His Gayness Rumors

The Exchange
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"Why are you…um, showing… negative…uh... emotions?" 

She was awkward, really, really awkward and she did't know what to say. He stayed silent and only leaned on her shoulder. His eyes were closed, without bothering to even acknowledge her presence beside him even though he was literally laying his head on her shoulder and invading her personal space.

 She had absolutely no idea on how to deal with him. The most awkward part was that he was crying! Baekhyun was crying! What is she supposed to do now? Sora can't deal with people 'showing negative emotions' like him right now, and to make it worse, it was Baekhyun. He is the enemiest enemy of hers.

'Wait, is that even a word? Enemiest?' 

His chuckles broke her trance and she glanced down at him with wide, innocent eyes. 

"What is that? Showing negative emotions? It’s called crying Sora, haven't you heard of it before?" Baekhyun asked her with a stoic posture and closed eyes, but his lips were stretched into a beautiful, rectangular-shaped smile.

'Wait what? Beautiful?'

"Um…C-crying? W-well, w-why are you…cry-ing?" Sora once again questioned, and she was surprised she hadn't shrugged him off her shoulder yet, and instead let him have his ways when he didn't even deserve it!

Baekhyun sighed at her and straightened himself. He shifted in his place and faced her, lifting his legs up to sit indian style on the bench. He eyed her blankly while wiping his tears off his cheeks with his sleeves.

Sora blinked at him and glanced behind her, wondering if that look was pointed towards anyone behind her.

She felt something pecking her in her forehead and with a wince, she swatted it away. Sora glared at his brown hawk that was cooly resting on his shoulder. He sneered at her while she pouted at him.

"What is this! I even let you rest on my shoulder! I should have shrugged you off." she scowled at him,  and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is this how you comfort a crying boy? By asking him why he is showing negative emotions? What the hell?" He scowled, and Sora raised her head up confidently with her hands on her hips.

"I asked you! Why were you crying, and why did you let your hawk peck me in the head? Ungrateful ." she huffed angrily and crossed her arms. She really wanted to kick his shin right now and tell him to bother someone else, but his red eyes and ruffled hair made him look troubled and to be honest, Sora isn't that y.

'Well, maybe just a little y…'

Seeing his angry glare, Sora huffed in annoyance and gave in. Why is she so weak in heart? She could just kick his and be done with it. 

"Fine! Why were you crying?" She emphasized the word crying for his benefit, when she actually didn't even want to sit next of him.

"Well, that’s good. How you comfort someone is by asking them nicely, and then they would chose whether they want to answer the question or not"

"Meaning? Are you answering or not?" 

"Alright, I'll be sent away. My powers have been confiscated by the dumb bracelet, and I'm forever in trouble!" Baekhyun whined like a kid and laid his entire body on the bench, placing his head on Sora’s lap while blocking the sun by lying his arms on his eyes.

What the hell was wrong with Baekhyun today? Was he sure they confiscated only his powers? Was his brain still even there somewhere?

"Comfort me!" He demanded without bothering to look at her like before. Really though, was he just using her? Or did he feel delighted to bother her again? She didn't reply and only glared at him and his demon, who was now resting on his master's stomach. The hawk glared at Sora, almost daring her to touch his master.

"Dummy! Ask me a question first!" He misunderstood her irritation as a lack of knowledge on how to comfort someone, and yelled.  She openly rolled her eyes at him, not caring about his demonic…demon.

He took his arms away from his face and glowered at Sora, making her gulp and hesitantly ask,"Uhm…w-why is…that?"

"Oh Sora, it's horrible! They caught me and now…and now they think I would blow the cover. Oh no dear god! I love my people! I'm going to be a king! I shouldn't allow those things to happen, I would never ever do that!" Like a drama queen, Baekhyun exploded, covering his eyes like he had seen a preposterous scene. Was he really the same Baekhyun who was crying his eyes out? Wait, alright he had always been a diva.

"E-eh?" Sora was beyond confused, and Baekhyun wasn't really a person she could easily read because he never acts true to himself.

"The humans! The elders have found out that the wall is easily climbed over even with the electric shock. Someone was sneaking out all those days! They have seen a bush out of its place, a button from a school blazer resting on the top of the wall, and they thought that person was me! Do you believe that? ME! I can't climb that! I'll die!" He shouted the last word and sprung on his feet, shocking Sora and making her almost drop her new phone to the ground.

She really was shocked at his confession. She had no idea the elders have found out about someone sneaking out, and that someone could possibly be her.

She slowly yet sneakily lifted her wrist and glanced at the set of buttons that rested on each sleeve. To her horror, one from her left sleeve was missing, and only the string that used to hold it was there.

Hurriedly before Baekhyun could see, Sora hid her arm away behind her back and smiled innocently at him, but she couldn’t deny how curious she was to find out how they thought the culprit was him.

"A-and…Why did they think it was you?" 

"Oh how unlucky I am! I was walking near the walls yesterday night, and they caught me!  I swear to god I was only strolling outside. Well… Thinking about stuff, but no! My mom--I mean, the elders thought I was guilty and they concealed my powers away for a freaking month until further investigation! And, and, and the worst is…" The dramatic voice of Baekhyun and the splendid acting skills faded away and was replaced by a confused, lost, and angry Baekhyun that wasn't himself. No, not happy and cute. Baekhyun was being serious, which made Sora wonder what horrible things the council members had said to him.

"I.. I have to leave this place for three weeks. I have extra training sessions in the mountains, and I'm forbidden to attend Yoora's birthday… I'm forbidden to even attend school and see yo- I mean the royals!" He glanced at her with a troubled expression that made him look like a lost puppy that has no idea what to do with life. His eyeliner was smudged, and his lips were curled into an adorable pout that made him look younger than nineteen. 

"Sora, what am I supposed to do? You…You know what happens in the mountains right? No one ever comes back alive!" His dramatic self was back, and his panicking wide eyes returned. Baekhyun really looked silly as he flung his hands around him in despair and absolute depression. 

"Okay! you are exaggerating! You know those were rumors right? You'll be fine! You are a royal for God's sake! You'll be back safe and sound!" Sora actually wasn't so sure. She knows about the mountains, everyone does. They said that training in those mountains is like walking on fire with your bare feet. The trainers were fierce and liked to give deadly missions for battle strategies. Some people said that no one came from there alive as they die from exhaustion. Sora thinks it’s untrue because if they really died, people wouldn’t know about how things work over there and tell them. 

Well, she hoped Baekhyun's fatality or something would be there because she really doesn't like him, nu-uh, not even a bit.

"You really think so…?" Sora wanted to shake her head, but instead, she smiled and raised two thumbs up.

"Yup! You'll be fine!"

"Wait…" He suddenly said and she stiffened, thinking that he had caught the button missing when she flung her hands. Sora immediately crossed her hands behind her back and gave an innocent smile, hoping that Baekhyun hadn't noticed anything suspicious.

"Why am I talking to you? Oh my god Byun Bacon you've lost it!" He stood up in shock and pointed an accusing finger to her nose, almost touching it.

"You! What did you do to me? I'm losing my mind every time you breathe! I'm out of here!" He hurriedly packed his bag while sending nasty looks in her direction, like she committed a crime to him.

"Um…okay?" Sora awkwardly responded to him while scratching her neck. He was sure a weird boy.

It was after he left that she realized he had called himself Byun Bacon.

Her nickname.

"Yah Byun Bacon wait a minute!" She suddenly yelled and jogged towards him when he stopped in his tracks. She smiled a little and pounced in front of him innocently.

"Don't call me that!" He hissed and banged his fist on her forehead, making her wince.

Sora really wanted to hit him back, but she bit her tongue and smiled instead, leaning towards him with a creepy smile.

Baekhyun backed his head away from her with a weirded-out look that only made her smile increase.

"Say, what kind of phones do you own?"

 "What the ?"

 "Just answer it!" 

He kept a gaze on her for a few minutes before taking his phone out of his pocket, handing it to her ever so slowly, fearing that any wrong moves could be the death of him.

Sora snatched the phone from him and grinned at it. She held her own phone next to his and compared the two. Except for the color, they were exactly the same.

Baekhyun leaned toward the two phones with squinted eyes in curiosity, but his eyes ended up widening when he saw the phone beside his.

"Where did you get that? Didn't hyung break the only device you have?" He questioned with narrowed eyes, which went unnoticed by Sora as she was too engrossed with the device in her hand.

"Do you know how to use this? It's kinda new!" Enthusiastically she beamed at him, shoving her phone in his face with a grin that made Baekhyun gulp.

He slowly darted his eyes towards the phone, but then, his eyes automatically shifted to her wrist that was hugged by a beautiful bracelet with the number '18' on it.

"Where did you get that?" He once again repeated his question, and Sora blinked her eyes before glancing down at where he was looking.

"Oh! I bought it! Beautiful isn't it?"


Sora’s eyes widened at Baekhyun’s outburst, and he awkwardly coughed right away when he found out what he just stupidly did.

"I m-mean… You can’t buy something like that… It looks expensive!"

"I'm a Lee memb--" he cut her off aggressively.

"Just.. Just…I don't care! Give me the damn phone!" Baekhyun snatched his phone away from her grip and walked away from her, cheeks flushed red from embarrassment and something else Sora didn't catch.

All she knows is that he was a weird, weird guy.

"B-but my phone.."

Nobody gave her an answer.



"Stupid stupid stupid bacon!" She angrily huffed, heading towards power manipulation class (that she hates but has absolutely no willpower to ditch). What if Sehun caught her like the last time in the demon training class? Sora does not want to face him and his erted ways. 

She was still thinking about Baekhyun and his strange behaviors today. Out all the people in the country, Baekhyun decided to seek comfort from her, the only person who actually has other emotions toward him besides love and admiration. Not only that, he was very touchy with her at the beginning but cursed her at the end.

As usual, Sora sat down on a bench and watched the students who were living to fight with a blank gaze. It was beyond boring, always the same scenes and same strategies. Yes, they change partners, but students still use the same tactics even though they have been strictly told not to.

Well, who cares anyway? As long as they win and gain some extra points. 

Thirteen minutes left in class. A sweating Kyungsoo trudged toward her, panting a little.

He literally froze when he saw her and glanced sneakily under her legs and then back to her face, still having that terrified look on.

'Odd.' Sora thought silently before turning her gaze back to Sehun and some kid's fight.

She felt Kyungsoo sitting at the far corner of the same bench and she snuck a peek at him, noticing how he kept fidgeting and glancing under her legs awkwardly.

Sora lifted her eyes to look at him, but he looked away. She didn't know why he was acting like this but she didn't question it and looked away as well.

Sora had known Kyungsoo her entire life, and he was always like that toward her. Actually he was like that toward every female, even Yoora. He wasn't the kind of person who would expose his feelings openly. He was rather collected and hard to read. Kyungsoo also does not trust at all, Sora doesn't know what happened to him in the past for him to be like that. Kyungsoo was always like that to everyone so she wonders why he helped saved her that day when she fell from the roof.

Sora finally dared to look under her legs, and she chuckled when she realized his bag was under her. She actually doesn't know who the bag belonged to, but noticing how he kept gazing at it, she would say it’s his.

Without a sound, she lifted the bag from under her and put it on the space between them.

She glanced at him softly and saw him taking his bag from the spot, not even daring to look at her direction or even sneak a peek.

Kyungsoo took out a bottle of water and gulped it down in one go. His lion demon lyinb underneath his legs, opening his mouth in a massive yawn and rolling his tongue out.

"Kyungsoo-ssi?" She suddenly called and he choked on his water, coughing and sneezing the water down the floor and on his clothes.

Sora heard him squeal softly and scoot ever further away from her, gluing himself to the railingz of the bench. Having a sudden cluelessness, Sora didn't understand that his gestures meant to leave him alone and that he doesn't want to interact with her. Instead she

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂