Encounter of the Night

Mum and Dad were out today so I was alone in the house. It was around 7PM and it getting dark. I thought that I'd go get a drink first before going to the park where we promised to meet and I was hungry too so I turned off my laptop, slipped on a hoodie over my pajamas, put on a pair of old sneakers then went out of the apartment.

I remember being really scared to go to places on my own anywhere when I was young and sometimes when Chanyeol was staying at his grandma's, I would tell him to buy some food for me and bring it to my house. When it got too late, he would stay over and go home the next day. Chanyeol was a really good friend who would always be there for me and to be honest, he was really the only friend I really ever had. I remember Suzie and we were on really good terms until she started hanging out with the popular girls then it was just me and Chanyeol again. Now that I think about it, I've never heard of Chanyeol having another friend...
Anyway, I had just left my apartment. As soon as I opened the gates guarding the main entrance of my block of flats, I saw a gang of teenagers. They were smoking and drinking. I'm pretty sure I heard some swearing too so I quickly put up my hood and went off in the alleyway way to the convenient store.
It was a long alleyway but it was a shortcut, however, is it wasn't for the gang of bad looking people, I wouldn't have ever chose these kind of scary places to walk in. It was just too dark and I was never such a brave person anyway. Or maybe I've just watched way to many K-Dramas.
The alleyway I was walking on had two separate paths, I was walking on the higher path and the lower path lead to a park on the other side of school. There was a wall beside me and on the side of the lower path too. On the other side of the wall were some houses and on the other side of the lower path were trees.
I was walking pretty fast to avoid any other drunk looking teenager. At this point, I really regretted not bringing my earphones out. If only the music could drown out the noises of the dark that my mind was playing on me right now. Oh boy, this so so scary.
Suddenly, I heard a noise. A loud thump. Then I noticed some sort of body lying on the path under me. 
Oh my gosh. It... it looked like it had blood coming out of it. No. It was. The blood was seeping out and was widely spreading now. I found myself stepping backwards from the scene. Then, a large body from the roofs of the resident's houses jumped onto the body lying lifelessly on the ground.
Oh my gosh, did that thing just KILL that person?! Why? Wait, no, I'll just text Chanyeol. I fidgeted for my phone in my pocket and at the same time, my keys dropped out and landed on the ground next to me. The sound wasn't loud but it was enough for the Thing to hear. A loud jump and it was right in front of me.
Under the streetlights, I saw it.
I saw what it was.
What that killing creature was...
A wolf.
It's white fur was stained with red. It was wounded and had blood dripping off it's sharp canine teeth and onto the ground before me. Drip, drip, drip. It's eyes were blood red but they didn't look angry. They just looked sad. It was looking at me though with hungry eyes.
The body (even on it's fours was almost bigger then me) was slowly coming towards me and I backed off towards the wall but then, the thing collapsed before me. I decided to take this chance to run for it and soon, I was out of the alleyway.
Note from Niko - Saturday again~! Annyeong, hope you enjoyed this action packed - ful... (?) chapter! Who do you think the wolf would be? Nyohohoho~ I leave to your imagination! It gets good from now on lol


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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left