Do You Think Ukwon Makes ?

Pain Music Love

I was on my way to school with my creepy step brother who was a college drop out. He insisted on taking me every morning, and my dad was more than happy to let him take me. He considered it sibling bonding time. I considered it torture.

"Kyungmi, when are you gonna call me oppa?" He smiled. Ugh he was so gross.

"I don't know Hyunshik when are you gonna stop doing this to me?!" For the past few weeks his meaningless flirting escalated to full on abuse. The late nights my dad would be out with his mother haunted me. 

He put his arm on my shoulder, and my body stiffened up. I hated when he touched me. If only my real brother was there, he could protect me from this creep. Kyungsoo was thousands of miles away with my mom in Seattle. I missed him more than anyone else. He was my best friend, and even though my mom didn't know it he secretly did all the things I did. He drank, went to wild parties with me. We had all the same friends, but I didn't rat him out. At least he didn't have to live with our good for nothing dad. "Kyungmi, why are you so cold towards me?" 

"Don't touch me!" I shoved his arm away, and dashed out of the car into the safety of all the other students. I pretended nothing happened, and went to greet my friends Kyung, Darae, and Zelo.

"Hey guys!" I waved.

"Kyung it's Kyung." Zelo joked. It was true we had the same name, and he did look a bit like my brother Kyungsoo, but it wasn't the same.

"Yah, how many times do I have to tell you not to do that!" Kyung smacked Zelo's fluffy blonde hair.

"Kyungmi, who's car did you just get out of?" Darae asked.

"Oh. That was my step brother, he's such a creep don't even bring him up." I sighed.

"Where's your guitar?" Zelo asked. 

"Oh, I must've forgot it. Kyung do you think I can use one of yours for lessons today?" I was lying, my guitar was in my locker, I just really wanted to use one of his professional guitars. He had so many of them.

"Yah, do I have the word babo written on my forehead? I know you keep it in your locker."

"Aish! Please! I hate that guitar it's so cheap, and it smells like dead people!!!"

"Sorry, but you're a beginner, and that's what beginners use. Ask Zelo." Kyung said.

"He's right you don't want to see what I used before they bought me a real keyboard." He nodded.

"Ugh, whatever come on Zelo let's go start a fire drill or something. These two are no fun." Zelo, and I had so much fun together. Before I came along he was the youngest in the group, and could never do maknae things, but since we were the same age, I was his new buddy.

"Kyungmi, you need a nickname we can't have two Kyung's it'll get too confusing."

"Hmm, then what should it be?"

"..How about Kyung 2?"

"Next choice!"



"How about-"

"How about we leave my name alone for now?"


"Ugh, when do you think I'll actually be able to join DisMay? It's been a long time since I first started learning guitar, and I'm already really good!" I was being the follower. That's all I ever did. I would go with them to their competition's film some hot girls for Ukwon with his ert camera, and tell them how well they played. It was like I was just an assistant.

"Kyungmi, you know what you have to do before you join our band. The one rule."

"I know, but I need the perfect time to do it. I can't just runaway. My dad will just call my mom, and I will be sent to military school." The one rule for the members of DisMay was you had to live with them. No one was aloud if they still lived at home.

"Well we already told you what we could do for you. Why are you still hesitating?"

"I can't make everyone move Zelo. I would feel guilty."

"Guilty for what?! They did for Di, and Ukwon. That's what we always do. Unless you have no parents like I did we relocate to another part of Korea so you won't get caught."

"I know I just..I don't know."

"Don't worry Kyung when the time is right you'll make the right decision."

--After School--

"Aish Bang is taking too long!" Di whined (nickname for Darae)

"It's probably Ukwon again telling him to stop for every hot girl that passes by." Kyung chuckled.

Finally the white van pulled up playing loud music that could be heard from the school gates. In big purple spray painted letters were the words DisMay. Bang was such a reckless driver. We all piled into the van with disapproving ahjumma's, and ahjussi's watching us.

"Kids how was school today?!" Bang cackled in his extremely deep voice.

"Yah, who are you our parents?" Di laughed.

"Kyungmi do you think you could take my camera with you to class tomorrow? They're a lot of hot girls in your grade." Ukwon grinned facing his camera at me.

"Omo! What makes you think I want to record your for you?!" I said smacking the camera away.

"Yah it's not . It is a documentary on the many types of women I am interested in! Why do you think I never record you, huh?"

"Jerk!" I snatched the camera away, and held it in front of Zelo, and I. "Yah Zelo-ssi do you think Ukwon makes or documentaries?" I said to the camera.

"Well, hyung is never the type to do such a thing. Making documentaries are too beneath him, I'm going to have to say !" The whole van filled with laughter.

"There you have it. Ukwon is a registered maker." I smiled into the camera before throwing it to Ukwon.

"Aish what a waste of film." He sighed. We finally made it to there home. Hopefully I would live with them soon.

"Kyungmi, get your guitar ready, and we'll start in a few minutes." Kyung said before running upstairs to his room. Where they lived was above an old abandoned club, that Tablo bought. I never went upstairs but we stayed downstairs on the stage when Kyung was teaching me. I pulled the old piece of junk out of its case, and began playing a few chords.

"No no no no more, tomorrow. Baby there's no no no no more tomorrow~" I sang along with the chords I played. I usually played around with a few notes, and made up lyrics. so far no more tomorrow was all I had.

"What was that?" Kyung surprised me as he came downstairs.

"Oh, nothing just...nothing." I fumbled with the case as I tucked it away.

"Well whatever it was. It sounded good."

"Thanks." A giant grin spread across my face.

"Maybe you won't be too bad after all."

"What's that supposed to mean!?" I was offended.

"Well between you, and me Di doesn't really think you'll benefit the band. She sees you as another Zelo, and no one can really handle him besides Bang." Was I really that hard to handle. Sure I played around a lot, but everyone does.

"I'm not-"

"I know I told her if you need some straightening out, I'll handle you. I'm your mentor, arasso?"

"...arasso?" I didn't really think I needed a mentor, but I really wanted to be in the band so I had to listen to Kyung.

"From now on we're the Kyung twins." He put his hand up for a high five.

"I already have a twin back home..I don't want another one." It made me mad that Kyung wanted to replace my brother Kyungsoo.

"Kyung I didn't mean it like that..sorry...just start with your Bb scale." For the rest of the night I listened to everything Kyung said in hopes that one day I could be a member of DisMay.


Wow I thought the first chapter was kind of boring. But I guess it's always like that. I hope you liked it enough to comment, and hopefully subscribe. I would appreciate that lots!!! XD

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae