
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.



Baekhyun gently rocks the sleeping newborn in his arms. “Soobin-ah, have you been a good boy? You haven’t been troubling your mother too much, have you?” He asks the newborn boy, smiling fondly. 

“Not one bit, Choha. Our Soobin-ah has proven to possess a calm temperament. I could not have hoped for a more well-behaved babe,” says Baekhyun’s sister-in-law, Youngji, sitting across from him.

“One shall only pray that he remains as such. Who’s to say he shouldn’t learn to throw fits as he ages?” Jongin jokes from his seat next to his wife.

The other two giggle. 

“I have much confidence in our son to do no such thing,” Youngji says.

Prince Jongin and his wife had, at last, welcomed their child, Soobin, two weeks ago. Hence why they have come to visit the royal palace to give its royal inhabitants a formal introduction to their newborn issue.

After visiting the senior members of the palace, they have made their way to the east palace, where they’re currently paying a visit to the Crown Prince in his quarters. 

“I am truly relieved and overjoyed that you had a safe birth, Gunbuin, and that both you and my nephew are well and healthy.” Baekhyun relays.

“The Heaven had truly favored us with great fortune,” Jongin expresses. 

“Her Highness, the Crown Princess.” A eunuch announces, followed by which the door to the chamber opens and Mura enters.

Both Jongin and his consort stand up to show their respects with bows. 

Mura reciprocates the bows then walks up to Youngji with an ardent smile. “Gunbuin, we meet, at last!”

Youngji half-smiles, not displaying nearly as much enthusiasm as the Crown Princess. “How do you do, Sejabin-mama?” 

“Thrilled, at present, to be meeting you!” 

Youngji gives another insipid smile. 

Sejabin, come, meet Soobin-ah.”

“Yes, of course!” Mura eagerly sits next to her husband. “Wah, such a precious darling he is. And, look how small he is.” She coos at the newborn and gently his chin with her index finger. 

“Do you wish to hold him?” Jongin asks. Both he and his wife reclaim their seats.

“May I?” Mura asks.

“Certainly,” Jongin replies.

Baekhyun carefully passes the newborn in the arms of his consort. 

“How is your health, Gunbuin?” Mura asks while rocking the baby.

“I am fairing much better now, Mama. Thank you for your concern.”

Mura stares at the face of the baby. “I do declare, it would seem our little Soobin has mostly inherited the handsome features of our lovely Gunbuin. Won’t you agree, Gun-mama?”

“You are quite observant, Sejabin-mama. Gunbuin and I hadn’t been able to make such notes quite yet.” Jongin says.

“Though, he may have inherited your nose,” Mura adds.

“Do you truly believe so?” Jongin asks.

“Indeed. Look, it is small and button-shaped, just like yours. With such handsome parents, our nephew is sure to grow up to be a looker.” 

Jongin smiles. He delightfully takes in the sight of the Crown Princess cooing at his newborn child, allowing his imagination to venture into dangerous territories, yet again.

From the corner of her eyes, Youngji takes note of her husband’s tender gaze towards the Crown Princess. She swallows the lump that forms in . 

Choha, Sejabin-mama appears to be quite maternal by nature. She should prove to be an excellent mother to your issues.” Youngji says. “Won’t you agree, Gun-mama?” She directs a scrutinizing gaze at her husband.

Jongin clears his throat and manages a half-smile. “Indeed.”

Baekhyun and Mura exchange a quick, bashful glance before they both look away, their faces flushed crimson. 


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Samnom enters the Crown Prince’s office chamber with an envelope in hand. “Choha, a letter from the office of ritual affairs.” He hands his master the envelope. 

Baekhyun opens the letter, reads it, and sighs before slapping it against his desk. 

“What is it, Choha?” Samnom asks.

Baekhyun blushes before speaking, “an appointment of con—” He clears his throat and says it quietly, “consummation between the Crown Princess and I.”

Samnom’s brows raise into arches. “Oh. When is it?”

“In two nights.”

As the name suggests, the office of ritual affairs is responsible for conducting and overseeing all royal rituals and ceremonies. They are also responsible for selecting and appointing auspicious dates for ion for all royal couples. These dates are believed to be blessed by Heaven for the purpose of reproducing male offspring.

Baekhyun has conflicting feelings regarding this appointment. He wonders how the Crown Princess is taking this.


Mura crumples the letter into a ball before throwing it across her chamber and releasing a disgruntled noise.

Janshil sighs. “Mama, surely, you had expected this day to arrive, sooner or later.”

“But I do not wish to consummate.” Mura whines. “How shall I ever face the Crown Prince after performing such a vulgar deed?”

“Why do you make such a fuss? The Crown Prince isn't just any man. He is your own husband.”

“Nevertheless, it ought to be utterly mortifying. Furthermore, I do not wish to carry a child! Pregnancy sounds to be such an inconvenience. I’ve heard of all the difficulties Youngji Gunbuin had to endure during hers.”

Mama, I’m afraid you do not have a choice in the matter.”

“You are supposed to console me!”

Janshil shrugs. “What can I say? I do not sugar coat things— ow!” The maid cries upon getting a pillow thrown at her.

“You are utterly useless!” Mura says.


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The night of the consummation arrives. Mura is dressed in a green embroidered silk jeogori over a red silk skirt with gold leaf designs, as she waits for the Crown Prince’s arrival. 

Usually, she wears much simpler-looking clothing for nightwear, but since it is the night of her consummation, she has been dressed a bit more extravagantly. 

At present, she is pressing her palms together in a prayer. 

“What did you pray for, Mama?” Janshil asks once her mistress has finished. 

“I prayed to Buddha to make me infertile.”

Mama!” Madam Choi cries. “You cannot pray for such a thing! It is imperative you provide the royal family with a grand heir.”

“If I should have to hear of this once more, I ought to go mad!” Mura says. 

Sejabin-mama, Seja-choha has arrived.” The Crown Princess’ eunuch announces.

Mura promptly stands up in order to welcome the Crown Prince, who enters the chamber. The other three in the room bow to the prince. 

Baekhyun comes wearing his usual ecru-colored nightwear with a white silk robe on top. 

“You may leave us,” Baekhyun tells Mura’s attendants. “And, Choi Sanggung, remove everyone, including yourself, from the Crown Princess’ quarters. I wish for none to be present in the vicinity.

“As you wish, Choha,” Madam Choi says before leaving the chamber.

Mura wishes to grab Janshil and not let her go, but alas, she follows Madam Choi out of the room.

Baekhyun gazes at the Crown Princess, who is staring down, fiddling with her fingers, looking positively apprehensive. The prince, himself, isn’t fairing much better. He is currently a ball of nerves. “You may sit, Sejabin. Be comfortable.”

Mura complies and takes her seat at the table with drinks and morsels to eat displayed atop. 

Baekhyun pads up to the table and takes his seat. 

“Shall I pour you a drink, Choha?” Mura asks meekly. 

Baekhyun simply hums.

Mura picks up the brass kettle and begins to pour the Crown Prince a drink. But while she does it, her hand begins to shake from the sheer nervousness she feels.

Worried her trembling hand may end up spilling the beverage, Baekhyun reaches for that hand and wraps his fingers around her wrist to steady it. “Be calm.”

It achieves the opposite, as upon the unexpected contact, Mura instinctively releases the kettle from her grasp and it ends up falling to the floor and its content spills everywhere. 

“Ap-apologies, Choha.” Mura grabs a piece of cloth from the table and proceeds to wipe the mess on the floor. 

Sejabin,” Baekhyun calls. 

“I was caught by surprise when you grabbed by my wrist...” Mura tries to explain.


“Please, forgive my recklessness. I shall clean it thoroughly—”

Sejabin!” This time, Baekhyun says it with force.

And, this time, Mura heeds his call. “Yes?”

“I believe you are in possession of a Yutnori…”


“Shall we play?”

“You wish to play Yutnori?”


Mura is taken aback. “Presently?”

Baekhyun smiles with mirth. “Yes, Sejabin, presently. Unless you wish for us to proceed with our consummation—”

“I shall fetch it promptly!”

Baekhyun chuckles, as Mura crawls to her cabinet to retrieve the board game.

They play the game late into the night. Mura wins the latest round, which she celebrates with a squeal before Baekhyun has to hush her in order for her to remain silent so as to not attract any suspicion from their unwitting attendants.

Mura lets out a wide yawn before blinking her heaving lids. 

“Perhaps, it is time to conclude our little game,” Baekhyun suggests. 

Mura agrees by nodding. 

They both then stare at the single floor mattress, which has been made for them to share.

“I shall sleep on the floor—”

“We may share it if it isn’t an issue for you.”

“I only assumed you may be uncomfortable…”

“It is quite all right. I do not mind.”

“Very well.”

Baekhyun takes off his robe while Mura places the board game back inside the cabinet. 

Mura then walks up to the room divider that stands in one of the corners of the chamber. 

“I wish to change into something more comfortable.”

Baekhyun, who now lays on the mattress, nods.

Mura steps behind the divider, where, earlier, Janshil had laid out her sleep attire for her to wear after the consummation. 

Baekhyun pulls the cover over himself, as he settles in for the night. His gaze then accidentally falls upon the room divider, where, behind its paper panel, he catches the silhouette of the Crown Princess, who appears to be untying the ribbons of her jeogori.

Baekhyun’s heartbeat picks up its pace at the sight. He knows he should be looking away, but it seems his eyes have a mind of their own. The Crown Princess then removes her jeogori and Baekhyun’s breath hitches. She then proceeds to untie the lace of her skirt, which aptly conceals her bosom. And, just as she is about to pull down the skirt, Baekhyun finally finds the decency to look the other way. 

He internally scolds himself for doing something so unseemly—so erted— while his consort remained unaware. Is his lifelong chastity, at last, catching up to him? Surely, the Crown Princess would never forgive him if she were to find out. 

No, Baekhyun will take this lapse in his judgment to his grave. 

Mura emerges from behind the divider dressed in her nightwear. She pads towards the mattress and gingerly takes her place next to the Crown Prince. 

Both of them stare at the ceiling awkwardly. 

“Are you comfortable, Choha?”

“Yes. And you?”

“Yes, quite comfortable.”

After another few moments of silence, Baekhyun speaks,“you know, we cannot evade our consummation forever.”

“I know. But we can delay it for as long as the situation may allow us.”

Baekhyun sighs. “I suppose.”

The two eventually find their sleep. In the midst of which Baekhyun feels something slap against his face. He groans, and with much difficulty, manges to pry his heavy, sleep laden eyes to open, only to find the Crown Princess’ hand atop his face. He carefully removes it and that is when he also notices that he has been almost driven out of the mattress. He turns to find the Crown Princess sleeping with all four of her limbs spread out in four different directions. 

Baekhyun then attempts at pushing down her limbs in order to make room for himself. This causes the Crown Princess to stir before settling on her side facing Baekhyun. She remains asleep through it. This allows Baekhyun to take in the peaceful sleeping visage of the princess. Soon, sleep begins to completely take over his consciousness again and he falls into his slumber to the beautiful sight of his consort. 


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The following morning Samnom greets his master with a knowing smile.

Baekhyun frowns at the eunuch. “What is it? Why do you smile like so?”

Choha, congratulations on becoming a man, at last.” Samnom expresses with a bashful smile.

Aish.” Baekhyun shakes his head at the eunuch before going about his day. 

Meanwhile, in the Crown Princess’s chamber, Janshil gets her mistress ready for the day. She smiles at her playfully while dressing her.

“Would you stop?” Mura scolds.

Mama, you have become a woman, at last.”

Mura scowls. “I have always been a woman.”

“Oh, you know very well what I’m alluding to!”

“Where is Choi Sanggung?”

“She informed me earlier she should be running a little late.”

“I see.” Mura muses. “Ya, Janshil, may I entrust you with a secret?”

“Ooo, I do love a good secret. You may certainly entrust me with it.”

“You may never tell another soul of it.”

“I should never dare to betray your trust, Mama.”

Mura leans in and whispers to her maid about not consummating with the Crown Prince last night.

Janshil gasps before making an expression of disappointment. “Honestly, at this point, I shouldn’t even be surprised. However did you manage to charm your way out of it?”

“It seemed the Crown Prince had shared my sentiment regarding this consummation affair. It had been his own idea to not go through with it.”

“You two are indeed made for each other. If only you, yourselves, would come to realize it.”

Mura dismisses her maid’s remark with a scoff. 

“Choi Mamanim shall be hysterical should she ever find out.”

“Hence why you shall keep your mouth shut regarding this matter, at all cost.”

Janshil mimes locking her lips before throwing the invisible key away.

Mura giggles at that. 

“But Mama, for how long do you intend on keeping this pretense?”

Mura sighs. “I suppose as long as the Crown Prince allows it.”


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A/N: You didn't think I'll allow them to consummate so soon, did you? Hehe. This slow burn shall keep on burning! But not Baekhyun taking a peek at Mura's half  sillouette...

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.