
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please excuse any mistakes. Thanks.





Today is a day of rest for Baekhyun. He isn't required to fulfill any court duties, or attend lectures. He is free to do whatever he wishes, and what he wishes is to spend the morning reading.

So, here he is, sitting at a table in the library by himself, wearing his casual day attire---instead of his usual navy blue court robe---engrossed in a novel. 

However, disruption soon makes its appearance in the form of the Crown Princess, who is attempting to climb inside the library through one of the back windows. 

Baekhyun sighs. "Sejabin, what are you doing?" 

Mura, having successfully crossed the window frame, proceeds to close it. "Escaping Choi Sanggung."

"And, what is she enforcing on you this time?"

Mura takes a seat at the same table as the Crown Prince. "She keeps pressing me to study Queen Sohye's text for tomorrow's Nayeon."

Naeyon is an annual gala hosted by the reigning queen and attended solely by women of the family and extended family of the reigning king. The gala includes a session where the queen leads a discussion on the contents of an important piece of literature written for women. For tomorrow's event, the Queen has chosen to discuss the book of etiquette penned by one of Choson's former queens, some three hundred years ago.

Much to Mura's chagrin, she was informed that all in attendance are expected to already have the knowledge regarding the contents of the text. Hence, since early morning, Mura has been relentlessly hounded by Madam Choi to study the book in preparation for the gala. 

"Well, if it's the Queen's order then you shan't elude it," Baekhyun says. 

"There shall be so many of us in attendance, I'm sure the Queen wouldn't notice my lack of participation," Mura argues. 

"Choha," Comes a disembodied voice, followed by footsteps about to enter the room.

Alarmed, Mura ducks under the table in order to hide.

"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asks.

Just then Samnom appears at the door. "Choha, did you happen to see the Crown Princess this morning? I have received word from her quarters that she has disappeared... again." He shares in a manner that displays exhaustion brought upon by the constant antics of the Crown Princess.

"Yes, she--- ouch!" Baekhyun cries as he feels a rather sharp pinch to one of his ankles. 

"Choha, are you all right?" The eunuch inquires, concerned.

"Ah yes, I may have just been bitten by an insect. A rather pesky, vexing, and offensive insect." He does a kicking motion to shoo the Crown Princess away from his leg. 

The said woman bridles a giggle.

"Aigoo, shall I take a look at it?"

"No!" Baekhyun stops his eunuch from advancing any closer so as to not reveal the Crown Princess' presence. "It is quite all right. Nothing serious."

"Are you certain?"

Baekhyun motions his hand dismissively. "Yes, yes. At any rate, tell the Crown Princess' courtiers to not panic. Their mistress should reappear sooner or later. After all, this isn't the first time."

"Choha, you must reprimand Sejabin-mama for her recurring indiscretions. You are far too soft on her, as a result, she dares take advantage of your leniency. You must establish your authority. After all, you are a man and her husband, and as such, as a woman and your wife, she must learn to obey you."

Mura, none too pleased with the eunuch's statement, mouths a series of curses directed at him.

"Yes, I shall when I see her, eventually. I shall warn her if she repeats such conduct once more, I shall take the issue to the queen's court, myself, and let them handle it." Baekhyun declares, making certain that his consort hears it. "You are dismissed, for now, Bu Samnom."

"Very well, Choha. I shall be right outside if you require my assistance." The eunuch bows to his master before exiting the room. 

After Samnom leaves, Mura emerges from underneath the table. 

"You know that really hurt," Baekhyun complains. 

"You were about to reveal my presence. I was left with no other choice."

"Return to your quarters, Sejabin."

"Choha, did you truly mean it? Will you truly report me to the queen's court?" Mura questions.

"I don't believe I was bluffing."

"Choha, no! You cannot do that! You cannot snitch on me. It is considered breaking one of the cardinal rules of friendship."

Baekhyun frowns. "Snitch? Whatever in the world does it mean?"

"It is a hoodlum slang for the ultimate betrayal."

Baekhyun's frown grows deeper. "And, how does a young lady of the gentry comes to learn such a slang?"

"That is not the issue at hand."

But, Baekhyun has so many questions. "Who were you before you came to the palace? What sorts of illicit acts did you engage in?" He teases with a straight face.

"Choha!" Mura whines.

"All right, all right, I won't report you to the queen's court. But, you cannot continue these disappearing acts. There are only so many times I could come to your rescue before someone, eventually, grows tired of your antics and chooses to inform the Queen.

Mura pouts sullenly. "Very well. But, I do not wish to return to my quarters just yet. And, I refuse to read the text."

"Suit yourself. Now, if you'll excuse me while I finish reading this rather riveting book that you have so, rudely, interrupted."

Mura surveys her surrounding. "I find libraries to be no less frightening than a haunted house. Books, I believe, are equally as frightening as ghosts, if you were to ask me."

"I didn't," Baekhyun says.

"Why is it that you enjoy reading so much? What's so fascinating about books, anyway?"



Baekhyun places his index finger over his lips, in a silent command for his consort to be quiet. 

Mura scowls before crossing her arms on the table and resting her head there. Perhaps, a short nap wouldn't be so bad. Rousing in the early hours of every morning can be so tiring.

Baekhyun smirks at the sight of the Crown Princess attempting to make herself comfortable in her seat. The Crown Prince has grown quite comfortable with his consort. He no longer turns flustered or becomes lost for words in her presence. Sometimes, it even feels as though they are an old married couple---often bickering and/or getting on each other's nerves. Baekhyun never had a rapport with another quite like this. He cherishes it deeply. 

Mura isn't sure how much time has passed, however, she is certain the sleep she has been hoping for isn't coming. She raises her head and groans. "I'm utterly bored!"

Realizing he won't get to finish his book at present, Baekhyun slaps it shut. "What would interest you currently, my lady?"

"Anything outside of these possessed library walls should be appealing."

Baekhyun presses his lips, evidently in thought. He contemplates for some time before speaking again. "Would you care for a little adventure then?"

Mura smirks with a playful glint in her eyes. "Choha, if there is one thing you must know about me it is that I always care for adventures."


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Baekhyun and Mura inconspicuously meander through the palace. Earlier, they had snuck out of the library through the back window with the Crown Prince promising to take his consort somewhere pleasant. He leads her through a less-traveled path and, for good measure, even made her wear his cape, which he had asked Samnom to fetch, feigning he was cold, in order to cover her court attire so as to not attract any attention.

Baekhyun's heart pounds against his ribcage and his legs feel unstable from the sheer nervousness he feels. He is breaking all kinds of rules at present, and for what purpose?

"This has been a mistake. Perhaps we should return."

"Aish, we have come this far already. Let us not cower," Mura says. "Admit it, Choha, isn't this thrilling?"

"Speak for yourself."

From afar, Baekhyun notices two palace maids advancing their way from the opposite direction. Panicked, he surveys his surroundings and swiftly pulls his consort inside a gap between two building structures before the maids take notice. The space is a little tight but has just enough room for the two to fit.

Mura opens to say something but the Crown Prince slaps a hand over it and uses the other hand to hush her with a finger over his lips. The two hear disembodied chatter coming from outside. Baekhyun anticipates the maids to pass them by, however, that doesn't occur. He continues to hear their chatter, but it isn't showing any sign of fading away; indicating the maids have likely halted their steps, not too far away. 

Baekhyun sighs out of frustration before directing his attention to his consort. He becomes stumped by the deep amber eyes intently gazing back at him. Her gaze isn't particularly fixed on his eyes, rather it seems to be roaming over his face. Suddenly, Baekhyun becomes hyper-aware of their close proximity. So, so close. He can feel the other's chest rise and fall against his own. The cool air emitting from her nostrils tickles the back of his hand that's been placed over .

Right, his palm--- his mind then focuses on how his palm is pressed against her plush lips, their softness against his skin feels almost as though it's being kissed and the mere idea inspires exciting sparks within him. 

Taken aback by the direction his thoughts are taking him, Baekhyun quickly drops the pressed hand, giving way for the other to speak. 

"Choha, you have so many moles on your face." Mura whispers. "Like constellations in the sky but in reverse. Instead of dots of white aligning against the black of night, yours are spots of black peppered against the paleness of skin. They're quite captivating, if I may say so." 

Baekhyun had been wrong. It seems, his consort still manages to fluster him. He looks away and blinks rapidly as heat rises to his face. While, Mura remains innocently ignorant to the effect her words are having on her husband. To an oblivious spectator, this may appear as an attempt at flirting by the Crown Princess, when in reality it was simply a harmless compliment based on an interesting observation. 

Suddenly feeling as though he can't breathe, Baekhyun tries to back away from the Crown Princess, as much as the compact space would allow. However, Mura leans in, closing whatever gap the other had managed to create, in order to peer outside. To Baekhyun's relief, that lasts only a moment, as she leans back immediately after. 

"Are they still there?"

As he tries to gain back his composure, Baekhyun listens in and no longer hears any chatter. He musters up the courage and peeks his head out slightly to take a look. The path appears to have cleared. He wastes no more time and quickly slides out of the gap; thankful, as being stuck with his consort in that tight space was beginning to drive him insane. 

Mura follows him out and they resume their journey. As they turn a corner, they are met with the two maids from earlier. Baekhyun abruptly freezes at the sight of them, as a result, Mura, who's been walking behind him, collides with his back. 

The two maids cast a questioning look at Baekhyun before silently bowing to him. The maids then start to walk past the two royals, only stopping momentarily to bow to Mura before finally walking away.

Baekhyun releases a sigh of relief, as it seems the maids recognized neither him nor the Crown Princess. The royal palace is a vast place with hundreds of employees. This makes it impossible for every single individual in its personnel to have personally seen every single member of the royal family. And, with Mura's Crown Princess emblem on her dangui hidden under a cape and Baekhyun not wearing his court robe, it is completely possible to avoid being identified. 

The two, again, resume their journey and reach a section of a wall located in the rear portion of the palace. They help each other climb the stone wall and Mura finds herself growing apprehensive, at last, as this is the first time she has left the bounds of the palace.

"Precisely where is it that we are going?" She asks.

"You'll see. We're not too far along." Baekhyun answers.

The two trek slightly uphill, passing a wooded area in the process, before finally reaching their destination, which is a top of a lush green cliff.

Mura excitedly runs near the edge of it and is met with a bird's-eye-view of the capital with peaks of enormous mountains adding much to the beauty in the background.

"Wah, this is breathtaking!" She marvels.

Baekhyun comes and stands next to her. "It has been some time since I've been here."

"How did you discover this place?"

"By accident, really," Baekhyun says. "I was thirteen years of age and was feeling rather adventurous one day, and this is where my adventure led me."

"A gem, hidden right behind the palace." Mura remarks before sitting down. 

She pats the space beside her, motioning the Crown Prince to sit as well and he obliges. They continue to take in the sight in comfortable silence. 

"Choha, may I ask you a question?" Mura asks.

Baekhyun hums his response, eyes fixed ahead of him. 

"Initially, you had been quite cold towards me, without even speaking to me properly. I had always wondered what I had done to garner such a treatment? Don't misunderstand me, for I don't hold any resentment towards you for it, I'm merely curious."

Baekhyun takes a moment before replying. "Forgive me, for I am truly ashamed of my past behavior." He pauses. "In all honesty, like you, I, too, was not prepared to be wedded. However, it was an obligation I was expected to fulfill. I suppose I had, unfairly, projected some of that discontentment onto you. I am truly remorseful."

"That's a relief, I suppose," Mura says.

Baekhyun casts her a quizzical look, unsure about what precisely she is relieved.

"Since, you only agreed to this union out of obligation, it is safe to assume you do not expect there to be love between us. Correct?"

"Uh..." Baekhyun doesn't know how to respond to that. 

"Janshil tells me that I must learn to love you because you are my husband, however, I'm afraid, I don't feel it. Although, I'll admit I do not how it is meant to feel and isn't something I have ever given any thought to. But, frankly, I don't believe I am capable of such feelings as marital love. I had never even wished to be married."

Something heavy weighs down Baekhyun's chest. "I was under the impression all women dream about the day they would meet their husbands and fall in love."

"I never did. Not even once."

"Neither did I."

It was true. Baekhyun, himself, never dreamed of falling in love. Hence, he can't understand why his stomach churns with disappointment by the idea of his consort not loving him. They are merely friends, after all. Perhaps, as a prince, his esteem is slightly wounded. Yes, that's what it is, nothing more to it.

"Truly? That is, indeed, such a relief. Janshil claimed I would hurt your sentiments if I were not to feel any love for you. I'm glad we are in agreement because I do not wish to hurt you."

Baekhyun gives a small smile. "You need not fret. Rest assured, I expect no such thing from our relationship." Somehow that statement tastes inauthentic in his mouth.

"Splendid!" With a relieved smile on her lips, Mura crosses her arms behind her head and leans back to lay down. "Choha, come, lay down. The grass feels quite comfortable."

Baekhyun obliges and lays down next to his consort; making sure to keep a respectable amount of distance between them. He turns his head to gaze upon the Crown Princess' face. Her eyes are closed and a soft smile of contentment can be seen etched on her full lips. Her medium olive skin gleams beautifully under the sunlight and her wispy long lashes create shadows under her eyes. Baekhyun finds it difficult to look away, but is, eventually, compelled to when the other abruptly opens her eyes. 

For some reason, Mura feels this strange inkling that there are eyes on her, but she is proven wrong when she opens her own and finds the Crown Prince's lids shut tight; relishing in the atmosphere just as she is. She shakes her head before closing them back again. 


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"Did you enjoy our little adventure, Sejabin?" Baekhyun asks as they head back to the east palace.

"Yes! It was rather amusing witnessing your rebellious side. I didn't think you had it in you."

"Since I had taken such a great risk for you, you must now return the favor."

Mura smiles. "Of course."

Upon returning to the east palace, Baekhyun and Mura witness panic among their attendants. It seems the Crown Prince's absence has been discovered.

"I'm telling you, Choi Mamanim. It is the doing of the Crown Princess. She's having a bad influence on our Crown Prince," Samnom proclaims, unaware of the approaching royal couple.

To Mura's surprise, Madam Choi comes to her defense. "How dare you blame the Crown Princess for the Crown Prince's disappearance? You hold no evidence."

"You believe it is a mere coincidence that both of them are missing at the same precise time?"

"You had said it yourself, you had seen Choha in the library at the time were searching for Sejabin-mama. That proves they did not run off together."

Mura feels slightly guilty for betraying her lady's-in-waiting faith in her. She's about to humiliate her by proving the damned eunuch right. In Mura's defense, it is partially the court lady's own fault to hold so much faith in her when she has done very little to inspire it. Mura and Baekhyun share a glance before advancing into the chaos that they had created.



Samnom and Madam Choi cry upon seeing their respective master and mistress. 

"Choha, where did you run off to? I had been worried to the point of turning ill."

"Mama, do you truly revel in my misery? Why do you keep doing this to your humble servant?"

"Silence!" Baekhyun bellows. "You must learn to be calm. Both of you! We have returned safely and soundly, have we not?"

The two courtiers cower before their prince. Meanwhile, Mura shoots glares at Samnom, who fearfully averts the Crown Princess' venomous stare.

"Mama, let us retreat to your quarters." Madam Choi prompts.

"Wait." Baekhyun begins. "Sejabin, about returning the favor..."

"Ah, yes. What do you require of me? Consider it done."

They are now back inside the Crown Prince's library, where Baekhyun pushes a book across the table towards the Crown Princess. The title reads, "Naehun: Instructions for the Inner Sphere" by Queen Sohye.

Mura's expression falters. "This---"

"Is the text that is to be discussed at the Nayeon tomorrow." Baekhyun completes her sentence. "You are to study it this instance. You may not leave until you have read and understood the contents of the text in its entirety."

"You've tricked me." Mura bemoans.

"If I can break the rules for you, surely, you can do this for me. Consider all I've done for you, thus far. This is a rather small ask in return, won't you agree?"

Mura's lips quiver. She knows there is legitimacy to the Crown Prince's statement.

"You are the future queen of this nation. You must adhere to certain standards. Not participating in the discussion will only make you seem incompetent, and as the future king and your consort, I cannot accept such a thing."

Mura's shoulders drop in defeat.

"I will help you study it, hm?"

Mura begrudgingly opens the book, sporting the most miserable expression as though she were made to cut off her own fingers.

Baekhyun stifles a mirthful chuckle, not wishing to agitate the Crown Princess further. "Let us begin then."


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The following day, Mura attends the Nayeon gala along with the other female members of both the internal and external court. In general, the members of the internal court include those who live inside the royal palace---The King, the Queen, Queen Dowager, The Crown Prince and his consort, any concubines, and the unmarried princes and princesses fathered by the King. The external court consists of those who live outside the royal palace, and its members include married princes--other than the Crown Prince--- and all married princesses, and other extended family members related to the King.

For today's gala, along with the female members of the internal court, the female members of the external court that are in attendance are the King's four sisters, the wives of his three brothers, and his married daughter. Prince Jongin's consort couldn't make it due to the hazardous nature of her pregnancy. 

The gala begins with a feast where they all socialize over lunch; which is then followed by the discussion session of the Naehun text. 

Mura tries her best to keep her attention on what the Queen says regarding the book, but finds it harder and harder to retain her focus as the Queen continues to talk about the history of the text. 


Mura, who had been lazily leaning her temple over her hand, immediately straightens herself upon having her name being called by the Queen. "Yes, Mama."

"Can you elaborate on the four pillars of a woman's virtue?" She asks in a soft, pleasant voice.

"Uhm, yes." Mura tries to recall. "Mo-moral conduct; p-proper speech; proper appearance; and womanly tasks?"

"Gongju had just listed them. You were asked to elaborate on them." The Queen Dowager supplies scornfully.

"Of course, I was just about to." Mura lets out a nervous laugh. She tries to recall before she recites, "Moral conduct suggests, women need not be assertive. Rather, be quiet, serene, chaste, and disciplined. Proper speech implies women are to speak with restraint and must avoid offensive language. Proper appearance refers to attention to one's cleanliness, and dressing and presenting oneself in a refined manner. And, womanly tasks imply dedication towards one's womanly duties, such as serving the men in her life diligently." 

"Excellent, Sejiabin." The Queen praises. 

Mura's chest swells with pride upon getting the answer correct. Though, she fails to answer the subsequent two questions that are posed to her before the Queen stops asking her any further questions, all together. Mura does not miss the expression of disapproval on Queen Dowager's face, but she chooses to ignore it. At least, she had successfully recited one of the answers. She is certain the Crown Prince will share the pride. Maybe he'll even give her satisfactory pats on the head.


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"What are you doing?" Baekhyun asks as Mura.

The two stand in their shared courtyard with Mura having offered her head to the other. 

"You may pat my head."

"And, why should I?"

"Have you not been listening? I have successfully participated in the discussion at Nayeon. Don't I deserve a pat on the head?" Mura offers her head again. "Go on..."

However, instead of a pat, what Mura feels is a sharp pain on her forehead as the other gives her a flick.

"Ouch! Choha, what is the meaning of this?"

"Answering merely a single question after studying the text for three hours, you call that a success?"

Mura pouts and rubs her forehead. "I tried, however, the questions kept getting harder and harder, and as you had, personally, witnessed last night, intelligence isn't my strongest suit, hence I had been unable to form any proper answers. I truly had tried my best. I swear it."

Baekhyun continues to give her an unsatisfactory look.

"I had truly thought you would be happy with me. I apologize for disappointing you." Mura bows before proceeding inside her quarters with a heavy heart, when she suddenly feels something on her head. She dips her head, at first, at the sudden feeling before realizing it is the hand of the Crown Prince. 

"Well done, Sejabin, for your efforts." Baekhyun pats the other's head. "However, next time, you must do better." 

Mura nods. "Thank you, Choha. I won't disappoint you in the future."

Baekhyun smiles at her, and it is freely returned by the Crown Princess.

Baekhyun does not believe he can ever be disappointed by the other.


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A/N: I think this is personally my favorite chapter, so far. Baekhyun and Mura have grown close enough to bicker and be more playful towards each other. Baekhyun tricking Mura into studying and even sneaking out of the palace with her shows how much comfortable he's gotten with her. They're just cute. I hope you guys also thought they were cute in this chapter. 

Until next time! <3


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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.