Himchan's Plan

Pain Music Love

"Kyung, go fill the shelves." Table handed me a box. I was working in the supermarket below our dorm.

"No one ever comes in here anyway.." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said I should fill them right away." I lied.

"Yah, I heard what you said." Bang smiled.

"Oh, did you?" 

"Shh. I won't tell Tablo." He laughed.

"Ne" I quickly emptied the box in my hand, and headed out to throw it away. Just as I was making my way to the door a group of people came in. Out of instinct I started bowing, then realized who it actually was. It was Himchan, and the rest of UTOPIA.

"Hello groupie!" He smiled. I backed up into a shelf knocking over all the mints, and candy that hung on it.

"Aigoo, she's shy again! I think she has a thing for you Himchan."

"I think your right Zico." Himchan smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?" Bang stood in front of me.

"We just wanted to take a look around. Are we not customers too?" Jongup smiled.

"Get the hell out-"

"Yongguk, relax. Let them buy what they need, and leave." Tablo put his hand on Bang's shoulder to calm him down.

"Yeah Yongguk. We need to buy some things." Zico smiled. I tried to pay no attention to them as I continued to empty a new box of store goods.

"Hey beautiful." Zico grinned as he picked his teeth with one of our store fliers.

"I'm very busy."

"Come on, enough with the hostility. When are you gonna stop following those losers around, and show me some love?" It was clear that he still thought I was just a groupie, and not an actual member of DisMay.

"I'd love to but I enjoy playing with people who have talent, not following around wannabe's."

"What do you mean playing?"

"Oh you didn't hear? I'm DisMay's new guitar player. You can tell Jongup that he's officially been replaced."

"What was that?!" Suddenly Jongup came from behind me, and put his arm around me. I was completely surrounded by two of UTOPIA's loud mouth playboys.

"You heard me." I stuttered.

"You're way too cute to be stuck here. Why don't you visit us some time." Jongup grinned. He had such a beautiful smile, and I was disappointed with the fact that it was on such a bad persons face.

"No thanks." I struggled out of his grasp, and moved on to the next aisle to restock. Unfortunately it was infested with UTOPIA members. This time Youngjae....and Daehyun. My heart was doing flips in my chest. Was he gonna act like a jerk, or completely ignore me? I was praying he would just ignore me.

''Hey, look who it is!'' Youngjae smiled. Around school people said he was the first in my year, but he always came off as an idiot to me.

''Why don't you guys leave?'' I growled.

''That's no fun, I'd much rather stick around.'' Youngjae grinned. ''Daehyun, what do you think?'' This was the moment of truth. I stared into his eyes to get a glimpse of what he was thinking.

''...let's just leave. She didn't do anything to us.'' He said dully.

''Mwoh?! That's never stopped you before.'' Youngjae grabbed a bag of chips, and tore it open letting all the contents fall to the floor.

''Yah!'' I screamed. That didn't stop him from grabbing another bag, and doing the same.

''Who's cleaning this garbage up?'' Youngjae laughed. By now I was at my last strand of patience.

''Yah! You punks better get out of here, or I'll really show you why I really got sent to Korea!'' I held him by the collar. I hadn't been in a fair fight since my days in America, but I was about to end my streak if they didn't stop getting on my nerves.

''Go ahead show me...I'd love to see it.'' He smiled menacingly.

''Aish! You really don't know what you're saying!'' I was now removing my apron, and gloves. 

''Yah, Kyungmi go outside for a bit get some air, and come back in when you're calm.'' Tablo came from behind.

''But he was-''

''Go outside.'' Tablo left without another word.

I stayed silent waiting to make sure he walked out of sight. ''No! He asked for it-'' I jumped forward to punch him, but felt a hand wrap around my waist. I thought Tablo came back but it wasn't him it was Daehyun who held me.

''Please, Kyungmi don't do something you'll regret.'' He said calmly.

I let out a sigh. ''You got lucky.''

''Yah! Daehyun let the hit me so I can show her what fighting with a guy will get her.'' Youngjae yelled. That brought out every ounce of anger that was harbored in my body. It surged through me, and went straight to my head. I was seeing red.

''What did you just say?! What the hell is you're problem.'' I was about to say, but found Daehyun saying it in my place. His face was red, and I saw a vein popping out on his neck. ''Take it back!!''

''Waegeurae? Daehyun-ah why are you defending her? She's nothing but a broad!'' The next thing happened so quickly that if I blinked I would've missed it. All I saw was Daehyun draw his fist back, and Youngjae was on the floor.

''Omo!'' Jihoon gasped as he ran in the aisle to see what happened. ''How did this happen?!'' Now every UTOPIA member including Bang, and Tablo were staring at Youngjae's unconcious body on the floor.

Daehyun stayed silent. I could tell he was regretting what he did. This could be the end of everything. Bang would know I've been seeing Daehyun, Himchan would call him a traitor, and kick him out of their band. I saw it all happening in my head.

''I did it!'' I yelled. ''He called me a ! I couldn't control myself.'' I caught Daehyun's eye, and he looked confused, but relieved.

''Do Kyungmi! I told you to go outside, and calm down! You can't just go around hitting people. Go upstairs!'' I've never made Tablo mad before. I wasn't going to disobey him again. I ran upstairs without another word.

Daehyun's POV

I couldn't control myself after hearing Youngjae call Kyungmi a . I didn't mean to punch him, and I definitely didn't mean to knock him out. My stupid mistake could've just ruined my relationship with Kyungmi. I didn't even get to officially ask her out, and we were already over. Once Himchan found out what I did, and why I did it my life as a lead singer was over. I was going to be stuck at home with my grandma 24/7.

''Omo! How did this happen?'' Jihoon ran over. Everyone in the store was surrounded around Youngjae

''I did it!'' My head snapped in Kyungmi's direction. ''He called me a ! I couldn't control myself.'' I couldn't let her take the blame for me. However this could save us from getting caught. 

''Do Kyungmi! I told you to go outside, and calm down! You can't just go around hitting people! Go upstairs!'' She ran away without another word. I wished I could go up, and thank her.

''That girl is going to pay!'' Himchan spat. 

''Lay a finger on her, and you're dead!'' Bang yelled. He was extremely protective of Kyungmi, which was a good thing considering how technical Himchan's payback plans were sometimes.

''Don't worry when the rock festival comes around, we'll whoop their asses like we always do!'' Jongup grinned.

''Ha! Funny how easily you betray you're friends. Himchan are you sure he isn't already talking to another group?'' Bang said coolly.

''I know how to take care of my members! No one want's to run away from us!''

Zico, and I held Youngjae up, as the six of us walked to our van.

''Dammit! How could you let this happen Daehyun?!'' Himchan yelled as he slammed the car door.

''I'm sorry, it all happened so fast.'' Youngjae was slowly gaining consciousness.

''We might not be able to beat them off talent anymore. We lost our advantage. I have a great idea though.'' Himchan's payback grin formed on his face. Revealing his two front teeth that stuck out a bit.

''Wh-what is it?'' I asked nervously.

''Jongup, how do you feel about having a temporary girlfriend?''

''What are you talking about?'' He laughed.

''Di isn't going to fall for any of us, you know that!'' Zico said.

''I'm not talking about Di...'' Himchan smiled. My body instantly felt hot, and sweat rolled down my forehead.

''Hyung! Kyungmi isn't the type to like any of us either!'' I said nervously.

''How would you know that? Have you talked to her?''

''Are you saying I should try getting close to Kyungmi?'' Jongup's eyes glowed as if he was loving the idea of playing with her heart.

''That's exactly what I'm saying-''

''Hyung! Make me do it! I'll get Kyungmi to fall for me quicker than he can!'' I pleaded. I hated the idea of Jongup hurting Kyungmi. It made me sick.

''Anniya! I'm cuter than you. Girls fall for me all the time.''

''Daehyun, why do you look so sick all of a sudden.'' Jihoon noticed my sweaty face, and pale skin.

''A-anniya! I'm fine.''

''Daehyun...you're not seeing Kyungmi are you?'' Jongup looked suspicious. Suddenly all eyes were on me. Even Himchan's who was supposed to be driving.

''Of course not! I'm just saying it would be harder for you because she obviously already knows you betrayed DisMay. Why would she even trust you?'' That was a pretty good lie.

''That's true...but I still want Jongup to give it a try, he's better with girls. No offense.'' Himchan said.

''So it's settled. I'll win over Kyungmi, and then what do you want me to do?''

''Aigoo! You're such an idiot.'' Zico sighed. ''Try and get her to tell you what they have planned for the Rock Festival! It's pretty simple!''

''Ahh, I get it. Ok I'll do it!'' Jongup smiled. ''Daehyun, maybe I'll even get lucky with her.'' Normally I didn't feel bad for any of the girls Jongup took advantage of. He was my best friend. However there was nothing I wanted more than to punch him in the face for even thinking of Kyungmi like that.



Is the plot getting good? Teehee I love writing parts for Jongup! He's soooo beautiful. OMG!!! HIS SMILE IS AMAZING!!!!!!!

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OMG I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i just can't stand BYG's earrings. They remind me of my meltdown when I saw Taeyang in Fantastic Baby)

tumblr_m0h014sb1a1rnay3ao6_250.gif sorry the earrings bother me *_*

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae