Chapter 12

Only You (Completed)

"Dude so you lie to her?" Jiyong ask while he lied on his bed. Young Bae was at his best bud from high school house and spill every detail about his heart condition and how he lied to Sunye.

He nodded and sat down on the ground. With his hand on his head, "What am I'm going to do. I can't tell her and make her worry for me and every time I look at her now my heart starts aching." Jiyong shook his head thinking how difficult his love relationship could be.

"I think you should just tell her straight to the fact." Young Bae sighed and shook his head.

"I can't I think it's the best." Jiyong annoyed grab Young Bae shirt collar.

"Stop being so stubborn Bae, can't you see that if she doesn't find out she'll feel even more heartbroken knowing that her love one is hiding the most important issue from her!" He yelled, Young Bae stared at his best friend and looked down to the ground. Jiyong let go of Young Bae's shirt collar knowing that he over reacted.

"I'm sorry Bae it's just that....." Jiyong turned silent and Young Bae wave his hand telling him to stop.

"It's okay Jiyong I understand, anyway I have to meet Doctor Lee soon I better get going." He walked out of Jiyong's room shutting the door behind him and left the house. Jiyong sat down on his bed and looked out his window seeing Bae driving his car away.

"How can he be so stubborn?" Jiyong asked himself.

As Young Bae drove off to the hospital to meet Doctor Lee he couldn't help but think of Jiyong's words. He finally reached the hospital and it was already five thirty. He pulled out his cell thinking he should call Sunye and check up on her. *Ring Ring* He waited for the other line to pick up.

"Hello?" Ms.Dong answered on the other line.

"Hi mom it's me can you put Sunye on the phone?" Young Bae ask standing outside the hospital entrance.

"Sure just hold on a second." Ms.Dong said. He could hear his mother walking up the stairs and opening up a door.

"Sunye it's Young Bae." He could hear Sunye being excited.

"Really?!" Then he heard hand shuffle and a door closing.

"Hello? Young Bae how are you?" He chuckled and answered.

"I'm fine the business trip is going well so far don't worry." He could feel Sunye pouting on the other line.

"I never ask you about your business trip."

"I love you Sunye." He sense her smiling now.

"That's much better." He laughed and they talked when they both got off the phone it was six already. Talking for half an hour he didn't even notice, the time pass by so fast when he talks to Sunye. He went inside the hospital and waited for Doctor Lee.

"Young Bae please come on in. Sorry for waiting so long the nurse couldn't come and tell you cause she's busy." Young Bae got up and shook his head understanding that the hospital is busy.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?" Doctor Lee ask as Young Bae took a seat in his office.

"It's about Sunye operation...." Just then Young Bae's cell started ringing.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
shesworthit #3
omg!! can i have a soft copy of this story??
woooh...!! love it!
awww. i loved this ~
m0zarts0nata-- #7
That was Great one^^
i really loved it<3
skyl_YB #9
it's a great story