Wolf Boy


I went home on my own that night. Chanyeol didn't take me because he was in a hurry to get home.

My flat was on the bottom floor and so I went through the gates and into the escalator bit then opened the door to the corridor of the bottom floor - my floor. I opened the door and I noticed some stains on the carpet, I don't know what they were and kept walking towards my door. I fidgeted for my keys but I just reached into an empty pocket. Oh my gosh. Where did I drop it? No no no no no! This can't be happening! Mum and dad don't get back for another three hours.
It was then I remembered what happened in the alleyway. I dropped it.
That wolf.
I kept walking up to the door of our apartment and stood in front of the door. It was then that I realized the handle had a red stain. I knew what it was. Blood. The door was slightly open and my keys were in the hole. I pushed it open and it creeked whilst I took the keys out. The lights weren't on and this was the first time I felt that my house was such an unfamiliar place. The whole apartment was dark. I went in, not closing the door and opened the lights because I couldn't stand the dark.
Just when I opened the lights, I saw a boy in the corner of the hall. He was covered in blood. He was sitting on the floor against our storage cupboard. His head was down and I could only see his blond hair. There were streaks of blood on the hair too. I backed off against the door, surprised. The boy flinched. He looked up, looking very weak. The moment I saw his eyes, I had a feeling. That feeling all made sense. His eyes were sad. It was the creature I saw in the alleyway. That wolf. He was looking at me, he looked like he was in pain. My back was against the door. The keys were still in my hand. I put it into the hole and locked the door.
The boy was still staring at me, his eyes rounder than ever. He heard the locking noise of my door and suddenly, he pounced forward and crashed me into the door.
He looked even more in pain and he was slightly growling. His teeth weren't sharp as it was before. Our noses were about 10cm away from each other. My heart was thumping so hard he probably heard it. His eyes flickered red but then, he showed flinched again and flopped down onto my lap.
Was he dead?
I looked at him for a moment, his body panting but he seemed to have fainted. I turned him over and felt his head for temperature. It was hot. Not burning hot but he definitely had a fever. Oh my gosh, what should I do? I can't tell Suho since I don't know how to contact him even though he would probably know what to do. I can't call Chanyeol because he was busy. I stared at the boy for a bit longer, his panting getting heavier and heavier. I guess I'll have to do this on my own. 
Go, Choi Nayoung, you can do it!
I struggled to get him up, afraid that this would be like one of those horror movies where the creature suddenly springs back to life in your most defenseless state and eats you up. However, he was too weak to do that. It took a while but I was quite strong and so, about two minutes later, I was piggybacking him upstairs to my room. I didn't want mum and dad getting back to a blood stained boy lying on the sofa in the living room.
Taking him up the stairs was harder than I thought. His head was right next to my neck and I kept thinking the possibilities of him waking up then biting my neck as I felt his hot breath right next to my pulse. I stumbled up the stairs and finally got to my room where I lay him down gently on my bed. Bad idea. My bed had stains of blood on it now. Oh well, a girl's period always comes in as a good excuse, right?
I went to the toilet and grabbed a wet towel then went back into my room and wiped his forehead and face. He was actually very pale looking and had very fair skin. He was also really good looking. After a rinse of the towel, I rolled it into a rectangle and lay it on his forehead.
I went down to the kitchen and started to look for medicine. He had a fever so...... Ah! I picked up a bottle by the medicine box and took some water and a spoon.
He was still panting. I carefully poured out the liquid onto the spoon and put it into his mouth, made him drink the water and left him to rest.
Now, my worst chore ever! The house was stained with blood here and there so I guess I had to do this quickly. My parents would be back in two hours now so I guess I still had time.
Cleaning, wiping, washing and tidying the whole place up until it looked better than when I left the house. I also changed my blood stained pajamas into something more clean. As I was changing in the toilets, I kept wondering... Why did I help this boy? I didn't know him at all and he had nothing to do with me. He was also a potential predator and could eat me up any second. I don't know why I helped him but maybe it was when I looked into his eyes, he seemed like he needed someone. It was just my luck that I was that person.
I finshed changing and realised a bigger problem...
How should I explain this boy to my parents?


Note from Niko - Annyeong~ kekeke, the story is getting into more excitement now. I apologize if my other main chacter (If you think you know don't tell anyone, shhhh~) hasn't appeared yet. I will try to make him appear soon. I just need to think of a dramatic way in which he will. If anyone has any ideas, they can comment below? Thanks for all your support ^^

For now, our daily EXO time mwahahaha~

Annyeong~ Until Wednesday, kekekeke ><

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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left