
"Beatarum... What kind of world is that?" I asked.
"It's a world... where power is rising..." Luhan said.
"Ahhh... I see..." I said and looked ahead, "We're here. Now... should we get something to eat? Baegopayo..."
"Ne, me too, I've always wanted to taste Earth's food," Suho said.
"Ohhh, Chanyeol, we should go to......" I said and looked at him.
"MR BIBIBIMBAP!" we both said in unison.
It was our favourite place since young. It was run by an old couple who have always been really nice to us and would always give us lollipops when we went in. Even though we were big teenagers now, they still do that whenever they see us. This old store has been running for a long time and had an average rate of customers each day. The bibimpap sold is the best I would have ever eaten and it's not expensive as well so we come here a lot.
"Ah! Chanyeol-ssi~" Shinyoung ran over and tried to hug Chanyeol.
Shinyoung was a worker here who had started about two years ago and since then, she has a "secret" crush on Chanyeol but she displays it very passionately. She doesn't like me very much or rather, she thinks I'm trying to become Chanyeol's girlfriend.
"Shinyoung..." Chanyeol gave an awkward laugh and blocked her before she could hug him, "Table for four please."
"Ne~ Anything for you Chanyeol-ssi," Shinyoung said in her flirty tone then looked at us. She looked straight past me as if I was invisible and noticed Suho and Luhan, "Omo... what handsome looking boys. Is this your first time here?"
Suho bowed and smiled, "Ne, it is. Please take care of us."
"Omo, such nice manners," Shinyoung said in her flirty voice again.
Luhan, on the other hand, wasn't looking at Shinyoung and instead, studied the room. A bowl of warm bibimpap was served to a customer. The meat was on top and looked warm and delicious. Luhan his lips, hungrily. Suho saw this and held his arm as if to stop him from what was about to happen next.
"Omo, look at this cold boy," Shinyoung said looking interested at Luhan then looked down to his woolly sweater. They still had stains of blood on it, "Omo... is this... blood?"
"A-a-a-a-a-a-aniyo, S-Shinyoung-ssi... blood... pfffttt, yeah right. He just got some ketchup on him from... a baby that was playing with a hotdog when we were walking here," I said. It was hard to lie. I hated it.
She looked at me with an obvious judgemental look, "What did you do in your previous life that God gave you such a fortunate life with good looking men?"
"Ahahaha," I awkwardly laughed.
"Whatever... Please follow me," she said and escorted us to a table of four by the window.
"What would you want?" she asked.
"Meat," Luhan said immediately.
Shinyoung laughed, "You're funny. What else?"
"Ah, four bowls of bibimbap please and... a set of samgyupsal please," Chanyeol said.
"Ne~ I'll be right back, Chanyeol-ssi~" Shinyoung said and she walked away.
Luhan finally spoke up, "Bibimpap... what's that?"
Chanyeol got his hands out on the table and was making hand gestures to support his explanation of bibimbap.
"Oooo~" Luhan looked interested and was nodding with his mouth open the whole way.
Then the four bowls of bibimpap came. It wasn't Shinyoung who was carrying it though. It was the owner ahjumma.
"Omo, Chanyeol, Nayoung, I haven't seen you two for some time now. How's school going?" she asked.
"Ahjumma~ Ne, it's going really well!" I said.
"Ne~ Ahjumma~" Chanyeol said.
She patted Chanyeol's head and handed out four lollipops to him as he was sitting beside nearest her, "Those are some handsome friends you got, Nayoung-ah. Any one of them your boyfriend?"
My face turned red, "A-a-a-aniyo... Ahjumma, don't kid on ahaha."
Suho laughed and Luhan looked at me after taking his eyes off the bibimbap.
"Ah, still the same Nayoung. Your face always turns so red so easily," she laughed, "Enjoy your meal."
"Ne~" we all said. Even Luhan said it as he was spooning down a large spoonful of rice every 5 seconds.
I was calming my face down as Suho handed me my bowl and looked at me, "Oh, you really are really red," he laughed.
Note from Niko -  Annyeong~~ so like.. from now on, I will try to make my chaps longer mwahahah~~ requested from a subbie keke (shoutout to Miss, I assume you're a miss, M~~ So yerr, thank you Miss M)
Now, it's happy Exo-K timeuuuu~~~~~ ><
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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left