More than just a light

The Exchange
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"Grrrr, alarm rings..." 


Sora's growl had emitted from the bottom of her heart, feeling tired and sore all around her body to be able to move probably. She knocked the alarm clock roughly and straightened up to sit, but she let out a wince and fall back down on the bed.


Pain in her leg joints, pain in her back and pain all over her face. What happened to cause her so much pain? Sora reached home safety yesterday with the boys, they all took a shower and slept in. She is supposed to wake up overjoyed, because last night beautiful things happened. From the exchanged kisses between her and Lay, to the back hug she gave Chen. Sora was sur..- no she was positive that yesterday nothing at all happened to cause her such a pain.


Sora looked down at her body, and nothing out of the ordinary was visible on her skin. She was absolutely fine from the outside, but she was nothing close to fine from the inside. The pain she felt was a pain that was deeply in her bones, and it wasn't something that she can shrug.


She rolled off of her bed softly, trying hard not to cause herself pain. Oh god she felt so tired like she has been running a marathon. She headed downstairs to make her some breakfast, she was so sure the boys were asleep now and still haven't woken up. Oh well yesterday was rough on them, with their friend's injury and all.


Sora stabled herself on the kitchen counter, seeing everything turning in circles around her all of a sudden. Strange, it was definitely very strange to wake up so sore like you had the beating of your life when you are so sure nothing of that sort had happened.


With a groan, Sora worked her off to make her a small sandwich. Her stomach was growling in hunger so she didn't have time to dress up for school instead of eating. Besides, she was sure the royals - who are going to be late of course - gonna use Tao's time control powers to make them arrive in time, she can totally go with them.


Sora felt footsteps of someone from behind her and before she can even look back and take a glimpse of the person, a single arm circled her petite body while another started creasing her cheeks. With the wide heart beating of hers, Sora could immediately tell who that person is. She felt Lay placing his chin on her shoulder and watched her silently as she worked.


The high beating of her heart slowed down comfortably knowing that Lay was silent. Surprisingly Sora didn't brush him off of her and let him have his time with her while she continued making herself the sandwich. She was only worried slightly if any one of the boys would come downstairs and see them both in this position.

"I didn't know you are so touchy," Sora blushed immediately at her statement. She didn't mean to say it out loud, she was only thinking of it for her mind only to hear, but somehow her dumb mouth decided to blurt it.


"I didn't know you are quite touchable," Sora could feel Lay grinning, and couldn't help but scoff loudly at the boy and turn around to face him, losing his warmth even if he was close enough to feel her breath. Sora bit down on her sandwich while staring at him, a playful smirk gracing her features. 

"Guess we found new things about each other," Sora didn't expect Lay to move closer to her and claim her lips in his. Ever since she kissed him yesterday and he started to kiss her whenever he wanted to. Sora thought he would be slightly embarrassed and would not always kiss her on the freaking lips every time they see each other, the action made her slightly shy and insecure because she has no idea if he was kissing her for his entertainment or because she meant something for him. She hoped he would tell her soon instead of attacking her lips in times extremely unexpected.


Sora pushed him away slightly with darken cheeks. Even if she wanted to hide the blush, she was so sure her heartbeat were on fire. Sora could see the confused face of Lay, and immediately thought of an answer.

"I didn't brush my teeth yet," she gave him a sheepish smile, and Lay's confusion was long gone as a beautiful dimpled smile decorated his teeth.

"It's okay, you are still quite tasty," Lay blushed hardly when he saw Sora's red cheeks and the way she forcefully bit down on her lips to prevent whatever emotions she was trying so hard to conceal but failed because her emotions were all over the place. 


"That came out wrong," Lay muttered, closing his eyes in complete embarrassment that actually made him look cute in Sora's perspective. She saw how his neck colored in deep crimson color, and how his ears were in a similar shade. Before she can open and tell him everything is fine, Lay spoke.

"I think.. I'm gonna get ready for school," and then he rushed out of the kitchen, running all the way upstairs to his room. Sora poked the inside of her cheeks to suppress her laughter, and cheekily scratched her head.

The front door opened all of a sudden and a very annoyed Baekhyun trudged inside the house. He was already wearing his school uniform neatly - though his tie was a bit messed up - and his hair was awfully fluffed like he had just came from school when he is just about to go.


Baekhyun suddenly stopped roaming around aimlessly and glanced at Sora hesitatingly when he realized her eyes were boring holes through his skull. Sora rolled her eyes at the look he was giving her and turned around to leave him alone, maybe go fix her bird nest hair - she can't believe Lay saw her like this - and change her stupid pajamas. Grrr she is so not ready for school to face Yoora and Minah. 


"Wait Sora.." Surprised, Sora turned around to look at him like an alien. Oh so now he wants to talk to her? Sora let out a glare and turned to leave yet again, not even bothering to wait up like how he said. Suddenly Baekhyun was standing in front of her with red hair. She froze in her place and wondered how the hell he got in front of her this fast, and is it her or does Baekhyun looks taller? And since when does he have red hair?


Freaked out, Sora stared back at the place he used to stand on and found another Baekhyun standing at that position. This one here is not so different and was the same person who told her to wait, he even has the same worried expression on his face.


"H-how the hell is this possible?" The blonde Baekhyun who was wearing the school uniform answered her immediately.

"I can explain, i just.. Just walk with me to school," Baekhyun gave her a pleading look, even rubbing both of his hands to make him look more pleading. Sora stared at Baekhyun in front of her - the red haired one who was blankly looking at her without saying a word - and then at the real Baekhyun, who now took a few steps closer to not cause her any fear than what she is already feeling.

He can tell, her emotions are running wild.


"... T-this.. This is freaky..." She muttered softly, still eyeing the blank looking Baekhyun with the red hair. How the hell did he made another version of himself? The red haired Baekhyun was so real, it almost looked like a twin brother of Baekhyun but he wasn't, Sora would know if Baekhyun had a twin they would both be royals. 


"Go change your clothes, i'll be waiting here for you.." Sora snapped her head back at the real Baekhyun and her wide eyes turned into crescent. She was heavily glaring at him that actually caused the boy to shiver and lower his eyes to the floor like a puppy being scolded. 

"You think I would go with you because?" Sora snarled, and Baekhyun flinched slightly but didn't look

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂