Daehyun's Soft Cheek

Pain Music Love

After class I went straight to find Zelo so we could have lunch together. Bang's plan was going to have to wait. I couldn't leave Zelo for Jongup, not when he was so upset.

''Boo!'' I jumped in front of him as he walked out of the wrap line.

''You never scare me.'' His depressing mood was lasting longer than I could stand.

''Yah! Zelo, I told you I wasn't going to leave you for Jongup, and here I am! Be happy!'' I tried to conceal any hint of annoyance.

''I guess you're right.'' He pinched my nose. We walked over to our usual lunch spot, and chowed down.

''Why do you always get those flavorless wraps? I thought you liked pasta.'' I held up a string of noodles to my mouth, and failed to get them in without smearing red sauce all over my face.

''I have my reasons..'' He chuckled. ''You have a little sauce right...every where.''

''Oh..'' I grabbed my napkin, and wiped away the sauce along with any sense of dignity that I had left. Just then I saw Jongup walk through the lunch room doors. ''Hide me!'' I ducked behind Zelo's nest of curly hair.

''Wae?'' He looked in Jongup's direction, and gave us away. I watched Jongup spot Zelo's bright blonde locks, and make his way over.

''Good going big head.'' I smacked his shoulder. ''I was trying to have one last peaceful lunch before I had to get all buddy buddy with that jerk.''

Jongup took a seat at our table with his usual bright smile. ''Hi Kyungmi, Zelo.'' He looked at Zelo, and saw his pissed off expression. I knew Zelo hated him for betraying DisMay, but Jongup used to be his best friend. I'm sure Zelo still had some unresolved feelings towards him.

''Hi Jongup.'' I smiled brightly. ''Why are you eating here?''

''Well, we're friends now aren't we? Friends eat lunch together.'' I was already out of things to say. I could feel the awkward silence creeping its way into our conversation, and I cringed at the thought. I hated awkward silences!!!

''Geurae...'' I smiled awkwardly.

''Has anyone ever told you that your smile is beautiful?'' Instantly I thought of Daehyun, and I got a pain in my heart. He told me I had a beautiful smile that he liked.

''Psht. Nice line Jong, very original.'' Zelo clapped sarcastically.

''Yah, it's not like any girls are interested in you to begin with, so how would you know what they like to hear?'' The Jongup that I was used to returned. The rude one who spoke only to hurt others.

''I'm out!'' Zelo grabbed his tray, and stormed out of the cafeteria.

''Yah! That wasn't cool!'' I was pissed that he made Zelo so mad.

''I'm sorry. I can't control it sometimes...''

''Control what?'' 

''Ever since I was little I've had problems with my anger. They say I'm bipolar, but I think it's all bull crap.'' Bipolar?! This kid is bipolar?! ''You know doctors. Always diagnosing people so they can get them on pills.''

''...yeah'' I was beginning to fear for my life. What would happen if he found out I never really liked him?! Would he lash out on me? 

''Tell me something.'' He said


''Why are you suddenly interested in me?'' This is where my limited acting skills had to kick in.

''I don't know...you're really cute, and I didn't believe you were as bad as you made yourself out to be.'' I reached over, and grabbed his hand.

''I'm glad you gave me a chance, most girls think I'm just a cocky jerk, but I'm really not.''


It was 8:45, and I was still stuck at practice. ''Bang, can practice be over already! I promised Jongup we would meet for coffee at nine!'' My new excuse for seeing Daehyun was saying that I was going to see Jongup.

''Ok, five more minutes. How are things going so far?'' He replied.

''Oh, he's actually stupider than I thought. He believes everything that comes out of my mouth, but I have one question.''

''Mwoh?'' Bang asked.

''Say I get Jongup to fall for me, what happens then?''

''Well, the plan is basically to make him so distracted that they don't practice as much as they should. Well at least him.''

''So, you're saying I have to pretend to want to be with him all the time so he doesn't practice?!?''


''Ugh, this really ! Why did I agree to this.'' I packed away my guitar, and pulled on a jacket. ''I'll be back, don't wait up.'' I grabbed my keys before heading downstairs to go meet Daehyun. What he said to me that morning was stuck in my head.

''I don't know what to do! Something really bad is happening, and I don't know if I should tell you.''

I already planned on telling him about Bang's plan because I knew I could trust him. I made it to the bridge, and ran over to the edge of the water to find Daehyun sitting in the sand right beneath the bridge.

''Hey!'' I sat down next to him.

''Hi.'' He rested his elbows on his knees, and looked at the ground.

''Yah, waegeurae?'' I was immediately worried about him. He didn't look too good his face was pale, and he looked on the verge of tears.

''Kyungmi, I have to tell you something.''

''What is it?'' 

''Himchan...he told Jongup to pretend to like you so that he could find out what DisMay is planning for the Rock Festival..he's just using you. I could see by the smile on your face that you were buying into it, but please don't trust him so easily.''

I busted out in hysterical laughter.

''What's so funny?''

''That's what I wanted to tell you! Bang told me to flirt with Jongup so he would get distracted, and wouldn't focus on the Rock Festival. Did you actually think I liked Jongup instead of you?!'' I shoved him. Meanwhile I was still having trouble controlling my laughter.

''Are you serious? Wow, those two really do think alike.'' He gaped. ''So, you don't want to stop seeing me?'' I saw a small amount of hope glow through his eyes.

''Of course not! I really wanted to tell you before you started thinking I liked him.''

''That's a relief.'' He sighed. ''I thought...nevermind.'' He smiled for the first time that night, and looked out into the water.

The moment was too perfect. Just the two of us sitting in the sand together. Something in me brought my face over, and I kissed him on the cheek. Before I even knew what I was doing it was too late. My lips were already pressed to his smooth face, and I felt my cheeks heat up as well as my ears. I pulled my face back, and refused to look at him. I kept my eyes on the water.


My heart was racing, and I was regretting the kiss. Suddenly I saw his hand reach over. He linked his fingers in mine, and gave it a soft squeeze.

''So this is what you felt when I kissed you this morning.'' He chuckled.


teehee Daehyun is so cute! This is what I hope he's like in real life. Even if I can't have him (cuz c'mon what are the odds of that really happening) I hope his future girlfriend experiences this sweetness. Plz comment and subscribe kamsahamnida ^_^

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae