
Under the Peach Tree



The Crown Prince shoots his arrow that lands straight on the target. 

"Bullseye!" A guard shouts from across the palace shooting range. 

Baekhyun shoots another arrow, and it lands on the bullseye again.

"I've been hearing whispers of your marriage. Is it true? Are you to be wedded, Choha?" Asks Ki Chaewoon, the Crown Prince's bodyguard, who stands next to the prince.

"I'm afraid so." The Crown Prince answers.

"You do not seem thrilled by the prospect." Chaewoon observes.

The Crown Prince scowls. "Matrimony is such... an inconvenience. It adds nothing to a person's life but distractions. I should be dedicating all my time to the matters of the court. Not wasting it on marital responsibilities."

The guard laughs. "It is not as though you will be expected to devote all your time to your consort."

"Still." The prince proceeds to argue. "I often witness my father be drained of his energy from having to fulfill both his royal and spousal responsibilities."

"A consort must know before she steps inside the palace that her husband is a sovereign first, a family man second. I'm certain yours will be understanding."

"What if she isn't? What if she asks more of me."

"More? Perhaps you speak of love?"

"Yes... that." Baekhyun admits sheepishly.

"What is so wrong about it, if you do not mind my asking?"

"Call me cynical, but the very notion of love just feels so inane and self-serving. It provides nothing for the greater good and induces irrationality in individuls. All love is good for are fleeting moments of perceived sublimity and hurt---lots of it. Why does one dream of something that may bring them great pain?"

"It seems you've been reading too many tragedies, Choha." Chaewoon jokes.

The prince chuckles. "Truly, love is not for the wise."

"Well, maybe not so. But, what about desires of the flesh? Surely, you are looking forward to that."

"Oho, how dare you speak of such vulgarity." The prince chides playfully.

"Forgive me for saying this Choha, but you can't tell me that you are not eager to finally rid of your chastity."


The prince's private guard guffaws. "You are the crown prince of this nation, women are at your disposal, yet you choose this life of celibacy. Truly, do you never yearn for intimacy?"

"I do not." The Crown Prince says with sureness.

"My, my. You truly do amaze me, my prince. Your father has two concubines along with a consort, and one of your brothers is a known philanderer. Yet, here you are." 

"I had once read a book, where the protagonist was a man who had never experienced desires of love or physical intimacy. He had tried to court many women and attempted to bed a few of them, however it had only brought him great mental distress. After many years of struggle, he finally gave in and accepted the truth that he simply does not covet such things. It was something wholly unnatural to him." The prince shares. "I had felt as though he was my kindred spirit. Never has a literary character resonated with me to such extent."

"Choha, you must not think such things. You are to provide an heir to the throne, after all." Chimes in Samnom, who has been standing behind them.

"Precisely." Chaewoon concurs. "Regardless of your personal feelings, you must do the deed, as they say, in order to give the palace its grand heir."

"I am more than aware of that." The Crown Prince says despondently. "Do not fret, I shall fulfill my duties as expected of me."

Chaewoon smiles sympathetically. "Do not dread much, my prince. If I may make a suggestion--- keep an open mind. One cannot be certain of how things may transpire. Perhaps something beautiful will develop from this."

The Crown Prince gives a polite smile; still unconvinced. "I shall try."


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The King sits in his office, reading through all the proposed agendas when his personal eunuch steps in.

"Chonha, second state councilor, Park Sacheol, is here." 

"Yes, let him in."

The eunuch slides the door open and Lord Park walks in. "Chonha." He greets the King with a deep bow by crouching on his knees and dropping his head to the floor before standing back up.

"Park, please take a seat." The King commands.

The latter does as told. "How is your health, Chonha? Any new development?"

"I am getting by. It has been challenging, lately, if I'm completely honest." The King has been suffering from an unknown illness for the past several months.

"I am deeply saddened to hear that, Chonha, and I am immensely concerned about you. If this humble subject of yours can assist you in any way, please allow me the opportunity to serve you."

"I know I can always rely on you, Park, which is why you are the only government official who is aware of the state of my health. I have faith that you will not divulge this to another soul."

"I shall never dare, Chonha. I value your confidence in me above my own livelihood. It is an honor beyond words, and I am eternally grateful for it." Lord Park expresses.

The King smiles happily.

"If I may inquire, Chonha, why have I been summoned?"

"I wish to discuss a matter with you. As you know, the palace is getting ready to host the royal selection process to appoint a consort for the Crown Prince."

"Of course, Chonha."

"You have a daughter of age, am I correct?"

Lord Park stiffens slightly. "Yes, Chonha, you are correct."

"Will you be submitting her name for consideration?"

Lord Park's heartbeat quickens ever so slightly. He is unsure about the direction this conversation is taking, but he can't help but be filled with a sense of dread. "I'm afraid not." He answers.

The King is mildly surprised. "Why not?"

"My daughter is the apple of my eye, but I am not blind to her inadequacies. She is simply not a worthy candidate."

The King hums. "I think the queen's court should be the judge of that, do you not agree?"

"Please, forgive me, Chonha. My intent was not to insult the queen's court by any measure. Of course, I have complete faith in it, thus I am confident it will succeed in picking a beautiful flower for our Crown Prince. However, as her father, I can assure you, my daughter simply does not possess the attributes of a potential royal. I do not wish to waste the precious time of the queen's court." Lord Park relays as politely as possible so as to not further offend the King.

The King looks deep in thought. "I shall just be forthright and say it then-- I wish for your daughter to wed my son, Park."

Lord Kang's eyes turn wide. "Pa-pardon? Whatever do you mean, Chonha?"

"I could not have put it more plainly."

Lord Park chuckles nervously. "You wish for her--- you mean you wish for her to partake---"

"I wish, with certainty, for her to become the Crown Princess."

Lord Kang feels as though his reality has been spun around. Did the King actually make such a bold statement? "Bu-but, that would be considered pre-selection. By law, the queen's court is required to hold the selection process in order to ensure a fair selection."

"Do not fret, the selection process will be held as required. However, for show only..."

"But, it is against the law to pre-select, Chonha. You are not to meddle in the process, or else, there may be consequences."

"Is that a threat, Park?"

Lord park lowers his head. "Of course not, Chonha. I shall die before I ever betray you. However, if the other officials were to find out, it would reflect negatively upon your regime. Chaos would ensue in court."

The King chuckles mockingly. "Park, you are not so naive as to believe the selection process has never been tampered with in past regimes."

"Forgive me, but you cannot come to this decision without having even met my daughter."

"She is your blood. I have great faith in you, and I extend that faith to your daughter, as well."

"Chonha, your grace is immeasurable, however, with all due respect and deep regret, I-I must r-refuse your request." Lord Park is shaking. 

"What? Refuse?" The King is flabbergasted, which then morphs into ire. "How dare you refuse your King!"

"Chonha!" Lord Park wails before maneuvering into a deep bow. "Please, have mercy on this insolent subject. However, believe me when I say my daughter is in no way shape or form fit to be the crown princess and an eventual queen. Along with her many lackings, she is also extremely naive. She would simply crumble under the weight of the inner politics of the palace. She would wither away, and as a father, I cannot doom her to such a life. Please, Chonha, I beg of you to reconsider your decision."

The King sighs, feeling some remorse. His tone shifts to a much softer one. "Park, I understand the place from which you speak as I, too, am a father of a young girl. It is our natural fatherly instinct to wish to protect them at all cost. However, I am also a father of a future monarch, and I worry for my son. I worry that my son will be fated to a consort who would simply enter the palace with the intent of doing the bidding of her clan, rather than being a champion for my son. I am confident, no matter what may become of me, you would extend the same measure of loyalty to my son, as you have demonstrated to me over the years I have had the fortune of knowing you. Your daughter may lack in many things, as you claim, but I am confident she inherited her father's virtues. It is the immense respect and trust I have for you that has led me to this decision. So, I shall ask you respectfully one last time---give your daughter to us. This would be the ultimate show of your loyalty to me. I promise you, the Queen and I would treat her as our own, and teach her well so she may become a worthy queen in the future." 

"If it is loyalty you seek, I can vouch for many with daughters, who would prove more capable, and pledge absolute allegiance to you and the Crown Prince. Hence, please, Chonha, you must forget about my daughter." Lord Kang is still in his bowing position.

"So, you are still choosing to deny your king's wishes?" Disappointment is evident in the King's voice.

The second state councilor begins to weep. He realizes he's fighting a losing battle. "I beg of you, Chonha."

The King's face becomes stern. "I expect to see your daughter's application among the submissions. If you fail to fulfill this task, expect the wrath of your king to befall upon, not only yourself, but your entire family. Your daughter would be presented with a fate far worse than, what you believe to be, the harsh life of a royal. I, now, conclude our meeting, you may now take your leave, Chwasang1."


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1. Chwasang: A term used to address the second state councilor.


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.