Mother issues.

The Exchange
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Sora walked towards her mother’s chamber with limps wiggling out of nervousness. She can sense Kris’s stare on her back, and she stared back at him with a nervous look on her face. Kris could tell she was so anxious, and couldn't help but find her adorable as she stared back every now and then to confirm he is still back there waiting for her.


Finally, after a reassuring nod from the boy, Sora marched inside her mother’s chamber, a soft whimper exiting her lips when she saw her mother's figure sitting down on the bed hunching over her intertwined fingers. There seemed a photo in her hands, and Sora could tell that her mom was having her entire concentration on that photo. Sora wondered from where or how she got that picture in her hands right now.


When she dragged the chair backwards to sit on, it made a screeching sound that caught the mother’s attention. Sora smiled awkwardly when her mother lifted up and stared at Sora with wide, innocent eyes. 


“Hey..” Sora awkwardly greeted, lifting her hand to wave at the gazing woman. She has never directly talked to her, greeted her or spoken to her in a way her mother would recognize her. Sure Sora may have picked up some of the thing she dropped and handed it to her, but that was as far as it can get. Now, that her mom has specifically asked for her presence, Sora was growing anxious. 


Her mom didn't say anything, but kept staring at the girl’s slightly widening eyes. Sora didn't know what to do, didn't know what to say. Her mom’s stares were odd, almost like she knows whom she is staring at when it wasn't possible. Could she recognize Sora? Did she finally realize she has a daughter she did not remember?


Suddenly, her mother reached her hands to Sora, the photo held firmly in her right fingers. Sora looked at what she was offering her, nervous and confused at her mother's action. She still took the photo, and looked back at her mother, wondering if she can look at it. Her mother, seeming to understand the hesitance in the girl’s face nodded at her softly, and Sora breathed lightly before turning the photo upside down.


Sora’s eyes widened almost immediately, and uncommon water gathered in the corner of her eyes. The picture was something she have never seen before, but could recognize the people right away. Her father stood there, smiling while holding a baby. Though he looked younger than she knows him, she still would recognize that smile everywhere. Then there was a lady beside him, in which he had a hand draped on her shoulder comfortably. Sora recognized her as her mother. How come this picture is in her mother’s hold? Had she taken it with her to the humans when she recognized herself? Sora realized that her mom could be confused over the picture, and when she looked at her mom, she saw the hesitance on her face.


In the picture, there was some sort of scribbles of a pen on everyone’s heads, even Sora’s baby head. She realized that their names were sorted on top of the badly drawn marks. ‘Chan-Gi, Me, my little Sora,’ was written exactly, and Sora wondered how her mother knew she was the same Sora in the picture, or has she made a wild guess? 


“I thought there aren't any pictures left..” Mumbled Sora in a broken tone, wiping off her warm tears that dripped down her cheeks by her school sleeves.


“Why can't I remember?” Her mom whispered almost dejectedly, and Sora rose her head to stare at her with wide reddish eyes.


“Did you recognize the people in here?” She asked, pleadingly clutching on the piece of paper to be true, and that her mom could in fact recognize her presence. Unfortunately however, her mom started shaking her head at the girl, and Sora felt her heart breaking into hundreds of shreds. 


“No.. But I’m in the picture, and I can't remember who those people are,”

“Why did you call me?” Sora questioned, confused on how her mother didn't know the people yet dared to request for Sora’s presence. Sora watched her mother scrunch her face in confusion, and she could tell a migraine was about to occur in her head. Sora didn't know what to do, and she could tell her mom didn't either.


“I don't know.. I have this great feeling that this girl is alive, and that I’m connected to it by somewhat. Not to mention my memories aren't exactly there,”


“What do you mean?”


“I can't remember specific things, there is this big gap in me that does not exist. Like someone had taken that amount of memories away from my head, it's hard not to notice when all of a sudden you dream of people you don't know, and remember specific things that did not happen. Something did happen to me, right Sora?” Her mom looked up at her, staring with wide eyes. Sora’s heart broke for her mother, she didn't know all those years her mom was living in such a fear of the unknown. Honestly, Sora didn't even know her mother could tell something is wrong with her head, and that something must have happened to make her like this.


Sora then, took a hold of her mother's hands, expression determined and solid. She decided to tell her mother about everything. 




“I would remember if I had a daughter,”

There is utter disbelief in her mother’s expressions, and her hands were continuously shaking in between Sora’s. Sora could relate to her mother’s completely buzzed expression, she had had the exact same reaction when they told her she is the mimicker. 


After explaining literally everything to her mother, She started to shake and writhe uncomfortably, taking her hands off of Sora’s. To Sora, she was absolutely disappointed her mother refused to believe she is her daughter, and the way she so defensively told her that single sentence broke her heart.

“You wouldn't mother. Whatever they have used on your head was strong, I understand.” It was strange saying the mother word openly, and she could tell her mother wasn't quite comfortable either. Even though Sora said she understood, she still feels hurt about everything. The fact her mother forgot her was a whole different thing, but refusing to believe she had forgotten her is just plain torture. 


“But.. You said you are my daughter, a mother never forgets her offspring,” now there were tears running down her mother’s cheeks, and seeing the distressed expression on her mother’s face made her cry as well. Sora hated crying, she doesn't usually cry easily, but recently she has started to cry so easily and so many times that she started to grow frustrated with herself. Why can't she endure it a little more? 


“I’m sorry, but that happened already, you have forgotten about me,” There was no malice intended in Sora’s tone as she said that, but yet her mother flinched and couldn't help but stare at the girl. She looked so much like her, like a small version of herself. There are some features that didn't look like her, and her mother was sure it was her previous husband’s features. The girl was so beautiful to her, so soft looking. Seeing her weep silently to herself made her heart break, and she finally decided to believe she did actually forget about her one and only daughter.


She held by her palm, tears streaming harder down her cheeks. Her heart hurts so much, just seeing her young daughter cry so hard made her heart squeeze. How could she ever forgets about her daughter? The one she was separated with when she was only seven years old? She didn't remember anything, But she swore she wouldn't have done anything without a fight. She couldn't ask the girl, she was too young to remember.


“Excuse me,” Sora excused herself with a soft tone, almost unheard, and dashed out of the room before her mother can even say a word.



The moment Kris saw the door open, he knew he should expect the worse. He saw Sora rush towards him with tear streamed cheeks, puffy eyes and wiggling steps. She threw herself in his embrace, and he didn't hesitate to hug her tightly to give her the comfort she desired. 

Sora doesn't know why she was crying so badly, why was she sad? Isn’t this what she expected already? That her mother won't believe her or accept her with an open heart? Wasn't that the reason she had never ran to her to explain everything to her the moment she found her? So why was she so heartbroken? Is it because in the back of her mind, there is a tiny hope surfacing, that her mother would accept her in a heartbeat? 


“Shush, shush, everything would be fine. Why are you even crying..” Kris muttered under his breath, almost breathtakingly. He stared down at the girl shaking in his arms, not even bothering to hide her sobbing sound. Kris’s heart broke into halfs, the way she cried so hardly with hiccups made him realize the pain she has in her heart was just too great to endure.


Without waiting for anyone – the husband who was watching sadly for example – he cradled the girl in his arms, lifting her up in a princess style and walking out of the hospital. Sora didn't mind, and immediately buried her face into his shoulders so no one can see her face, not even Kris himself. 


She felt him take off in the air, and even though she can do it herself, she was grateful.




“She has been inside for hours!” 

Baekhyun’s loud whines earned him an equal sighs of annoyance from the others around him. Believe it or not, even Luhan was present in front of them with an ugly scowl of annoyance in his face. Ever since Kris’s appearance at the door, everyone rushed to see whats the sudden wave of sadness that attacked them. They were greeted by Sora’s face buried into Kris’s shoulder, not giving anyone access to see her. She even ignored the hearty voice  of Lay calling her out. Her actions were odd, and when Kris placed her in her bed and closed the door behind him, the girl refused to get out of there.


“This isn't like her to be inside her room for so long.”  Baekhyun continued to whine, though everyone could tell he was dead worried as his eyes never left the staircase.


“It's already night, I need to be inside when she sleeps,” Suho mumbled beside Sehun, who immediately was bombarded with heavy glares from everyone around him.

“What?” He so-innocently asked.


“Is this the only thing you are honestly thinking of?” Tao annoyingly spoke, huffing and puffing loudly before slumping himself comfortably on the sofa’s armchair. 


“This is serious, what if she woke up in the other side of the universe?” Suho protested loudly, and even if his words were quite reasonable, everyone could tell he also wanted to sleep with her alone.


“Oh shut up,” Xiumin didn't mask his annoyance and threw a pillow hardly at the leader’s face, causing Sehun to smirk in appreciation. 


Luhan, having noticed his brother’s distress, peered at him curiously. Xiumin was slumping on the sofa, expression grim and damn right awful. Luhan creased his brows in confusion, what was it that Xiumin was thinking of? Crawling closer to the boy so he can reach him unnoticeably, Luhan whispered softly in his ears.


“Xiumin, you like her?” The older boy immediately turned crimson and he looked at his brother with a preposterous gaze, as if he just said the unbelievable.


“What? Get out of my head Luhan!” The boy almost growled out loud, and Luhan surprisingly let out a soft smirk.


“I didn't get inside your brain, I would never,”


“How did you know this information though?”


“You speak as if it's super confidential, it's so obvious,” at his taunting smile, Xiumin turned around fully to face the boy, a soft blush creasing his lovely, round cheeks.


“You serious? It's this obvious?” Luhan mockingly nodded his head, and Xiumin groaned softly before sulking on the sofa, his face buried in his

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂