Training Session And a New Love

The Exchange
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"I'm not doing it!"



"I already told her you'll do it,"



"Aish suho hyung! You know how much I loathe her right? She can't seem to stop talking!"



"Tao, you need to be patient! It's not like we all want to train her,"



"But why me? All of you guys know how to fight hand to hand combat,"



"Yeah but you know you are the best,"



"Well duh, but still, it's not valid enough.."



The sounds of one angry dude and a calm one echoed in Sora's ears. Even though she was away from the room entrance, she could still distinguish the sounds of Zitao and Suho, who were brutally discussing a matter that involves her. 



She raised her eyebrows at Tao's cocky behaviors and scoffed, earning a few judging glares from the royals around her. Why the hell does she has to do this again? When everyone was heading to the dining area to stuff their empty stomachs, she had to go fight some savages beasts who were ready to break her neck in a span of seconds.



Some training that is.




She gave another angry tug on her wrist, hoping that Luhan would get bored of her continuing movements and would let her go, she was wrong however because his grip seemed to tighten more.




She snapped her head sharply to glare at the pair of eyes behind her back, finding a fidgeting Chanyeol who looked away the moment her eyes sat on him. She scoffed again and hissed. She really hates those boys.



Arriving at the room where four pair of eyes were waiting for her, she was pushed roughly inside before the door behind her locked itself, probably because of Luhan's ridiculous powers.



She huffed angrily when he let go of her hands, massaging them roughly with her other hand, sending a dangerous look towards Luhan who was merely stretching now, like he hasn't been dragging a fragile girl with a strength of a dude.



Immediately she aimed her glares at Baekhyun and rushed toward him, lifting her fist like a crazy person getting ready to attack his prey. Baekhyun shrieked in surprise and hid himself behind Kris, who had his blank face on.




"You little piece of cooked baco..-"



Her words were interrupted by a pair of hands sneaking around her waist and lifting her up from the ground, holding her fist and tucking it behind her back, holding her from hitting Baekhyun who sighed in relief, happy that his enemy has been caught before she can punch his pretty face.



"Yah! Luhan! Why do you always touch me you douche!" She screamed her girly scream and tried to break free, wiggling strongly against his arms like a fish being caught out of water.



"Because I'm the only one who can! Control yourself! If you touched any of us with loose emotions, you'll our entire powers off,"



As if just realizing that, her hands started to glow and Luhan dropped her in the ground immediately, shaking his burning hand that suddenly started to ache. Sora shook her hands violently, trying to make the glow disappear, but it didn't go and weird sensation spread through her stomach.



She closed her eyes for a minute, trying to embrace the sudden changes that were accruing in her body. Her body shook as well, and the glowing suddenly stopped, she opened her eyes for a second to adjust to the surprising events, oblivious to the changes in her eyesights.



She was seeing blurry visions for a second, a young boy with a cropped haircut, a woman standing in front of him scolding him roughly on something he didn't do. Sora does not know how she knew the boy didn't do anything wrong, nothing was there to prove it at all, she just knows he didn't do whatever his mom was yelling to him about.



She did not hear what they were talking about, what the woman was yelling about, it was like watching a mini movie with bad quality of sounds and sight.



The picture disappeared, a new one was being played in front of her eyes and she was face to face with a troubled looking Luhan, who had different hairstyle than now. She remembers that haircut, the black spiked one, it was on his seventeenth birthday, how many years ago. Why would she see stuff from years ago? And why Luhan?



The Luhan in the mini movie was looking everywhere, darting his chocolate orbs left and right, he was hiding something, he was checking if someone was looking at him.



Before she can dwell further in the matter, her visions disappeared and she was left with coughing fits while sitting on her knees, her silver hair seemed so short to touch the floor like always. 



She heard the royal's whispering sounds from behind her. She faintly lifted her head and glanced at them, giving them a hard glare with venomous intentions. She doesn't even know why she was so upset.



Luhan's husky dog marched towards her all of a sudden and started to her sweating face, giving her some whimpers as he did so.



"Yah!!! Give it back!" Luhan marched angrily towards her, lifting her from the floor with a hard tug on her shoulder.



Sora was trying to balance herself at the sudden pull. She send a glare towards Luhan who seemed extra upset than before, she swear she heard him growl.



"What?! Give what back?!" When she shouted back at him, breaking her shoulder away from his grip, the husky dog snarled at Luhan and barked loudly, catching Sora's attention while Luhan seemed aware of it already.



"My powers! Give. It. Back!" 



"I don't have it!"



"I'm gonna kill you Lee Sora! Just give me back my powers!"



"What are you talking about now?!" When her shouts overlapped his own, silence roamed around the place and every royal were too afraid to speak up against the most sarcastic, jerkiest people on the planet, especially when they were angry and shouting their heads out.




Luhan sighed heavily and lifted his hand, giving her a blank look as he wiggled his fingers as a 'come closer' gesture.



"Lesson one in this goddamn training session, give Luhan's powers back,"






"I don't know how to, okay!" 



Sora finally had enough of the royal's continuous harassment and the failed attempts they called training. All they have been doing is bossing her around and tell her to do things beyond her control.



Firstly they told her to control the powers inside her, the powers they claimed were Luhan's, and that she stole them from him. Who the hell told him to touch her anyway? Second, they commanded her to gather it all in one point -as if she knows how- and release it all into Luhan's wrist that was attached to her palm.



Have anyone told them how they at being trainers?




"You have to know! That's my powers you have!" Once again Luhan exploded, it was the eleventh one, Sora counted each and every one of his tantrums. She was glad she had his demon husky at her side to help her out.



"Well genius, you sure at telling me how to give it back! Who even told you to touch me anyway." Sora rolled her eyes, sitting in an Indian style at the mattress while crossing her arms above her chest, making an annoyed sound at the back of .



It was like a choked chicken, really. 



"Aishhh..." Luhan hissed in frustration, ruffling his chestnut hair in every direction, looking away to the blank wall, thinking of a new idea to take his powers back.




"I thought this is hand to hand combat? As in, Wushu class..?" Sehun's whispering tone to Lay was heard by everyone and he send a cheap smile to Luhan, who gave him an angry glare with a hiss.




"I want my powers back first you dumb!"



"Geez, why are you so angry? Stop being so emotional hyung, you'll get your powers back sooner or later,"



"Can't I be angry? She took my powers for god's sake!"




"Being angry won't do you any good, have you seen how she took your powers when she was angry? God hyung, control yourself,"



Sehun's words of wisdom was heard and listened to by twelve pair of ears in which eleven one of them twitched at the sudden realization that drowned into them. They all shared a knowing look, where Chen unconsciously let out a small mumble like 'did he just say....?' 



Luhan took a sharp turn and glanced at Sora with hard looks, that suddenly turned into mocking ones as his lips curved into a smirk. He strolled toward her with that look, making her twitch her eyes in annoyance.



"What?" She snapped, and Luhan scoffed at her, stopping in front of her to flick her forehead.



"Tsk tsk tsk Sora, why are you so pathetic at everything you do?"



"Excuse me?" Sora was surprised at Luhan's sudden change. She wouldn't say she was affected by his words because honestly speaking, if you have been receiving those words your entire life, you'll build a huge wall of steel that bounce those words to the exit, which is her other ear.



"You know, first your education, your lifestyle, and then the powers you were given? How can you be like that?"



"Luhan, where are you getting with these words?" 



"You have to be of worthy somehow, its not possible that you fail everything right?" His smirk widened when he saw her eyebrow scrunch in frustration. He poked her forehead again, taunting her.



"Look, you can't even fight back even with the powers you have," he poked her again, three and four times, making her huff at the pointy fingers of his.



"You're losing it," she muttered, slapping his fingers away from her head. She knows he was getting to somewhere with his taunting, Luhan sure play and mock her every time, but right now, it was kinda sudden and uncalled for.



"I've never seen anyone who is as pathetic as you are, why are you even here? Shouldn't you be with your equally pathetic mother? Oh right I forgot, she is dead,"



Sora snapped her eyes back at him, giving him a cold look as her heartbeat increased in rage. Who the hell does he think he is? His words really ticked something in her but she still didn't want to show him he is winning over her, even though she knows her mother wasn't dead.



He knows her mom is her weakness does he?



"Are you going to die like how she died? You are forever going to be hated by the society like her,"



"Stop it,"



"I've met her once, I gotta tell you, she was such a naive person that I don't remember a lot about her, then again, I think it's because I was so young, but I doubt it," he snorted, flicking her forehead once again even though she had slapped his hands away the last time.



Sora bit her lips in anger, looking down at the floor instead of his eyes, not wanting him to see how his words really affected her.



"What do you think she would say if she saw you like this? Her small baby girl being treated like her mother her entire life, just hanging around with herself and the food, without any purpose in life besides surviving another tough day in high school. I would say she will be so disappointed,"



Luhan held her chin up, wanting to look at her face as she trembled in anger. He was winning, and he was so darn happy about it. 



He smirked when he saw her avoiding his looks, but he saw it, the small colors of golden and red that swirled in her iris, his and her powers. They were coming out, they just needed a small tiny push.



He leaned down to her ears, whispering the last bullets of words that attacked her heart and drowned her in misery.



"Oh wait, she doesn't even remember you does she?"



It was the final straw, and Sora was sick of him.



She lifted her eyes up to stare at him, giving him a silent grimace with her eyes glowing golden, his powers were coming out, and he was so happy about it. Sora really wanted to scream at him and show him a piece of her mind, tell him how much of an he really is. She actually wanted to keep the powers to herself so he wouldn't dare hurt her again and be a punishment for his previous actions, but he had managed to take it back, she could feel it seeping away from her grip.



He closed his eyes and sighed in contempt when he felt the surge of his familiar powers returning back to him. He heard his dog's harsh barking and he knew his dog was happy too, just like his owner.



Luhan opened his eyes and smirked at a very sullen girl, who looked away from his face when he met her eyes, silently admitting her defeat.



Gosh why is she being so soft today? Was it because he crushed her before she even get to say anything? Was he this merciless?


 She sighed silently to herself, and turned to face him with a heated glare before planting a hard slap against his cheek, the sound echoing through the whole room.

"You have no mercy in you..." She muttered softly in her cold and indifferent voice. 



If Luhan was surprised, then he hadn't showed it and only looked at her with his cocky smile.




"You don't deserve the powers you have, none of you does," 



Luhan scoffed at her, turning to pat his dog for a few minutes before turning back to her, giving her a cold look that made her blood boil again.



"And neither do you, Yoora deserve it so much for the hard work she did, what have you done to deserve it?"



With a smirk much colder than his, she replied.



"Ah, I made your life miserable."






Sora only heard their laughter. She didn't participate in any of their joyfulness at all and just sat blankly at the bleachers, watching with empty eyes as they conversed and trained with each other.




She had sat her down on the chair, refusing to practice anymore because of Luhan's words. She had a pride to contain and none of them would force her to train if she doesn't want to. 



Even though all of them tried to convince her forcefully into accepting the training lessons she refused as forcefully as they were, sitting her down on the chair arrogantly with a grimace, crossing her arms on her chest.



They had allowed her to stay put for a few minutes before training session starts, they said they have the time of the world as the teachers excused them from the rest of the classes, knowing about the new situation they had. 



She huffed in anger and darted her eyes sneakily to watch the two youngest playing with each other. Sehun was smiling widely as he tried to avoid Kai, who kept on teleporting here and there to scare the boy.



"What the fudge... They are literally playing instead of training," she mumbled softly between herself, giving a stinky eye to the two boys before looking away, seeing another amusing sight between the oldest and Lay, who was pouting softly with his deep dimple showing in the corner of his cheek. Xuimin was creating some ice sculptures that he threw at Lay's direction, making him whine and pout like a kid as he tried to avoid the ice his hyung was throwing him.



She scoffed again before looking away, completely disliking the idea they were playing instead of actually training how they wanted her to, were they taking a break too?



Luhan was silently sitting in the far corner, patting his demon dog with a blank expression. He wasn't playful like his friends, he was rather the opposite as he kept glaring at every passing member that dared to step on his demon's tail. 



Kris was being annoyed by Tao, the dude who refused to budge under Kris' threatening look that he gave him whenever Tao took his cap away from his head. 



"That baby.." She mumbled when she saw Kris standing up to spank the boy's off when he successfully flicked Kris's cap off, revealing his blonde, golden hair.



In the other side of the arena, the remaining five, Chen, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were fighting each other. They were the only ones in the place that actually were training instead of playing, to be honest, they seemed really hardcore. 



The absolute surprise she received this particular day that Baekhyun was winning, he actually was kicking his friend's asses. To Sora, Baekhyun is the dumbest person in the group, maybe not as dumb as Sehun but still, seeing him like this really dropped her out of her seat.




He was playing with them, the four of them were all attacking him and he smoothly avoided their attacks with the bends of his body. When Suho send a punch towards his face, he blocked it by his arms and flipped over Suho, coming face to face with Chanyeol who was scowling, which only deepened when Baekhyun smirked at him.



Chanyeol took out three spears from outer space - his moves were really fast that Sora couldn't catch on- and flung them towards Baekhyun, who rolled his eyes mockingly before twisting in mid air, dodging every sharp spear with the movement of his legs. He ended up landing perfectly on his palms, giving a smirk in that position to Chen, who was standing behind Kyungsoo with wide eyes.



Unconsciously to herself, Sora stood up to clap loudly to him, giving him similar wide eyes as Chen and Kyungsoo, who were now growling at him.



"He is mocking us,"



"Isn't that what he do best?"



"He knows how hand to hand combat is his strength point so he uses it on us,"



"Such a bad dongsaeng!"



The four glared at Baekhyun, who looked back at Sora while still panting when she clapped, obviously surprised with her sudden outburst.



"Waah! Finally something you are good at," Sora grinned, lifting two thumbs up towards him, making him scowl.



Who can blame him, really? Was her words compliments? Or was she offending him by telling him he can't do anything right?



He waved his hands, signaling her to come closer to him. She raised an eyebrow at him, looking back at the other boys who seemed to look at her in the same time, making her feel creeped out.



They all stood beside Baekhyun -except for Luhan who rolled his eyes and turned back on patting his dog- waiting for her to come towards them, maybe the training session could resume.



"What?" She asked, blinking his eyes at Baekhyun who scoffed and called her over.



"Come here," she scowled at him, giving him one of her stinky eye glares before trudging slowly towards him, not trusting him whatsoever.



The moment she stood in front of him, he flicked her forehead, taking in advantage the confused expression on her face. She wasn't concentrated, and he had took the chance to touch her.



"Yah!" She yelled, and he immediately scoffed at her, giving her an 'i-dare-you-to-say-anything' face.



"What if I your powers!"



"We had already discussed how you take someone's powers, it doesn't revolve around touching only, you have to be at the peak of your emotions!"



"I really want to kill you right now, isn't that enough?"



"No it's not, you have to really really want to kill me," 



"But I really really really really want

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂