Detective Tao on action

The Exchange
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"Do you think.. I did this?" 

Baekhyun looked down at the sullen girl, who was unconsciously clutching on his left arm with both of her arms. Seriously if someone saw them like this, they would think all the hate relationship they have between each other is a lousy attempt to spread rumors, but no, they are actually pretty teasing towards one another. Except that now they didn't seem to be teasing, heck it seems like they were the exact opposite. 

"I don't think it's your doings, i'm sure something must have happened." When Baekhyun lowered his hand to grasp her shaking one, his fingers came in contact with the small bracelet that loosely hung on her wrist. In surprise, he looked down at her hand, grasping the metal bracelet instead.

"You are still wearing this?" Sora doesn't know why he seemed so surprised of her action. She had received it as a gift, And she doesn't usually receive gifts. Of course she will keep wearing it. Somehow this bracelet gives her strength, ever since she had received it she kept it wrapped around her lean wrist. It's like keeping hold on the boy who gave her instead of the bracelet. Even though Chen told her the giver is one of the royals, she can't hate on it, and she will never do. Yeah Sora doesn't understand why one of them would give her a present and tell her those beautiful words, but for now she will cherish those things, perhaps that boy has a reason that can be bigger than what she imagined. 
"Yes. I will keep wearing it, it gives me strength." Sora took her bracelet from his hand to rub it softly in hers, admiring it's beauty. Huh, now that she thinks of it, Chen told her all the royals knows the identity of the giver, and Lay had told her he already knows it was a gift too. So when Baekhyun asked her that day from where did she receive this gift, he too was already aware. But why did he ask? 

Looking up at the boy, who his eyes started to widen softly when he could see the realization drowning in her eyes. Sora titled her head, taking her phone out of her pocket to wave it on his face.

"Bacon.. That day when you pretended to be unaware of the gift and told me oh-so-ridiculously from where did i have this phone when Luhan broke mine, did you already know its a present? Wait who am i kidding; of course you knew but you made me look like a stupid girl who insisted she bought it, tsk tsk." Baekhyun gave a sheepish smile and took a step away from her, fearing that with the close proximity they have, she will have clear access to his head. 

"W-what do you want me to say? He insisted i don't tell you," 
"So you know who he is? Then tell me," Sora took a closer step to him, eager to know this anonymous boy she has been thinking about ever since she was given the present.
"I-I can't.. Tell. Beside, i'm not even sure what you will do with him!" Baekhyun was already glued to the locker behind him, hands pressed against it in complete horror, especially since Sora had this huge scowl on her face, seeming to completely forget the guilt inside of her from the horrid action around them. 

Sora didn't even think about it much, she already thought about what she will do with him when she catch him. He was a cowered that he didn't come to her straight to the face and give her the present, but then again Sora was sure she won't be very easy to approach, so for sure she would have thrown the present to his face. But really, he didn't have to be such a scaredy cat and keep himself hidden this entire period, he should at least say Hi right?
"I would slap him," Sora swears he flinched hardly at her words, especially when she seemed so freaking blank and cold. It actually creeped him a little, and somehow his heartbeat increased loudly inside him. The intense look she was giving him wasn't helping either.

"Sunbea.." Baekhyun softly pushed Sora away from him when he heard the soft voice of Minah from beside him. He glanced at her with slightly wide eyes, emotions still the same as when Sora scared him.

Minah stared at Sora for a minute, the soft expression on her face shocked Sora for a bit. She thought that after she threatened her at the hospital, she would be a little terrified, but she seemed really calm that actually made Sora suspicious. Unconsciously, Sora made a little closer step towards Baekhyun and hugged his right arm just like before, shocking both Baek and the girl.

Minah looked away from Sora, staring back at Baekhyun - who was still at shock with Sora's action - before fiddling with her fingers. Sora can tell without having a connection with Minah that she was nervous, and if she was correct, than she was a little bit angry too, especially since Baekhyun didn't swing Sora away from him.

"We have informed the teachers as you requested. Some of them were yet to come, but the rest said they want you to come for a word," it's surprising how Minah looked so soft and gentle with Baekhyun, like she is the exact opposite of her true form. Sora wondered if she was the one at fault in here, she wondered if Minah only showed her bad side to Sora - she didn't do her bad all the time - and that she had caused something to make the girl hate her so much. Sora isn't as selfish as some people accused her of being, she actually thinks that she must have done something for the girl to hate her that bad.

Yeah of course a lot of students here, had been really bad to her just because of the bad influence others put them in, but they are bad to everyone not only her. Here, Minah - and Yoora - had been and still are bad just to her.

Sora questioned herself again, has she ever done something to them? Of course.. Of course she did.

She just doesn't quite know it yet.

A sigh from Baekhyun broke her out of her trance and immediately she let go of him, seeming to realize how helpless she looked with the way she holds him. 
"Fine, Sora wait for the others, i'll be out first." And Baekhyun left just as simply as that, leaving the two girls having eye to eye battle.

"Okay, fine! Spit it out, what do you want from me?" Sora immediately encountered, placing both of her hands on her hips in a ridiculous stand. Minah bit her lips, blinking her heavy eye-lined eyes softly - she admits Minah looked quite dashing with the move - still, Sora can see the hesitance clearly in her eyes, and with a gesture of her hands, she inquired the girl to talk.

"I want Baekhyun," the girl burst, heavy blush soon replacing her cheeks when she realized she had spouted her secret out without a second thought. Who would have thought that the first person she would ever tell her secret to is Sora. 

"You know I usually laugh so easily at lame jokes but I don't know why I can't seem to be able to laugh right now," defensive, thats what Sora felt at that moment. Unknowingly to her, she felt so angry right now at the girl's boldness, especially when she so shamelessly said she wanted Baekhyun. The heck is that? Does anyone really say that nowadays?

"Listen honey, Baekhyun is not a toy you can own okay? Do you really think you'll have him anyway? And in what way? Using his friend for your advantage is a low blow from you even if Baekhyun is a player, okay?" Sora once again taunted the girl in front of her, twirling a lock behind her ears. Seriously, Sora felt like she was being the now not Minah, and gosh it feels good, no wonder they bully her all the time. 

"Just admit that you only want him for yourself and using all those excuses to pretend you don't want him,"
"Excuse me? Repeat that to my face!"

"Look Sora, i'm aware of that mimicking thingy when you love whoever you copy their powers, we have been freaking informed. But can you please, i'm begging you to un-copy Baekhyun's powers!" Though Minah looked desperate, Sora could not help but to think deeply of her words. Really, can she even un-copy someone's powers or whatever? And can the emotions and connection really be gone? Xiumin had confirmed the last theory, he told her when you take someone's powers fully a connection will grow that no matter how many times you give the power back, the connection will still be there. in other words Kai and Luhan will forever have this bond with her because she had unknowingly took their powers all. She was sure of this theory, she isn't sure about the copied powers though. 

Sora stared at the girl for a long time, eyes going blank for a second. Sora doesn't need Baekhyun's powers inside of her now since she has the entire eleven powers in her, one power disappearing won't be a problem. Beside, no one would have to know of the elders. 

But Sora could not see herself breaking her connection with Baekhyun. She didn't see her future without the annoying bacon beside her annoying her all the time - yeah he is annoying but he has been the most helpful one of them - he helped her more than Sehun, the least she can give him is keeping his powers within.

"No, I'm sorry but i decline. Beside; you weren't exactly sweet to me these passing days, why should i help you?" Sora smirked in triumph when Minah's eyebrows twitched in annoyance. Oh yeah, she was very annoyed with the fact Sora won't help her with Baekhyun. But lets face it, she already knows Sora won't be helping her any time soon. 

"Fine! Whatever!! I'll get Baekhyun my own way!" Minah huffed angrily and stomped her feet away from Sora, leaving the girl alone rolling her eyes at Minah's back.

A puff of smoke shocked Sora, making her stand up hurriedly from her place to glance at the eleven royals who appeared in the hallway. Even Chanyeol was here, i guess healing does do wonders! Apparently, they have been a little late even if they let Kai teleport them. Baekhyun hadn't come back yet from the teachers' office, and every one of the students were crowding along the hallways, not knowing if they should invade the classrooms or not. They were messy, but not the kind of messy to be cleaned now. There were scratch marks all over the walls, some of the chairs and tables were broken, there was a big hole in the middle of the blackboard in almost every classroom. The oddity of the situation was ticking off the students, and so many have returned home after the teachers told them to do whatever they can until they fix the problem. 
Sora almost wanted to run to Lay and hug the daylight out of him, but she knows she couldn't; especially when all of them were around him. In the midst of all those students who remained, it was hard for them to spot Sora, But Lay could, and without a care he jogged towards her, catching the attention of the other royals around him.

"Hey you alright? You came here with Baek, right?" Lay took her face in his hands, creasing her cheeks with a damn worried look on his face. The moment he decided to go and change his clothes, he had this bad feeling something would happen today, especially when he felt so sore yesterday. He knows it was Sora's emotions he was feeling, and he knows she was in pain too, but somehow it wasn't the kind of pain that can be freaked upon. 

Silently Sora hugged him, resting her nose on the blade of his shoulder with closed eyes. A blind man can tell they had something between them, and all the royals raised a perfect eyebrow up in wonder. Sehun being the most annoyed one of them. 

"Every thing is ruined in here. Some teachers didn't show up and half of the students went home. Something happened in here last night while we all were asleep," all of them listened attentively to her while she spoke, dropping the matter of her intimate position with Lay as they concentrated on her words. Suho and Kris shared a knowing look before looking back at Sora, seeming to be thinking about something in common.

"Have you checked everything?" Suho asked, and Sora lifted her head up from Lay's shoulder to look at him, not minding the soft movement of Lay's fingers on her hair locks.

"No.. Just some of the first floor's classes,"

"And Baekhyun? Where is he?"

"He was called in to the teacher's office, I don't know what they want from him precisely." Suho nodded softly before turning back to the rest of his royal members.

"Lets split up for clues, if the attack happened last night then i'm sure there are some clues left here or there. Kai and Sehun i want you to check the second floor. Chen and Chanyeol, you take the third. Tao and Sora, you go check the basement, report back if there is anything out of the ordinary. Kai and Luhan, you check the cafeteria. Lay and Kyungsoo you go check the gym and the clubs. Me and Kris will go check on Baek and teachers, we will meet at this spot. I'll take Lujian with me, Hurry, go now!" 

Before Sora can even protest on why she is paired with Tao, Suho ran away with Kris to the teacher's office, taking Lujian with him in which Luhan refused to leave him alone with the maids. Sometimes Luhan's love for his brother shocks her as he does not look like the loving kind.

Sora and Tao locked eyes before groaning in disdain at the same time. Gosh who would want to be in this unfortunate situation? 

Kai send one more look to Sora, wondering if leaving those two alone was a good idea. Everyone knows how much those two loathe each other, it's written clearly on their features. He was about to take a step to her, but froze midway when he saw his hyung, Lay go to her and kiss her softly on the forehead. He doesn't know if the feelings erupted in him were due to anger or slight sadness she had this relationship with Lay. 

He didn't know what Lay exactly whispered, but it was for sure something that is able to make Sora smile.

"Walk faster!! Aish," 

"Walk faster~ , you know i can teleport and leave you alone here right?" Yeah, you guessed it, Sora and Tao could not keep their mouth closed. At every step they take, they will curse on each other horribly like they are enemies. Which they kinda of are..?

"I will freeze time the moment you teleport and lock you in space," Tao taunted, and Sora raised her hand to hit him, but he snickered and sauntered away from her.

They were on their way to the basement, sending away every student on their way home. Tao claimed they annoyed him especially with the way they kept whisperi

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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂