twice a day

The Exchange
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AN/ hey guys. This is a story I really enjoyed so much. I want all of you to read and support her, don't think she asked me to do it, I did it all on my own because this is incredibly beautiful. Oh, it's fantasy genre ^^


here is the link: the thirteenth


When Sora woke up the next morning, she was met with with warm breaths brushing against her cheeks teasingly. Almost immediately; her heartbeats increased and she knew right away whose aura that was surrounding her.


She looked up in alarm, seeing Suho’s angelic face inches away from hers, especially by the angle she was lifting her head to glance at him. Now that she has full concentration in her reality, she realized her limps were tangled in his, legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other's waist. When did she even go to Suho’s room and cuddled him? Wasn't she like hugging Kyungsoo minutes ago? Has she fallen asleep?


Suddenly, Suho started loudly, shifting softly in his position and clutching tightly on her waist around him. Sora blushed hardly, heart increasing it's pace and breath haggard. Why was Suho so touchy all of a sudden? And again, how did she even end up in a position like this?


Suho leaned his head against her forehead, and started nuzzling his nose against her skin. Her cheeks colored intensively, and she tried to wiggle her body away from the stiff log she is currently hugging. Suho, however, only tightened his grip around her, and she groaned out loud because oh god Suho is so annoying sometime.


Eventually, Sora decided to wake the boy up by tapping him on his cheek. Unfortunately, he only groaned and slapped her hands like she is some kind of a mosquito. Rolling her eyes at his idiocy, Sora started kicking her knees softly against his, wanting to startle him for his ridiculous actions. She did wake him up, but didn't get the chance to startle him sadly.


Suho opened his eyes softly and squinted hardly at Sora, an annoyed gleam in his orbs that made her roll her eyes. She started kicking gently on his knees and elbows. Suho groaned again, and softly started to flail his arms childishly, making her groan too.


“Will you get up?” She moaned, twisting against his grip in hopes of pulling away from him. Suho childishly pouted at her, but untangled himself from her and turned around, giving her his back. A minute didn't pass before Sora hears his snores again. Was he this tired, really?


Rolling her eyes at the boy, she stood up from her place and walked out, realizing just now the room she is in is in fact, her own room and isn't Suho’s as she predicted. Did he kick Kyungsoo out and took his place beside her? That sneaky guy.


She trotted her way downstairs, her hair similar to a bird’s nest and appearance disheveled like a drunk guy. She is so sure it's already late in the morning, and none of the boys woke her up for school. Or did they all decide to ditch? She scowled at the thought as she descended the stairs. The house is so calm, meaning she could be right, or that the boys were all asleep. she can be wrong, and everyone had left her and Suho home as a stupid joke.


She was right however, they did ditch school, but surprisingly, they were all in the living room fixing their armor appearance. Sora raised a skeptical eyebrow when she saw them patting their puffed chest from the heavy material they were wearing.


“What are you doing?” Almost everyone snapped their heads to look at her, and Sora could clearly see the drawn lines of thick ink on their cheeks all the way to their covered chest. She wanted to laugh; how did they even think of this? Was it Kai’s idea? There is no chance they just suddenly decided to wear like the army’s clothes and scribble in their face like freaks if they hadn't had a clear idea of it before from the humans. The only person suspicious is Kai.


Speaking of him, Kai was fixing the straps of Kyungsoo's inner white T-shirt – Sora honestly doesn't know why there were straps in his shirt – and he had equal lines drawn in his face by dark red ink – or paint, she isn't quite sure – and he grinned when he saw her standing frozen on the stairs. While he approached her happily, Sora took the sight of the boys around her.


Apparently, their army suits were all green, and they had those high brown boots strapped in their feet. To be honest, they looked so hardcore in them, but seeing how they colored their demons with those paints as well made her bite her lips to suppress her chuckles. They were missing the hats or else they would be ready to be delivered to the army base in the human world. What Sora couldn't believe is the fact Luhan had joined them in this ridiculousness, and he was so damn serious as he kept drawing those lines on his cheeks, a scowl on his face and a bowl of goo, thick liquid in his hands.


Baekhyun wasn't awake with them, instead he was lying on the couch with mouth opened and eyes closed, he appeared to be sleeping, and Sora’s inside melted at his puppy look, even if he too had awful drawings on his cheeks. Now that she had clear vision on their faces, they all seemed exhausted and sleepiness is obvious in their faces. Did they not sleep yesterday early?


Kai hugged her lightly, pulling out to smooch her cutely on her cheek with a huge grin.


“Good morning!” He chirped, and Sora gave him a funny look. Why was he so happy and excited? Isn't he the most sleep-loving person in this house? Shouldn't he be so disoriented and annoyed because of lack of sleep? Sora snorted, does it affect him differently?

“Good morning, why are you so excited?” She questioned, raising her eyebrow up. Kai giggled like a girl and took her hand in his, dragging her towards the group of boys around her.


“Good morning Sora!” They all greeted in unison, and the same crazed smiles broke in their lips, and Sora grew scared of their creepy smiles.


“Okay..” She awkwardly replied, and they all giggled stupidly at her actions. Since Luhan was close to Sehun, Sehun was hit by him because Luhan can and he is annoyed by their dumb giggles.


“You can sit down so we could explain everything, and can someone go and wake Suho up? God he is taking forever!” Kris annoyingly spoke, rolling his eyes at the younger ones who immediately started groaning, knowing they were the victims who supposed to wake the leader up.


Sora walked to sit on the couch, but stopped when she remembered Baekhyun is lying there rather messily. She smiled gently and started lifting his head so she can slip under. The moment she sat down, she rested his head on her lap. Baekhyun immediately shifted, and came out a soft noise from his lips that reminded Sora with a kicked puppy. She chuckled at him and started brushing her fingers inside his hair locks.


In a minute, the boys all crowded around the chair Sora is sitting in, Sehun’s body leaning against her legs while giving her a huge cute grin. She grinned at him, feeling her previous sleepiness wave away from her conscious.

“Alright, we decided to barge in the cult’s hidden place and knock them off their senses,” Kris explained meekly, casually draping his arms in the couch he is sitting in, right across Sora’s couch. Sora stared at him, seeming to just currently recognize his oozing charisma. Has he always been this beautiful? How come she never noticed him before? Sure he was way too tall for her – she honestly looked like a dwarf comparing to him – but his facial features were so beautiful. His eyebrows were so thick yet soft, and his lower lip was plump, his eyes were sharp, almost boring holes into her soul. Honestly speaking here, Sora had never acknowledged his beauty before. He is so gorgeous, how blind has she been to not see this?


Feeling her burning stare at his head, Kris turned to look at her, his worried expression turning amused soon when he realized she started blushing. Was she not supposed to be caught? He winked at her sheepishly, and Sora’s eyes widened and her cheeks darkened again, making him smile like a dork at her cuteness.


“Wait,” Suddenly, Sora seemed to just realize what he just blurted, and her blush disappeared and a crease on her eyebrows appeared.


“Are you just going to barge in? In a place filled with power hungry s? Guys! We don't even know how many they are! How strong they are! And how many powers a single person has. This is the worst plan ever,” Sora protested loudly, wagging her hands in front of her with a scowl.


“I’m with Sora at this ..- holy , what are you guys wearing?” Apparently, Suho had just woken up and was surprised at seeing such a scene in front of him. The boys all surrounding Sora with funny-looking clothes. What the hell did he miss?


Tao – who was the victim that woke the leader up – passed Suho’s frozen figure in the stairs and hurried to sit next to Sehun, sending Sora a soft, timid smile.


“Army gear,” Kai answered like it's the most normal thing in the world, and Suho was reluctant in face-palming because what the hell is army gears?


“Anyways. I’m with Sora, I cannot believe you agreed to such a bad planned plan Luhan!” Suho gave a pointed look to the older boy, who rolled his eyes at his leader with annoyance dripping from his brown orbs.


“You have any other Ideas Suho? You can't expect us to just sit here knowing where their place can be,” Xiumin argued, raising his eyebrows at the younger boy. Suho sighed, and marched towards the couch Sora is sitting in. With a hard slap on the face, Suho woke up the sleeping Baekhyun, who immediately flinched and sprung to his feet with a soft yelp. While Sora stared wide eyed at the freaked-out boy, Suho calmly sat beside her on the couch and crossed his arms.


“Hyung! You joking?” Baekhyun loudly protested, twisting his body - that is currently on the ground – to stare at the older boy with wide, reddish eyes from lack of sleep.

Suho only shooed the boy by his hands in annoyance, not even minding his protest. Sora, feeling sorry for the boy – not to mention he seemed serious and not in his usual playful mood – called for the boy to sit beside her. Suddenly knowing about her presence, his eyes twinkled and he rushed to sit beside her, resting his head on her shoulder and latching his arms around her body tightly like she is about to disappear. Sora regretted calling him out, he was like a pest.


“I actually do,” Suho spoke with proudness in his tone, and everyone darted their attention to look at the leader with squinted eyes, obviously doubting him because he is just too proud.


“First of all, no sane person would just barge inside the enemies lines without having more information about them. Second, they have seen your faces, not to mention currently listing to this conversation as we speak. We need a disguise,” he then stared at Kai with a knowing look, “A different disguise,”


“Well, what do you suggest we ‘disguise’ as?” Xiumin raised an amused eyebrow at the leader, thinking that Suho looked too proud for his own amusement.


“Something different than those ridiculous gears, something that covers everything, something they would never suspect,”


“I look like a housewife,” Sora groaned loudly while looking down at her wear, completely unamused. Suho decided to dress her up with a dumb short dress and thick shades that were bigger than her whole face. He even dared to raise her beautiful hair into a high, extremely tight ponytail that stretched her eyes into ugly squints. She really wanted to kick Suho – the idea was awfully tempting with the high heels she was wearing.


“No you don't, you look foxy,” Kai flirted with a wiggle of his eyebrows, earning himself an extremely heavy glare that made him squirm and flee away to Suho to hide behind his back. Kai was wearing something silly to Sora honestly, black rimmed geeks glasses and icy blue contacts to make him completely different from his old self. His hair was pushed back and split in half, and Suho had wanted to sparkle some glitter in his hair but Sora swatted his hands away and told him to go find someone else to mess with.


“Shush! Don't describe yourselves! What part of they are hearing you, you do not understand?” Scowled Luhan all of a sudden, swatting on both Sora and Kai’s heads – he went to the extreme of walking all the way to Sora after he hit Kai – Sora grimaced at him and pretended to hit an invisible barrier in hopes of intimidating the guy.


“Anyways. Who should go in first?” Suho spoke, visible irritation from the two he had to go with. Luhan send him a glare because how dare he thinks of him as a ?


“Whats the plan again?” Sora questioned, turning to glance at the three boys in her presence. Even though they haven't reached the café yet, they had decided – more like Suho decided – that they should split up in case those cults had their eyes on them or their house, so they hid behind a tall abandoned building ten meters away from the actual café and change their appearances there. Suho had picked up Luhan, Kai and Sora to come to this side, since Lunan

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂