Chapter 14

Only You (Completed)

When Sunye got off the phone with Young Bae she couldn't help but feel that he's hiding something from her. She shrugged it off thinking that he will never hide anything away from her since they talk about everything. But no matter how hard she try to shake it off it just comes back making her want to know even more.

That made her call one of her best friend that can listen and give her advice. She pressed the phone number carefully by feeling each numbers little by little. As she waited for Ye Eun to pick up Sunye keep sighing wondering when will the week pass by.

"Hello?" Ye Eun asked, Sunye smiled hearing her voice.

"It's me Ye Eun." Ye Eun practically screamed from hearing Sunye voice. Ever since her wedding day and honey moon she didn't hear from her since.

"Sunye is that really you?! How have you've been?" Sunye laughed seeming that Ye Eun help her get things off her mind already.

"So you think he's hiding something from you?" Ye Eun ask eating a bag of chips. Sunye told her about the feeling and his business trip.

"That's just silly. Why would he ever hide something from you? You guys practically talk about everything together." Sunye laugh thinking maybe she's right.

"I suggest you to forget about that maybe your just missing him." Sunye pouted and shook her head.

"That's not true." Sunye protested, she could sense Ye Eun raising one of her eyebrow.

"Okay maybe half true. But after he went to see Doctor Kim yesterday he seems down by just hearing his voice." Sunye said getting worried.

"Sunye maybe your just over thinking." Ye Eun said munching on her chips. Sunye sighed and agreed.

"Maybe I am." Sunye said, letting out a sigh again.

"Hey I got to go, meeting Sohee at the mall to watch a movie soon. But take my advice and don't think to much about it, okay?" Ye Eun said.

"I will." With that Sunye and Ye Eun hanged up. She putted the phone carefully at the lamp stand and lied on the bed.

"It's been a long time since I watch a movie." Sunye whisper softly to herself and went to sleep dreaming about Young Bae and her watching a movie. And picturing his face when she last remember seeing. She smiled at the thought of Young Bae while she was still sleeping.

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teddiebears #1
love this, thank you
Visiting old fics!
shesworthit #3
omg!! can i have a soft copy of this story??
woooh...!! love it!
awww. i loved this ~
m0zarts0nata-- #7
That was Great one^^
i really loved it<3
skyl_YB #9
it's a great story