
Under the Peach Tree

A/N: Please, excuse any mistakes.


Baekhyun awakens at the crack of dawn. There is no morning study being held today, so he isn’t in any haste to get on with his day. However, he feels quite restless at heart. He gets up, opens one of the windows in his bed-chamber for some fresh air, and immediately gets inundated with a brisk breeze. Winter has fully revealed itself and it isn’t long until clouds of snow grace the kingdom.

Even in this crisp weather, Baekhyun fancies a walk. Perhaps, it’ll help ease his restlessness. So, he orders one of the two maids that are on duty to bring him appropriate clothing. The maid dresses him in a fur-lined robe and slips his sock-covered feet into winter-appropriate boots. Then Baekhyun is off for a stroll by himself. 

He ponders over great many things during his walk around the grounds of the East Palace. Mainly, he ponders over the Crown Princess. He’s been struggling with an array of emotions in regard to his consort, which has only been compounding as the days elapse into the next. These feelings are such foreign waters that Baekhyun is afraid to even dip his toes in them, no matter how promisingly gratifying it may be.

With the bitter cold becoming increasingly intolerable, Baekhyun eventually decides to return to his quarters. 

As he enters the courtyard of his residence, he hears a faint sound of what seems to be a woman singing. The mellifluous voice appears to be coming from the back of the Crown Princess’ quarters. Intrigued, Baekhyun veers from his path to his own quarters and starts walking in the direction from where the voice can be heard coming.

As Baekhyun follows the voice, it becomes more and more audible and its high-pitched yet melodious delivery captures his appreciation. 

Upon passing the Crown Princess’ quarters and stepping onto the small yard behind it, Baekhyun finds the owner of the voice sitting on a swing, swaying back and forth; with her long black hair flowing with the motions of the swing. Though he cannot see her face due to her back facing him, he knows it couldn't be anyone else other than the Crown Princess, herself; who carries on with her singing, unaware of Baekhyun’s presence behind her. 

Baekhyun wasn’t aware his consort could sing so splendidly. Mesmerized by the voice, he slowly advances toward his consort, as though the singing is beckoning him to go to her. Then on his path, he happens to step on a dead leaf, and the subsequent crunching sound it makes echoes across, unceremoniously halting the Crown Princess’ singing.

Baekhyun comes to a halt, as well.

The Crown Princess also ceases to swing and turns her head. “Oh, Choha?” She gets off the swing to face the man and begins to speak. 

However, Baekhyun isn’t paying attention to her speech, not when all his concentration is focused on drinking up the ethereal sight before him. 

The Crown Prince has never witnessed his consort this stripped down. He is accustomed to seeing the other in colorful lustrous clothing with bound hair kept in its place with a long elaborately designed pin, likened to a phoenix; while the top of her head is adorned with a cheopji1, fashioned after a pheasant. Though his consort always keeps the accessories to the minimum, unlike her mother and grandmother, who prefer to be rather showy with their excessively bejeweled hair.  But this rendition of the Crown Princess, donning a plain ecru-colored quilted robe with her hair cascading down her bosom— free of any ornate pins and other accessories— shaping her face beautifully, is doing strange things to Baekhyun. 

Of course, he has always regarded the other as beautiful, but never has his consort looked this beautiful in his eyes, prior to this very moment.


Baekhyun hears the faint call but ignores it; choosing to instead imagine how it may feel to comb the other’s silken hair with his fingers. 


The loud voice brings Baekhyun out of his dazed musing. “Hm?”

“Haven’t you been listening?” Mura accuses

Baekhyun makes a guilty expression. “My apologies, Sejabin. You have my full attention now.” He pries his eyes away from the other so as to not get distracted again.

Mura pouts for a quick moment. “I had only been saying how I had this swing placed here yesterday. The idea came to me suddenly, as I had been staring at the tree from the window of my bed-chamber. Then thought the thick branch should be perfect for a swing hanging over it. Don’t you agree?”

“Uh, um, yes,” Baekhyun answers half-heartedly, gazing at his feet; a sense of bashfulness begins to creep up on him as he recalls the erse thought he had only moments ago about touching the other’s hair. 

Choha, are you all right?” Mura inquires, genuinely concerned.

Baekhyun raises his gaze back at his consort. Good Heavens, he wants to touch more than just her hair. “Hmm.” He simply answers. 

Mura takes a step forward. “Are you certain?”

Baekhyun takes a step back in response. “Y-yes.” He doesn’t sound very convincing.

Mura furrows her eyebrows at the Crown Prince’s odd behavior. She proceeds to bridge the gap between them.

“I must return to my quarters.” Baekhyun blurts out rather loudly, abruptly stopping the Crown Princess’ steps. “Halmamama and omamama should be expecting us for the morning greeting soon, hence you must return to yours, as well, and change into your court attire.” With that, he scurries out of there like a child trying to evade an admonishing mother; leaving the Crown Princess positively perplexed. 


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After being besieged with snow for several days, Choson has finally gained some reprieve from it. Only remnants of melting white frost remain. This allows Baekhyun to enjoy some time outdoors, as it does for many others across the kingdom. The Crown Prince wears a thick, quilted rendition of his court robe, and on his shoulders hangs a fur-lined cloak. To prevent his ears from freezing, he wears a silk and fur bolkki2 underneath his ikseongwan3. The snow may have ceased, but the biting cold persists. 

As Baekhyun traverses through the East Palace garden on his little afternoon stroll, followed by his retinue, he sees his consort, donning silk a fur-lined robe, running around in the grass with her maids. Or, more appropriately, giving chase to her maids with a handful of snow before slinging it at them. It seems Baekhyun isn’t the only one relishing the outdoors after being stuck in the confines of their quarters these past few days.

The Crown Prince stops to stare at his consort— admire her— her spirit, her spriteliness, her infectious laugh. A smile etches upon his lips. But he observes something that concerns him. 

Baekhyun tuts. “It is a rather brisk afternoon. She ought to be wearing a jobawi4.” He tells Samnom, remarking at his consort’s uncovered head.

The Crown Princess looks in Baekhyun’s direction and their eyes meet. She grins at him. “Choha!” She starts to run his way.

She steps onto the concrete path on which Baekhyun stands. His eyes narrow because portions of the path are covered with slippery ice. 

Sejabin, be careful!” 

The warning proves futile, as right then Mura, unwittingly, steps on some ice and slips to the ground.



Shout Baekhyun and the Crown Princess’ attendants, respectively. 

The Crown Prince rushes to Mura, while the others, too, crowd around her. 

Baekhyun crouches next to the Crown Princess. “Are you all right, Sejabin?”

Mura makes a pained expression, grasping at her left foot. “My ankle.”

Baekhyun’s eyes flit to the other’s foot. “Did you hurt it?”

Mura continues to bear the painful expression. “Maybe.”

Baekhyun thinks for a quick moment before he’s back on his feet. He bends over and hooks one arm under the other’s knees and the other arm around the other’s waist and hoists her up before making a dash for her quarters. 

“Thankfully, nothing has been broken. It appears to be a minor sprain,” the Royal Physician informs the Crown Prince after inspecting the Crown Princess’ swollen ankle.

They all stand surrounding the Crown Princess, who remains laid on her bed.

“How must we remedy this?” Baekhyun inquires; there’s an urgency in his voice. It is evident the Crown Prince is deeply agitated by his consort’s injury. 

“I shall wrap her ankle with a piece of cloth to ease some of the discomfort. Beyond this, I’m afraid, there isn’t much I can do. Time is the best remedy, in this instance. Her Highness must rest in her chamber until her ankle has completely healed.”

“And, how long may that be?” Mura asks.

“No less than a fortnight.”

“A fortnight?” Mura exclaims. “No, no, that won’t do.”

Mama, I’m afraid, it is imperative for your ankle’s full recovery.” The physician points out. 

“I cannot be expected to be bedridden for a fortnight. It is madness!”

Sejabin,” Baekhyun calls in an authoritative tone. “Heed the Royal Physician’s words. You must do as prescribed.”

“But, Choha —”

“For the coming two weeks, the Crown Princess must remain in her chamber and recuperate per the Royal Physician’s instructions. It is your Crown Prince’s strict order.” Baekhyun declares to all of the Crown Princess’ attendants present. “Anyone who fails to uphold my orders shall be punished with a straw mat beating. Is that clear?”

The attendants bow to the Crown Prince. “As you wish, Choha.”

“Choi Sanggung, I am entrusting you with this matter.” Baekhyun says. 

Madam Choi bows. “Yes, Choha.”

All Mura can do is frown and grouse under her breath.


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Baekhyun steps out of his quarters and looks across to the quarters belonging to his consort. It’s been a week since the Crown Princess injured her ankle. Baekhyun wonders how she’s doing.

Choha,” Samnom calls. “Do you wish to pay a visit to Sejabin-mama?”

Baekhyun blinks his gaze away from his consort’s quarters. “No.” He then leaves for his morning study. 

The Crown Prince hasn’t paid a single visit to the Crown Princess this past week; choosing to enquire her attendants instead regarding her progress. Baekhyun has chosen to take this temporary separation as an opportunity to assess whatever feelings he bears for his consort. He does not wish to have any influence from her on his assessment, hence he’s been avoiding paying any visits to her. 

Even though Baekhyun has been longing for the Crown Princess’ company— very much so— he must not deviate from this path of discovery about the depths of his feelings. 

Five more days elapse without visiting the Crown Princess, and Baekhyun is desolate. A bleak emptiness has managed to disrupt his routine. He is currently taking his early evening walk, with his retinue in tow, feeling rather glum. His days have turned biting and lifeless just like the weather. 

Then, suddenly, a pair of hands conceal his eyes from behind, blocking his vision. Immediate anger surges through Baekhyun. He prises the audacious hands away from his eyes. “Who dares—” His words get caught in his throat as he turns to face the owner of those hands. 

The Crown Princess chortles, letting out her signature rumbling snort in the process. And, just like that Baekhyun’s dreary existence gets new life breathed into it, like the spring flowers budding on a once lifeless winter branch. 

Sejabin, what are you doing here? You were meant to—”

“The Royal Physician has proclaimed my ankle to be completely healed.” Mura skips demonstrating her claims. “See?”

“But, a fortnight is yet to pass.”

Mura shrugs. “I have made an early recovery.”

“Still, for good measure, I suggest you rest for an additional few days.”

Choha !” Mura utters petulantly. “The physician has declared me healed, why do you still insist upon keeping me captive? Is it part of some greater conspiracy of yours to shun me?”

“Shun you? Sejabin, I’m simply concerned over the wellbeing of your foot.”

“Well, my foot now works perfectly fine.” Mura starts to skip again to drive her point, but she loses her balance, almost experiencing a fall.

Baekhyun catches her by the arm in the nick of time before shooting her a scolding glare.

Mura lets out an embarrassed chuckle. “Perhaps, I should stick to merely walking, at present.”

Baekhyun shakes his head at his consort’s clumsiness.

“Care for some company on your walk?”

“Choi Sanggung!” Baekhyun calls.

The court lady rushes before the Crown Prince and bows. 

“Why hasn’t the Crown Princess been dressed appropriately for the weather? Where is her jobawi?”

Madam Choi trembles, “Uh…I—

“It isn’t Choi Sanggung’s fault,” Mura interjects. “I insisted upon not wearing one. My ears get unpleasantly warm.”

Choha, I have brought along one with me, lest Her Highness may have a change of heart.” Madam Choi produces a beautifully embroidered jobawi from inside her robe and presents it to her mistress. 

“I do not require it, presently,” Mura says. 

Baekhyun snatches the cap from the court lady’s hand and proceeds to place it over his consort’s head, making sure it property covers her ears. “You must still have it on, or you may catch a chill.”

Mura sighs, displeased. 

“Now, you may accompany me on my walk.”

The two commence on a walk together.

Baekhyun abruptly chuckles at nothing. 

“What seems to be so humorous?”

“Conspiring to shun you…” Baekhyun recalls his consort’s earlier claim. “How preposterous.”

“Well, it isn’t that preposterous, considering you haven’t visited me even once while I had been recuperating.”

Baekhyun can hear the accusatory tone. He feels remorseful. “Forgive me, but I presumed you were quite disgruntled about being forcibly bedridden and I had a feeling you resorted to complaining plenty. I have much too compassion for my ears to have them be assaulted with your whining.” He yelps when his consort slaps his arm in retaliation.

“Some friend you are,” Mura says sullenly. 

Baekhyun chuckles. 

“You know what? I no longer wish to accompany you on this walk. I shall bid you a good night, Choha.” Mura starts to walk the other way before stopping and retracing her steps. “Oh, and, from hereon, consider our friendship nullified. Now, you shall never have to fret over possibly tolerating my whining ever again.” She says snidely and resumes walking in the opposite direction.

“Come now, Sejabin, don’t be like so. I was simply jesting.”

Mura doesn’t pay any mind. 

“My sincerest apologies. Please, do not be cross with me. Whatever shall I do without your benevolent friendship, my dear Crown Princess.” Baekhyun follows his consort and he follows her all the way to their residence while attempting at wheedling her until, eventually, the Crown Princess agrees to forgive him. 


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As per the Queen’s order, Mura makes rounds at several royal bureaus situated within the Royal Palace, as an initiative to gain an understanding of how certain day-to-day palace operations are carried out. 

She starts by visiting the training facility for maids, where girls as young as ten years of age are trained and molded to become palace maids and court ladies. She then visits the Royal Infirmary and Dispensary, and witnesses how certain medicines are prepared. This is followed by a visit to the Royal Kitchen, where she does not waste the opportunity to feed herself anything edible she can get her hands on. Her final stop is the Royal Tailor.

“And, this is how we prepare the dyes for all the clothing,” informs the supervisor to the Royal Tailor by leading the Crown Princess, with Madam Choi walking behind her, to the section of the establishment where they produce the dyes. 

“Wah, what is this?” Mura asks looking at a barrel where workers are squeezing red flower petals into some water. 

“Those are red safflowers, Mama,” The supervisor supplies. “We use them to make the red dye.” He then goes on to explain the process. “We then make it into a paste and mix it with other colored paste, if need be, in order to achieve different shades.”

In one of the corners, Mura notices a vessel containing a red-colored substance. “Would that be the paste you speak of?”

The supervisor’s eyes follow where the Crown Princess points at. “Yes, Mama.”

Mura walks up to the vessel. “Wah, it is so vibrant! Does it not look so beautiful, Choi Sanggung?”

“Indeed, Mama.”

Then for some reason Mura gets a strange idea. She crouches down and dips both of her hands into the red dye paste.

Mama, what are you doing?” Madam Choi exclaims.

Mura laughs heartily and shows her court lady her red-stained palms. “Look, Choi Sanggung, it looks as though my hands are stained with blood, does it not?”

Mama, we must get your hands washed at once! If it stains your clothes, it won’t come off.” Madam Choi says as she and the rest of the retinue follow their mistress back to the East Palace. “It should be rather unfortunate if a perfectly fine set of garments gets ruined.”

“I shall wash them once we return to my quarters and after I have laid out my handprint onto a piece of parchment. It shall look rather grand. Do not fret, I shall remain vigilant so as to not stain my clothing.” 

As soon as Mura says it, a drop of the dye drips on her chima5. She immediately notices but fortunately Madam Choi does not… for now. Mura bites her tongue; her court lady will berate her well into her next life.

On the way, they come across the Crown Prince, who appears to be on his way to something. Suddenly, Mura gets a mischievous idea. She quickly puts her hands behind her back. 


Baekhyun turns his head her way. “Oh, Sejabin?”

Mura gives a small playful smile and gingerly approaches the Crown Prince. 

Sejabin, are you finished with—” Before Baekhyun can finish his question, the Crown Princess’ hands come up to his cheeks and glide against them. Baekhyun feels a wet sensation.

Mama !” Madam Choi cries.

Mura giggles and promptly proceeds to run away. Madam Choi bows to the Crown Prince in apology before she and the other attendants go running after their mistress. 

“Oh no, Choha!” Samnom cries.

“Baekhyun touches his cheek before looking at his fingers. It’s red paint of some sort.

Choha, you are due to attend an important meeting. We must promptly clean your face. Aigoo, why would Sejabin-mama do such a thing?”

Baekhyun’s gaze follows his consort as she giggles and runs further and further away from him; giving him one final glance. He should be angry about this, but he isn’t. A smile blooms on his lips. The Crown Princess always manages to pull some sort of mischief, yet Baekhyun can’t bring himself to be angry anymore, or even vexed. 

How could he? After all, he is a man in love.


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1. Cheopji: a hair accessory worn by royal women and high-ranking court ladies inside the palace. Sits on top of the head.

2. Bolkki: protective flap wrapped around the face; meant to keep the ears warm.

3. Ikseongwan: the black hat/crown worn by the king and the crown prince.

4. Jobawi: a type of women's winter cap.

5. Chima: Skirt part of women's hanbok.




A/N: So, Baekhyun finally came to the realization that he's in love! Yay!

Also, I just want to announce that this fic is going to be long. No idea how many words this will end up being, but just know it's gonna be looong. I have so many things planned for this story. There will be ups and downs. It's gonna be a ride, so I hope you'll come along on this with me!

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Chapter 14: Omg such a hectic day for mura😩
Chapter 13: They finally met! Btw thanks for the pictures at the start of each chapter, they really do help a lot!
Chapter 3: Mura's parents are so sweet!
abeer15 #4
Chapter 48: Oh no why this is so sad
It was going well and suddenly everything went down like that 🥺
Chapter 22: baekhyun and mura becoming friends is so wholesome. baekhyun must have grown up so lonely in the palace i'm so glad mura is now there to bring light to him.
Chapter 10: aaawww mura is such a pure hearted girl who only wants freedom :((
I love your stories!! And i also love your writing style.
Chapter 49: Authornim, I thought you're gonna discontinue 🙂🙂🥲 btw, thank you authornim! So excited to read about their relationship's development!
Chapter 49: Ohmagod 😱 my heart I thought 😭you are going to end like that.