Sugar?? Is that a name?

The Exchange
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Sora groaned loudly while rolling left and right in her gigantic bed. She ruffled her hair angrily and stood up from her bed with a scowl upon her face. Why the hell are the boys so loud in the freaking morning? She understands that it's school day and that she needs to wake up, but good gracious her alarm clock hasn't even rung yet.

She got out of bed and ruffled her hair even more, flinching when the booming sound of Kris echoed in every corner.

"YAH! Huang Zi Tao! You are going to get it,"

She scoffed at his usual angry behaviors and headed to the bathroom. She swears she heard Tao's giggles and she really can't blame him, Kris has a soft spot for the kid.

She opened her bedroom door when she finished her bathroom duties and come face to face with a sleepy Sehun, who was ruffling his hair with a pouty lips and closed eyes. He honestly looked like a kid and the scene brought a lot of emotions in her.

When she was little, and Sehun was her friend, they used to always sleep together in her room. Her father was generous enough to let him sleep with her in the same bed, he would always wake up looking like that.

It was amazing how he changed so much, yet he still didn't change at all.

When he froze and glanced at her, the emotions in her heightened, it was all the same, the same face he would pull out when he finds her looking at him while he slept soundlessly. He was still the same, and it really made her uncomfortable.

Even though he evoked a lot of feelings and memories, she still haven't overlooked his past mistakes and coolly looked away, not wanting him to see the brief look of great emotions that flashed in her eyes.

"Sora.." He started, realizing that she was standing at the door for too long. Sora scoffed at herself and her stupidity, how can she think of that in a span of seconds? How can she soften even if it was for a millisecond when all he did for the past four weeks is humiliate her and call her names no one can bear to hear?!

He is not her friend, he is not the Sehun she knows.

She turned around and smirked at him, giving him that taunting look of hers.

"Oh Sehun, don't you ever think that I'm done with you. This time, I'm going to be the bully,"


"Hi Kyungsoo! Need.. any help?" She muttered softly while waving her hands at the said boy who was standing behind the kitchen counter. She was the one who put some distance between them this time so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable with her.

She had changed her clothes after her mini conversation with Sehun, who was now looking at her with an unreadable expression from his seat on the dining table. Actually, all of them were, she was freaking greeting Kyungsoo with the softest voice she could ever master and it was strange. They were one hundred percent sure she loathed their whole existence with the vicious tone she uses with them, but right now, they weren't very sure.

Baekhyun actually dropped his spoon in surprise while Chen's eyes turned wide like two egg yolks. The two leaders shared a look but Kris scoffed while Suho only shook his head, not knowing what exactly was going inside that head of hers.


Kyungsoo didn't dare to move his hand to stir his milk anymore, and only glanced blankly at his cup, frozen completely like Tao's ability had stricken him badly and only him.

Seeing this as an opportunity, she immediately walked to him and placed her hand softly over his, stirring the milk softly with the movement of her hands.

Since her emotions were stable, she was comfortable at touching people and the powers weren't transferred. She was happy at that and her smile widened, it was short-livid however because Kyungsoo suddenly let go of the glass, and it was sent smashing roughly to the floor, smudging a few parts of his shirt and the hem of his pants.


She flinched at his acts and stared wide-eyed at the floor that was now filled with milky substance all over the place. She lifted her eyes to look at a trembling Kyungsoo who has his heartbeat as loud as hers.

"S-s-sorry..." He mumbled hurriedly and immediately rushed to grab a cloth he can wipe the milk away, sending a warning glare towards his friends who ditched their food to hurry their steps towards him, wanting to know what happened.

"Are you alright?"

"God what happened?"

"Kyungsoo hyung!! Are you okay?!"


"Aish this girl!"


"Whats wrong with her anyway."

Sensing that Kyungsoo didn't like what they were saying and the hot milk made him hiss, Sora rushed to him and bended down to try helping him out.

"Let me help you with th..-"

"Stop it!" Kyungsoo's shout made her flinch and she stopped her hand movements and froze in her place. She lifted her head up and glanced at him. It was when she saw him looking angrily at the milk that she snapped at him with the same anger she had within.

"Yah! I was only trying to help! You don't have to be so rude to me," god she didn't even do anything, she only asked if he needed help, shouldn't he be happy someone actually bothered to ask him instead of sitting their down on the stool and wait for him as he serve them milk? 

Why do they always find a way to make her the guilty one?

"I didn't ask for your help, okay?! Can you just go away?" She was surprised he actually replied back at her with high voice without stuttering, even though he didn't dare look up at her as his trembling worsen, she still found him at guilt for screaming at her for no reason.

"Fine! Tch, such an who doesn't even appreciate anything! Yah! Kyungsoo!" she started, standing up from her crouching position to glare at him. Maybe it made her feel bigger and stronger than the earth manipulator, she doesn't really know, but it had raised her confidence level up to the sky.

"Just because something bad happened to you in the past doesn't give you the right to treat me like I've got the most infecting bacteria in the universe!" she pointed a finger at him, which made the boy flinch even more, and stopped his movement in wiping the dirty floor.

"But Sora, he treats every girl li..-" Sehun started softly but he was rudely interrupted by the girl's heavy glare.


"You shut up! None of you has the right to treat me like that! When are you going to get that through your thick skull? You don't have the right! None of you does!"

She strolled out of the house with an angry huff muttering something like 'when are you guys going to die and we will all be relieved?'


"Sora.. Wait, talk to me!"

As surprising as those words seemed, they were actually exiting from a boy's lips and they were all very real. Sora too had thought it was a fantasy but when she realized it was Lay's voice, she knew he wanted to talk about what happened to her and about what happened with Kyungsoo. Not for her obviously, but for his dear friend who he shares his cooking secret with.


"Go to hell Lay! We don't talk to each other, remember?" She scowled, not bothering to look back at him and spare him a glance. He was only a royal, she would never have that heart-to-heart conversation he was expecting.

"Yes we do! You talked to me yesterday!"

"That's because I wanted to, I wanted to dig some information and I had what I want. Yeah, I'm that selfish," she scowled again, tugging hardly on her backpack as she continued her walk to the school grounds, ignoring the heavy whispers of the students around her that attacked her the moment she entered.

"Sora, I'm gonna drag you back,"

"Be my guest, having your powers in my grip would be so amazing, I can heal myself all the time," since her emotions were wrecked at this moment, Lay felt her aura pulsing with energy and he immediately knew she was able to take his powers easily without trying. He debated with himself whether touching her was a good or a bad thing.


It's amazing how her strength point is also her weakness point.


He sighed heavily before he sped up to stand in front of her and block her from moving any further. She was a bit distracted so Lay had to place his hands on her shoulder to stop her from bumping into him.

"Listen Sora, I don't understand what happened there so I'm going to ask you, why do you seem so interested with Kyungsoo? Don't you hate us?"

"I do! I freaking hate you all that I wish I can rip you all into pieces!"

"Then what is this all about? Why are you suddenly acting softly with Kyungsoo?" Lay was surprised she didn't push him away and let him stop her dead in her track, he even kept his hands steady on her shoulder and she didn't even push him away. 

Sora sighed heavily and looked up to match Lay's eyes, giving him an electrifying feeling in his stomach when he realized how dazzling her honey-brown eyes looked.

Was she always this beautiful? The fact she was close to him wasn't helping his racing heart from turning normal. 

"It isn't an everyday thing to find hope in fixing someone's thought about you, okay? I finally was able to find a gap where I can tell someone I'm not as bad as they think. I thought I could change his thoughts about me! I wanted to show him how I'm not as bad as everyone thinks! Why do all people hate me? I've seen so many short, tall, black, white people in here but I haven't seen anyone treat them differently because they are different, I don't understand anything, what's so bad about me?" The Sora who was standing in front of him wasn't the same Sora he knew. She wasn't the badass diva who can slice the strongest royal with her words, she wasn't the brave Sora who didn't give a about anything, she wasn't anything as he expected.

He never thought she has a breaking point too.

And maybe his thoughts were true, because at this moment, Sora pushed him away and glared at him with a hard glare, finally realizing what she had just said.

"I didn't say this, okay? Go tell anyone! Let me see! I bet no one is going to believe you," Sora raised a threatening finger before blowing her bangs off her face and walk away, leaving a very shocked and confused Lay behind.


Indeed, no one is ever going to believe those words has existed a dauntless girl's lips like Sora's. 

Yes, yes they wouldn't.



"Hey Sora," Kai casually strolled towards a bored looking Sora who was sitting on the library with a huge book on her hands. While she was busy studying for her math test that would come up after the lunch break; a taunting Kai sat his down at the same chair as hers, biting on his apple while munching loudly just to annoy her.


"What do you want? Can't I have one day of peace?" 

"Nope! You can't," amusingly with a smirk Kai answered, taking another huge bite from his overly red apple.

Sora smacked her math book shut and glared at Kai, who only blinked innocently at her.


"What do you want?"

"Do I have to want anything to talk to you?"

"Um duh? That or maybe you want to make fun of me again? I don't know, you choose!" He chuckled at her expression and flicked her forehead.

"Neither! Guess harder,"

Sora eyed him for seconds before she snapped her fingers in victory.

"Ah! You are here to flirt with me? Did you finally realize how pretty I am?" Sora blinked her eyelashes cutely causing the older male to flick her forehead roughly with a growl.

"No! Pssshh! That will never happen! Besides, why are you pretending nothing had happened with Lay hyung?" The words he spout out in inconsideration made her stop talking as a frown played at the corner of her lips. Do they tell everything to each other? Haven't she threaten him not to speak to a soul about it?

She gulped at the hard look Kai gave her and looked away from him, eyeing the math book.

"That's what I'm good at, pretending." 

Kai didn't know what she was talking about, he wasn't aware of the meaning behind her words and the sudden, light atmosphere dropped and a tense, awkward one replaced it immediately.

Kai cleared his throat, looking up to glance at the ceiling of the library, that was dyed with plain white color that didn't look appealing at all, but right now, it was more appealing then the solemn look of Sora's face.

"I came here for the dance classes, I know that we have been coming early to practice in school days, but I wanted to tell you not to worry anymore because I've found a huge basement at our new house, we can practice there instead,"

"You remind me.. How many of the royals know about our secret besides Baekhyun, Xiumin and you?"

"Um, now..? Well, now all of them do..?"

"WHAT?!" Her sudden scream frightened the wits out of him and he almost lost his balance and fell off from the chairs if he hadn't clutched the table before his can meet the floor.

"So when you said not to tell anyone and all that , you mean to tell me that your friends were excluded?!!" 

Kai immediately covered her lips with his hands, forgetting for a second that she was forbidden to touch when she was loosing it, like right now.

Almost right away and without any notices, the transferring happened and both of their eyes flashed yellow, the color that represents his own powers.

Kai let go of with a shocked expression as he stared down at his glowing hand with absolute daze. His glowing hands kept glowing for a few seconds before it turned normal.

"You have to be a good boy, Jongin! Your future is in your own hands!"

Like what happened to her when she accidentally took Luhan's powers, a sudden flash of memory that did not belong to her spread before her eyes and brain. She was momentarily hypnotized as she tried to grasp the dream-like phase.

She saw a woman, and a bigger and older version of Kai, if she was a bit younger and had a short hair, Sora would have thought she was him and not his mother, but knowing who his mother was gave her an advantage.

A young Kai at the age of four was standing still with a teddy bear on his arms. He looked rather cute as he whimpered and hugged his bear, cute but sad, it gave Sora's heart a squeeze.

"Argh! How are you going to be a king when you are acting like an immature brat!" 

It was after those harsh words from the mom that the memory faded away and Sora found herself eye to eye with the old Jongin who had a disbelieved look on his face. 

"Damn it!! Aaah! God!! That did not just happen!" While Kai's angry voice echoed in every direction, Sora's expression morphed into an amazed, smirking one when she felt the surge of power ran down her spine, she almost wheezed at the state she was in but held herself. She couldn't ignore the weird state she was in though, she clearly can recall the vivid thoughts and couldn't help but stare at the frustrated boy. 

"My mother is going to kill me," even though he whispered it to himself while slumping in his seat, Sora was able to catch it. 

Was those memories of his, actually happened? Was his mother.. Worse than what she imagined her to be?

She shook the thoughts away from her head and smirked at the frustrated boy who didn't even bother to look at her after the discovery.

"I can now teleport without having to ask you," 

"Yah! Don't you dare! Give me back my powers before the new kid can make fun of me!"

All the things he said were heard from a deaf ear when he mentioned the 'new kid' part.

She widened her eyes and closed the distance between their faces before she whispers eagerly.

"New.. Kid?"

Kai eyed her weirdly before nodding his head slowly, taking another bite from his forgotten apple while starting to munch slowly.

"Yeah, they discovered an old

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂