Surprising Text

Pain Music Love

 It was already about to be midnight, and we were still driving the streets of Busan. Zelo was knocked out next to me, I couldn't sleep because my eyes were too busy taking in the sights of my hometown. We finally pulled into a lot with a brick building in the middle. I had a feeling this was where we would be living.

"Get out kids." Tablo said. We all piled out of the van.

"This looks crappier than the last place." Ukwon chuckled. "This isn't even worthy of my camera." He snapped it closed.

"You may not think its much, but trust me. I've been looking at this place for a while. It's perfect for you guys." Tablo smiled.

"Perfect as in out house?" Kyung laughed.

"Yah, let's at least take a look around." Bang pulled Kyung into a head lock.

"Come on Di let's call our room." I whispered. We needed to get the biggest one.

"Ne, 3, 2, 1!" We sprinted towards the building, ran up the stairs, and threw the door open. "So this time its a supermarket." Di stopped running to take a look at the first floor.

"Di, you can look later Zelo, and Kyung are coming!"

"Right!" We ran up the second flight of stairs into the apartment. It was huge. Way bigger than their old place.



"Where do we start?!" I looked down each hallway not sure which room would be the biggest.


"Over here!" Di's distant voice echoed. I walked past the living room, all the way in the back was a long hallway. "This room is perfect." Di stuck her head out of the door. I ran inside, and was amazed with all the space we had.

Suddenly Zelo came running in. "No fair! We were supposed to be roommates Kyungmi!"

"You two can't share a room, babo. She's a girl." Bang came in behind him.

"Barely." I heard Zelo mumble.

"Yah! Now your not allowed in my room!" I said giving him a shove.

"I don't want to be in your room!" He mehronged me.

"Yah!" We began our slap war again.

"Aish you two kill each other I don't care anymore." Bang huffed. Zelo gave me one last slap before running away.

"Aish." I mumbled.

"Can you close the door please?" I looked and saw that Di already folded up her clothes into a ball, using it as a pillow, and was ready to sleep on the floor.

"Oh sorry." I pulled off my bag, and rested my head on it to get some shut eye too.


"Do Kyungmi!" I popped up from the floor to find myself in an empty room. The spot where Di slept was deserted. "Who called me?" I mumbled.

"That would be me." I heard Ukwon's voice behind me. In his hand was of course his video camera. "So this is what you look like in the morning. When did you get a double eyelid surgery?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, don't I look cute?" I played along.

"Mwoh? You're supposed to yell at me to get out like Di always does." He seemed surprised at how I didn't care what I looked like.

"Why? You guys can come in our room anytime you'd like." I was used to being trapped in my room alone living with my dad. I wasn't going to kick out my friends.

"Wah! Chincha?!"

"Yeah." I slowly got up from the floor. My back was starting to get used to laying on hard things so it didn't hurt this time.

"Cool...oh yeah I came in to tell you Bang, and Tablo went out for a while, but when they get back we're leaving."

"Ok." Once he left I grabbed my change of clothes, and got ready. Suddenly I felt a buzz in my pocket as I started combing threw the birds nest on my head. "Ugh forget this hair!" I said tying it into a sloppy ponytail. My heart quaked when I read the name Daehyun. I quickly clicked the message icon.

"Hey, are you busy..?" Aigoo! He was asking me out! I was so surprised he was even interested in me enough to want to meet again. 

"Maybe, what do you hav in mind :3" I typed with sweaty fingers, and red cheeks. 

Instantly I got a reply. "Well give me an answer first, and you'll find out ;)"

"Aigoo!!!" I couldn't stop myself from shouting. I grabbed my phone again and typed. "Just meet me at Wisdom Tree Park." That was a popular place to hang out when I was little.

"Ok, see you soon Kyungmi!" He replied. 

"Aigoo! Now I need to fix my hair!" After fighting with my tangles I finally got it into a nice bun on the top of my head. I grabbed my bag, and ran out the door.

"Yah, Kyung where are you going?!" Kyung yelled.

"Oh, I'll be back before Bang gets back don't worry."

"Where are you going though?"

"I'm going to meet-"

"Kyung, she used to live here, she just wants to look around." Zelo said

"Oh ok. Don't be too long." I ran out the door. 

"Great now how do I get to the park from here?" After wandering around for a while I found my way, and sat on a bench to wait for Daehyun. I was glad to see all the kids playing. It reminded me of Kyungsoo, and I. I watched them all play on the jungle gym.

"Haha! You're too little to play with us!"I saw a group of boys laughing at a little girl.

"Stop making fun of me!" I couldn't watch anymore. I stormed over there to help her.

"Yah why don't you kids pick on someone your own size?!" They ran away immediately.

"Thank you.."The girl sniffed.

"Yah, let's go play somewhere else." I grabbed her hand, and helped her go up the steps to the slide. 

"Unni, I'm too scared to go down this slide. That's why those boys made fun of me." 

"Don't worry I'll go down with you."I hoisted her on my lap, and scooted a few inches so that we slid down the tunnel together.

"Wah!" She screamed in excitement. Once we reached the bottom of the slide I saw a pair of feet standing in front of it. I looked up, and saw bleach blonde hair.

Daehyun's POV

I watched her grab a little girl's hand, and go down the slide with her. I ran over to the beginning of the slide to catch her before they got out. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, and smiled.

''Oh hi." She laughed. It was such a sweet laugh that warmed my heart.

''You don't mind if I steal her away for a while do you?" I crouched down to ask the little girl. She shook her head and scurried off after waving goodbye.

''Hi." That's all I could come up with. I didn't know what else to say. In my head I planned out a bunch of conversation topics, but once I saw her my mind went blank.

"Hi." She laughed. ''Umm, let's sit some where.'' She grabbed my hand, and walked over to a bench. I couldn't believe she was the one grabbing my hand. Her forwardness was really attractive. 

After we took a seat I knew I had to say something other than just hi. ''Umm, how's it going?" In my mind I was slapping myself across the forehead.

''Good I guess. A lot better now that I'm with you." Omo! This girl was so cute, and amazing. I had to start a conversation before she got uninterested.

''Me too. It was actually really hard to get the courage to text you.''

''Mwoh? Why?"

''I don't know...'' The truth was even though I was the lead singer for a very popular band I didn't have as much self esteem as Jongup, or Zico, or anyone in my group. It was always hard for me to talk to girls.

"You don't have to be shy around me.'' She smiled.

''Really? Why is that?"

''I don't know. I just don't see myself as someone anyone should be shy around. I'm so..insignificant. Why would anyone be shy around me?" To me she wasn't insignificant. She was important, and I couldn't afford to screw up around her.

''Why would you say you're insignificant?"

''I don't know...'' That smile she had on her face was fake. I could see pain behind it. She wasn't even looking at me anymore. I don't know where the courage came from, but I grabbed her hand.

''You're not insignificant. If you were I wouldn't have been able to talk to you like this.'' She looked into my eyes, and I saw tears forming. Actual tears. Was what I said touching?

''I don't know I just-''

''Tell me about yourself.'' I didn't mean to interrupt her, but so much of me was dyeing to know more about her.

''Like what?" She chuckled.

''Anything. Where are you from?''

''Here. Well I lived in the states for a while. Long story short I moved back here about a year ago, but now I live in Seoul.''

''Seoul...when are you going back?''

''Today.'' I felt my heart sink. She was too good to be true. ''But I'm moving back here soon with my band. Remember I told you about them.''

''Of course I remember.'' How could I forget she was a member of my band's sworn enemies. I thought the whole idea was stupid, but of course I wasn't about to tell her what band I was in. ''When are you moving back? Maybe we can meet up again when you do.''

''Oh I'm not really sure yet-''


We both reached for our phones, and it was hers that was ringing.

''Yoboseyo? Ne. I'm on my way.'' She hung up with an apologetic smile. ''That was the boss. I'm leaving for Seoul now.''

''No! You can't be leaving now.'' I wanted to know more about her. Spend more time with her.

''I'm really sorry. I promise as soon as I get back in town we'll meet.'' She gave me a hug before running off. 


 Aigoo another chapter done! Aish my annoying little brother spilled water on my laptop while I was typing this T_T 

plz subscribe, and comment thnx !!! :3

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae