It's too painful to bear

The Exchange
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                Double update :)      Sora almost fell down on her face when she felt a horrible pain in her ankle, urging her to sit down and take a rest. Her eyes glanced at the house two meters away from her with glee, just one step and everything would be fine, only one small step...         She was so sure the time has passed 2 AM in the morning, and yet there she is walking home with an unbearable pain in her sides and legs, there was even an ugly scratch on her beautiful forehead. She looked back at the boys behind her with a scowl, a scowl so heavy that made them stop momentarily in their steps to look at her, horrified with that single look.       Xiumin and Kai had offered to carry her, since she was extremely wounded, but she down right rejected their offers with a piercing scream that made them almost their pants. They had hurt her not only physically but mentally as well, they hurt her pride okay?       She stopped moving with another wince, looking down at her ankle that started to become swollen by the extreme pressure she puts on it. Not only was it sprained she had to walk on it too. Sora started to recall what happened at the lake, a huge frown of disdain was sparkling on her face.       Luhan looked so thrilled when he was called over, and Sora had the exact opposite expression upon her face. She immediately took a stand, glaring up at Luhan with a venomous look as if daring him to do whatever nonsense he has on his head.       "How the hell am I supposed to do that..?" Sora muttered softly under her breath, looking at Suho in the eyes with malice laser shots, and believe it or not Suho was intimidated, he thought she was thinking of a plan to ruin him as he watched, and he found his hand curl into a fist, readying himself to use his powers if the situation called for one.       Sora thought about closing her eyes and calling Suho's ability to turn ice into water, without having Luhan to start throwing the rocks over her or anything, but when she did close her eyes and called for the orb, it seemed like she wasn't calling anything as the orb danced in front of her vision, teasing her silently that it would not obey.         Sora creased her forehead, concentrating hard on just freaking calling for the orb. Nothing, nothing happened at all and the orb still wiggled in front of her tauntingly, as if saying it would not come closer and let Sora take it.       Sora heard a weird sound of something flashing and looked up in alarm to see a rock at the size of a bull coming towards her in full speed. It was marching so fast that Sora was not able to avoid it, and it hit her square on the head, sending her falling down on the ice.       Sora saw darkness, every thing colored around her turned into complete darkness as a huge nauseous feeling erupted in her stomach. The pain in her forehead turned numb, the only thing she could feel is something warm dripping down her face and left eye. Sora tried to look up, maybe she will spot the stars on the sky. But heck no she couldn't see anything beside darkness.       Perhaps she fainted or something, why can't she see anything? And what is wrong with her eyes? They seemed to want to shut close by themselves. Sora could not feel her body, all she felt was cold numbness around her entire bones.        "Sora!" Sora heard her name being called, it was faint and so so small, but she heard it, and she felt like her eyes were slowly closing, her mind drifted away to the point where she did not hear the huge rock crashing on the wall far away from the lake.        Sora held herself, and softly she tried straightening up in her position. Her eyesight was softly returning back to her eyes, and the throbbing pain in her forehead returned. She looked up from her position and stared at the boys directly in the eyes, though her sight was a little blurry.       She heard them gasping loudly and she knew she was in a ty situation. She her lips, but ended up gagging at the taste in her tongue. Iron mixed with salt only meant one thing, she was tasting her own blood.         She stood up straight, her body shaking softly but she held herself. She glared at Luhan, who had his palm opened and pointing at her. He seemed in a little bit of shock that the rock actually hit her.       "Why the didn't you dodge it?" Luhan found himself yelling loudly, anger visible in his tone. Sora rolled her eyes, even if she was finding a huge trouble in moving them as her head wound throbbed.       "Why the did you do it to begin with??" Sora ended up hissing at her own outburst, her forehead wound thumbing loudly at her loud voice. She realized to her dismay that she needed not to scream.          "I wanted to trigger your powers! Not kill you!!"     "I was closing my eyes you dimwit!!! Didn't you see me trying to trigger the power by myself?"       "You are at least half a meter away! How the hell would I see your eye movement!"       "That is a lame excuse! You could have warned me before throwing the rock!"       "You would already be aware of the attack and it won't trigger anything!"     "You are an and you intended to hurt me!"       "If I intended to hurt you I would have done it before!" At Luhan's outburst she shut and fell down on her , holding her head with a yelp. God screaming so much makes her feel even worse!        She huffed loudly and stood back up, crossing her arms above her chest with a confident stand, as if saying the wound wasn't big of a deal. But it was, and everyone was aware of it. If she wanted to cover up her pain then she failed terribly, it wasn't a wound someone could mask its pain, the wound was obviously bad and the blood dripping down her chin proved just that.       Kai clenched his fist in anger, actually wanting to attack his hyung right now and rip his throat apart. He was able to feel the pain she felt in her forehead, and he had this deep urge to scratch his own forehead to ease the pain. Though the pain in them wasn't as strong and lively as in Sora's, they were still aware of the bad feeling it produced. Baekhyun's fist was stuffed inside his mouth, biting strongly on his fingers to stop himself from running towards her and cradle her delicate face in his arms. He was deadly worried about her and he found himself walking in circles around the boys who were annoyed of him but didn't have the heart to yell at him. Even Chanyeol was worried, you can see how his eyebrows met in the middle as he didn't leave her body to disappear from his sight, she was broken and in pain, and he wanted so badly to cure her pains.         The entire boys scratched their necks unconsciously, all of them seeming to hold themselves back from running towards the fragile girl. But they just know whatever deeds they will do would only backfire to them.        "C'mon, just let's end this.."       "Are you sure?" Suho looked at Sora, an uncertain look masked his face. Sora glared at him while she nodded again, snapping her knuckles in a way that told them she was fine to go, even if she really wasn't.       "I need to trigger this power," she mumbled softly to herself, trying so hard to stop the wince from escaping her lips in pain.       So they started at it again, Luhan throwing some rocks at her - though he made sure to make them slightly smaller to stop any upcoming injuries - and she would try to dodge them. She managed to dodge a whole lot of them except for a single rock that hit her square on the sides, causing her to fall down on the floor with a sprained ankle.       God she hates this night so much.       "Get up get up get up!! We don't have much time!" Luhan overlooked her devastated state and clapped his hands thrice, walking up slightly to stand perfectly on the ice, few maters away from her.        Sora took a deep breath before standing up, groaning in pain when her side screamed in agony. It needed to rest, but Sora would not get such a thing if she didn't accomplish her mission.       "God please help me.." Softly Sora mumbled to the sky, looking up at the stars twinkling happily above her. She sighed at her stupid thought and stood up, the time of miracles is long gone, if she didn't help herself, then no one would.       Another rock was thrown against her, and this time, this time Sora swore she wouldn't let it hurt her. She calmly closed her eyes, completely aware of the hit that was about to come towards her face. She lifted her palm up and concentrated.     "Let's get this over with," she whispered before looking down at her core energy. She spotted the glowing orbs of Luhan and Suho, and instead of taking only Luhan's to stop the attack, she grabbed both of the orbs and this time, the orbs replied at her by dancing their way towards her, injecting themselves into her mind.         The rock stopped mid-way, and Luhan immediately smirked, feeling slightly thrilled that she managed to stop his attack after a whole tries. His smile dropped however when he realized how happy and proud he was, did that wench affect him so much?! What the hell was he thinking?         The game of Sora did not end at this, no she actually curved the rock's way and it immediately rushed towards Luhan's way, who scoffed at it amusingly before turning the rock into dust. He smirked in triumph when he saw her dropping her hand to her side, thinking she had given up, but he was dead wrong.       The ice under him started melting so fast, a speed he never saw Xiumin use before. It actually felt like the entire lake had melted in a snap of a finger, different from how Xiumin had turned it into ice. The process was slow comparing to Sora's, the ice was spreading, almost like running to cover the entire space of water, but to Sora it all happened at once, leaving the only place where her feet was planted on without melting.        Suddenly all Luhan can feel is himself fighting to get out of the water, water so deep and cold that he felt his limp wiggling. He unconsciously opened his mouth, and a big amount of water was being gulped down by him. He immediately caught himself and swam up, taking a big intake of breath as he eyed Sora's body, in which was fighting itself from falling down on the lake's water.       "I won.." Was all she muttered before a lazy, almost drunken smile appear upon her lips.          Sora scoffed and tried to move, but her ankle could not bear to move forward anymore. She found herself falling backward in pain, but her body was caught in the arms of Lay who carried her in his arms, lifting her up from the floor with a small smile.       "Okay enough stubbornness for today, we need to treat your body," if Lay's mouth wasn't outstretched into a smile, she would have freaked out and demanded him to let her down. The sight of his horrifying eyes were replying itself in her head, but she gulped down her fear and clung her arms around his neck.       "Good girl," he muttered, still having his dimpled smile on. He walked her inside the house, everyone warily following him and the girl inside the house, a few of them had their scowls on, including Yoora who immediately headed for the sofa, seating herself roughly upon it.        Luhan gave Sora, who was being carefully seated by Lay on the kitchen island, a final look before sauntering away to wash up and change his wet clothes.       Sora's heartbeat increased inside of her at the close distance her face was to Lay's, even though he had placed her on the counter, he still haven't removed his arms from her petite body and the amount of warmth that was radiating from him was making her giddy. The picture of his horrid eyes suddenly seemed normal to her, this fear she had inside and the amount of insecurity she had for him vanished through thin air and all she can stare at is his pinkish delicious lips that he wetted with his tong--         "Ahm.. Guys?" Sora pushed Lay away from her and stared at Sehun with wide eyes, a blush creeping up her cheeks that she was suddenly caught staring at Lay's lips. Was it her or did she just imagine how his lips would taste like?         Oh god she is already knee deep into him.        She shook her head, which caused her to feel a huge pain in her forehead, at Sehun and gestured for him to come closer. He hurried towards her and immediately took her in his embrace.       "I won't forgive you for not helping me," she muttered huskily in his shoulder and Sehun gulped hardly at the vibration made by her voice. Her lips were sealed to his jacket and even though they weren't directly touching his skin, he still felt kinda of... hot.       "I'm sorry... I was forced not to," Sora remembered then that Baekhyun was forced too, but instead he helped her even if he was going to get punished for whatever he was doing.       It reminded her of the time he took the blame on visiting the humans and was sent to the horrendous mountain, yet there he is again repeating the same mistake he did before. Why was he doing it? Why does he want to help her so much even if it would cost him a lot? All he was showing her was disdain and hate, but sometimes his actions reflected everything but that.       She let go of Sehun and lifted her eyes up to search for him, finding him already looking at her with wide eyes. He immediately looked away from her, scratching his head embarrassedly that he was caught staring. She smiled secretly and looked back at Lay, seeing how his forehead creased in confusion.       "What's wrong?" She asked, not noticing how he was clutching on her arms tightly. When he caught it she does not know or care, because surprisingly, she didn't find it in her to shake him off.       "Something's off, my powers are not working.." Before she can even question him about the odd truth, Luhan came rushing down with the same drenched clothes of his, a worried look was obviously decorating his face.       "Guys.... M-my family, my entire family members are being transmitted to the hospital as we speak,"       


"Owww.. I can't move," 

      Sora softly muttered under her breath, reaching her delicate
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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂