Who Am I Playing With?!

Pain Music Love

It was finally the morning of the Busan Rock Festival. I was snuggled in a blanket on the floor, while Di slept on her bed. I had a one on the top bunk, but sometimes I felt more comfortable on the floor. I heard the door creak open, and knew it was most likely Ukwon trying to get shots of the both of us early in the morning.

''Mrmph'' I groaned pulling the covers over my face.

''Rise, and shine girls! It's time to rock!!'' Kyung yelled while he smashed two pans together.

''Mwoya ege!!'' Di yelled.

''Come on Kyung get up!'' I heard Zelo's familiar soft voice hum in my ear.

''Andwae.'' I pushed his face away.

''Yah, ppali ireona.'' He insisted on waking me up which was something we both knew didn't happen easily.

''Hyung go get the water.'' I heard Ukwon whisper. I flipped out of my covers forgetting any ounce of tiredness that used to take over my body.

''I'm up!'' I looked right into the lense of Ukwon's camera that was focused on my terrible morning appearance.

''Do you know what today is girls?'' Kyung was smiling at Di's half awake state.

''You guys are really too much.'' She groaned.

''Why are you all being so annoying right now?'' I was barely a morning person and them shoving a camera in my face at the crack of dawn clearly wasn't helping that.

''Just hurry, and get up. We have a long day ahead of us.'' Bang ruffled my hair. ''Come on guys let's let them get ready.''

''Awe!'' Ukwon moaned as he slammed his camera closed.

''Zelo, why aren't you getting up?'' Kyung said.

''I have to leave too?!'' He gaped.

''Of course babo!'' Bang grabbed his hair, and dragged him out.

''But Kyung is barely a girl she shouldn't even count.'' He yelled.

''Aish! Why does that kid keep saying that? I'm just as much a girl as you.'' I mumbled to Di.

''Ha! Don't make me laugh.''

''Yah! What makes me un..ungirlish?'' 

''Everything about you. Your knotted hair that you never brush. The dirty white sneakers you put on every day, and how often do you even wash yourself?''

''I wash everyday! And for my hair...it doesn't look too bad, right?''

''Sure, if you're going for the birds nest look.'' Did I really look that terrible? ''And there's always a certain layer of dirt that lingers-''

''Alright! I get it!'' Did Daehyun find my messiness cute, or was I just a junky person to him? ''Omo how embarrassing.'' I thought out loud.

''What is?'' 

''Nothing..I just..''

''How about I dress you up for the show today!'' She smiled.

''Would you? I mean nothing too crazy just...something nice.'' I could only picture Di's six inch heels, and flashy jewelry. It screamed LOOK AT ME.

''Yay! I never thought this day would come!'' She dragged me into the bathroom, and got to work.

Once she was done I felt as if she scrubbed me so hard I grew a new layer of polished skin. I was glad she didn't go too crazy with my outfit. It was totally my style, but too an extreme.


''Woah! Kyungmi what happened to you?! You look...pretty.'' Zelo exclaimed as I walked through the door. (T_T My little Shin Sekyung is so beautiful, and my heart is broken because Fashion King is over!!! Wae?!? God I loved her in that drama, you should watch it)

''Shutup, I can still kick your .'' I punched him for saying I was barely a girl earlier.

''Who do you look all dressed up for?'' Bang joked. Even though he was just kidding my heart shook with the thought of Daehyun. He was who I wanted to look nice for, but nobody knew that.

''No one! Gosh I can't dress nice without a reason?! Am I not allowed!?!'' I yelled.

''Jeez Kyung we were just kidding-'' 

''Come on kids we're gonna be late.'' Tablo cut Ukwon off as we all headed to the competition. Luckily my mind was so busy with the events of the morning that I didn't really think about what I was planning on doing at the competition. However once we got in the car my fingers spun circles into the seat covers, and my teeth were chattering. What if it didn't work? What if I just ended up making a fool of myself, and got kicked out of DisMay. I guess I would never find out until it happened.

''Kyung! Get the stuff out of the trunk!'' Kyung yelled. I took a look around and was shocked at how quickly we got to the competition. I didn't even have enough freak out time!

''Oh, sorry.'' I fumbled out of the van, making a complete fool of myself as all our trash fell out behind me. ''Aish!'' I slammed the door closed, and went over to help with the insruments.

''Kyungmi you have to calm down. The color on your face is gone.'' Bang shook my shoulders.

''I am calm I just-''

''Well look who we have here.'' I looked past Bang, and saw Himchan smirking at us. 

''Yah! Try and keep the spitting to a minimum, I almost got one in the eye.'' Zelo laughed.

''You brat!'' Himchan reached back to slap him.

''Why don't we fight with our music instead.'' Di got in between them. ''That way we won't fell bad about completely ridiculing you in front of everyone.''

''We never feel bad about wiping you guys off the stage. This time will be no different.'' Jongup stood bravely behind Zico's strong build.

''Well, just make sure you have your tissues ready.'' I couldn't stand even looking at Jongup. If I didn't have the competition to worry about I would've beat the blonde off his hair.

''Woah! Feeling brave now because you have on some heels.'' Youngjae laughed. ''Haven't you guys ever heard the saying putting makeup on a pig doesn't make it a lady.''

''Yah! Why don't you shut your mouth before I rip your lips off!'' Bang barked in his very scary husky voice.

''Come on guys, I think Yonggukie is losing his temper.'' Zico chuckled. As they walked away I got one glimpse at Daehyun who had been quiet, and invisible throughout the arguement. Within those few seconds of eye contact we both confirmed that our plan was a go.

Daehyun's POV

''Daehyun go write our name on the sign up sheet, hurry before DisMay does.'' Himchan shooed me away.

''Ok.'' This was the perfect opportunity. I ran over to the sign up sheet. ''Mianhae hyung but this is for your own good.'' Instead of writing UTOPIA, I had to write a fake name. ''What should I put?'' I tapped the pen on my cheek trying to come up with a good name.

''Daehyun what's taking so long?'' Youngjae was making his way over.

''Ugh whatever!'' I scribbled the very first thing that popped in my head, and ran toward my group before Youngjae could see the sign up sheet.

''Did you forget our name?'' He laughed.

''Ani, I had to scratch out DisMay, and put ours first.'' I lied.

''Ah, good job! We're totally gonna win today, kaja let's get set up.'' Together we walked over to the rest of UTOPIA.

Kyungmi's POV

''Kyungmi chill out! You need to learn to relax.'' Zelo patted my back.

''Kyung did you sign us up?'' Bang asked the other Kyung.

''Ani, I'll go now.''

''I'll do it!'' I ran over, and beat him to it. ''Ok this is it.'' I said under my breath. The first name I saw on their was definitely written by Daehyun. I could tell by the sloppy handwriting. In fact it was so sloppy I couldn't even read it. As long as I knew he wrote something, I knew our plan was in affect.

''You wrote it clear?'' Bang asked as I returned.

''Of course I did. I'm not stupid.''

''Good, ok guys we don't go on for a while so stay out of trouble until then.'' He said pointing at Zelo, and I. ''Make sure you're here a little while before we're called.''

''Arasso! Kaja Kyung.'' Before I could even get a word in Zelo grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the arcade center.


''Do you think we should be heading back now?'' I asked checking my watch.

''Naw we have plenty of time.''

''Our next band that will be performing is UTOPIAN DisMay. How about a round of applause.'' We heard over the microphone.

''What the hell did he just say?!?'' Zelo's jaw dropped, but I had no time to panic. I ran on stage. I had to keep a memo to kill Daehyun for his choice in the name.


I think the next two chapters will be the last. T_T so sad...I already have plans for a new fanfic lol. It shall involve Jay Park, and Leejoon I've already decided. Teehee I really love Jay Park lately. Maybe it's because he FLIPPIN BABY MAKINGLY Y AMAZINGLY HOT...

image  image

Lol sorry, random Onew I just love this gif and it made me laugh for a good five minutes. IDK why.


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. When I was about to post this chapter I lost internet access, then I got sick. lol enjoy


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l0neliness #3
Chapter 30: This was really good story :D I love the end and what Kyung sid about the birds and bees :D I laughed so hard :D:D:D
Chapter 30: Really liked this ^o^ but I wished jongup would have said something in the end .-. But still liked it~!^^ sequel please~
i made it! i red that story!
oh~~ i'm in love ♥
it's so beautiful~~

and i love that song at the end xD
ice-cream-song ♫
ShinSeoRae #6
i love this story..BAP is really the best less-stress medicine..^_^
mmmmmilf #7
Aweeee, I can't believe this already ended. Such a nice fic. Teehee. Youngjae is so adorbs omg. Avdgdgjdjchcuxbj
annyeongsarang #9
I looooooove the ending<3<3 best story I've read this far~~^^
it's overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Happy ending! Lol, Youngjae