Chapter 8

Look at Me

“Boyfriend?” you glanced up to make an eye contact. He looked down at you, nodded. Furrowing your eyebrows, Ravi’s face suddenly popped in your mind.

“I’m not talking about Ravi here. I mean, a real boyfriend,” Hakyeon added. Flustered, you stopped on your track making Hakyeon stopped to. You turned your body to face him, “Why do you ask?”

He looked surprised, “Well… It-It’s just a question. You don’t have to answer it if you don’t feel you like to.”

You sighed deeply, earning a chuckle from him. “It’s not an exam question. You don’t have to be nervous about it. Here.” He pulled you closer to him and slung his arm around your shoulder. Your eyes widened but you were startled to get away from him. “Let’s find a lamp post.” He suggested. A lamp post? What did a lamp post could have done anything with the boyfriend question?

Hakyeon pointed his hand to the nearest lamp post as soon as he found one making you averted your eyes towards it. He began to drag you to it but you stopped your step, he looked at you, puzzled. “What are we going to do there?” you questioned, very curious. It was really out of blue he wanted to bring you to a lamp post.

He smiled, “I’ll tell you later, let’s go.” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to the lamp post. As the both of you reached the lamp post, you noticed he pulled out his cell phone from his pocket. “We’re going to a selca,” he uttered.

“Excuse me?” you heard him clearly, but… wasn’t it weird? At one time, he asked about boyfriend and now, he asked for a selca. You eyed him suspiciously, ensuring yourself that it was the real Hakyeon with you, not a ghost or anything. You got a goose bump all of sudden from your own thought. You shook your head to brush off the creepy thought.

He turned himself and you so that both of you stood in front of the lamp post and the lamp post behind you. Again, he pulled you closer to him and he held his cell phone in front of you. You could see the faces of you two on the screen, you made a face as you found you weren’t looking pretty on the screen. You should have made a preparation before if you knew he would take a picture of you.

“Smile Jumi-ah,” Hakyeon said and both of you naturally formed a smile. He looked at the picture of both of you and you studied it. It was a cute picture, you came out alright in the picture and found Hakyeon had a sweet smile. You never noticed it, he always smile at you but this time you could stare at it without getting a weird stare back from him.

“You look beautiful here!” he pointed at your face on the screen. You grinned and pointed at his face in the picture, “Oppa is not bad too.”

“But you outshined me, this is unfair.”

You glanced at him, “No, oppa looks very outstanding here.”

“Really? Thank you,” he beamed, delighted and set the picture as his cell phone wallpaper. “Oppa, your girlfriend will see this!” you freaked out all of sudden.

He lifted his cell phone away from your reach. You tried to reach it but he was so tall that made it impossible to snatch it from him.

“Ah oppa, I’m deadly serious. What if your girlfriend found it and thought we have something?” you asked, pleading he would change it to something else that did not have you in it.

“I’ll be a dead meat,” you widened your eyes as you looked at him. He couldn’t help but to burst a laugh, and you just stood in front of him, wondering the source of him laughing all of sudden.

“Oppa, I don’t sound like I’m making a joke, did I?”

He placed his hand on his stomach, showing you that he couldn’t handle his laugh anymore. “You’re really funny,” he said between laugh. You grew annoyed, you turned away from him, “I’m going home.”

“Wait,” he yanked you, causing you to lost your step and fell to his chest. “Tomato,” your mind whispered you. You felt blood rushed to your cheeks, you were so close to him and this felt dejavu to you. It was definitely not the first time you fell to him.

His laugh also quietened. Pushing him immediately, you turned around to hide your blushing cheeks. He was so fast that he managed to grab your wrist, stopping you from going far. “I haven’t done with the question I asked you earlier on,” he spoke.

He then walked to you and made you faced him. Since the street was dimly lit, you felt a bit relieved that he wouldn’t notice your cheeks were burning. He lifted your chin so that he could make an eye contact with you.

“You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?” he gazed you, deep. His smiley face had vanished, replaced with a serious expression that you rarely seen.

As if you were hypnotized by his eyes, you shook your head slow. “Why-“

He placed a finger on your lips. You stared at him, your heart beat quickened at his action. A smile formed on his face, “Be my girlfriend.”

Your eyes widened. “Oppa, what are you sleep talking about?” you hoped you heard it wrong. “We need to get home quick, you’re talking non-sense now.” You grabbed his wrist and quickly dragged him home. He didn’t say a word until both of you reached home. You opened the front door and dragged Hakyeon with you inside.

You let go of his hand and switched on the light, the living room was empty, indicated that Ravi had gone from the couch. “Oppa, Ravi had gone to my room. You can have a sleep with Ravi.”

You switched off the light and were about to walked away when he suddenly grabbed your arm. You froze on your step and felt he was leaning towards you from behind. Again, he made your heart beat crazily. “Goodnight, girlfriend,” he whispered and let go of your arm before he disappeared to your room. You heaved out the breathe you held. “Girlfriend? Oppa must be out of his mind, he keeps acting weird.” You thought and tried to get rid the pessimistic thought from your head. Tomorrow would bring back normal Hakyeon back, at least, you hoped.


You woke up at usual time, dressed up and walked to the kitchen to see a delightful Ravi. “Oh, Ravi? You had a nice dream last night?” you asked as you reached for a glass to pour in orange juice.

He shook his head, “Do you?”

Your mind purposely jumped to the last night event, you shook your head quickly. “I had a crazy nightmare.”

Sipping your orange juice, you eyed him as he sipped his coffee. He caught you were looking at him, placing the mug on his hand down, he flashed you a smile. “You love my smile, right?”

“You look very happy,” you eyed him sceptically. “I do!” he beamed.

“Oh, had Hakyeon oppa wake up?” you asked and finished your drink.

“He left an hour ago,” Ravi’s smile disappeared.

You arched your eyebrows, “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“He told not to, but he did ask your number from me.”

Washing the glass, you glanced at him, “He did? So did you giv-“

Ravi nodded, “After all he’s your oppa, why not?”

“Let’s go. We’ll miss the bus,” he uttered as he finished his coffee and washed the mug. You nodded and wiped your hand with the tissue, waiting Ravi to finish on what he was doing.


It was the weekend, and your omma had returned from her one week trip. She brought you a lot of gifts to cool you down, and her tactic actually worked. Your eyes were shining to see all the gifts she had brought for you.

“Oh, here, omma had buy a pair of couple t-shirts for you and Ravi,” she threw the couple tee on you and you looked at the couple tee, mesmerized. It was a simple decorated t-shirts, but you loved it. This was the first time you had a couple t-shirt.

“I bought a pair for us too!” your mother showed you the t-shirts making you laughed. “Omma, you really think I would love to wear a couple t-shirts with you?”

Your mother laughed, “Why not? It’s pretty.”

You brought all your gifts to your room. Grabbing your cell phone, and the couple t-shirts, you asked permission from your mother to meet Ravi. Your mother nodded as an approval, quickly you walked out to reach Ravi’s house.

As soon as you reached his house, you pulled out your cell phone and press one. Putting your ear closer to your cell phone, you waited as you glanced to Ravi’s room.

You heard his voice from the other side. “Ravi! Come out, I have something from you.”

“Where are you?” he asked.

“In front of your house,” you answered short, cannot wait to show him the couple t-shirts.

“Wait,” he then hung up. You locked your phone and waited him. “Jumi-ah,” he appeared in front of you with some paint on his face.

“Oppa, you have some paint on your face,” you pointed at his face, chuckling.

He chuckled in response, “Oh, I did some artwork in the back. Why are you calling me all of sudden? Do you miss me?”

You scoffed and showed him the couple t-shirts. “Look at what omma gets for us?”

You watched his face as he stared at the t-shirts, he looked stunned. You handed the bigger t-shirts, “We’ll look cute together in this!” you squealed. Earning a laugh from him, “You really want me to wear this?”

You nodded and placed his t-shirts on him, “It fits right. Omma knows your size well.”

“Really Jumi-ah?” he asked again. You nodded as an answer. You glanced at his surprised face. “What, you don’t like to have a pairing t-shirts?”

He stared at you for a moment, you stared back.

“I-I,” he stuttered.

“Fine,” your heart broke with his response. You didn’t need his reason. You were obviously anticipated to wear the couple t-shirts together but he just ruined it. He successfully ruined your mood.

Turning away, you regretted rushing to him just to be treated this way. Were you sensitive? Well, he knew you, both of you had long be friend but couldn’t he at least be happy and thanked you.

“Jumi-ah, where are you going?” you heard him but you deafened your ears.

He appeared in front of you with the couple t-shirts on his body. “Look, I’m wearing it,” he chimed as he showed you the t-shirts on him. He noticed the grimaced you wore on your face. His face fell, “Jumi-ah, what happen?”

Tears welled in your eye, looking away, you forced a smile. “Pabo,” you thought to yourself. He cupped your chin and moved it to his direction. He saw your eyes. He softened, “Did I hurt you?” You shook your head right away, but you couldn’t help but to feel touched. Overwhelmed, a tear decided to roll down to your cheek causing Ravi to freak out.

“Jumi-ah, really, I didn’t mean it that way. I wanted to tell you how I love to wear this!” he had this concerned and anxious look on his face. He wiped away the tears on your cheek, you looked away and you began to laugh at his reaction.

“You didn’t even let me finish, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

He made you laughed even more, “Pabo.” You spoke and hit him lightly. Wiping your eyes, you pulled out your cell phone and took a picture of him. He naturally made a cute pose making you burst another laugh.


Two weeks passed and Ravi asked you out to a pepero festival. It was a pepero day and he had nicely asked you to wear the couple t-shirts. Both of you didn’t had the chance to wear it before and it was a perfect day to wear it. Many couples would go to the festival and even though both of you came there not as a love couple, you two could be one.

Wrapping his arm with yours, both of you walked in the festival with excited expressions. Ravi had bought you the ice cream cup for both of you. Both of you spent the day strolling around the festival and both of you decided to stop for a game.

It was a pepero challenge where both of the male and female would eat from the end of both pepero stick until the pepero stick became the shortest it could be. The winners would receive some good prizes and many participated in the game, excluded you and Ravi. Well, it was a game for a love couple, wasn’t it?

Many couples were getting ready with their pepero sticks. You felt butterfly in your stomach as you cannot wait to see the game to start. Ravi closed your eyes with his hand, you pushed it immediately and sent a glare to Ravi. “You were excited to see some kissing scenes, right?” he teased.

You blushed and hit him lightly, earning a chuckled from him. “Yes, I’m looking forward to that scene,” you answered playfully. “You want to join? So that you can experience it yourself,” he smiled as he teased you endlessly. His playfulness level was in the sky today, you shot him a dirty look making him laughed out loud.

The first batch had finished the game just after you shot Ravi that dirty look. You missed the show and sent another threat glare to Ravi for causing you to miss the show. “Don’t talk with me this time. I’ll kill you,” you warned causing him to laugh even more. Not intimidated.

As the second batch got ready for the game, your eyes caught a familiar face among the participants. Your face fell. Ravi’s eyes also saw the same thing. He glanced at you. At the look of your face he knew you had seen the same thing.

“Start!” yelled the MC.

You stared at the couple, as the male getting forward to his partner. You looked away, feeling hurt. You felt Ravi pulled you to leave the area but you stood still, not moving. “Let’s leave and watch other game show.”

You shook your head, telling you still want to stay. You returned your attention to the pepero challenge show. You watched as Hakyeon stood beside his partner, his girlfriend.

Your eyes scanned the girl from eyes to toe, she looked nothing like you. She was tall and beautiful. And she wore make-up. Huffing in annoyance, you had made a bad impression of the girl. You looked at Hakyeon and your chest tightened. You heaved out a heavy sigh. It was painful for you to watch. You knew he had a girlfriend, but to meet her this way, was not in your plan. In addition, after his weeks missing, not even a call he made after the stayed. You were really angry at him.

“Ravi, let’s join the game.”

“What?” Ravi looked at you with wide eyes. “Are you serious?”

You nodded firmly, feeling determined.

“Let me experienced it by myself. Kiss me for real.”


A/N: Congratulation for VIXX 1st win! I'm so happy for them ^^

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_aerin4 #1
Chapter 26: Omg Ravi is so sweet ! It's hard to find Ravi fanfic so thanks a lot for making this story !
This fanfic is super nice! OMG!! My Ravi Oppa! So sweet! Would like more fics like this with Ravi Oppa too!! Nice story! Upvoted and Subscribed!! *Thumbs Up*
Chapter 26: Omg I just found this fic today and finish it XD
Chapter 26: Yay for Ravi
xoxosenshine #5
Chapter 26: Hoho , wonshik . Like it .
Chapter 26: Hoho so cute ravi and jumi . Greqt job ..
pink-penggy #7
Chapter 26: Oh my gosh this is so cute. it's sad that it's completed.. But I still love it. Everything is good ( ´ ▽ ` ) And I seriously blushed on the ending. so sweet >///<
LuckyCharmz #8
Chapter 26: See what a great story
Chapter 26: awww~ me love this story.
me love the ending as well.
i was like omg final?! FINAL CHAPTER??! NOOOOOOUUUU!!
then i read it, then, thank god the ending is satisfying.
yeay, thumbs up. good job.