In His Room

Pain Music Love

Daehyun's POV

''Ne, I'm almost done. I'll be back in five minutes.'' I laughed into the phone. It still amazed me how loud my grandma could actually yell when she was on the phone. I hung up, and continued to walk home from the store. ''I wonder what Kyungmi's doing right now.'' I grabbed my phone again, and this time dialed her number. Instead of hearing it ringing on my end, I actually heard her phone ringing out loud. ''Kyungmi!?'' I looked around me, and saw nothing but an empty ally on one side, and the park on my right. That's when I saw her.

''Kyungmi!!'' I dropped my groceries, and ran to her side. ''What the hell happened to you?!'' She was covered in blood, and bruises on her face, and barely had any clothes on. ''Who did this?!'' I was ready to kill the person that put their hands on her.

She slowly shook her head. ''No one. I'm fine.'' She didn't say much before she passed out in my arms.

''Aigoo'' I pulled her over my shoulder, and brought her to my grandmother's house.

''Omo! Daehyun who is this girl?!'' My grandma shrieked when I carried Kyungmi through the door.

''Halmeoni, open my room door please.'' Without asking any other questions she rushed to my room, and opened the door as I place Kyungmi on my bed. 

''Who is this girl?'' She asked again.

''She's a friend. I couldn't leave her out in the street like this.'' I panted.

''Well I'll cook some food for her to eat when she wakes up.'' She ran out closing the door behind her.

''What happened to you Kyungmi?'' I her cheek, and saw that my thumb had black ink on it. I ran over to my bathroom, and grabbed a rag. After carefully laying her body out on the floor I tried my best to clean the blood off of her.

Kyungmi's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something rubbing against my skin. It wasn't a feeling I was used to. I realized that my feelings were no longer from a dream, but were really happening. I popped up, and quickly opened my eyes to Daehyun passing a wet rag over my now clean body.

''Yah, you shouldn't get up so suddenly.'' He said. I was still very confused as to why I was with him, and where I was.

''What happened?'' I mumbled.

''You tell me. I found you at the park covered in blood, and ink. I just finished cleaning you up.'' I looked down, and saw that I was still in my bikini.

''Oh...'' I pulled my knees close to my body to cover myself. ''I was at the beach, and Zelo...'' I suddenly remembered what happened. ''Zelo!!'' I jumped to my feet, and immediately fell to the floor.

''I think the reason you passed out in the first place was from sudden movements, please stop jumping around.''


''What happened to Zelo?''

''He got in a really bad accident at the beach. If he didn't get a blood transfusion he could've...'' I couldn't bring myself to finish that sentence.

''Is that why you were covered blood?'' He looked relieved that it wasn't my own blood.

I nodded my head. ''I was going back home to change, but I guess I didn't make it..'' I blushed.

''Is Zelo going to be alright?''

''Ne, I gave him my blood since we're both 'A'. He should be fine now.'' The relief that flooded through my body felt amazing. I wouldn't be able to handle losing Zelo, and the fact that I was able to help keep him alive made me feel great.

''That's a relief.'' He sighed. I couldn't help but gain a tremendous amount of curiosity. This was my first time seeing his room. ''Mwoh?'' He noticed my eyes wandering around every corner of his room. ''Is it messy?'' He chuckled.

''Ani. It's not as messy as mine, but I like it.'' I smiled.


''Ne'' I knew I couldn't really get up without getting dizzy so I crawled over to his guitar. ''Is this where you write songs for UTOPIA?''

''Not all of them, but some.'' He took a seat next to me. ''I'm working on something right now, but all I have is the music, I can't come up with lyrics.'' He began to play a nice slow riff that sounded like a perfect match for the song I was writing 'Secret Love'

''Amudo mollae saranghae, amudo mollae saenggakhae. Sesange neowa naman algo inneun sarang.'' I began to sing.

''Wah! That was perfect! Is that the song I saw you writing the other day?'' He grinned.

I nodded. ''I think you made a perfect match for the lyrics.''

''You're so amazing.'' He smiled staring into my eyes. I knew this time I would get a real kiss from him, and no one would interupt us. His fingers lightly brushed my hand before taking it in his gentle grip. I tilted my head upward, and our noses grazed, I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. I closed my eyes, and simultaneously, our lips touched. Softly at first, only for a second, but it felt like someone had lit fireworks in my stomach. Just as quickly as it came his lips parted leaving me wanting more. Our hands were still linked together, and our gazes wouldn't couldn't part.

''Yah! Daehyun what's up-'' Unfortunately our gazes were forced apart, as Jongup bursted through the door. His normal smile was immediately replaced with a look of anger, and confusion. ''What's this?!'' He gaped at how close our faces were. I jumped up from our spot on the floor, and plopped on Daehyun's bed. ''Where are your clothes?!" Jongup roared.

''Jongup, calm down it's no what you're thinking.'' Daehyun said coolly.

''Really it looks like my girlfriend was just cheating on me with my best friend!!''

''See, that's not what happened-''

''Then quickly explain yourself before I lose my patience!!'' Jongup slammed the door behind him.

''Jongup, Daehyun saved my life!'' I shouted. ''There was an accident today, and Daehyun found me at the park.''

''Yeah, she was covered in blood, and passed out. I couldn't leave my best friends girl friend in that state!''

''Look he has the rag to prove it.'' I pointed to the red blood covered cloth on the floor.

''Kyungmi! Are you alright?!'' He quickly rushed to my side.

''Ne, I wasn't in the accident, Zelo was-''

''Zelo?! Is he alright?!'' I saw for the first time that Jongup might still really care for Zelo.

''Ne, I had to give him a blood transfusion, and passed out on my way home and- I already explained all of this I really don't want to start the whole story from the beginning!'' I huffed.

''Ok, I'll take you back to your dorm to change, and I'll walk you to the hospital. Thanks Daehyun.'' Jongup grabbed my hand, and pulled me through the door not giving me the chance to get one last look at Daehyun. I wished he could be the one to walk me back home, and to the hospital...

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae