Chapter 1

Look at Me


You watched the crowd in the cinema area and shifted your glance to your best friend worriedly. His eyes were wandering around the area that was fully packed especially on every weekend. He handed over the popcorns that you guys just bought to you and you looked at him wondered.

“Jumi-ah, you stay here first, I need to go to the restroom,” he said and when he was about to leave, you quickly grabbed his wrist. “Ravi-ah, are you going to leave me alone in this crowd?” you asked anxiously. You looked around and most of them were strangers to you. Though they might not mean any harm to you but you didn’t like the fact that you’re actually surrounded by people that you unfamiliar with.

Ravi smiled and he placed both his hands on your shoulders. He gazed into your eyes and you looked at him feeling insecure. “So? Do you want to come with me to the restroom?” You slowly nodded, “Can’t I?” Ravi chuckled and lead you to an area where less people around. You still look at him feeling anxious. A heavy sighed escape from his mouth. “Okay, let’s go.”

You finally smiled at him and grabbed on his arms while walking to the restroom. You never wanted to let go his arm until you arrived to the restroom. As both of you arrive at the restroom, you loosened your grip and Ravi looked at you. “I will not take a long time,” he assured you and you just nodded. You waited outside as you watched strangers came in and out of the restroom. Somehow, you were feeling more awkward standing there alone but because you afraid to be left alone, you would do anything just to have someone by your side.

You just stared on the floor and suddenly you heard someone calling your name, you looked up and your eyes met with Ravi’s eyes. A smile plastered on his face and he held out his arms to you. You looked at him and tilted your head. “What?” he asked wondered. You quickly shook your head and wrapped your arms around his arms. “Ravi-ah,” you called. He glanced at you, “Yes?” You held his arm tightly, “Thank you.” Ravi softened, “It’s okay.” Both of you then leave the restroom smiling and enter the cinema hall to watch the movie that you two had promised to watch together.

While in the cinema hall, Ravi cautiously glanced at you. He saw you were really into the movie. You watched the movie without even remember to blink. He formed a smile. Jumi-ah. Why can’t you see me? You sensed someone was watching at you that you turned to see at Ravi’s direction. He smiled and you smiled back. “Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?” you whispered afraid you might distract other audience’s attention. He shook his head, “You’re face is funny.”

You touched your face and lightly hit him, “What? Funny? You’re funny.” He chuckled, and you continued focused on the movie but he still watched you with full of attention. You could still sense that he was watching you but you ignored him. You came to the cinema to watch the movie not to play with Ravi. In addition, Ravi bought you the ticket from his first paycheck and you thought it was the best not to waste the money. Ravi then shifted his glanced to a couple who sat not far from them. They were all lovey dovey and he looked at your hand, he wanted to interlaced his fingers into yours but knowing the fact that both of you were just best friend stopped him. He then continued watching the movie while praying that at least, one day you could open your heart to him. I may sound pathetic but I’m madly in love with you Jumi-ah. If only I have the courage to tell you how I feel.

After finished watching the movie, both of you walked out the cinema and you yawned. Ravi noticed you yawning and he stopped walking. You let go his arms and looked at him with puzzled expression. “Are you tired? We can go take cab and went home straight away,” he questioned you and you just stood there questioning yourself if you were tired or not. “No. I don’t feel tired at all! See?” you jumped childishly in front of him and suddenly you lost your step and about to fell but Ravi was quicker. He managed to save you from fell flat on your . You looked at him and he looked back. Your face was only few inches from him and you could feel his breath. Your heart began to beat faster. You gulped and he put you on your feet back.

“Are you okay?” he asked to ensure. You nodded and held your hot face. He noticed you turned pink and he found it was cute. What did just I do? Embarrassing! You rubbed your red cheeks and he held your wrist. You looked at him, “Do you want to drink some hot coffee?” He then pointed his finger to the nearest café, you looked at the café and nodded pleased.

After the embarrassing moment, you didn’t hold his arm anymore but you tried not to make any bigger gap from him. He glanced at you wondered, but he pulled you closer. He slung his arms around your shoulder and you looked at him surprised. He flashed an irresistible smile and you looked away. You still felt ashamed of what had just happened. He chuckled and both of you went into the café.

The next day, you took a final glance of yourself in the mirror before you decided to walk down the kitchen. Your mom noticed you and you greeted, “Good morning umma!” She beamed and walked closer to you to give a kiss. Suddenly, you noticed someone at the dining table. In the house, there were only you and your mother living together after your father left both of you due to heart failure. You didn’t recognize the man as he was looking down. Is he one of mom’s guest? But, this early morning?

Your mother was busy preparing for your breakfast. You took a seat across the guy and you’re eyes met with your mom’s eyes. You gave a who-is-that-guy look and your mom smiled. You silently studied the man in front of you where suddenly both of you made an eye’s contact. The guy’s face lightened up, “Jumi-ah.” You were still surprised and quickly glanced at your mother. Your mother nodded and you shifted back your glanced at the guy.

“Do you remember me?” he asked flashing another smile. You gazed into his eyes and your brain started to working. You’ve seen the eyes before but you were a bit unsure who he was. You dug back your memory and suddenly he linked his pinky to yours. Your heart quickened and he was sitting in front of you waiting patiently while you were still searching. You pulled your hand away but he tightened his link. You glanced at him wanting an answer but he just told with his eyes to look at your linked finger.

“You were afraid to be in a crowded place, so I asked you to hold my arm but you refused. Do you remember?” he asked peeking at you. You stared at him blankly when suddenly your brain clicked on something, “Hak.. Hakyeon… oppa?” 


Well, that is for the first chapter!

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The italic font is their thought btw ^^

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_aerin4 #1
Chapter 26: Omg Ravi is so sweet ! It's hard to find Ravi fanfic so thanks a lot for making this story !
This fanfic is super nice! OMG!! My Ravi Oppa! So sweet! Would like more fics like this with Ravi Oppa too!! Nice story! Upvoted and Subscribed!! *Thumbs Up*
Chapter 26: Omg I just found this fic today and finish it XD
Chapter 26: Yay for Ravi
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 26: Hoho , wonshik . Like it .
Chapter 26: Hoho so cute ravi and jumi . Greqt job ..
pink-penggy #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh this is so cute. it's sad that it's completed.. But I still love it. Everything is good ( ´ ▽ ` ) And I seriously blushed on the ending. so sweet >///<
LuckyCharmz #8
Chapter 26: See what a great story
Chapter 26: awww~ me love this story.
me love the ending as well.
i was like omg final?! FINAL CHAPTER??! NOOOOOOUUUU!!
then i read it, then, thank god the ending is satisfying.
yeay, thumbs up. good job.