Jealousy went wrong

The Exchange
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  "Be my girlfriend,"      Sora had to punch Kai's stomach at his stupid question sending him hurling on the ground with a stifled laugh. He was confused if he should be laughing loudly at her actions or wincing painfully at her punch.      They were heading to school, all of them together with the companionship of Suga and the little boy lujian - we don't have to mention Yoora right? - anyway, Sora had questioned why Lujian was with them when he was too young to go to school, Luhan - annoyingly - told her there was nowhere in the world he trust his brother in beside with him, so he dragged him to school with them. Sora was sure the school wouldn't mind a royal's request - cough command cough - beside, the boy was so thrilled to go with them that no one could refuse.     To think about it, he was literally holding into Sora's hand like its his most treasured prizes which Sora found too cute to ignore, as she squeezed his cheeks adorably with the same hand she punched Kai's guts with.        "Serves you right.." Baekhyun snickered at his friend's horrible condition and easily side-stepped him as he hopped his away beside Sora, making Kai curse out loud. Sora shook her head at Baekhyun and his mean actions, somehow it made her think if those two always fight like this.        "Why so violent dear Sora?" Kai mumbled, straightening himself in his position before rushing to her side, right beside Lujian who smiled cutely at his hyung before facing forward.        "Because you are an and as Baekhyun said, you deserve it,"      "Just because i asked you to be my girlfriend?" Sora sighed helplessly and readied her hand to punch him again, except this time he predicted it and easily teleported away from her side to easily stand in front of her way, causing her to messily bump into him. Wrapping his arms around her body before she can do anything, Kai sneakily rested his head on her shoulder and spoke with malice.     "You so want me, just admit it," it was only after those words did she send him away from her body with a flick of her fingers, making him stumble messily on the ground  before falling on his .        "I so want to kick your ," giving a small smile at him, Sora smiled cutely at Lujian before ruffling his hair, seeming to choose ignoring Kai's annoyed whines instead of fully paying attention to him, or his struggles to stand up from the floor.        "Urgh, i have to go through Luhan all the time and now i have to go through you too?" Mumbling under his breath, Kai scratched his hair and wobbled up, making Sora snigger at his ridiculous view.      Sora doesn't know when or how her relationship with Kai suddenly turned like this, last time she checked she had been hating him ever since they met, and he hated her too. It has been a while now, since they acted like close friends with no boundaries between them whatsoever, and Sora didn't know the reason behind her ease, perhaps he decided to suddenly ignore all of their differences and be her friend, but the real her would have screeched at his ear and told him to piss off, just like how she did with Chanyeol. But right now? Right now she didn't really care and all she wanted was for this relationship to continue like this, which was too surprising to her.       When has she become like this to him? Maybe because he was better than Chanyeol? Maybe because even though he , it wasn't to the extent like Chanyeol and forgiving him was easier? Sora liked to believe thats the reason, because honestly? She has no other explanation to that.       Someone wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and a blonde head rested his head on her shoulder, his heavy breathing brushing against her neck skin in an almost teasing way. Sora knew Sehun's scent immediately, she would have recognized it even if she was in a sea of blonde males, he was that special.       She realized he was sleeping, and his incoherent mumbles were the evidence. Sora unconsciously smiled at his condition as she titled her head to the side to see his expression. As always, he was closing his eyes and trusted her enough to direct his body into safety, which was so Sehun-like.       "You still have three days to spare, why did you choose to attend school when you can sleep?" Mumbling next to his hears in fear of shocking him, Sora raised her empty hand - that was not latched into Lujian's tiny ones - and softly brushed his blonde locks away from his eyes, the locks she had access to in the least, considering her awkward arm position.      Sehun was still mumbling incoherently, and Sora rolled her eyes at the sleeping boy, realizing that trying to speak with him was futile. She looked ahead of her with a smile, choosing to let the boy rest himself on her shoulder as long as he was comfortable enough, which annoyed Kai to tell you the truth.       "You would have skinned me alive if i only laid a finger on your shoulder like that," Kai  whined loudly while stomping his foot on the ground, making Sora smirk evilly before replying just as evilly as her smirk intended.     "I'm glad you know your place in my heart," It only earned a louder whine from Kai, which made Baekhyun spank him on the head for being too loud as he claimed.       Sora heard some loud hushing voices and whispers from behind her which caught her interest. She looked behind her to see Luhan and Yoora with Suho conversing with themselves. Yoora was obviously angry at something and her fingers were repeatedly pointing at Sora's head. Suho and Luhan were trying to make sense of her but Yoora refused to listen and all she did was yelling loudly and stomping her feet with frustration. Something was obviously wrong and whatever that was, Yoora did not let neither Suho or Luhan to talk her out, because she simply stomped her feet one more time before walking away, not forgetting to send a nasty glare towards Sora as she did so.       'Okay, what did I do wrong this time?'        Suho jogged towards Sora while Luhan only shook his head. Sora received waves of clear annoyance and frustration coming from Luhan, and if Sora wasn't Sora she wouldn't have caught the small feeling of anger as well. She doesn't know why exactly, and if Yoora was included then she lost her interest.        Before Suho can even explain what that was about, Sora caught attention of Chanyeol's body on the premises of the school. There were three odd things that Sora realized the moment she spotted him. One: she didn't know when they arrived at school so fast, guess talking with other people while walking makes the trip a lot easier and faster, probably why the royals all walk together. Two: She did
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i cannot describe how much i love this story! the character developments were insanely good and just the way you wrote this story is *chefs kiss* I always come back here to read it again T.T
Chapter 98: Missed the story so I re-read it again. Hope all is well. :)
31 streak #4
Chapter 98: Woah... finally finished reading this amazing story... really enjoyed reading the whole story from beginning till end... really loved sora's bold, cold and amazing unique character... also the boys... hehe.. in their starting point, it really hurt and broke my heart the way they treated her but she coolly handled them all perfectly... at some point couldn't stop laughing... amazingly well written with plot, plot twist and all the characters here... after getting her power, the way all of their relationship developed drastically, it was quite impressive and also surprising but lovable... specially loved kai and baekhyun's confession part ...also suho's underwater moment with her.. Lay was unexpectedly outstand... hehe...sehunnie..cutie pie but his mom's incident part was really heartbreaking with luhan's part... baekhyun's secret was one of the amazing plot twist... but felt really bad for him... chanyeollie...awww..tough, cold and bold but hidden lover ...hehe... xiumin's first human wild Visit with her and that of my favorite... Kay's dancing and confession moment ... kyungsoo's past experience and trauma really broke my heart.. but the way she supported and understood then approached him, that was appreciable... chen's whole part with sora was too amazing... wanted to give him hug.. aww... suga's real secret really shocked me... amazing plot twist... with or without power , love the way all of them accepted her and loved the way they did it just like before ... even though their starting wasn't that good but the ending was satisfying with another plot twist...chen's aunt's part made me so emotional... aww... really really loved this story.. worth reading...thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story..:)
Chapter 69: Lol baekhyun if you are nicer to her she might fall for u first. Eyy stoopid
Chapter 98: Finally finished this! I really liked it and I’m not one for harem thingys usually but this sort of innocent kind works for me and I enjoyed the story.
Chapter 84: Ooh poor Kyungsoo!
Chapter 80: Honestly- I can’t fault Tao’s methods of getting things done 😂😂