Chapter 17

Only You (Completed)

Three hours past by fast since the appointment to Doctor Lee was already coming close.

"Sunye we have to go it's almost four." Sunye pouted and lied down on the blanket from the sand. They were having a picnic since it was a nice day.

"Do we have to go now? A little longer pleeeeaaaaasssseeee." She whined.

He laughed, "You're always whining to get what you want huh?" he looked down on her cause she was lying down. He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"Min Sunye get up. Today you can't get your way!" He laughed getting up and grab her hands pulling her up also. When she was up she hugged him and they stayed like that.

"Yah hugging won't let you stay here longer also." He said picking her up and started walking.

She laughed and struggle for alittle, "Okay I admit defeat. Put me down!" He putted her down and told her to stay their until he got back with the picnic stuff.
She nodded and could hear him run off.

When they reach the hospital Doctor Lee greeted them.

"It seems that you told your mother about the news, she's already in my office." He said taking them to his room.

"Sunye! Oh this is such good news!" Ms.Min hugged her daughter when she came in.

"Mom you sound like a teenager again." Ms.Min struggle to bring her voice back to normal and sat back down on her seat that she was seated at.

"So I guess everyone is here?" Doctor Lee ask looking at Ms.Min, then to Young Bae, and at last Sunye.

"Yes." Sunye answered.

"Well then, it seems that the owner is willing to donate their eyes. But the person is not willing to tell their identity, but they did promise after you've done your surgery." Sunye nodded and Ms.Min spoke.

"The owner is he or she....." Ms.Min drifted into silence. Sunye nudge her since she was sitting beside her mother.

"Mom, don't ask that question." She whisper to her.

"How are we suppose to know then!?" Ms.Min asked her daughter, Doctor Lee spoke not wanting to start a argument.

"Ah you see Ms.Min and Sunye the owner hasn't pass away yet. But he or she do want you guys to know that he have about three months to live starting this month so it'll actually be two." Ms.Min nodded and looked over at Sunye. She gently touch her daughter face

"Oh Sunye, how long have we've been waiting for this moment." Sunye nodded cause tears was about to come out of her eyes. Young Bae smiled at this scene knowing how much this means to Ms.Min, Sunye, and to him. He looked over at Doctor Lee, they looked at each other and nodded.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
shesworthit #3
omg!! can i have a soft copy of this story??
woooh...!! love it!
awww. i loved this ~
m0zarts0nata-- #7
That was Great one^^
i really loved it<3
skyl_YB #9
it's a great story