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The Exchange
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            Author note :     Guys! You have to reach me to 155 upvotes please!! I'll love you lots and lots!!      My upvotes are frozen for a time now  ٨.٨     -    


'You are starting to affect me so much..'       Sora woke up with a startle. She widened her eyes when she realized where she was. The white walls and the peeping sound of the heart monitor, the ugly green gown of the hospital all screamed 'infirmary'. Sora knows that she wasn't in the school one, but rather a one far away from that ugly place - in here there wasn't any animal statutes that belonged to the nurse in there - and she was relieved.        She started to recall the words Chen's aunt told her. Indeed she had traveled to that place again without her knowledge, except that yet once again it changed, it was more of a sea side, she had been sleeping on the knowing sand of the beach. She hadn't woken up by the lady's chortle this time, but by the soft waves of the beach drowning her and waking her up with a startle.       Now that she thinks about it, the only reason she was back to reality was because of this faint voice in her head. Was it her or was that voice similar to Kris's voice? But the big question was what was he doing in her head?     Across the room she was in, Sora spotted him sitting down in the small sofa reading a book. She was sure it was human related. She couldn't help but furrow her eyes in confusion. He obviously wasn't talking to her or anything, since he was completely immersed in his book, but she was so sure he was talking to her. The voice of his was almost not there, it was like a small murmur in her ears. It happened seconds ago and Kris seemed to be reading for a long time now.       Wait, what is Kris doing here? And wait one more time again, what is she doing in the hospital? Now that the thought occurred to her, she doesn't remember what happened at all. She was sure she had been glaring holes into Minah's head while she was flirting with Chanyeol and Baekhyun's angered face. Right, now that he crossed her mind, Baekhyun was super angry. Well she did kiss him on his cheek, but that isn't enough reason to be angry right?        By the way, what the heck happened to Chanyeol? She almost swears she was creating an ice spear in her hand, and she wasn't sure if she was pointing it at him or at Baekhyun.       "Chanyeol died, your spear pierced smoothly through his stomach.." Sora snapped her head towards Kris's head, heartbeat increasing of his ridiculous assumptions. He was still lowering his head, immersing deeply in his book to bother looking up at her. Her heart almost exploded. Did he just plainly and boringly announced that Chanyeol died? And did he just say she pierced him in the stomach? The hell. Sora was afraid, she felt the lump hurrying up in , tears brimmed in the corner of  her eyes because she was deadly scared, not that she might have killed Chanyeol, but of the possibility that he was dead. The thought made her deadly terrified and she wouldn't admit it out loud. Kris might be lying, because for a person who his friend just passed away, he was impassive, but then again; this is Kris we are talking about.       A loud booming laugh echoed from Kris's lips, and immediately a scowl replaced the worry in Sora's face. That , she should have known. How dare he trick her like this? Use her memory lost and her bizarre seizures was a low blow of him.     "Ha. Ha, very funny," Sora annoyingly muttered, wiping the single tear away that seemed to crawl out of her lids. Kris wiped the nonexistent tear away from his face and returned to his book, not even acknowledging the small murmur of hers as he stuffed his nose into the book.      However, not seconds even passed before he mutters again, face holding no expression as he looked up again, making the girl's stomach quirk. She won't believe whatever he was going to say, but she was worried.     "I'm kidding, he is still in the emergency room.."     Sora waited, she waited and waited and waited for Kris's expression to change, to mold into a funny one and tell her how she was easy to lie to, but he didn't. He was deadly serious, and Sora wondered if she was this easy to fool or his expression was nothing close to a lying boy. Sora titled her head to the side, suddenly aware of the wrecked emotions that were running in his body that were easily transferred to her. Gloom, worry and anticipation. Perhaps he was gloomy with the fact Chanyeol was hurt by her, worried because he was still being treated in the ER section, anticipating because her face still didn't morph into shock and disbelief, which Sora strangely thought he wanted her to have.       "You are lying to me.." As bravely as her face was, Sora spoke, eyes holding nothing of the negative feelings he wanted her to feel. Not because she was heartless or that Chanyeol is none of her concerns, because he is, But more of the fear of satisfaction that will replace that blank expression on Kris's face.       Now she wanted to know why.         She knows it wasn't because Kris is cruel, because even though he was emotionless and sass on feet; he wasn't heartless.      "I'm not, Minah went insane and she attacked you on the spot. You would have been bleeding by now if it wasn't by Baekhyun. Everyone is probably hating you by now."       Sora clutched on her head, trying to understand what she did and what she didn't. She wanted to laugh out loud because right now she was indeed disbelieving him, and Minah would not have cared enough to hurt her - she wanted to cut Kris on that point and tell him what a lying scum that Minah is - but still, she still have Baekhyun to thank - again!!- and herself to scold. But yet again, she wasn't aware of the actions she did, she didn't know she had hurt Chanyeol. Heck she didn't even know anything because she was suddenly unconscious!       "Do you hate me too?" Sora doesn't know why she had asked him this question, it was weird of her, but he was the only one who was sitting in her room, as everyone else were gone. Its not like she expected them, because she didn't - Okay maybe she expected Sehun, Kai and Lay at least.. Maybe even Suho - but no one was at her side beside him.       Sora's ear caught him sighing and the sound of his book slamming shut. She didn't bother lifting her head to look at him, but she knew he was staring at her.       "I wasn't talking about us, i'm talking about the school.." Unconsciously, Sora let out a sigh, lifting her head up to confirm his words. Indeed his face was morphed into a soft expression, maybe not that soft but much more softer than what he would pull.       "Now! There is this really hard word I didn't know and i wan..-"     "Kris.." Sora shook her head softly at the boy, who sat dejectedly on his seat and crossed his arms on his chest like a small kid his parents took his candy from. Sora would have smiled adorably at him if she wasn't such a mess right now.     "What happened?" Kris was quick to respond, though he was still fidling with his book - we don't have to mention how big it was right? -       "Don't know, we arrived when you were already unconscious and Chanyeol was in the floor with a very shocked Baekhyun. You can tell that none of the students thought you would go to this extreme in hurting someone physically."     "How long was i gone?" Sora avoided his eyes as she asked, not wanting to be judged as well. Sora didn't know what she was doing that time, and she had got no intentions on hurting him, this counts right? Intentions are much more important than actions right?       At least thats what she liked to believe.     "One and a half day, its afternoon now." Honestly telling, Sora wasn't that shocked. She usually sleeps a lot when she is fine, and she was super sure she faints for a long period too - though they have zero connection but lets pretend it does -      "Can i see Chanyeol?" Sora diverted her gaze to him, and a foreign look flashed between his eyes before he agrees.     It was somewhat between worry and curiosity.     -       Yup, she messed up good.       Okay, to sum it up. Sora was escorted by Kris to go to Chanyeol's ward as she requested, and she was agreed to do as she desired. Two problems were facing her however, and she wanted to badly crawl back into her hospital room and leave this place. The entire royalty children were there, every single one of them with the including of Yoora and Minah. Sora realized the look on Yoora's face was true worry while Minah was completely faking it - or at least thats what Sora liked to believe - oh and second; Baekhyun was furious. He threw himself at her the moment she appeared at their hall, he was going to take a fistful of her collar if it wasn't for Sehun who immediately stood in front of her protectively and with a whip of air pushed Baekhyun away, his puppy demon turning into an even bigger hawk than Baekhyun, that scared Baekhyun's hawk immediately.       Honestly, something crashed in Sora's heart when she realized how much anger Baekhyun held. Something really strange shattered in her and she found herself trembling, especially when he yelled at Sehun and accused him of being a puppet and that how much he can't believe he still cared for her.       It saddened her, it really did.       And she also spotted the disbelief flashing in his own eyes, as if he was utterly disappointed with himself as well for saying such words, the shocked expression on Sora's face calmed him down as well, but that didn't stop him from leaving the place frustratingly mumbling some curses under his mouth. She wasn't sure for whom exactly did those words were directed to.       Sora clutched on Sehun's shirt from back, eyeing Suho. She was just glad he didn't turn his back on her as she thought he would, perhaps she needs to solidify her judgment on him.        "I wanna see him.." She mumbled, for only Suho's sake to hear, however everyone did hear and she swears she heard Luhan scoff, in which surprisingly earned a smack from Xiumin who seemed to be the only person capable of handling him without being screamed at.        "You have the nerve to come here and show us all your face, and to request seeing him? How dare you?" Yoora was furious, Sora was aware but did not care enough to spare her a look, she figured Sehun was enough as it is as he dangerously growled at her. It seemed that ever since she had forgiven him and his hate for Yoora was increasing. She wondered if his love and desire to her were all fake.        Suho shook his head softly at her, a small message behind his soft expression. Not now he meant, because as far as she knows none of the others would let her take a step closer to his ward. She honestly don't care that much about what they thought about her, all she wanted to do was make things straight with Chanyeol because he was the one hurt, not them.         Sora understood Suho, and she nodded softly at him, vowing in her heart that she'll go back to visit him when there wasn't anyone in here. She caught Kai looking at her from his position next to Luhan, and he send her a small reassuring smile, as if silently acknowledging her request with his honest eyes. Sora appreciate that, she doesn't need him to be like Sehun and voice out his thoughts by violence - as much as she appreciated Sehun - at least he hadn't turned his back on her like Baekhyun.       Baekhyun is a very odd one, a very different one too who has mood swings.        "Kris will you home, I hope you are fine now Sora," Xiumin said loudly and everyone looked at him briefly before looking away, making him fiddle nervously in his position.       Kris didn't protest like how she predicted, and she was pleased because if he did so she would have thrown a tantrum and told him to piss off. When he did send her a look she smiled faintly before staggering away from the place, Kris following her.       Except that she froze when a quirky voice interrupted her train of thoughts and her walk to the exit.       "She was obviously jealous or why would she attack him like that? I've known the girl to be mean and vicious, but I didn't think she would go to this extreme in hurting one physically,"     In a sudden hurl Sora was facing Minah and glaring daggers at her. Her expression was cold, very cold that send shivers down everyone's spine. Even Yoora was scared, and unconsciously she took a step back from the girl. Minah was send to the wall behind her with a sudden push of power that was radiating from Sora. Strange forces clasped around the girl from her both wrists and ankles, pinning her strongly to the wall with painful strength.        All Sora was able to see was red. She was angr-no, she was furious and no one would stop her to curse on this stupid girl for messing with her. Sora didn't want to misuse her powers given to her by the twelve, but if the twelve's cousins or friends would assault her, she would assault back.       Leaning her face dangerously to Minah, Sora gave her a sinister look, almost making her pee in her pants from the amount of shock and disdain those orbs of Sora held.     "Listen here you brainless prick, there is no way in the universe will i ever be jealous of you or..- stand still or I'm going to slit your throat," Sora's left hand unconsciously morphed into ice, unlike how she creates ice spears from mere air, this time her flesh and skin all froze up to her shoulder, covering it in a bluish hue that was too deadly to look at. If Xiumin hadn't gasped softly at the sight, nobody would have known how odd it was. Obviously, Xiumin had never seen this trick, because as far as he knows his skin doesn't mold onto itself and create a human-ice spear where his fingers disappear.        Unlike the other twelve whose faces were morphed into shock and disbelief, Sora didn't know what she was doing, she was aware of her actions, but she didn't know her hands had morphed into this... Beautifully distracting view. She also wasn't aware of the sudden light bluish pink orb that appeared between her collection of orbs.        Closing the distance between the frightened - wiggling - girl and the icy spear. Sora titled her head, enjoying the scared expression on the girl's face. She tsk-ed amusingly and teasingly brushed the sharp edges of the blade in between Minah's neckline. To be utterly honest here, she was frightening, and the boys were all worried she might actually harm the girl, considering she already hurt Chanyeol without a reason they have known.       "As i was saying, if i was jealous of your relationship with Chanyeol, and that's if, I would have sliced up your instead of Chanyeol's Okay? Because as far as i know i'm not lesbian and would not hu
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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂