
Under the Peach Tree



The Crown Prince sits inside one of the palace's pavilions, as he attentively plays the dang-bipa, a pear-shaped luteHe had been playing the four-stringed instrument since he was a youngling and is quite skilled at it. His retinue becomes immersed in the pleasures of melody exuding from the dang-bipa strings and the skillful hands of the man playing it.

Suddenly, the sound of the bipa is invaded by the murmurings of his servants. 

The Crown Prince furrows his eyebrows. "What seems to be the matter?" He raises his voice. 

"Fo-forgive us, Choha." One of the maids say.

"I asked what the matter is?"

"We-we just saw your three women pass by, Choha. We were simply admiring their beauty."

"Today they meet with the King along with the queen's court for the final stage, Choha." Samnom informs. 

"Well, admire in silence. I cannot concentrate, otherwise." The Crown Prince commands.

"Yes, Choha." All his attendants utter in unison.



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Mura, Hayeon, and Eunbo are led by a few court ladies inside the palace. The three are here for the final stage of the selection process. It has been a week since the second stage. The person selected today will go on to become the crown princess. For this stage, they are required to wear the dangui.

Mura's usual lively demeanor appears listless, which is a reflection of her current state of mind.

Eunbo notices. 

"Are you all right?" She asks Mura. 

The latter provides an inauthentic smile. "Yes, of course."

Eunbo is not convinced, but she does not push further. "If you say so."

They pass a pavilion one their way, and hear the sweet sound of the bipa coming from there.

Eunbo stands on her toes in an attempt at a glimpse. "I wonder who it is."

Hayeon smiles knowingly. "It is likely the Crown Prince. I've heard he plays the dang-bipa beautifully."

Excitement flashes on Eunbo's face. "Is that so?" She tries to peek a glimpse but is unable to do so from her position. 

Mura, on the other hand, is too preoccupied with her thoughts to pay attention to what is being discussed. 

The three are led inside a quarter, where they are to wait in a room until each of them is called one at a time to have an audience with the King, the Queen, Queen Dowager, and two officials.

The first one to be summoned is Eunbo followed by Hayeon. While Mura waits for her turn, she is overcome with much anxiety. A part of her wishes to bow at the King's feet to beg him to reconsider his decision. However, that may have consequences for her father, and she could never jeopardize her father's livelihood. 

"It will be all fine, Mura kyusu. The King seemed to be a kind man." Eunbo says sensing the other's distress. 

"That's a relief." Mura says feigning relief. 

Hayeon returns from her interview with a smile. Seemingly pleased with how the audience went. 

"Mura kyusu, please follow me." Says a court lady. 

Mura gets up and follows the court lady. Once the door to the room is closed behind her, the court lady grabs her by the elbow and leads her into a corner. Mura, stares at her utterly confused.

The court lady hands Mura a piece of paper. "Read it."

"What is it?" Mura questions.

"Just do as you're told."

Mura opens the piece of paper. She reads through it, but cannot make up the meaning of it. "Forgive me, but I do not understand."

"Memorize it at once." The court lady sternly instructs. 

Mura does as told. It takes only a minute to memorize it and before she can utter another word the court lady is already leading her to a hall where all the elders await her.

"Chonha, I present to you, Young lady Mura, daughter of the second state councilor, Park Sacheol." A court lady announces.

Mura slowly walks up to the spectators. "Chusang-Chonha, Daebi-mama, Chungjon-mama. " Mura greets the three royals before doing the deep bow. This time she does it properly.

"The Queen had been correct, you do indeed have a tall stature."

Mura offers a small polite smile.

"If chosen, she may perhaps give us an heir with a strong and large stature." One of the official remarks happily.

The King laughs. "Indeed."

The notion of providing an heir makes Mura's skin crawl. Never in her life has she thought about bearing children. 

"Did you know your father used to be a member of my office when I had been the crown prince?" The King asks Mura.

"Yes, Chonha, he has informed me."

"Your father is a very honorable man. I'm sure you know of it all too well. I am very fond of him."

Then have mercy on us, Chonha, Mura thinks.

"Park Mura, let me ask you a question." The Queen speaks. "What would you consider to be the deepest thing?"

Deepest thing? Suddenly, the realization strikes Mura. That piece of paper that the court lady gave her earlier contained the answer to this question.

She looks at the Queen with helpless eyes, and the Queen looks back at her expectantly.

Mura thinks if she supplies her own answer instead of the one she was provided, perhaps she stands a chance at being eliminated. However, that would mean refusing the King's order. 

"Park Mura." Calls the Queen Dowager. "We do not have all day."

Mura blinks, coming out of her musing. "A man's heart is the deepest thing." She finally answers in accordance with the answer that was provided to her. 

"And, what makes you believe that?" The Queen asks.

"An object's depth is measurable, however, the depth of a man's heart cannot be measured," Mura says verbatim.

Everyone seemingly looks impressed by Mura's answer. 

"Now let me ask you a personal question." The Queens says. "What is your favorite flower?"

Mura recognizes where this is going. "I truly admire cotton flowers, Chungjon-mama."

"That is a rather odd choice." Queen Dowager remarks.

"Other flowers, although provide immense beauty, eventually wither away. Cotton flowers have the ability to provide warmth to the people of this nation." Mura recalls from the piece of paper.

Both the King and the Queen smile. 

Once the interview concludes, Mura is led back to the room where Eunbo and Hayeon wait. Both of them seem agitated with anticipation. Mura is overcome with guilt. The other two are so willing to take on the position of the crown princess and are likely suited for it. Far more suited than Mura will ever be, she reckons. She takes her seat next to the other two ladies. All that is left to do is wait. 

An hour passes, and finally, the Queen and Queen Dowager appear before the three women, who quickly stand up and bow at the royals.

"I will now announce the name of the individual who will become the consort to the Crown Prince, and take upon the title of crown princess." The Queen tells the room.

Mura's heart threatens to jump out of . She tightly grasps at her skirt with both of her hands as though it is the last bit of hope that it won't be her name coming from the Queen's lips.


"Choha! Choha!" Samnom runs into the Crown Prince's chamber. "Choha!" He begins to huff.

"What is it Bu Samnom? Why are you causing such a ruckus?" The Crown Prince questions.

"Choha, congratulations! Your bride has been selected!" 

The enthusiasm is not shared by the Crown Prince. He simply utters an indifferent hum.

"Choha, this is such happy news. At least, try to smile." 

"If you feel so joyous about it, you may marry her in my stead."

Samnom's eyes grow wide. "Choha, you cannot such things."

The Crown Prince smirks.

"Well, do you, at least, wish to know of her identity?"

"I have a feeling you will tell me, regardless."

Samnom chuckles. "That I will."


"It is the daughter of the second state councilor. Park Mura."


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Hayeon throws a fit as soon as she's inside the comfort of her own home. She begins to break anything she can get her hands on in her chamber, as she wails. 

"How could this have happened?!" She screams. 

"Agasshi, please be calm." Hayeon's maid tries to appease her. 

"I will burn the palace down to ashes!"

"Agasshi, do not utter such things. Someone may hear you." The maid requests.

"I do not care. My life has been ruined! What am I to do?" She shrieks.

Lady Jun walks inside her daughter's chamber. "Please, Hayeon-ah, be calm."

"Omoni, I do not wish to live any longer." Hayeon wails as she drops to her knees.

Lady Jun takes her daughter in her arms. "It will be fine, my child. It will be fine. Shh." She rocks her daughter back and forth, who continues to wail, utterly inconsolable. 


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.