The frozen lake

The Exchange
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Oh Sehun could not take his eyes away from the girl sulking beside him, in all honesty he couldn't really control his eyes as they kept going back to her every time he tried to look away. She was all sulky and whiny, taking a loose fistful of her hair before lazily dropping it out like the lazy girl that she is. It wasn't an attractive scene, watching Lee Sora with shorts and a t-shirt playing with her wet hair like a broken doll so bored with life that she looked for entertainment, but she fascinated him; especially after the sudden confession she blurted out hours before.


She used to like him, Lee Sora used to like him when they were fourteen years old. When and how it happened was all that rang inside his head, and his eyes seemingly followed the unsaid command to never leave her face. He knew she was aware of his looks towards her, as he was staring at her the moment she jumped down on the sofa next to him, as ashamed as he felt right now, he just couldn't simply look away.


He would say he was super flattered at her words, and found a deep crimson blush cover his cheeks though she hadn't seem to realize it that time as she was too busy sauntering upstairs. His heartbeat has quickened before, and they still do just at the mere sight of her.


Lee Sora suddenly blew a huge sigh of relief the moment the front door opened, revealing the faces of eleven tired young boys including a still fuming girl, whose scowl was returned the moment her eyes sat upon Sora. If it wasn't for Luhan's tight grip around the latter's wrist, she would have attacked Sora mercilessly.

"I'm done! Let's go go go!!!" Faking enthusiasm, Sora bounced in her steps and headed for the boys, feeling Sehun's stare at her back as she did so inelegantly like a boy from the hood.


"Are you kidding? We just got here!" Frustratingly Chen answered sharply, throwing his bag aside before joining Sehun on the sofa who did not bother to look at the boy, too busy eyeing Sora with what seemed to be a dazed expression.


Sora glared at the boy, and wondered in her guts the sudden reason of Chen's awfulness, that is, if he ever was not awful. But really, he seemed turned off as he bit roughly on an apple he took from the neatly decorated basket sitting on the table, sending a heavy glare to his hands. Sora was rudely remided of the time he was so furious at school, the time where she found herself comforting him by his aunt's commands. Now that she thinks of it, she never met the aunt again in her dreams, could it be that she moved on to heaven? She did mention she'll leave once her task in choosing the rightful mimicker ends.


"I said night sora.. We still have a few hours until then," Softly Suho spoke, he too took a seat at the other side of Sehun as he rested his head tiredly backwards, closing his eyes soon after.


Sora looked back at the rest of the boys with the same stare, silently questioning if they agreed to their leader's words. All of the royals nodded, and immediately walked off to their respectful rooms with Luhan dragging an even more angered Yoora behind him, shoving her in his room before he shut the door close.


Sora couldn't help but think dirty.


She grimaced, and walked back to the sofa where her place was taken. Seeing how Chen wasn't in the mood to fight, she sat down on the other sofa and took off her sneakers, huffing annoyingly at the lame situation.


What the hell would she do now? She was actually anticipating the place Suho would take her to, but now all she was doing is falling down lazily on the sofa, spreading her legs and arms wide in the entire space like a retard monkey. She would have gone to the humans if she didn't find it boring already, the same places and the same people, she wanted to go further but neither does she have some money, or a way to actually go further, she somehow finds her legs aching whenever she crosses that red shopping mall she finds so interesting. It isn't her leg's fault it was on the last line of the district. Sigh.


"I'm sooooo bored with my life! What are we supposed to do???" Annoyed, Sora blew out loudly, wiggling her arms left and right with the simultaneous move of her head.


"Go take a rest, I'm sure you are so tired from school," Suho commented from his seat, lifting himself up to go upstairs and take a shower, maybe he would take a small nap until nighttime comes. 


"I don't want to, I wanna sleep a lot tonight so I'm aiming for an early knock out, sleeping now would give me a headache later," groaning in annoyance, Sora spoke, still wiggling in her place like the retard seal she is.


"Fine then, I'm going to sleep, wake me up at nine PM if I'm still sleeping,"

"You'll sleep that long????" Shrieking, Sora fixed her position in the sofa and stared wide eyed at Suho, who blinked softly at her.


"I need my sleep, especially if I'm planning for a long night today,"


"Didn't you just hear what I said? I wanna sleep early so no long nights,"


"Why do you think I told you to go to sleep?" At the blank look Suho gave, Chen scoffed loudly while Sehun sighed pleasantly with a soft smile, seeming to be in a personal daze that no one can distinguish beside himself and probably Sora as it revolves around her whole being.


"Don't laugh! I'm serious!" She yelled at Chen, taking one of the sofa's pillows and throwing it towards his face, where he caught it easily with a scowl.

"I didn't laugh I scoffed,"


"Scoffing usually leads to laughing as it is a better way to prevent it,"


"Where did you hear that bull?"

"In movies!"


"Our TV might be crappy and old, but they don't spout these kind of nonsense," smirking, Chen laid smoothly back on the sofa's arm, shaking the bitten apple around his face in a taunting way. Suho shook his head at Chen's ways of mocking and teasing the girl before totally ignoring the two, heading upstairs with a huff of 'What am I going to do with them?' as he did so. 


Sora's cheeks colored red in anger, firstly because he openly mocked her; secondly because he actually had a point there where his remarks actually made her speechless. Maybe the monster world does not have any movies like the human world but still, her comeback was quite y and she kinda deserved his reversed, smart remark. But that did not stop the anger from flooding inside her system, and in an abrupt move, Sora jumped to Chen with a battle yell, shocking the heck out of him.


She head-locked him, where she found herself pushing Sehun's body away from Chen, in which he landed messily on the ground with a loud 'Oomf'. Chen yelled out desperately the moment she started hitting him in the head repeatedly, yelling out hardly in each punch she gives. Chen found himself slowly slipping down as he lied down on the sofa with Sora sitting around his stomach, straddling him in a position where it was too comfortable to her, her hands were still punching him and she seemed to be winning. 


But who is Sora kidding? She was dealing with a thunder manipulator where with a click of his fingers could crush down a state if he wanted to, if he was strong by powers, he would most definitely be strong physically too.


He twisted their positions easily, where he took a hold of her moving hands and lock them in a safe distance away from his head, he pushed her from her stomach to lie back on the sofa, where he immediately crawled on top of her. His hurt disappeared and a smirk filled with filth appeared on his face as he neared his nose to her, taking a big, seductive whiff from her neck.


"Hmm Sora if you wanted to have you could have just asked for it," the amount of seductiveness in Chen's voice sent shivers down her spine and his previous action didn't help her either. She found herself gulping at the boy who lifted his eyes to look at her, his lower lip like he is a candy he enjoyed the taste of so hardly.


But Sora was Sora and this stupid game will affect her not, with a loud shriek, Sora repeated.

"Oh my gosh!!! Chen mentioned the 'S' word!!" Sora screamed so loud that Chen messily fell from her in an attempt to cover his ears from her extremely sharp voice, he swore his ears bled.


Sora took the opportunity and immediately flung herself off the sofa, running around in circles between the living room and the adjoined kitchen, still screaming her heart out.


"Guys!!! We have a second Kim Kai in here!! Chen mentioned the 'S' word!!" Sora lifted herself on the sofa and started to bounce on it like a kid, pointing an accusing finger at the whining Chen who placed both of his hands around his ears, wiggling in his stomach beside a very annoyed Sehun who dared to spank Chen's with his leg.


Stomps of feet came downstairs immediately, and some of the boys were frightened by the sudden loud voices coming from downstairs, a person can tell by their wide eyes as their hair were dripping with water, indicating that they just finished showering.

Gosh Kai was even shirtless, and he was hot!


Immediately when spotting Chanyeol being one of the boys, who consisted of himself, Baekhyun, Kai, Xiumin and Tao, Sora jumped off the sofa and covered herself behind Chanyeol's long body, taking a peek from his shoulder at Chen who started to regain what's left of his dignity.


"What the hell was that??" Tao asked frustratingly, and Xiumin cutely pouted while scratching his head, a similar expression of curiosity was evident on his face. 


"Sora! Don't you dare say it!" Chen threatened with wide eyes, hair looking like a nest bird from all that rolling on the floor, which Sora only stuck a tongue to.


When Chanyeol turned his head to see her face, Sora immediately hid her tongue inside her cavern and pretended to be hurting.


"Chanyeol ah~ Chen harassed me and publicly asked for !" Chanyeol's eyes widened really hard as a choked gasp emitted from Baekhyun's mouth. Tao's left eye twitched as he darted his eyes from Sora to Chen with complete curiosity. Xiumin almost fainted as his innocent ears wasn't ready for her blunt words.


"What the.. LEE SORA STOP LYING!" Chen shouted in frustration, completely embarrassed from the preposterous look the boys gave him.


"Chanyeolie~ he really said that... I'm so innocent and he says that.. that 'S' word!" Sora pretended to weep, giving the puppiest expression she can master to Chanyeol, who seemed to be wondering if he should believe her or not.


Seeing the hesitation in his eyes, Sora hissed lowly before hardening her exterior.

"Save me or think of me as a stranger, meaning no apology is accepted!" Once again the eyes of Chanyeol opened wide in surprise and shock. He did not know that would come off but now that it did he found himself taking advantage of the situation as he immediately glared at Chen, a venomous aura radiating from him.


Chen shook in fear at the glare he received, and in an abrupt movement he started waving his hands negatively in front of his face, realizing that Chanyeol's glare is filled with malice.


"Chanyeol no!! I swear I didn't do anything!" though he shrieked, nobody seemed to care, and to make things even worse, Sehun stood from his lying position and mumbled sleepily.

"I think I heard the word '' somewhere," Chen glared daggers at Sehun, who innocently blinked his eyes at him with a growing smile, in which was oozing with innocence. 


Chuckling evilly, Sora watched as Chanyeol chased Chen with a glare, Chen's screams echoing in the entire house as he tried dodging the fancy vases scattered around the living room. Sora felt a pair of eyes were watching her and she glanced back to see a very disturbed Kyungsoo standing on the stairs, fully dressed and hair dried, his mouth was pursed into a thin line, where he glared daggers at Sora instead of the bickering boys.


While everyone seemed to take it as a joke, Kyungsoo seemed to think otherwise. Everyone were chuckling amusingly at Chen who was 'beaten up' by Chanyeol, but Kyungsoo had a very different expression on his face, and Sora could not help but panic, could he possibly be disappointed with her? Is her chances in having him as a friend went to the drain?


With a gulp, Sora rushed upstairs, bouncing past him without even looking at him, totally ignoring the shouts of Baekhyun calling her name in worry.


Just what's wrong with her?



"Get up get up get up! Its ten PM already, weren't you the one who is supposed to wake Suho hyung? Hmph," Sora stirred in her sleep at the sudden booming sound of Zi Tao echoing in her ears. He even dared to shake her body violently to give her her conscious back, well that's what he thought obviously as everything she felt was reality being thrown back to her with a violent shake of her arms.


Groaning, Sora covered her face with her blanket, lifting her legs to kick Tao on the knee to shoo him away. Tao felt her kick like a fly landing on his legs, and he rolled his eyes at her actions.


"Won't you get up?? We are all waiting for you downstairs, you know," he said with a frown, crossing his arms arrogantly. Sora straightened herself in her position and glared daggers at Tao, red eyes staring at him with malice mixed with extreme tiredness, just when the hell did she fell asleep? All she remember is that Kyungsoo saw her being her evil self and then there she was sleeping, could she possibly fell asleep thinking about him?


"I'm not going anywhere anymore! I'm super tired and hazy," Sora did not lie, her voice was husky and a person can tell she indeed was tired, but Tao does not take no for an answer as he immediately marched to the girl's direction, lifting her in one go and hanging her upside down on his shoulder, completely ignoring the shriek of screams emitting from .


Tao staggered downstairs, feeling an aching pain on his back from the heavy stomps of fists on it. Sora was furious, something must have happened to her before she fell asleep, when she ran away from Kyungsoo's sight before, and whatever that reason was, Tao does not care.


"What's your problem with carrying girls this way?" Sora shrieked loudly once she felt Tao's feet touching the floor of the second floor, the sounds of the other royals were surrounding them and Sora huffed.


The moment Zi Tao placed her down, she wanted to kick his shin like how she did to Sehun when he carried her, but Tao obviously predicted her as he immediately moved his legs away and sent a threatening glare towards her.


"You think I'm so stupid," Tao pressed, rolling his eyes at her shocked face before walking out of the house, passing the boys' frozen figures.


Sora huffed again, looking at the already dressed boys with Yoora. They were looking at her as well, maybe waiting for the tantrum she is about to make, or that's just how they thought it would be, but instead, Sora only rolled her eyes and walked to the front porch, where her sneakers laid unmoving.


"Aren't you coming? We have a long night you know?"


Sora stared at Lay's back with a growing curiosity, he was so calm and distant as he walked alone, phone in his hands as he strolled through his gallery. Sora was bored already, and the boys has gathered around in a circle ahead of her and Lay, talking about something obviously cheerful as their laughter voices echoed in every corner. Yoora was clinging into Luhan, surprisingly laughing as well like what happened in school today wasn't something to linger on about. Sehun had wanted to talk to her, walk with her and regather his scattered memories about her, but Sora could see him glancing at his friends every now and then every time their voices heightened, eventually Sora ushered him to go follow his friends and he did with hesitation in his steps.


Sora once again looked at Lay's back, and this prick of fear inside of her returned, though it was a little bit small. Sora wanted to know what he passed on to her, she wanted to know if the powers she took from him were powers she does not want to have. She remembered how she used to fantasize about having his powers, but now that the powers ran in her system, she felt terrified.


But Lay isn't a bad person right? Lay wasn't usually like this, he is that soft-spoken guy with a smile on his face.. Sora is sure something in him caused him to be that monster in

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂