Two Confessions

Pain Music Love

I sat by the front gates of school waiting for Jongup. Unfortunately we've already developed a meeting spot. That shows I've been spending way too much time with him. I wished Zelo could keep me company while I wait, but he absolutely hated the idea of being around Jongup. Whenever I brought him up he had a shutdown moment. However Zelo not being around gave me an opportunity to write down more lyrics. My time with Daehyun really inspired me to write. He brought up so many emotions, it wasn't hard to come up with lyrics. I just needed a beat to go with it.

''Hmm, maybe this?'' I plucked a few strings on my guitar to match a rhythm to my words.

''What are you doing?'' Daehyun came up, and read my book over my shoulder. ''Secret Love?'' He smiled

I slammed my book shut before he had time to read the lyrics. ''It's nothing.''

''Are you writing a song called Secret Love? Is it about Jongup?'' He pouted.

''Ani! It's about you babo.'' I blushed. ''Why would I be in a secret love with him?''

''Wow, the fact that your love for me is a secret makes me like you that much more.'' He bit his lip trying to look y. It totally worked!

''Well, it's not a secret anymore...''

''My love for you isn't a secret! I don't want to hide you from anyone!'' He wrapped his arms around my waist.

''Yah! I'm waiting for Jongup! Do you really want him to catch us together?'' I wiggled away from him.

''Oh, yeah I need to tell you something.'' He looked pretty serious.

''Yeah?'' I put away my guitar to give him my full attention.

''Jongup...he told me he's in love with you-''

''What?!'' just got real!!

''And that he's gonna confess to you today..''

''He's what?!'' Jongup was going to confess?! The same boy that was supposed to be using me?! The same one who liked any female on two legs!?!

''Yeah, I know..''

''Where is he now?!'' What if he was already on his way to me as we spoke?!

''He's gonna be late today. I made sure his alarm didn't go off this morning so I could do this.'' He got down on one knee, and pulled a ring out of his pocket. My eyes must've popped out of my head. I looked around to make sure no one was watching us. Especially not Zelo, Youngjae, or Jihoon.

''Daehyun someone's going to see us together!'' I whisper yelled.

''I don't care! I needed to officially confess to you before Jongup got to. That way I would at least know where we stand.'' He got up, and slid the ring on my finger. ''You'll be my girlfriend right?''

''Of course, but what am I going to do when Jongup confesses?''

''You're going to have to accept his confession too...even if you don't want to.''

''...I don't know if I can do that. Do you know how terrible that would make me feel?'' I couldn't even look at him anymore. My vision was blurred from tears that were threatening to spill over my cheeks. He pulled my face up, and forced me to look into his eyes.

''You have to, or we won't even be able to love in secret. You're my girlfriend, I wouldn't ask you to do something unless I was positive it was best for the both of us.'' He assured me. ''I love you.'' Still holding my face in his hands, he slowly brought me closer to him. I closed my eyes anticipating our lips to meet, but all I felt was Daehyun's breath on my nose. ''I want to kiss your lips right now, but I can't.'' His plump lips gave me a quick peck on the nose, and he ran off.

''What was that?'' I mumbled to myself. Just then two hands were plastered over my eyes. 

''Nugu?'' I heard Jongup chuckle.

''Moon Jongup.'' I sniffed. He always did that when I had my back turned. He spun me around, and I saw the familiar bright smile on his face.

''Yah, waegeurae?'' The tears from Daehyun's news were still fresh in my eyes.

''Ah, nothing!'' I wiped them away, and cleared my throat.

''Come on I have something to tell you.'' Oh god here it comes! He grabbed my hand, and we sat at a nearby bench.

''What is it?'' I bit my lips from nerves.

''Well I'm just gonna spit it out. At first when I met you I thought you were just another cute girl that I was going to get bored with after a few dates. But with everyday that's passed I've become more, and more attached to you. When you're around I want to talk forever, and when you're not with me I can't stop thinking about you.''

With every word that came out of his mouth I felt my heart break into smaller pieces. I was passed the point of harmless flirting. I was actually going to break his heart someday. Someday soon. I started to cry, but that didn't stop him from pouring his heart out, and I just had to sit there, and listen.

''Jongup...'' I sniffed.

''Here.'' He pulled out of his pocket a chain, with military tags. ''This was my grandfathers from the war, he gave them to my grandmother, and my grandmother passed it down to my father who gave it to my mom when he confessed. I asked them if I could have it so that I could give it to you today.'' I couldn't believe this guy who I thought was a total jerk, and incapable of genuine feelings was giving this to me. I really didn't deserve them.

''Jongup, I can't take these.'' I cried.

''Yes you can.''

''No I really can't-''

''Yah, I can't stand seeing you cry like this.'' He wiped my tears, and kissed my forehead. ''Please accept my heart with a smile not with tears.''

I tried very hard not to let another tear roll down my cheek, and slowly nodded. ''Ne, I'll accept it.''

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae