Out of character

The Exchange
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When Chen had pulled away from her lips and admitted he is in love with her, Sora’s heart raced loudly in her ribcage. She wanted to reply to him, telling him she has feelings for him too, for everyone. But she couldn't, she felt like her heart was beating too loudly for her to breathe, and her eyes are too wide for her comfort. She was shocked of course, since she didn't really expect him to suddenly confess, but it was a nice feeling; knowing so many people are in love with you. It kind of washes the insecurity away, not to mention she is equally in the loving phase as well. Kai had told her he likes her, and she didn't reply, and now there is Chen. She should open her god forsaken mouth and tell Chen she loves him as well.


Just when she gained the courage to tell him about her love, Kyungsoo’s voice echoed all along the empty living room, calling them out all for lunch. If she knew Kyungsoo, she would have to say his voice held a hidden kind of amusement – was there a little bit malice? – when he called them, and she had the impression it was his plan for her to choke on her words and say nothing.


With an awkward grin towards Chen – he gave her the same grin, although his held understanding – the two marched down the stairs, intense and awkward air surrounding them. When they were in the kitchen, Chen dared to walk to Kyungsoo who was sitting down on the table like a polite prince, and smacked him square on the face, causing the boy to wince and groan. Had he too, noticed Kyungsoo’s tone?


“Hi Kyung,” Sora greeted the boy, a small smile on her face as she sat across him, eyes roaming the different dishes on the table with obvious hunger. Kyungsoo looked at her from under his bangs shyly, remembering what happened last night with redding cheeks.

“Hey Sora,” He greeted as well, voice low and shy, which earned him a funny look from Chen, who seemed to sense something had developed between the two.
“Whats up with you? You seem.. Different,” Commented Chen on Kyungsoo’s odd behaviors, as he was currently picking on his food with a fork. Sora raised her head away from the food when she noticed Kyungsoo radiating uncomfortable emotions, and wondered why he was so nervous as well.

“What kind of different? He seems fine to me” Sora replied instead of the quiet Kyungsoo, stuffing a big strawberry muffin in . Chen send her a disapproved look, like nothing of their previous make out has happened. She looked like a squirrel stuffing their cheeks with food, adorable but annoying.


“He is glowing,” Chen said, he too stuffs a muffin inside his mouth, his significantly smaller than his, so he didn't look funny like her. At his words, Kyungsoo seemed to shrink further and further into his seat, covering his face with his hands like a cute, adorable kid. Chen smiled cheekily at Kyungsoo’s actions, while Sora seemed too busy eating to her hear’s content.

“Your food is ridiculously delicious,” Chen commented all of a sudden, face looking funny from the amount of food he dared ti eat. Sora nodded along with her, not bothering to speak as she realized her food may come out. Kyungsoo stared at them with his famous wide eyes, cheeks darkening more than before. He started shaking his head and hands together, a preposterous look on his face.


“N-no! These are all made by the maids!” Kyungsoo protested loudly, his already wide eyes widening more when he saw the mischievous looks they were giving him.

“Ooh, right. I just don't understand why you keep denying you can cook. We won't laugh at you, promise!” Chen cheerfully spoke after he swallowed his muffin, sending the boy a boyish, cat like grin that made Sora melt at the sight of it. He was just so beautiful-looking it hurts to look at for a long time.


The voice of the front door unlocking itself from outside brought them out of their little quarrel – at least Chen and Kyungsoo, The latter kept denying his cooking abilities - and they all looked back to see aunt Mei staring at them with her purse stuffed under her left arm. There was an obvious shocked expression on her face as her eyes roamed the living room with cautious.

“Auntie!!” Sora grinned as she stood up from her place and rushed towards the lady, who didn't even for a second divert her eyes from the heavy mess around the room – the maids were skimming around, taking this and that from the floor with furrowed eyebrows – and she can tell that her aunt was in the prick of having a heart attack.

“Dear, what is all of this?” Aunt Mei questioned, her voice no louder than a shocked whisper. Sora looked at where Aunt Mei was staring at, and she winced when she noticed how messy the living room was. There was army gears thrown all around the sofas – apparently, when Suho told them to take them off and throw them away, he didn't specify where exactly to throw – and there were shoes, socks and specks scattered all around the floor, with boxes of eye-contacts strewn all over the place, in the arm chairs, and even in the vases in the corner of the room. Sora grimaced when she saw large paint puddles along the hallways and railings of the stairs. How did she not notice all of this messiness?

“Amm… Well; you see, yesterday we had went in a super top spy mission, and yeah.. That kind of happened,” Sora awkwardly scratched on her ears, giving her aunt a small, nervous smile. Even though the royals are now the official royals and no one has command over them, Aunt Mei would still be a family figure to them all, so when she scolds them, she scolds them as their sons before the rulers, which is why Sora is sweating buckets right now.

Aunt Mei marched inside the house, further towards the kitchen where the two royals kept watching her. Now that Sora too stared at the boys, she realized Xiumin was no where to be around. How did she forget about his presence? Had he been upstairs while they were gossiping with Chen all along? No, that cannot be. If he had been upstairs, he would have to pass by her and Chen making out, and she would have sensed him. Is he outside the house? The sudden curious thoughts of Xiumin’s whereabouts made her unaware of the squinting glare her Aunt was sending her.

“Sora, what kind of a super secret mission was it?” Sora snapped her head to glance down at her short Aunt with wide eyes, surprised at her sudden question. She then started to nervously sweat, and the squinted, hard look her Aunt was giving her was making her anxious.


“Why don't you sit first, and we tell you?” Sora suggested, turning to give the two fidgeting boys around her a nervous look of her own. Her Aunt didn't reply, but easily slipped in one of the chairs of the dining table they were in. She sat down beside Sora’s previous chair, and Sora sat down too with nervousness increasing.


“Okay, I’m seated now, explain to me.” Her aunt gave her a pointed look that made her knees buckle. She nervously gave Chen a helpless look, and the damn boy send her a cheeky grin before waving his slender fingers sneakily. She then looked at Kyungsoo for help, and he was already looking at her with wide, panicking eyes. Sighing in helplessness, Sora looked at her Aunt and started to explain everything to her. She honestly wanted to keep some of the details for herself, but her Aunt was sharp, and could immediately detect the obvious holes in Sora’s story. Aunt Mei requested for Sora to tell her the truth, no more no less, and Sora eventually had to tell her Aunt everything that happened in details.


“Sora honey, whose Idea was this?” Her Aunt’s sudden question brought some confusion in Sora’s – and the two boys – hearts. They shared an oblivious look, while Aunt Mei was waiting patiently for the three of them to realize something they all missed.


“Suho’s. To be honest it was Kris at first, But Suho changed the whole deal. Why?” Sora furrowed her eyebrows at the woman, who blew on a big sigh of annoyance with a mix of fear.

“Haven't you noticed something Sora? Aren't you the only Human in here?” Sora still didn't understand what her Aunt was aiming at. All that talk about how Sora is smart evaporated in the air, how stupid can she get not to get it?

“Yeah, but I’ve got powers now..”

“Yes, but you still don't have a demon,” Her Aunt placed a hand on Sora’s own hand, giving the girl a reassuring pat.

Then all of a sudden, it seemed that everything seemed to connect to each other. What her Aunt was saying, why the girl in the café wanted to poison her, and why that boy seemed to flirt with her. He must have been one of them, they have been in the eye of the hurricane anyways. How could she so stupid not to think about it? Has she been so used of people not pinpointing it that she didn't notice? Or was it because of her consistent existence in the Human world? Anyway, how can the royals nor notice it as well? Its so obvious it hurts. Even if they had disguised themselves as different people, they would totally guess it was Sora. She is the only one in the whole place that does not have a demon.


With wide horrified eyes, and extremely fast heartbeats, Sora screamed at the top of her lungs.



“I can't believe you are this stupid!” Aunt Mei scolded the sulken boy, who had a grimace expression on his face as he refused to look at the elderly woman in the eyes. Ever since he heard Sora call out his name, he didn't even bother to his shirt as he immediately raced down the stairs with increased heartbeats. He could feel the girl had a similar feeling in her heartbeats as there was an obvious feeling of frustration, anxiety and fear, the emotions that made him uncaring of his disheveled appearance.


He had gotten a whole lot lecture from Aunt Mei and he had felt so embarrassed by the judging look she had given him, not to mention she was absolutely right and he has been so stupid. How can he not remember that Sora is demon-less? How is this such a small matter for him to easily forget? Has he been this delusional that those cult members wouldn't notice his disguise, that he forgot about a god forsaken nonexistent demon? He stared at Luhan beside him, who was as well bowing his head in shame. How did Luhan forget about it as well? The guy with the best memory?


He heard a distant cry from Sora and closed his eyes tight. He could feel her distress and fear even if she was busy weeping in her room with the others for comfort. It isn't easy knowing you messed up good, and that your enemies might be step closer in murdering you. Nobody wants to die, everyone is afraid of death no matter how brave they appear to be. Now he knows he shouldn't be negative, but Sora must have let that thought consume her by now. He hadn't seen her cry before on this matter, she had always seemed impassive and ignorant, even if there was a flash of worry coming to him by now and then, so Suho can definitely understand.


“Why would they try to kill her, if they needed her alive?” Sehun – who was sitting beside Luhan on the sofa – asked with anxiety apparently in his face. Surprising everyone around with his action; Sehun wasn't with the ones who decided to head upstairs and comfort Sora, considering he was the closest to her; instead, he came down with his older Hyungs to discuss the matter.


“I don't think that whatever on the bottle was something murderous. They were trying to knock her unconscious and take her away,” Aunt Mei discussed with them. Even though she appeared calm and collected from the outside, she wasn't fooling anyone from the boys. It was obvious in her demeanor that she was dead nervous like them; and was worried for her niece.


“But we were all around her. How can they do that all of a sudden?” Kris asked, eyebrows furrowed and showing his young age despite his presence.

“I believe they didn't recognize you at all. They thought Sora had been alone, and that she hadn't gotten back up,”

“Yoora said they are listing constantly to our conversation. They must already know about the disguise,” Luhan elaborated helpfully. There was a frown on Aunt Mei’s face, and everyone could tell she was surprised at her daughter’s name.



“Yes, She had been working them for a bit now. She was the one who got us all those information,”

“Oh my heavens.” Aunt Mei clutched on her heart dramatically, eyes closed and heartbeat increasing. The boys suddenly panicked when they realized the lady was having a panic attack, especially with the denial murmurs she kept on saying. They shared a nervous stare, before straightening in their seat when Luhan offered to bring the lady a glass of water.


Aunt Mei drank the water in one swig, cold sweat breaking in her forehead. She locked her eyes with the boys, her worry is more obvious than before.

“I don't know why they did what they did, or what they are planning now, but I just hope you can get to the bottom of this and end everything, for both Sora and my daughter,”


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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
39 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that moment..one of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂