The Aging Charm


I almost yelled but I held it in in case Luhan woke up without enough sleep and would explode. I stared. At Suho. So... I had my height, my feet, my voice but not my face. Not my head. I kept staring and didn't notice that Suho was standing right at the door until he exclaimed with obvious disappointment in his voice, "Oh no, aigoo... the spell only worked halfway! You're supposed to look exactly like me! With everything!"

"Hyung... I thought you said you could perform this spell fairly well," I said.
Suho looked flustered, "A-ah, k-keurae, I guess it just muddled up a bit. Common mistakes. Common indeed."
"Oh well, this is still okay, right?" I asked.
Suho rubbed his chin, "I guess it'll have to do... it does feel funny looking at myself."
I cleared my throat, "A ehem, taller version," I coughed again and smiled.
Suho forced a laugh and then looked at his watch, "When does your school start again?"
"Half past eight," I said.
He looked shocked, "No. No, oh no no no no, this is wrong. I knew something was wrong. Aigoo, eotteokhae? I thought the school started at 9. We're late!"
"That's okay, I know quick shortcuts," I said, hurrying to get my teeth brushed.
"No no, it's not that, it's the Aging Charm. Remember when I told you timing had to be right?"
"Oh no..." I said.
It was a while after when we finally finished everything and the Aging Charm was on me. It was a lot quicker and this time, it felt weird. The results. I definitely felt more old. Less able to jump around and feeling exhausted quite a lot of the time. I had also checked myself in the mirror. At least I didn't see an old version of myself but of Suho and this proved that the spell had worked.
As we were running towards the school in the rain and getting soaked through, I managed to ask an audible question to Suho, "Hyung, exactly how old did you make me look like?"
"Around 60 yeard old!" I yelled back to me through the rain.
"M-Mwoh! No wonder I feel so tired even just with this little exercise," I said and sure enough, my legs were starting to fail me and I almost tripped over but Luhan supported me. He was running the fastest and didn't seem like anything could stop him.
We finally reached the school and we were five minutes late. Pretty impressive actually considering that we made a twenty minute walk into a five minute sprint. However, there were hardly any students in yet as we had come earlier to make the enrollment.
We dried ourselves off in the toilet and I checked myself in the mirror and I noticed, I didn't look so 60 years old anymore. More like around 50 now.
"The rain from outside hydrated you a bit so it naturally gave you a bit more youth," Suho explained.
"Can we go now?" Luhan asked with "impatient" printed all over his face.
To respect how Luhan had managed to wake up so early, we were at the principal's office in less than a minute and were standing in front of the deputy head in less than a minute and twenty seconds. He had all our documents on the table and open for us to see. I was sitting on the chair with my "kid" and "nephew" behind me.
"Hi, my name is Kim... TaeHyang," I said in a moment of panic.
The deputy shook hands with me and smiled. He surely behaved differently in front of parents. He once yelled at me so hard I almost lost my sense of hearing when I forgot to hand in homework for two of my classes, "Annyeonghaseyo." That was a change too, using formal language.
We spoke for quite some time before he finally let Suho and Luhan into official enrollment and when he did, he shook hands with each of us and appointed us to the class I, as Park Chanyeol, was originally in.
The two had went into the class and first period had started. I was in the toilet and was following Suho's advice - 'The Aging Charm wears off really quick, especially now as it's raining and I performed the spell with my water powers so it'll just be a matter of time before you can turn back to the normal age and I can't take off the Duplicate Charm yet. I have to wait at least until the Aging Charm is almost entirely gone so for now, stay in the toilet and try splashing water on your face. I'll come and check on you at interval.'
I was splashing water on my face, as instructed but I didn't know how long I may need to continue this for and I had no watch so I went out to the corridor to try and see what time it was from a clock hanging on the wall. Just my luck as I bumped into the deputy head. He looked at my wet face strangely, "Ah, Mr Kim, you still haven't left yet?"
"No no, I'm about to leave but I need to... errmm," I made an embarrassing gesture as if I was urgent for the toilet.
He gave a slight smile but looked at my weirdly all the while as he said, "Okay, okay, I understand. Take your time."
I went back into the toilet and I didn't even hear it when he said, "Does he look younger?"
Note from Niko - Annyeong, yedeura~~ So, well...... I have my first ever album, finally~~ XOXO Kiss Version woooo~ It was one of my happiest moment yesterday as I opened the package~ Aigoo.... So lucky... But, seriously, I recommend the album to you guys as a fellow EXO fan~ I think my favourite part of the whole album was the very very last page and the CD itself. It looks so cool~
Anyways... enough of my rant again XD
Here's DO, the squishy DO~~ Tbh... I don't really know why people call him squishy, is it because he's so cute? Any DO fans want to tell me? Comment below or pm me? XD
DO imnida~ Ohohoho ^^ Bye Bye~ Until Sunday guys ><
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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left