A New Friend

Pain Music Love

I held the camera in my hands, but I didn't film anyone. I was still flustered over Daehyun. I never felt my heart beat so fast after meeting someone before. Now I couldn't get him out of my mind. I wanted to know everything about him. Suddenly Bang ran on stage with the rest of DisMay. The giant grin that was usually plastered on his face was replaced with a scary grimace. He never smiled on stage. It was part of his badass image.

"Annyeonghaseyo, we go by the name of DisMay. Today we're going to be playing one of my personal favorites. It's a song written by myself, and Di. Please show us lots of love. Thank you"  Instead of ducking behind his drum set like usual Ukwon put his bass down, and Bang remained in the front with Di holding a mic.

"Woooo!" I cheered them on as the beginning guitar riff was expertly played by Kyung. Bang started rapping to "I Remember" with his deep husky voice. The reaction from the crowd was great. Then Di's beautiful voice sang the chorus. I always envied her voice, and one day hopefully I could feature in a DisMay song. I made sure to zoom in one everyone once in a while. Zelo looked so cute playing the keyboard. He never smiled on stage either, but he had a cuteness about him that couldn't go away. Finally the song ended, and they ran off stage after a loud applause.

"Dis-eu-May! Dis-eu-May!" I started chanting, and eventually the rest of the club joined in. They made it over to my table, and collapsed into chairs.

"Kyungmi, how were we?" Di asked.

"Well I thought it was amazing, but it would've been way much better of you had a second guitarist." I winked.

"I thought we ." Bang huffed. He was always like that after a performance. "Zelo, you must've screwed up the chords more than twice, and we didn't look like one group up there. All of us had different facial expressions." This was why he was the leader. He knew how to criticize them to work harder, not to be mean.

"Bang, I didn't think we were that bad." Kyung protested.

"Oh not that bad? I thought we were working to be great. Not 'that bad!"

"He's right you know. You guys really do ." I heard a scary voice say behind me. I turned my head to see that Himchan guy, and the guy I saw in the van Jongup.

"Why don't you guys go play with your pink instruments, and leave us real musicians alone?" Ukwon said coolly.

"Oh! Ukwon did your bass playing sound so terrible that they finally switched your position?" Jongup said ten times cooler with the cutest smile I've ever seen on anyone.

"You!-" Ukwon lurched at him, but was held back by Bang, and Zelo. This made Jongup cackle in amusement.

"What do you want Himchan?" I could tell Bang was one second away from killing someone.

"Nothing...I just wanted to thank you guys for making the competition easy for us. It's not like you've ever won anything when we're involved."

"Why don't you shut your mouths, and let the music do the talking." Di spat.

"Ha! Why did you even let this thing in your band anyway?" Jongup laughed. "Let me guess this girl's your new little groupie?" He pointed at me.

"Yah! Don't let the thought of me get inside your mind!" Anyone who was disrespectful to Bang had issues with me.

"Hmm, she's kind of cute." He winked.

"Don't look at me." I flicked his forehead.

"Aish!" Himchan drew his fist back, and Bang jumped in front of me.

"Yah! Touch her, and your dead!" His voice sent chills down my body. God he could be scary when he wanted to!

"Let's go Jongup, we have a competition to win." I got one last dirty look from both of them before they their heels, and left.

"Aish! Those jerks are so annoying!" I huffed.

"Yah, Kyungmi next time let me handle it. Those guys wouldn't think twice about hitting a girl." Bang said.

"Andwae! I couldn't let them talk to you like that!"

"Aigoo! Bang is so proud of his little Kyungmi." He laughed ruffling my hair.

"Aish! They annoy me so much!!" Ukwon growled.

"Don't pay attention to those guys. Just focus on your playing, got it?"

"Got it!" They all said in unison.

"Come on guys lets get some food, and watch this next band." Kyung suggested.


"Nom!" Zelo chuckled as he stole one of my nachos.

"Yah! Don't you have your own food?"

"Yeah, but it tastes better when it's yours!" He stuck out his tongue. "Kaja!" We sat at a booth while the rest of DisMay were scattered around the club. I looked around for Daehyun. A while passed since we ran into each other, and I still couldn't get him off my mind.

"Where is he..." I mumbled.

"Where is who?" Zelo asked with a mouth full of my nachos. My face instantly turned red.

"no one..."

"Aigoo! You're blushing!" He grabbed my cheeks.

"Well...I met this guy earlier-" Just then Zelo spilled the entire package of nachos, and hot cheese sauce on me. "Oh my god!! What the hell?!"

"Omo! That was an accident..." He said trying to grab the nachos on my pants.

"Good going babo!" I knocked him over the head.

He did the same to me. "Sorry! Gosh!"

"Yah!" Slowly we progressed to a slap war.

"What are you two doing?" Bang came over. He held us both by our hair.

"Ah! That hurts.." We both whimpered.

"Can't you two behave in public?"

"Zelo spilled cheese all over me!"

"It was an accident!"

"So?!" I slapped him again. We began our petty slap war once more.

"Yah!! Kyungmi go clean off in the bathroom, and Zelo go buy her another meal! Arasso?"

"Ne..." We both mumbled. I slid out of my chair, and walked to the bathroom. 

Daehyun's POV

I greeted the crowd as best I could, but my mind was somewhere else. That girl, I needed to know her name. She was different from any other girl that would either run into me on purpose or squeal when they saw me. When I looked into her eyes I felt happiness, I felt as if my life so far was not complete up until that very moment. I felt....I don't know what else, but I knew our paths would cross again. Even though I got to look into her eyes for a few moments I already knew everything about her. Her smile was bright, but I could see a pain behind it. I felt the need to protect her from whatever that pain was. Himchan began our song. I searched the crowd for her. I wanted her eyes to be the only thing I concentrated on while I sang. Suddenly I saw her. Her hair was being pulled by some guy who's back was turned to me. All I could make out was his bleach blonde hair. 

"Daehyun..." Jihoon whispered from the keyboard. I realized that my entrance to our song passed a few bars ago. I cleared my thought, and began singing pretending that nothing happened.

"Na honja michidorong neomaneul michidorong neol saranghago saranghan geuge jalmoshiramyeon. Aniya aniya ikeon cheongmal aniya. Dudu durudu love again maeil maeil dubab dubab keoreobwah duri geoddeon georireul keoreobwah. Once again back again ge ringer ringer ringer ring..." My eyes followed her as she stormed off to the bathroom. "No...I wanted to sing for you.." I couldn't stop myself from thinking.

(CN Blue's Hey You)

Kyungmi's POV

"Aish, now I smell like cheese!" I mumbled wiping the stain on my shirt.

"I like cheese." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up, and it was him. Daehyun was smiling at me. 


"I just wanted to apologize about bumping into you earlier." He looked so shy. It was really cute.

"Really? It wasn't that big of a deal, but thanks."

He was silent. 

"Well, bye Daehyun." I started walking past him. He grabbed my wrist, and brought me back.

"Wait. I never got your name."

"Kyungmi, Do Kyungmi." My heart was beating a mile per minute just from his touch. His cheeks turned red as he slowly let go of my wrist.

"Kyungmi...it's pretty. I'm Jung Daehyun."

"It's nice to meet you-"

"bbiribbiriboopboop bopbopbeebdooda."

We both reached for our phones, and mine was the one that was ringing. It was Kyung.

"Oh Kyung?" I answered.

"Kyung we're leaving now where are you?"

"What about the competition? Who won?"

"Obviously not. Just hurry up ppalika!"

"Ok I'm coming. Bye Kyung!" I said before hanging up. Daehyuns intense stares had been burning into my skin throughout my phone conversation.

"Kyung? Your brother?" He guessed.

"No, well I do have a brother but it's not him.''

"Are you in a band?" 

"Oh me? No not yet. Well I might be a part of DisMay soon. They need another guitarist."

His eyes suddenly glazed over as if I just said I worked for the devil. "DisMay?!"


".....no reason. Here." He grabbed my phone, punched a few buttons, and took a picture of himself. God he looked cute! "Now you have my number, and you won't forget my face." He smiled.

I grabbed his phone, and did the same. "Now you won't forget my-"

"I can't forget your face even if I wanted to." My face must've been as bright as a tomato.

"..ok, well bye then." I gave a small head bow, and ran off to the van.


AIGOO!!! Finally Daehyun oppa!! Eep. leave comments on what you think will happen, or how you like the story so far. and please subscribe. Poster credits to bunnyxwarrior  (heehee I won;t allow your modesty!) thnx a bunch bye bye!!


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae