

'You can talk through minds?!' I looked straight into her eyes and she nodded.

'I am the Soul of Wonder Girls and I was born with this ability.'
I paused for a moment.
'We're in their 'safe' right now. It's where all the other kidnappees are.'
She read it. Without me even thinking it in my head. Just a single sense and she could interpret what I was thinking - 'Where are we?'
I shuffled my body a bit and managed to see other pillars behind.
I didn't even sense that anyone else was here. There was a boy on the side of a pillar were he was visible to me. His head was down and he looked older than me. His hands, too, were tied behind his back. There was girl at the far corner, her bare arms showing multiple bruises.
'They did it. Those people. It was because she had her feet out and accidentally tripped one of them over.'
I looked at Sohee.
'Is this... by any chance... the place where those people keep the Souls?' I asked her telepathically.
'What are you talking about?'
'The kidnappings of the Souls that's been happening everywhere. Everyone's on the lookout for this now.'
'I've been here the longest. It's been three months since I was here so I don't know anything about the outside world. Is this really big news in SM right now?'
'You've been here for three months?'
She nodded.
'Do you happen to know who the kidnappers are? Is it a guy named Jongin?'
'They're supposed to keep this secretive but since I've been here for so long, I know things. Their underlings also talk a lot behind their backs. I can also read their minds so... They're both really tall. Kai is the one with curly hair and he can teleport. The white hair guy is Sehun. He's a vampire. However, I did hear that they were planning to go into this school... Kai was to be known as a different name and he was to find the Soul of Exo.'
'That's me.'
'Oh, so you're Nayoung.' She smiled, 'They've been planning your abduction for quite some time and I think... there's something Sehun's thinking of, after that day when he encountered you in the streets.'
'Sehun... so he was that vampire...'
'Sehun was also Minarizing one of your member's powers while he was pretending to be another of your members.'
'He was pretending to be Kris... and if you say that, that other member must be Tao... What's Minarizing?'
'It's the process when one restrains another from growing their powers.'
'So that''s why Tao's powers haven't been growing... Anyway... how can you get away with reading their minds?'
'They don't know I can. I have two powers. I used to only be half and half but after I became a Soul, I was able to maximise those powers so they're equally strong. They only know about my other power which is the official one.'
'I see....'
I was about to ask her her other power when voices started coming and the door opened.
I didn't recognize any of the voices.
"I heard Kai and Sehun brought back Exo's Soul, eh?" it was a man's voice.
"Oh? Exo? That group? The one that even surprised the Board?" it was another man that had a rough sounding voice.
"They were like the talk though!"
"Yeah, exactly!"
"As expected!"
"Let's check her out, eh?"
Oh god, no... How do I get out of this? Arghhh....
Their footsteps were getting closer and I could hear chuckles..
'Quick, Nayoung. Don't move.' It was Sohee's voice in my mind.
I looked at her and did as I was told.
She seemed to focus her eyes behind my back and her eyes turned icy blue, almost white (which was a bit scary).
Then, I felt the back of cuffs get all cold.
'Hit it as hard as you can against the pillar. Quick, hurry.'
I tried. The first time didn't work and I started panicking as the footsteps got closer and closer. They were right above me as I hit as hard as I could against the wall of the pillar behind me and the cuffs broke. I got up and punched one of the men who was right beside me. It hit him in the face but it wasn't hard enough. I tried to run but he got hold of me by the arm. I pulled the cloth over my mouth down and shouted, "What are you doing?! Let go of me!"
The man and his friend came over and pinned me back against the pillar and the man whom I hit, slapped me on my face. He was a big man, big hands, massive face, double chin and his belly was popping out under his clothes. It hurt.
"You dare-!" His massive arm was about to come striking down on me again. I shut my eyes tight and waited for the hit. Nothing happened.
I opened my eyes again.
Both men were on the floor now, frozen to the bone and in their positions. Glistening with the ice.
I looked at Sohee. She nodded at me.
I looked at my broken cuffs on the floor which were now just shatters of ice.
So, she was an ice-possessor aswell.
I went over to her and pulled down the cloth covering .
"Thank you, Sohee."
"You're welcome. Now, stand back. I'll get Lemon to help me take these off."
She had a really kid like voice and it was very gentle.
Wait.. "Lemon?" I said.
She shuffled to her right and made eye contact with a boy at a pillar diagonally behind hers. He had a beanie on and blonde hair. He was skinny and looked younger than me. He nodded after a while and it seemed like Sohee was telepathically communicating with him.
The boy held out his handcuffs behind his back and just barely, Sohee managed to freeze them with her eyes. With one quick and hard hit, the cuffs broke and suddenly, as quick as the speed of light, he was beside Sohee and with one quick smash of his knuckle, her handcuffs were set free.
"Thanks Lemon," she said.
Lemon gave her a thumbs up. He was smiling but then, suddenly, his smile froze and he held onto the side of his shoulder and collapsed onto the floor.
"Lemon!" Sohee yelled.
We both crouched down beside him. His left shoulder seemed to be hurting him but I didn't see any blood on him or bruise on the area or around as he was wearing a T-shirt.
Sohee seemed to receive something and she looked to the door, which I looked to too.
There, standing by the entrance was the guy who I used to think I knew - Kim Jongin and... Sehun.
Note from Niko - Since the question thing wasn't going well, I don't think I'll do it anymore XD So errrmmm.. Yeah, let's just continue on with the Era thing~~ ><
This time.. it's Kkaepsong ssi~~
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Chapter 63: Update soon please!!!!
I really Like this story!!!!!
can't wait for the next chapter!!!!
FarahStewart #2
Chapter 63: update soon ~
Chapter 63: Fighting, hun!!!! No apologies needed, we all have a life outside of AFF.
Chapter 63: Good luck author-nim! FIGHTING!!! :D
Chapter 63: It's okay author-nim! We'll wait for your next update.
And you don't have to apologize!!!!!! We all understand that your exams are important and that you must study really hard for them
Chapter 62: Thanks for the update! For now, I'm trying to not think too much about before any of those rumors are confirmed :(. Hopefully all of this will be settle soon...
Chapter 61: YAAAAYY luhan <3
Chapter 61: YUSHHH!!! LUHAN IS BACKK ^^
Chapter 61: Aww Luhan is back by her side :) wonder what did Sehun do after they left