Over sensitive.

The Exchange
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Sorry for the grammar mistakes and errors >.>



When Sora woke up this time – god; she lost track of time on how many times she has out and woken up in a hospital – it was already night time, the sky was very dark and she had the impression it was midnight already. She stared around her, and was greeted by a very bizarre scene that made her heart thump. Her mother was there, sitting on the chair beside her hospital bed and clutching on her hands. Her sister; Miyoung was there too, sitting on her lap and softly snoring, apparently asleep. 


Sora’s heart swelled at the sight, and she stared at her oblivious mom for a whole second, studying her expression. There was obvious worry in her eyes, and she wasn't wearing her hospital gown like how Sora expected. In fact, she seemed casual with her brown wool sweater, and dark skirt. She seemed fine, despite the small band-aid on her forehead and the burn mark on her eyebrow; she looked really fine. She didn't seem too pale now, and her cheeks gained back their rosy, beautiful appearance. Sora smiled, unconsciously moving her fingers in her mother’s hold and alerting the lady.


Her mom snapped her head to the girl, and their was surprise flashing between her eyes before she started to smile softly. She squeezed Sora’s hands for reassurance she is fine now, and Sora’s heart did a small thump.


“Hey..” Sora croaked gently, and then needed up in a couching mess because felt clogged. Her mom immediately handed her a bottle of water that was resting on the nightstand beside her bed. Sora sat up in her bed to take the bottle, and jogged down a pretty large amount of fluid before she lays back down. 


“Are you alright now? I can't believe you have been brought here on the day of my discharge. I thought I would finally be out of this place,” her mom joked heartily, giving Sora a gentle smile. Sora couldn't help but take it to heart. Her mother can't wait to get out of here huh? To get out of Sora’s life and be happy with her husband, her real daughter? This surprisingly brought tears to Sora’s eyes, and her mom’s eyes widened when she could see the tears trickle down her delicate cheeks.


“H-hey.. I didn't mean that,” 

“I’m sorry, I don't know whats wrong with me..” Sora tried to wipe her tears out so her mother won't be so freaked out. Her mother was already getting freaked out; and that was only by the presence of Sora’s tears. Even though she couldn't remember Sora, nor the fact she is her own daughter; she still feels attached to this girl. The way she claimed to be her mother, the way she cried just because she made a joke about leaving made her heart ache. For whatever reason, she doesn't want Sora to be sad. 


“Please don't cry. I was just joking,” Her mom squeezed her hands, In hopes of making her feel a lot better. Sora sat up once more, and wiped off her never ending tears away from her eyes. She send a small, strained smile at her mother and nodded as a confirmation that she understands, even if deep inside she refused to acknowledge those feelings. 


“Anyways. There was a bunch of boys waiting outside your room.. They seem… Worried,”  her mother awkwardly spoke, and scratched her cheeks while avoiding Sora’s eyes. Sora’s heart thumped when she realized what her mom meant. She smiled softly at the mention of the royal boys, and her mom smiled as well when she could easily read her fond expression. Sora coughed with flushed cheeks when her mom gave her a knowing look, and pretended to be interested with her fingers, tears forgotten.


“Y-yeah, they are the Royals in here, you know? Ruling family and stuff..” Sora explained without giving her mother the satisfaction to see her eyes twinkling a little at the mention of the said boys. Her mom wasn't naïve though, she could tell right away that Sora has a thing or two with those boys, and although it seemed strange to her because they are freaking twelve, her mother no longer questioned anything ever since she knew a magical place like this existed. 


“Do you want me to call them?” Her mom spoke suddenly, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Sora realized that she got that quality from her mother, being mischievous and teasing. 


“It's okay, I’m getting out of this place anyways. Do… Do you know why I’m here?” Sora asked, her mind turning blank when she tried to recollect the pieces of her memory. She couldn't remember anything that happened yesterday night before being inside Luhan’s head and looking at Lillan in the eye. Sora’s eyes widened, has that woman done something to her?  Sora could see a frown appearing on her mother's face, and the woman shifted her eyes discreetly – not enough, as Sora could easily catch the look – to Sora’s stomach, before looking up with a growing frown, unconsciously patting Miyoung’s head tenderly. 


“You don't remember?” Her mom asked, and Sora pulled the heavily wrapped blanket around her away from her body, peering down at her clothed stomach. She touched her stomach over the hospital gown, and she winced in pain almost immediately when she pressed a little too much. She could feel a heavy bandage wrapped around her waist fully, and she wondered how her she even got that wound to begin with. Sora tried to step out of the bed by dangling her legs on the railings, but her mother immediately stopped and held her back with wide eyes.


“What are you doing? You are still wounded badly,” she scolded her, and it made Sora’s heart buzz in warmth at the evident worry in her eyes. Sora hates it when someone scolds or yell at her, but she couldn't help but feel this strange joy inside of her when her mother did it. 


“Stay here, I’m calling the boys.” Her mother mumbled hurriedly, pushing Sora’s body back gently to the bed. Sora was about to protest, and tell her not to call them since they would cause a god damn ruckus, not to mention some of them were real divas and worry so much more than normal people should. But her mom was already out, and she sighed heavily and glanced at the heavily sleeping Miyoung on the bed. She smiled tenderly, and reached out her hands to brush on the girl’s bangs.


“Sora!” Sora snapped her head up at the loud voice of Suho calling her. There were the boys rushing to her in a speed of light, and immediately bombarding her with questions. Surprisingly though, Luhan was with them as well, and even if his expression seemed impassive and cold, Sora could feel his stare boring through her head. She sneaked a peek at him while the boys gushed with questions all at once, and Luhan didn't even flinch or look away when he was caught. Shockingly, he gave her a small – teeny, tiny, a little bit – curve of his lips, a smile. Sora’s heart gave a loud and obnoxious thump, and she looked away almost immediately when the boy send her a smirk.


“I was so worried..” Baekhyun mumbled with a cracking voice, almost at the verge of crying. Sora softened at the boy and hugged him tightly from her position on the bed. Immediately, he hugged her back as tightly and cried in her shoulder silently. Sora gently started patting his back and hair, trying to soothe him and tell him she is alright. He kept nodding in the crock of her neck, but he didn't let go of her and squeezed her hard, being careful enough with her stomach wound.


“Baekhyun Hyung is being a crybaby again,” Sehun mumbled out loud, his eyes glued to the scene in front of him and his lips in a thin line. Even though he was teasing, Sora knew he was only being bitter and jealous that he isn't the one hugging her. His statement; However, received him a slight smack on the stomach from an overly infuriated Suho.

“Stop being mean,” he whispered at the boy, and Sehun groaned loudly and pouted in sadness, until Sora payed him attention and offered him a sideway hug from her other free hand. Immediately, the boy went to the girl and tangled himself in her embrace. She chuckled at him, and he smiled in content while nuzzling her chest. He felt happy and content being in Sora’s embrace, the girl he loves, but Baekhyun however didn't like the fact Sora was hugging Sehun as well and started elbowing him hardly to get him off. Sehun stared at the older boy with a frown, but Baekhyun send him a heavy scowl with his swollen, reddish eyes and clogged nose. Sehun poked his tongue out at the boy and Baekhyun glared so hard and deadly that Sehun whimpered and nuzzled closer to Sora.


“These kids..” Chanyeol who had been watching all along tsked loudly and shook his head. Sora, having seeing him being the mature one and beautifully picking on his hanging glasses with his ginger, smiled at him tenderly that made her cheeks redden. Then, Sora noticed that her mother hadn't appeared back, and Suho was the one who noticed her looking back at the door in silence.


“She said she will call her husband and be back,” Sora nodded at him, and then looked at Baekhyun who slowly retreated himself from her and looked up at her with dry eyes.


“Are you alright now? Does it hurt?” His concern brought warmth into Sora’s heart, and she gave him a soft smile while touching her abdomen area.

“I think I’m fine.. It still hurts though,” Lay then came and sat down on her bed, right beneath her feet.


“I wish I could heal you. We won't be here in this horrible place,” apparently – and surprisingly – Lay didn't like hospitals despite his healing powers that gave him privileges over other people. Usually, most healers would be into going to hospitals along side people who studied medicine instead of having magical abilities, but Lay wasn't one of them, and Sora preferred that since he is a royal and already bound to be a king.


“Don't worry about me, I’ll be fine in no time. Could you tell me what happened?” Sora had a clear idea on why she exactly couldn't remember anything she had done before, and she grimaced before any of the boys could tell her anything. She snapped her head up when Kris sat beside Lay on the bed, she realized he would be the one explaining things to her from now on. Unconsciously, she started brushing Sehun’s hair locks while listening to Kris speaking. 


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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂