She is endearingly innocent. "Why, do you feel no attraction towards him? Do you not find the Crown Prince to be a handsome man?"

"No, I do regard him as a handsome fellow—purely from an objective point of view. However, attraction? I do not suppose I feel an attraction towards the Crown Prince. Come to think of it, I do not believe I have ever experienced such a thing as an attraction for any man. In all honesty, I never truly regarded such thoughts."

"Have you never fancied a man?" Janshil asks.

Mura thinks deeply. "I do not believe so."

"Have you ever been pursued by a man?"

Mura snorts. "No. My cousins would've never allowed such a thing, anyway. They were quite protective of me."

Janshil tsks. "Mama, it seems you are as clueless about romance as a newborn child."

Mura frowns. "What of it? It is not as though I need it." She claims.

"Of course you need romance. You are a married woman now. How else do you expect to fall in love with the Crown Prince? Romance and attraction are the foundation for a lasting love," Janshil explains.

"Speaking from experience?" Mura teases.

"Mama, do not rub salt in my wound. I may not have had the opportunity to experience love, but, I have read enough romance novels to know how it could feel. It is rather delightful!"

"You do not know how to read," Madam Choi tells the maid.

Janshil is irked by the reminder. "True, but, I have attended many readings."

Madam Choi quirks an eyebrow. "So, that is how you spend your leisure time?"

"Sometimes," Janshil admits.

"Regardless, of your personal feelings, you and the Crown Prince must still lay with each other to provide a successor." Madam Choi chimes in.

Mura finds the palace's obsession with acquiring an heir nothing short of unsettling. The constant mentions of it are already becoming tiring to hear. Are they scarce on topics of conversation?

"Even if the prince refuses, you must do everything to ensure that he beds you. Seduce him, if need be," Madam Choi adds.

"Aish, stop spewing nonsense you two!" Mura yells frustratedly. "You." She points at Janshil. "I have no desire to fall in love with the Crown Prince, so stop with your rubbish. And you." She then points at Madam Choi. "Do you take me for a cheap ? Seduce the Crown Prince..." She mutters with disdain. "Go, bring me my afternoon meal. I am famished. I couldn't eat my morning meal in peace due to a certain someone choosing to bore holes in me with her sharp gaze." Mura speaks of Queen Dowager, as she bemoans.

"Yes, Mama," Both Madam Choi and Janshil say in unison before exiting the chamber. 

Mura harshly collapses on the bed, which causes her chignon to tug at her hair, causing some discomfort. "Aish, this wretched hair."

For the next hour, Mura stays lying in bed, contemplating whether she should channel some of her inner courage and chop off her hair.

She decides otherwise in the end.


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Baekhyun sits inside the east pavilion with his tutors and the members of his office for the afternoon lessons. He is barely paying any attention to the lecture—too busy conjuring up beautiful images of the Crown Princess from his memories. What is the matter with him? Why is he so enamored by the woman? It is so unlike Baekhyun to be thinking of something so futile. Especially, during a lecture. He always puts forth his full attention during his studies. It is as though he has been enchanted.

Baekhyun slightly frowns at the idea. Could it be?


Baekhyun hears the loud voice of one of his tutors.


"Are you all right, Choha?"

"Of course."

"Are you certain? I had posed a question to you, however, it seems your mind is too preoccupied with other thoughts to even heed it."

"My apologies. I shall be more diligent. Please, continue."

This time Baekhyun listens to the lecture more carefully, however, in the back of his head, there still is a lingering thought—or rather, a suspicion, that he concludes he must look into promptly.


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1. Halmamama: A term used to address a royal grandmother. 


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.